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!@##%@#%@!#$!!~ Just got off the phone with my attorney! New court date is April 25!! WH attorney is in Texas and had to postpone.

This is just nuts....when does it end?!

Okay, that little vent is over. Back to my serene little self. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Off to volleyball and to ignore the wallpaper. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

wildhorses74 #1795922 03/27/07 05:52 PM
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You're ready for the wallpaper. What if it tries to get in your face and does something unexpected? Remember to breathe and hold on to the serenity. You can think of . . . oh, I don't know . . . sippy cups?

sdguy038 #1795923 03/28/07 08:24 AM
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How did it go Wild?

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Sippy cups! Good one!

Fox, hope all went well with the game and ignoring the YOU KNOW WHAT...

I played volleyball in High School, and loved it!

Married 1997; son, 8yo
Divorced April 2009
silentlucidity #1795925 03/28/07 09:47 AM
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Good morning, everyone!

What YOU KNOW WHAT?....was that supposed to be there? I don't really remember, I was so worried about those sippy cups and what might happen if they were not cleaned as specified... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Everthing went well. WH was there but stayed away from me. sdguy, I believe I am prepared for him to get in my face again at some point. It won't be in front of his daughters, though. How can he keep up his father of the year image if he gets in my face when DDs are there? I wonder if part of the reason he is keeping his distance now is because my lawyer called his lawyer to warn him that a restraining order would be filed if WH wouldn't stop harassing me.

I think the time is coming though, he's been silent for a while. Too busy drawing tattoos and writing in his notebook, I guess.

I just left my lawyer a message asking him to get an emergency injunction in the works so WH has to start paying something for DDs support. I've held things off pretty well but will be in a bind pretty quick if I don't get something done soon.

Now that the D is put off, I need to decide what to do about Easter and spring break. WH had asked for them at the end of February and I put him off because I thought we would decide that in mediation or in court. DD13 has suggested they spend the night at his house the night before Easter, spend Easter morning with WH and then come home for the afternoon/evening to spend with me. WH also wanted them Mon-Wed for spring break. I talked to DDs about this and asked what they thought and they wouldn't really give me an answer. They didn't know what they wanted. Guess we'll discuss that more later. They may not know if they want to because they may want to try to make plans with their friends instead. Aaach! I hate this.

Thanks for checking in with me. I greatly appreciate the support and the laughter. sippy cups...hehehe.... I get giggles out of such little things. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


wildhorses74 #1795926 03/28/07 01:27 PM
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I bet his lawyer did say something to him. His behaviour wasn't helping his case much. He moved out, and yet he's stalking you around and harassing you. Showing up with his MARRIEDOW to pick up DD's. Not to mention the fact he's not paying support. I hope he gets slapped with back support. I suspect that might be the next time he tries to get in your face.

I know he cares for his DD's, but this super dad bit is also partly show IMO. I'd be willing to bet his lawyer told him he better be involved with DD's right now.

I wish this court thing would hurry up, and I'm not even you!! lol Don't be surprised if when he finds out how much he has to pay in CS and if some other things backfire one him, that he goes off the deep end some and tries to take it out on you. Just continue to be dark. He's made his bed...

And as far as the tattoo thing goes... don't they know a name tattoo might as well be a death sentence to an R? Also, a tattoo on the lower back is also called a tramp stamp. But, in this case, I guess it's a fitting name for it!!!

Good luck on the injunction, you deserve support.

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Hi Horses. You sound pretty good today. Sorry you lost some sleep fretting over Sippy Cup germs.

Wayzilla mentioned to DD19 the other day she was thinking about a tattoo. It seems Gollum likes tattoos and more piercings. What a surprise.

My perfect dream would be to pay off the tattoo guy to replace whatever she chose to put on her [censored] with a Gollum head and a Precioussssssssssss caption.

Or maybe my name in a pretty red heart with a cupid.

I wonder if Gollum admires those big African lip disk things. She would look good with one of those.

There’re is nothing like being pretty. And anymore she is nothing like it.

Testosterone boys! Testosterone! It ain’t just for nose, ear and back hair anymore!
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According to my lawyer, WH will be responsible for back support. VERY common, especially in this type of situation. WH has made comments in the past about back support and that he is aware he will be responsible for it. Do ya think he is putting it in a savings account so he can hand me a check at the hearing? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> Or not.

When they start taking 1/2 his check every month, I'm sure that is when I'll start hearing the poor me story about how broke he is. Through DDs, of course, since I plan on continuing Plan B until MOW is gone. I would think that his lawyer would have already told him how much his potential child support would be. I did it myself on line and talked to my lawyer about it. It's a pretty simple formula, you just have to make the effort to find out.

I think the super dad thing is somewhat for show but also regret on his part. In our talks around Christmas, he was very upset and told me how much he regretted putting other things in front of the girls and I. Work, friends, his mother, etc. He told me over and over how fast DDs were growing up and they would soon be gone and we wouldn't have the time that we have with them now. (Wayward logic since he chose to split their lives in 1/2 and he settled for even less of a portion than he had while we were together)

He seemed to have deep regrets then, I don't know where all of that has gone since. He had regrets, but not enough to admit he was making a mistake and not enough to stop making that mistake every day.

I believe he will continue to try to punish me with his own Plan B until the divorce is final. I think he thinks that everything will be just hunky dory after that. Everything will be all sorted out and we can be "friends" with everything put behind us. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> I will be a memory to him until his relationship with her is six feet under.

It's coming....I BELIEVE it.

"Tramp Stamp"! How fitting! I felt at the beginning of this that I had a stamp on my forehead that said my husband was cheating on me. Alas, she will have a REAL stamp.

Lawyer hasn't called me back about support yet. always a waiting game.


chrisner #1795929 03/28/07 02:35 PM
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Hey, dr. chrisner. Love reading the installments of the Great Sippy Cup Caper! It's nice to roll these things out and show just how silly and petty the waywards are.

I am doing good today. Feeling good about myself and the days to come. Keeping busy.

I know the guy who is putting the tattoo on MOW and WH. I could probably pay him to mess it up. He is the H of an old school friend of mine. But he now works in the same company as WH, so I'm not sure he would do it. But wouldn't that be funny! Maybe they'll get the same infections, too! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />

Ew, an African lip disc. That would actually improve MOW. hehehee <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />

wildhorses74 #1795930 03/28/07 02:38 PM
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I think your plan to stay dark after the D is a good idea. It will be a loooooong time (if ever) before he de-fog's.

I was thinking about your sitch with your H and I see him being with OW like going to live with the parent that lets you get away with more. You know, the parent that doesn't ask if your homework is done, doesn't set a bed time and lets you eat whatever you want. Sure, it may be fun, but the end results are usually a spoiled kid with no real values and discipline to help them in the real world.

Your WH gets to smoke all the cigarettes he wants and act like a fool with MOW. He is mainly a disney land dad now, the majority of the responsility for DD's falls on you. He's got it made in the shade. (At least until some good doses of reality come knocking...) Some life huh? Blech... barf... ick!!

wildhorses74 #1795931 03/28/07 02:40 PM
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Just got off the phone with my lawyer. He says we can't really get an emergency injunction because we are so close to the hearing date. We wouldn't get an emergency injunction hearing date until after the final date so it would be a moot point.

He asked (again) why WH says he is not providing any support. WH has told me it is because his lawyer told him not to. My lawyer is going to call his lawyer as soon as he is back in town and find that out for sure and then use it against him if that is the case. Doesn't get me any money but applies a little more pressure.

So I guess I just need to hang on until the end of April. Again.....

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I was thinking about your sitch with your H and I see him being with OW like going to live with the parent that lets you get away with more. You know, the parent that doesn't ask if your homework is done, doesn't set a bed time and lets you eat whatever you want. Sure, it may be fun, but the end results are usually a spoiled kid with no real values and discipline to help them in the real world.

I don't know, familycomesfirst. I'm not sure this is the case. I think MOW does alot less for him than I did and she expects more from him. She likes 50/50 for household chores, with the other person doing more 50% than her 50%. I can't remember the last time my H washed dishes or did laundry at my house....he's doing it with her.

I used to help him at night with his work, creating reports, catching up from the day, etc. She DOES NOT. It is his work, she thinks he should do it.

H used to come to bed VERY late because for years he has had trouble sleeping. He has been this way since I met him. According to DDs, he goes to bed before they do when they are there.

All the responsibility for DDs has always fallen to me. This is nothing new. I set all the appts, and made sure DDs got there, all friends visits went through me. H was kind of on the perimeter. He was there, he knew (or at least I told him), but didn't get involved.

I think MOW is why he drops DDs of at 1pm on Sundays for the weekends that he has them. Our original agreement was 7 and then he changed it. I believe it is because she requires him to spend time with her on the weekends too.

I can't see WH putting up with it for too long. He has never liked to be told what to do (yes, I heard the "BS is soo controlling speech") and would balk if he felt at all that I was judging or telling him what he should do. You could almost see his heels dig in. So if there was something I wanted him to do I knew to go about it in a different way. I was the same way. If I felt he was telling me what to do, it ticked me off. There is a respectful way to ask someone to do something, you just have to find that way no matter your mood.

MOW probably doesn't know that and has slipped.

My mom went to an AlAnon meeting last night and thinks she may have seen MOW. Her description was pretty close but I would be VERY suprised if MOW was there. Hopefully it was, maybe she'll learn something before she completely ruins her life.

wildhorses74 #1795933 03/28/07 03:02 PM
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You're doing great Horses. Be the Killer Bee. Worrying about Sippy Cup germs has more value than thinking about what his pea brain is laboriously processing right now.

Reality is waiting out there for almost all these waywards. Will we still be there? Will we care? The answer to both is quite possible not.

Stay true to you and your two daughters. No matter how it turns out you already know it will be a better future. You are not going to allow or accept anything less.

There are a few of you Killer Bee ladies that I have profound admiration for. You have all shown courage, character, and strength to fight for your family. There is not one OW in existence to compare to any of you in any way.

Great Job!!!

Waywards, you can’t live with them, and they make poor plow mules.

Testosterone boys! Testosterone! It ain’t just for nose, ear and back hair anymore!
chrisner #1795934 03/28/07 03:11 PM
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Ahhh, I wasn't aware of all of that. I just picked up the fact he was now smoking like a chimney.

Give it time, he will start to slack on helping out and slip back into his old ways. They are still not showing each other their "true side".

And the going to bed early thing... sounds like stress is getting to him. I can't believe he's sacrificing time with his DD's over MOW, he already doesn't see them much. I guess that's typical though. Oh well, his loss, your gain!

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And the going to bed early thing... sounds like stress is getting to him.

I wonder if he isn't taking sleeping pills. I have suggested this to him over the years and as recently as during our talks around Christmas.

I believe their true colors will start showing at some time. They can't hold up this facade forever.

chrisner #1795936 03/28/07 03:23 PM
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You're doing great Horses. Be the Killer Bee. Worrying about Sippy Cup germs has more value than thinking about what his pea brain is laboriously processing right now.

That darn sippy cup thing really has me bothered. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> I didn't realize they were so dangerous...I'm going to have to call my sister and make sure she is cleaning hers correctly. I'm not sure how sdguy's WW thinks he has the time to do it correctly....he is supposed to be cleaning out the kids' dresser drawers. She is so demanding!

Thank you for the encouragement, chrisner. You, too, are to be admired. Your sense of humor has to be a great shield for wayward caca.

Do you ever say any of that stuff to your WW? I don't imagine she sees it as amusing, but we do!

Waywards, you can't live with them, and they're too big for hood ornaments. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

wildhorses74 #1795937 03/29/07 11:50 AM
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<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> Crappy day today. WH jumped on DDs last night so they came home upset and then I had a tiff with my mother this morning. Why can she just not shut up and be supportive? Grrr. She sent an email to WH and then sent it to me....maybe she is not such a great intermediary.

I shouldn't be surprised, she's never been someone I've felt I could turn to for understanding during any time in my life. She was very good right around D-day when I was completely falling apart but now that she sees me stronger she is right back to her old judgemental ways.

And to be honest, I am probably overreacting a little bit.

Just frustrated all the way around today.

wildhorses74 #1795938 03/29/07 12:08 PM
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Hey Horses,

SL is having a poor day today too. Wish I could say more to both of you than just keep being strong. But you do have to keep being strong for you and your daughters.

Do you have any good Plan B kind of things to do this weekend? Work on that.

Did you hear the one about the ugly red-butted baboon and the Sippy Cup? Probably not, I have not written it yet. Need to work on that one.

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chrisner #1795939 03/29/07 12:16 PM
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Is it the red-butted baboon who is supposed to be cleaning the Sippy Cups in the dishwasher?

No wonder there are problems!

Thanks, chrisner. I'll update more about DDs/WH/Mother later. Need to settle down before I break my keyboard by typing so hard.

This weekend will be pretty busy, I'm the secretary for the local high school rodeo. Biggest one of the season. The lady I will work with is GREAT. She is a friend of my mother's but with a much better attitude. I have known her for years, used to babysit her daughter. She is a HOOT. There will be alot of work but also alot of FUN! I'm looking forward to it.

wildhorses74 #1795940 03/29/07 01:04 PM
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So DD's came home upset? It must be really strange for them to have to go to their dad's. I wonder if he factors that in at all. WS's who move in with the AP quickly tend to want everyone to be fine with what they've done, when usually that isn't the case. It's a complete upheavel of their (DD's) world, and he's trying to force feed it to them.

I'm sorry to hear about your mom, it sucks when your parents aren't very supportive.

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