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well said JL.

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I would like to offer two book suggestions for both you and TFC. Both books are by Susan Forward. The first is called Obsessive Love and the other is Emotional Blackmail. Both are excellent choices for learning the subtle and not so subtle ways that our actions impact others.
I did a Google search and was able to purchase both for pennies on the dollar.


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jksmith Offline OP
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Thanks MEDC,I appeciate your concern and help!I spoke with one of my really good friends who i work with tonight,and it is her bday this weekend and she is having a party at her house and invited both me and my H!She told me she spoke to him today and he said he was not going to come if I was going to be there cuz he didn't want to be around me!He also asked her how she dealt with it when her H had an A,and she said he showed her he changed and she loved him!My H told her he didn't see himself getting over it!I seriously almost lost it at work again!Does that mean he has given up?And if so why hasn't he asked for a D and why was he concerned that I knew he was not dating anyone!I am so confused and discouraged!Sometimes I wish I didn't love him so much and it would be easier to let go!But the truth is I would give anything and everything in this world to feel his love again!

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Worry about you and realize this is going to be a process for him. If you obsess over every thought he expresses youa re going to drive yourself nuts.

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Thanks MEDC,I appeciate your concern and help!I spoke with one of my really good friends who i work with tonight,and it is her bday this weekend and she is having a party at her house and invited both me and my H!She told me she spoke to him today and he said he was not going to come if I was going to be there cuz he didn't want to be around me!He also asked her how she dealt with it when her H had an A,and she said he showed her he changed and she loved him!My H told her he didn't see himself getting over it!I seriously almost lost it at work again!Does that mean he has given up?And if so why hasn't he asked for a D and why was he concerned that I knew he was not dating anyone!I am so confused and discouraged!Sometimes I wish I didn't love him so much and it would be easier to let go!But the truth is I would give anything and everything in this world to feel his love again!

We all understand that. Shoot, I believe he understands that. But let me explain something here JK that you appear to still not get.

You see, inside him, he knows what he has with you. He knows he loves you, and all the other things you posted a few posts up here. He has said them to you.

But inside this man is a battle going on. He is NOT at war with you...he is at war with himself! It is not YOU that he distrusts...he does not trust himself! What do I mean?

As I said, he loves you. He has all of these feelings towards you. He married you! He counted on what you said and did for him. He counted on your love for him. And then you pulled the rug out from under him.

He cannot understand how it is that one moment, you tell him you love him and want to spend the rest of your life with him...and the next you are shacking up with another guy. And then the next moment you say you love him again.

Do you understand his confusion? He doesnt know what to believe!

He believes he is the biggest fool in the world...that he believed you when you said you loved him. He believed you when you promised to be with him always...and be faithful to him. He believed that he made a good choice!

But now, he cannot trust himself. He believes he is a fool! And now he hears you saying all of these things to him again...and there are alarms going off in his head. "You gonna be a fool a second time? You gonna believe this again? Are you an idiot?" And so on.

But inside him...even with all of this going on...the truth still exists. Inside him, he knows you love him. He knows you made a huge error in judgment. He knows you would take it all back if you could.

The battle is between the truth and his fears. You hurt him...bad! You rocked his entire world, right down to the core. He doesnt even trust himself with any decisions right now. I am willing to bet he is even having trouble making decisions at work. He does not trust himself.

Now, this is where your husband is at. Due to your actions, your marriage is here right now. No amount of wishing or sweeping things under the rug is going to change this.

So, what is your plan? You going to keep pushing your love on him? You going to keep trying to force him to make a decision? Because I will tell you this JK...as badly as he hurts right now, if you force him to make a decision right now...he will run! Count on it. And all of this activity, all of this frantic "I love you's", etc is doing nothing but putting pressure on him to make a decision.

Let me put it another way real quick. Women need men's love. But men need women's respect. When you went with the OM, you showed the most blatant disrespect to a man that can ever be shown. I think you understand that now! But, as you continue to try to push on him...you continue to show him disrespect. He says he needed space to get his head on straight...and you push. Is that being respectful of him?

Now, I have a caveat. I, in no way, condone him in his adultery right now. He is wrong about that...and he knows it. This OW has no chance with him, because he knows he is wrong. He knows the relationship is wrong. He is feeling even worse now because of it.

So, what does he need from you? Well, JL and others above did a very good job outlining the most important thing and that is to work on YOU! Get YOU straight so when he does return, you will be prepared for the work that lies ahead. Believe me, recovery is MUCH harder than doing Plan A and Plan B!!

The second thing you need to do is to change right now the way you are relating to your husband. I am NOT saying to disappear! What I am saying is to show him respect. Now, you dont have to condone his affair. But considering where things are, I would even say you shouldnt even talk to him about that right now. To keep any interactions between you about only the two of you. Remember what I said? This OW has no chance of making it. She is a rebound...someone he ran to. A port in a storm. He wont stay there...he will want to sail home.

But that will be up to you. Using that port analogy, he is only going to leave that port once the storm ends and he can safely return home. But you continue to help the winds and rain to continue to fall.

What he needs is quiet. I dont mean disappear or not talk to him. What I mean is he needs you to be his friend right now. He needs you to listen...even when he isnt talking (figure that one out!!). He is going to need to know that his home port is still there...that even though it was damaged in the storm, that by the time of his return, it will be fixed and he will be safe again.

As someone said above...you screwed up royally. But yo uare still his wife...and he is still your husband. No one can replace that. And as his wife, you need to do what you have to do to help lead him home. And that is be his friend, show him respect...and get you together!

All of the things you are hearing him tell others tells me that he is on the fence and is trying to figure things out. If you try to pull him your way though, he will just fall off the fence onto the otherside. Instead, just sit down. Relax. Be quiet for a little while. Let God work on him. Begin to put together a home and a wife that will entice him to make the decision to come home.

If you do, I have no doubt he will return.

You have made some very bad decisions...and your husband has reaped the whirlwind because of them. Please dont make any more bad ones! Calm down...settle down. This is nowhere over. Let him get thru the battle with himself.

Standing in His Presence

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MEDC - The library is holding those books for me ... are they self-improvement or for insight into my H?

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jksmith Offline OP
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MEDC,How long do I wait with him making no effort before I start mooving forward with my life?Or do I just sit back and wait for him to pursue a D?Also how do I listen to him when,as Mortarman says,he is not talking!Did that mean just to give him his space and let him come to me?When he is ready to talk he will!It has been a month since we have any conversation besides about bills and him bringing me mail!

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What does he like to do? Does he like baseball or hockey? Why don't you call him up and invite him to an upcoming game? You need to try and set up some plans in advance, and when you hang out with him, just have some fun. Find excuses to try and see him and make the contact fun and casual. Even if it leads to SF, he isn't just using you for SF, he does have feelings for you.


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Jim's Story
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MEDC,How long do I wait with him making no effort before I start mooving forward with my life?Or do I just sit back and wait for him to pursue a D?Also how do I listen to him when,as Mortarman says,he is not talking!Did that mean just to give him his space and let him come to me?When he is ready to talk he will!It has been a month since we have any conversation besides about bills and him bringing me mail!

This is a question only you can answer. Yes, give him his space... let him know what you want... make sure it has been communicated that you are wanting and willing to do A-Z.. literally give him a letter stating exactly what you want... why and what you are prepared to do to reach that goal. Then back off and give him his space... when he closes the distance between you... do as advised and be pleasant and positive. Keep working on you and keep your focus on you so that when he does come back, you are able to be the wife you long to be.


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jksmith Offline OP
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Just found out that my H may be going to my friends bday party tonight!Truthfully,I am so nervous because I don't know how to act around him anymore!I want to be strong and confident but my self-esteem has taken a huge hit,but I don't want to seem nervous!I need some advice!Do I just treat him like he is my friend and be casual?That will be so hard!And yes Jim,my H loves sports but I don't think he would do anything with me if I asked!And MEDC do you think writing him a letter would be pushy?I hate feeling so insecure about everything I do!He is my H,but knowing that he dosen't want me makes me second guess everything I do,and I wish I could just be strong and confident again!

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writing a letter will only be pushy if you are pushy in the letter... otherwise, it will be fine. Be casual tonight and follow his lead.

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Good luck tonight jks!

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How do you know he won't go with you if you don't ask?

If you can't be strong and confident right now, just act like it. TRUST ME, if I could plan A while my WW taking trips with OM, you can do this.


BS - 32 (me)
FWW - 33
Married 8/31/03
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D-Days - 8/25/06 (EA), 11/3/06 (PA)
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jksmith Offline OP
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Thanks so much guys!U all give me strength!So what happens if he dosen't even talk to me like he has in the past!Do I just ignore him,or should I make the first move and be friendly?

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Go to the party and be YOU, not anyone else, just you.

You don't need to second guess yourself either. Why? Because you KNOW why your H feels as he does and it was your affair. You are not in the affair now, so acting as you used to act is exactly what you need to do. You are his W now, not his WW that messed this up.


God Bless,


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AT the party ... say something really GREAT ~about~ your husband ~~~> to the biggest gossip in the room

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


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hah!!!!! i LOOOVE peps advice!

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Tell us! How did it go last night???

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jks ... I am so sorry to hear that he left before you got there. There will be another opportunity sometime soon for you to show off the new you. I hope you followed Pep's advice anyway! Hang in there ... I know it is tough!

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