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hmmm...in thinking about that a little further, I wonder why we believe it is a little MAN. In trying to actually visualize that, I just can't see a MAN running around the dishwasher scrubbing each and every dish til it gleams.

While I am sure there ARE men that do dishes, I've never actually seen one. (closeup, anyway).

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> No offense intended to all the men that I am sure DO dishes but I have just not had the opportunity to see them doing so.

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It's hard to find a good dishwasher gnome these days...

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From: The Law Offices of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe

To: Sdguy038 in care of Marriage Builders

Dear Sir,

A random internet search has found this site as containing significant reference to our client’s product “Sippy Cups”. As legal representatives of ACME Sippy Cup Industries we are requesting that you immediately cease in your forum conversations regarding the possibility of bacterial disease outbreak and their unsubstantiated connection to our client’s product.

Furthermore after our review of your posts concerning your inability to properly care for and maintain the product as manufactured by our client we are requesting that until which time you have completed a course on “The Use, Care, and Maintenance of Sippy Cups” as taught by a certified “Sippy Cup” instructor, (eight week courses available at select WalMart stores), that you cease all use of our clients product. We would ask that you convey this request to your mother as well.

Non compliance with our request will require further attention from our firm.

Best regards,

Huey Dewey

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Ok, I think we just need to have chrisner on call at all times to remind us how great life is!!!!

Laughter is great medicine and I for one have been rolling!!!!!


Please don't be too hard on yourself. I am sure that now that you know the importance of this very special parenting issue (because I am sure that as a man you did not have any previous knowledge of the rules governing sippy cups), that you can be trusted to comply with the rules in the future...however we will be watching...


(sippy cup moms united)

BW 35 (Me) WH 35 DS 11, DS 10, DD 10, DS 5, DS 3 Married 1994 Dday 7-9-06 Plan B started 12-24-06 Psalm 62:5 My soul wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him.
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sippy cups..........ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gosh I needed that.. thanks guys!!!!!!!!

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Fightingback BS (me) 36 WS 39 3 kids 3,4,8 together 15yrs EA 9/06, PA 10/06 12/07 plan A 1/13/07 WS moves out 1/27/07 1st attempt plan B 2/20/07 REAL plan B
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To follow up on my post on SL's thread, I have been considering sending an email like this to the Sippy Cup Goddess:

"At the mediation session the other day, we spoke briefly about what kind of contact between OM and our children is appropriate. To be clear, I believe that it is inappropriate for you to bring OM around our children. You may think that it is okay so long as they don’t see anything “inappropriate,” but our kids are not stupid. They know why OM is there.

You are married, and OM is married, and what you are doing is wrong. Even if only one of you were married, you are still commiting adultery, and it is wrong. You have said that what's best for the children is your concern now (and I believe that), but can you really say that what you're doing is what's best for the children, or maybe is it just what feels best for you?

Have you thought about what you are teaching our children through your actions? What kind of example you are setting?

Have you looked up the statistics on relationships born from adultery? Most studies put the long-term success rates of such relationships at <3%. Further, statistically, most men never actually leave their wives (and families). Those who do leave and go on to other relationships do so with a woman other than the one that they cheated with.

I know that you believe that your relationship with OM is different. But what if it isn’t? What if the whole thing falls apart? What kind of trauma will you be putting the kids through? The research is clear on how detrimental it is to expose children to adultery partners.

Please consider this when you decide how much time our children should be around OM and what would constitute inappropriate contact (e.g., overnights by him, taking them to his apartment, him moving in with you)."

My current thinking is that a dark Plan B would be more effective than sending something like this, but I welcome opinions.

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I am clearly not an expert but if you send it set clear boundaries without any lecture. She will not understand, misinterpret or simply get pissed off at lectures or statistics. If you do this tell her what a strong dad needs to say to protect his kids. But I am with you.

Direct. Short. Stern. Honest. Manly.

For the kids.

Testosterone boys! Testosterone! It aint just for nose, ear and back hair anymore!
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I wouldn't bother mentioning stat's on the length of affair R's or what outcomes they tend to have. I do agree with stating the damage that has been and will be inflicted on the kids by 'visits's with the OM included while STILL married to you.

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The problem is that the affairees always think that their case is special, and different.

Stay dark. That is your best bet.

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This came in from Richard Belanger while I was working on the other email:

Dear SDGuy,

Given the challenges you have been facing, I wanted to make you aware of the following. I sincerely hope you find this information useful.



The Caltech Institute of High-Density Polyethylene Infant and Toddler Nutrition Technology

is proud to announce the

24th Symposium on Use and Maintenance of Childrens' Food Technology

April 29 - May 4, 2007
Il Ciocco
Lucca (Barga), Italy

Ylva Engstrom & Yechiel Shai

Vice Chairs:
Richard L. Gallo & Richard Belanger

Session topics to include:

  • Bottles -- To Microwave or Not to Microwave

    Is That Old Nipple Still Any Good?

    Thermochromic Spoons and Forks -- Do They Really Work?

    Cleaning Tips for Sport Bottles, Straw Cups, and Sippy Cups

    How to Use High-Performance Glue Guns to Amaze Your Friends

Application Deadline: Applications for this meeting must be submitted by April 8, 2007.

Please apply early, as some conferences become oversubscribed (full) before this deadline.

See You There!

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Hey that’s the same time and place as the Antimicrobial Peptides Conference I was thinking of going to.

Definitely need to hit that Nipple Session. I have thought a lot about replacing the old used ones around here.

Maybe we can put together a Plan B junket to Italy. Skip the boring sessions and see the sights and drink some vino.

Testosterone boys! Testosterone! It aint just for nose, ear and back hair anymore!
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you two are too much...

I'm hooked on the sippy cup saga!!!!!

BW 35 (Me) WH 35 DS 11, DS 10, DD 10, DS 5, DS 3 Married 1994 Dday 7-9-06 Plan B started 12-24-06 Psalm 62:5 My soul wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him.
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What a fortuitous coincidence! I thought there might be a connection between the conferences, but who knew that a fellow Killer Bee had an interest in the anti-microbial peptides Gordon Conference? What are the chances?

I think we can accomplish what we need to in Montana in time to make the conferences in Italy. Agree on skipping boring sessions. Will we need to file trip reports here at MB, do you suppose? I guess we can always make stuff up for the sessions we don't attend.

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I would recommend filing trip reports here at MB. Our comrades in arms might be in need of the white-hatted saviors in the Batmobile and you could help them out on your way by.

You might want to consider charging for your services (after me, of course), fuel for the Batmobile may get expensive. Although I'm sure there is a betrayed spouse or two with Exxon that could get you a good deal.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Hey SDguy,

Just checking in to see how things are going on the Left Coast. Let us know. You know us Plan B people don't have as much to do as the busy little A Team.

I hope all is good.

Testosterone boys! Testosterone! It aint just for nose, ear and back hair anymore!
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*crickets chirping*

Pretty quiet. Uneventful baseball game. Uneventful kid swap yesterday. Only got mildly triggered when one of her former co-workers (who didn't know, it turns out) called looking for a pediatrician recommendation. I told him. He still works with OM.

I guess this was a successful weekend, but I'm aware of something being missing. Typically I'm content being alone, and sometimes I relish it. Other times I miss the kids (Friday night, especially) or someone to talk to and share things with (as discussed on the Killer Bee thread) and do things for.

I think the response for this is to "keep myself busy" by taking a class or joining a support group or hang out with single friends. My problem is that I don't really want to do those things. I don't make friends easily, and the ones that I have are all married. I don't know--I have a lot of support, and I guess I should take more advantage of it. I'm jealous of Chrisner having his daughter to hang out with. Will she come with you to Montana? If so, can I hang out with her some (if I promise not to check her out)?

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You are doing great. And I know what you mean about most of your friends being married. All of my BF's (best friends not boyfriends) are married. And they only want to do so much without thier spouse on the weekend.

I do have DD16 to hang out with but she hangs out alot with her boyfriend. And they are not crazy about Still hanging around.

When she's gone and friends have other plans is when I seem to miss adult company.

It's suppose to get better right? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />


BW me 46
WH 46
Together 28 years married 23
3 Kids DD20, DD17 and DS 14
DD #1 (1st A) 10/13/01 with single OW who was co-worker
DD#2 1/23/02 phone call from OW
WH left job 4/02
MC 10/01 to 4/02 (when he showed up)
Separated 7/04 to 10/04
Retrouvaille 9/04
Red Flags 11/05
DD#1 (2nd affair) 8/16/06 with MOW age 29 twice married and he's her boss.
Moved out (him) weekend after labor day
23rd anniversary 10/7/07
Filed 10/18/06 still seeing MOW
Dropped divorce complaint 6/7/07
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Did you ever go to a divorce support group? That might be good. There will be lots of ladies sympathizing with you.

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Haven't made it to a support group yet. What, with all the Sippy Cup Maintenance to get accomplished around the house, there just hasn't been time. I'm happy to report that all Sippy Cup components are well-cleansed and free of bacterial contamination. At least, they were. Maybe I should go check them again.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion. I'll look around for one. What had been recommended to me was a class, and it seems to have ended.

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A support group would be GREAT for you. It will be mainly women, but they will baby you. I was in a grief support group that had only one man, and I'll tell you, he brought out our maternal instincts.

Plus, I think you would be a great asset.

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