You'll always be Georgia Guy - always, no matter where you live. That's the way it is.

It's not bad though, it just is.

Sounds fun. You are lots closer to where I live now.

I was in the Bay area last March on my way to the northern CA coast. If you can, get up to the Crescent city area to see the red woods. It can't be explained in words, you just have to go and see it to know.

I hear you about getting your hands in dirt. My yard is only about 1/4 acre, but it keeps me sane working in the dirt. I'm not sure just how it works, but there is a connection there that would be hard for me to break too.

All in all.....I know she needs time and patience....

That is almost a universal cure all. Be glad she understands. People in a big hurry are often a red flag.

One of the ways you know if it's right...... is when you bring out the best in each other in most situations.

You still get to figure out where you will live, and how that will work. Spend time in the scriptures, then think, and pray. Things will come to you that way that won't come in any other way. When you get close to God, and when you open your mind, he can prompt you. If you are always busy elsewhere, it is difficult for him to get through.

Call both sons regularly, or email them. I promise it will help. Plan visits way ahead, just to see them. Don't assume they know you care. Ann will love you all the more for being a loving, caring father. I promise that too.

- From one dad to another.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.