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Eph525 #1869944 05/07/07 04:57 PM
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Hey, Rindercella,

I have an idea. It's pretty radical, but just go with the thought of it for fun.

Part of the reason you are so angry at him right now is that you feel like he is still trying to be "in control" of you? Right? And by "deciding" about whether or not to "let you and the boys move back into the house" he has control over you and the situation? Right? Isn't that part of it?

Well girl...I suggest that you take the power right out of his hands!!! It's not HIS to have! I suggest that you take back control of your own life and set a limit for him (assuming you check with your atty. of course). For example, I suggest something like this:

Dear El Asso Wipo,
The boys and I have been out of the house for 60 days now and you have been served for 45 days now according to court documentation. This is plenty of time for you to decide if you are willing to move or not. The boys and I need to have stability in our lives and have our own home, and we intend to do so on OUR timeline. Therefore, I will need a definitive answer by Wednesday, May 9th. If I have not heard from you or your atty. by midnight Wednesday, May 9th, the boys and I will make our own arrangements and the court will be informed of your decision to remain in the home. On the other hand, if you do decide to move and give us the house, we will be requiring that you make arrangements and move immediately, as 45 days is more than adequate time for you to have made other arrangements. My atty. and I await your response, but either way, the decision will be made one way or the other by Wednesday, May 9th."


My point in writing a note of this type is to give him a deadline. He can not just keep putting you off into limbo forever, and you can not impose on your Spon. forever either. HIS CHILDREN need a home!!! So either he gets off his behind and gives his children their home back -or- you will make the decision for him and report to the court that he refused to give his children their house! This has GOT to end, and leaving it in HIS hands on HIS timeframe just means that he will stall and b.s. around so he can maintain some kind of control.

Take it away from him Rin. Even if he is a jerk and won't answer you, at least you know that you can move forward and find your own apartment and start over--know what I mean? It may not be the Taj Mahal...but it will be HOME and it will be YOURS (and your boys') and he will never again have control over when or where you live!!

Your faithful friend,


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Great post, CJ.

sdguy038 #1869946 05/07/07 06:03 PM
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I always hate to give dissenting opinions unless I feel strongly enough to do so. Please dont' take any offense.

I would not break plan B to do this and I wouldn't do it without advice from my lawyer.

You are paying him to represent you in this let him.

You never know why the STBX lawyer is advising him to do what he is doing. I don't imagine his lawyer is telling him to stay for no reason.

So as cathactic as the letter may be it may cause problems.

BS 38
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D Day 10/03
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3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
frognomore #1869947 05/07/07 06:53 PM
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I was mad it's actually not in his hands right now...it's in our lawyers hands...

AmI got it right...if it was the laywer's daughter, she would be back in the house by now...we are waiting on STBX's laywer to write his stupid a** letter, then give it to mine, then to let me know!

I'm sure that he's doing what his lawyer told him to do, and I'm doing what mind has said...

I was just anger and I'm really mad at the system...not him...well, I am becasue he could have said a long time ago...move back in and I'll move out...what I think a real man would do but nevertheless...

I talked it over with my SPon. when I got home...my mood had got better but F "forget" what page his homework was, and his notecard for his science project that was due today...so if he turns it in tomorrow he'll get a "B" ...L jumped in the car and broke something...luckily I could fix it!

Just one of those days...

CJ, you did help me realize where the true control is...out of my hands...not his! Lawyers!

It will be okay...I can do this...I can wait out the June court date becasue that judge is not going to play with him...that's the last thing that he wants is to go in front of that judge...

I have plans to talk to my lawyer...I can do this...I'm doing this!

Yes, it's wrong for STBX to be an crapolahead! But I AM learning patience which is one of my downfalls!

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Thomas Carlyle
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We got the same call today in the boat. My dad and brother worked with him. I'm sure they will be at the service. I get the feeling your Spon's husband works with my brother b/c I think Don was working with him currently.

Spon's H knows your brother from WeatherFord...he said your brother is a tech. there...Spon.'s H does do wireline...

Small world indeed!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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It will be okay...I can do this...I can wait out the June court date becasue that judge is not going to play with him...that's the last thing that he wants is to go in front of that judge...

I feel the same way about my WW and our situation. I think she is scared that she will be the one getting visitation rights with our kids so she wants to "cut a deal" regarding custody. Maybe she thinks I will eventually give up.

I tell you what, I have gained an ENORMOUS amount of respect for mom's in general since I have had primary custody of our kids. You know God did not bless us men with eyes in the backs of our heads and two or three extra arms and hands <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

But you know what? I have surprised myself and a part of me believes I have even surprised my WW. That's probably her reasoning for that nit-picky letter she gave me some time back that we (my collective MB support group) shredded with a finely crafted response.

I know what would happen if I went back, I'm not stupid to fall for his lies anymore...that would only give him permission to treat me like dirt even more!
Great insight. See you are growing!

So on to the the other discussion

E- When I think of seasons, I think season of change. I have an idea in my head of starting with Fall...the leaves changes color, fall off, and winter starts...

Than, just like a bear or a caterpillar, you rest, change, grow, and then, in spring there's new growth...you can actually see the changes that have taken place...spring is like a rebirth...a new you steps forward, all the better for the changes that you had to make to get from fall to spring.

Summer, to me, is a matter of taking the heat and forcing the changes.

So, there's what I know in relation to the seasons, perhaps it's better that we start there...

You nailed it with the analogy. But the basic point is this - seasons come and go and this "season" of you life will pass. An while the season itself is not permanent, the changes you are making ARE permanent, the seeds you are sowing now will grow.

I found this link and I think it sums up exactly what you said.

Gary Chapman even wrote a book called The Four Season of Marriage. I haven;t read it myself but it looks pretty good.

In Isaiah 43:19 the Lord says: "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." (NIV)

Ecclesiates 3:1 (NIV) says:
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.

And goes on in more detail in verses 2-8 that you can read here:
(Yeah the song Turn! Turn! Turn! by The Byrds is based on this)

I'll close with a few more verses for you to mediate on.

Psalm 34:17-18(The Message)

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (The Message)

1 Peter 1:6-9 (the Message)

Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) (This is the one on my new tattoo)

Just remember, there is a light at the end of this tunnel. If you haven't already, check the song Tunnel by Third Day in sky's thread.

Praying for God's wisdom to be bestowed on you in this time.

Divorced on 3/25/2008 but I have primary legal and physical custody of my 2 kids.

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Ephesians 5:25 - Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
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forgot to add that I am honored to be called out (per your thread title)


Divorced on 3/25/2008 but I have primary legal and physical custody of my 2 kids.

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Ephesians 5:25 - Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
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And we leave the Winter of our lives remembering what all we planted last year, finding excitement in discovering that first daffodil breaking through the ground and the bluebirds returning to their birdhouses, and we lift the moist earth in our hands and plan how we shall plant the seeds of new experiences, new joys, new accomplishments –because we are not people who live in seasons past, nor whose whole life is endless frozen Winter.

This is my favorite part...LMAO...

Can you imagine what STBX would think of the seeds that HE plants last year by confessing to his A and what the new season holds? He didn't think this would happen!

LOL...he actually thought I would sweep it under the rug and forget about it! What a joke! Mother's Day will may my year here! God, I was a mess!

To think what I've come to today! That was a long and bumpy road!

have you ever read Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard? I highly recommend that one! it was so inspiring and I related to the book....I even bought my boss and bookkeeper one...

Well, Thanks for the help and I may not have all the answers but I know what my great resources are!!!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Okay, my plate is full...in addition to the funeral tomorrow morning at 10:30, I have to be in court for my cousin's D...his WW had an A...I'm testifing...I'm one of two witnesses...

On the up side, it's my judge! So, he gets to see my face!

And, my mom came by work and gave me my mother's Day present $50 and Victoria's Secret smell good stuff...

So, i'm going to try to get a message, one hour of heaven...and perhaps my first pedicure...I hear that they are to die for...

in addition to this I ask that you pray that I am granted more patience...I really need it!
Thanks everyone...I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed today...work's been so busy...nonstop since I walked in the door today! Then, i won't be around tomorrow, so it's going to be really AWESOME when I come back...i hate missing work...

So much to catch up on! well, I still have some things left to do...

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Hello, I'm headed to bed really soon...just wanted to let everyong know that I'm in a better place than I was earlier today...

I only thought my plate was full...LOL...I went to pick up the kids and was informed that my sitter is unable to watch the kids in the tomorrow!

I was a nervous wreck on the way to the wake but being the thinking person taht I am...thought "hey my mom's in town and oh, I could ask my cousin to watch L for a few hours, just while I'm in court and when I get to the funeral he'll be with me."

So, my mom is going to watch him, this will be a first, in all of my time being a parent...a little nervous about it...but had to think that this is an opportunity for both her and my SD to get to know him...

I was laughing earlier with my SPon. about how tomorrow will go with the three of them...how my mom says that he's JUST like me...well, I really can't wait to hear the stories tomorrow! SPon. was goign to watch him, until my mom TMed me...I said nevermind, unless she wanted him and she said that she did, go I said okay...

Then, Spon. and I sat down and talked about my Second Step...I've completed that one and am moving on to the third! Hurray! Then, she complimented me on working so work...said out of the four people that she's sponsored I'm the first to do the work...

WOW, what a good feeling that is...I'm holding tight to that! Then, she said that I've really been wrking my fourth step for some time now and said how proud she is of me. That having us live with her has been absolute pleasure, that we have bought life back into her house...

One complaint...boys and the toilet...LOL...sometimes then miss...so we have a plan to teach them not to miss! In a week or so I'm going to make each one of them get on each a side with some cleaner and clean the toilet and the floor! A few time of this, perhaps one, and it should solve the problem...

I didn't accomplish everything that I needed to do at work...had to let that go...my help has been out from a surgery...so it will just have to wait until I get back!

On the way to the wake, I stopped and picked up my order for my mom's Mother's day present, had the kids sign the card in the car on the way...she meet us at the car and the kids gave it to her...of course, she loved it...

I had ordered the kid's and I's birthstones on a chain so she could always carry us with her! Another first for her...

My SD told me before i left that he would help me anyway that he could because he owes that to me. I was blown backwards...I'm so use to showing my gratitude to other and making amends for my actions but very seldom have I been on the recieving end of that...

So, I need to allow him to make his amends to me...it's more important to him than I think I realized!

My mom and I talked about another option in case the house thing doesn't come through and I really like that idea too! She's got an acre of land and I know that the boys would love it there...

Having a plan helps settle some of the anxiety of the sitch...I plan to call tomorrow and see where we stand on this letter thing...sometime between court and the funeral...

Tonight I was feeling so run down that I put the boys in the tub and sat on the bed reading Psalms 30-37 and I want to share the verse that stood out with me out of it all...

Psalms 37:34
Don't be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep traveling steadily along his pathway and in due season he will honor you with every blessing, and you will see the wicked destroyed.

I have been SOOO impatience the past few days waiting on the lawyers to do whatever it is that they are doing! Mu anger has really surfaced and I was directing it at STBX, without actually letting him know, but I have no control, it's in the hands on the lawyers and "the process." I am impatience with the process! I am getting restless!

This passage reminds me that my Higher Power has a time for me, but I can move and pick up the phone, act...still moving forward...I can get SOMEONE to check on it...try at least to get someone off their butt...TRY, that's all I can do!

So, tonight I am comfortable where I am, tomorrow I will deal with court, the funeral, and try to light a fire under someone's comfortable behind! I will pick F up from school and be okay!

All is good in the neighborhood! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Good night and sweet dreams!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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My goodness you are such a lucky person.

I have been thinking about your sitch and how great it is your STBX wouldn't move out.

I know it sounds weird but I really think it was the best thing for you.

You landed with your sponsor who is a calming factor at such a crazy time.

You don't have to deal with the neighbors.

Your kids are in a great spot for now. Then when the dust settles you can look back and think your plate was full but with stuff you liked.

No brussle sprouts or lima beans.

BS 38
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D Day 10/03
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3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
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Rin just got ahold of me. Very rough day.

She got her letter from STBX's A right before the funeral.

STBX is going for the jugular. He's claiming sexual devency on Rin, refuses to give up the house, claims she hasn't paid any bills, wants domicilary status on the kids, claims she took the kids to go live with strangers, blah,blah,blah.

Rin's already got witnesses writing letters and she's pulled up her records to prove the bills she's continued to pay since she left.

She's got all her other documentation as well so she's definatley prepared for court.

So she got a double cry at the funeral, but sounded strong on the phone. She's going to take the boys to her Uncle's to go swimming this afternoon and relax after a tough day.

She doesn't know when she'll get to post so she wanted me to write something for her.

I told her what I thought about it, so now I'll step away for other's to comment.


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Stay strong. Based on your STBX past behavior this seems the norm.

You have documentation and he doesn't. Although this stinks what will end up happening is he will lose credibility.

Take care. My thoughts are with you.

BS 38
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D Day 10/03
Recovery started 11/06
3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
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Also, Rin, lawyers' jobs are to go for the jugular. You do the same. You have documentation of paying he bills. You have witnesses to much of what your WH has done.

He won't win this, Rin, but I'm sorry that you have to suffer anymore at his hand, but he is losing control, so he will do everything he can right now to try to regain it. If you live well, it is the ultimate slap in his face, one which he deserves.

You've had a lot on your plate. You can triumph over all of this, but these battles take time.

(((((Rin))))) you are incredible, don't let any letter take the wind out of your sails, because you will be fine, you will be MORE than fine.

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I agree with what frog and silent have said. It is DEEPLY sad that STBX is the abusive, controlling person that he is...and yet he IS. While this is very sad and despicable behavior, I would say this is par for the course and not really all that surprising. Shocking? That another human being can treat someone so bad for so long...and then act like this? Yes. But surprising? No. I would say that I was half way expecting this. I have to admit, I was also a little bit hoping that he'd come to his senses though!

Anyway, this is just another instance where he is going to prolong the process and behave like a spoiled little boy who is losing his sucker. The Atty's will see it...the Judge will see it...but sadly, you will have to be out of your old home and let the wheels of justice grind at their slow pace. What STBX doesn't realize is that these folks (atty...judge) have SEEN abuse and control before and they recognize it!! So he won't be able to pull the wool over their eyes!!!

Rin, you are ready for this. You have the witnesses. You have the documentation. You have the evidence. You have the support systems in place to emotionally support you through this. You have the family and friends who will help and pray and assist you to create a new, healthy life. You are ready and you have prepared for this day...he has not. He is used to spinning his web of charm and people just "believing" him, and in court, that's not how it works. He is used to ranting and raving and people caving into his "demands", and in court, that's not how it works. There's a very good chance that he has lied to his own Atty.!!

I know you're disappointed. I know you were hoping to be able to move back into "your" old house and get the boy's their old bedrooms and toys back. But now at least you know what is ahead and where you'll be. You can find a NEW place together with your boys--someplace that you all choose together--someplace that you can dedicate to PEACE and that each one of you can have a voice in--someplace the three of you can make into a REAL HOME. You can get the boys' things (clothes, toys, etc.) and some furniture from your old house if you want--the court can force him to allow you in with police escort so they can protect you from his abuse and control. But by the same token, any furniture or toys that you get on your own (via family, friends, or buying yourself) are yours to keep FOREVER and he can never mess with you again.

And finally, regarding the insane claims of sexual deviancy and wanting domicile of the kids...I know it hurts to hear those accusations but bear this in mind. YOU know the TRUTH...we know the TRUTH...and that is just a legal maneuver to make your the legal process go longer and stuff. He can "claim" anything (like "she is insane and thinks she is an alien") but in court, in order for it to be relevant, there has to be PROOF and evidence. If he introduces sexual deviancy (behavior that breaches the rule or etiquette or custom or morality) then he opens the door for YOU to prove sexual assault -AND- you have the evidence to do so!!!!

This is literally just a thought...just an idea...and LA is different enough that I have no idea if it would apply there...but before a D is finalized in most states, there is a timeframe for people to negotiate and reach an agreement to things via their atty. Is it possible for your atty. to respond to his atty. saying that if he is willing to drop "sexual deviancy" from his claim, that you would be willing to forego the proof you have have sexual assault and sexual abuse on your side?? (shrug) Just an idea!! If not, I say bring it...both barrels...and send his heiny to JAIL!!!


You know how to reach me!!!

Your true and faithful friend,


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Hi, All...thank you for all of the support...I did go with the boys for some down time and had no internet connection...so, I'm going to make this a fast one...I'm feeling so drained from the past few days...

It's weird I don't really "feel" tired, but I "feel" it in my back, feet, and eyes...if that makes sense...

Special Thanks to BC...I greatly appreicate you taking the time to post for me...

I just wanted to post the letter quickly...it was a blow, but not really that bad...I read it, and simply started calling my witnesses and asking them to email their info to me...one as far away as Wyoming...all said no problem...I have a little detective work on some others to get phone numbers and last names...

At least I have some time for that...I'm not really in a rush because I feel so emotional drained...I forced myself to bring the boys this afternoon becasue I realy felt like curling up in a corner and hiding, but once I got there it was great to be visiting and talking...

I'll address some of your comments specifically tomorrow, so here's the famous letter!

Dear Attorney,

My client intends to pay your client the sum of $750.00 per month until we are able to resolve this matter. Of course, he s doing this in light of the fact that your client did not pay various community debts (house, automobile, motorcycle, flood insurance, etc.) for over two months. Your client should expect her first$750.00 on Monday, May 7th, 2007.

Please be advised that after carefully re-interviewing my client and visiting with numerous witnesses, that it is my client's intention to seek being the designated as domiciliary parent. I ahve been unable to verify your client's allegations. If anything the witnesses seem to indicate that your client is the one who enjoyed being a sexual deviant.

Furthur, your client sent a strange person to retrieve the minor children on Sunday. This individual was very unhappy with the situation and caused a minor scene in front of the children. I would suggest that we have the parties themselves pickup and drop off the minor children for visitation.

This should be an interesting case and I am very happy that we have a great working relationship.

With kindest regards, I remain



My Spon. is the only person I have had picking up the kids and this weekend my aunt is going to do it for me!

Well, since I'm at it, let me post, my Spon's letter to my A.

Dear Rin's A,

This letter is in response to the alligations made by STBX that there was a minor scene made when I picked up the children on April 28th, 2007.

When I picked the children up on Sunday they were across the street at a neighbor's house. The street is very busy and there people have no driveway to pull into. I had to pull along side the road. This is unsafe in my opinion.

After getting the children in the car. I closed the door so I could speak to STBX privately. The children witnessed nothing of this conversation.

I turned to STBX and said, I need to talk to you, he paused and I proceeded with ym conversation with him. It went as follows:

I said to STBX, our agreement was that I pick the children up at his residence over there and not here (across the street). That I would continue to pick up his children from their visit with him at his place of residence across the street. There was no raised voice or a scene. I was matter of fact about it. I feel I have no business on those people's property. If STBX and his attornet have forgotten there is a T.R.O., in place. This is a favor I do for Rin and STBX.

I ahve known Rin since Sept., 2006 at our Al-anon meetings. She ased me to sponsor her in Oct., 2006. I am her sponsor. I have met STBX on several occasions. Their children have been in my home many times. I have babysat during AL-anon meetings. STBX knows who I am and so do the children. I'm no more a stranger than the man in the moon.

My husband and I have just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. we have been happily together for over 33 years. I am not a lebian.



So, there...I am good! No worried about this at all! Got some GREAT Aces in the hole! He doesn't want to back down that's fine...bring it! Truth will prevail!

And of course, I'm willing to drop this at anytime...but I will not allow him to drag my name through the mud and not fight for it!

Calling in the League of Justice...Iceman, Superwoman, Green Lantern, Superman, THe Hunk, and all our super heroes!

I bid you good night! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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I, too, am beaming with pride for you. Give yourself well-deserved kudos, hugs and appreciation. You are to where you are having AUTOMATIC healthy responses...taking your down time with the boys after the dual blows...solid self-care...and your reaction to call witnesses and make your case...not react from anger and pain...way to go!

I totally agree with Frognomore...STBXH is simply setting HIMSELF up to be totally discredited. Know this and do the right thing because it's you...your code.

You may stop feeling so emotionally drained very soon. More self-awareness and big doses of the kudos, 'k? Truth will prevail...you're living it. Know it within yourself and let go the outcome.

And big kudos on having gotten money from him on the 7th...you did, didn't you?

How is your sleeping? Any hope on using Ambien or anything? I ask because this may also be part of your physical and emotional draining stuff...now would be the time to ask for what you may need, shore up your energy through deep sleep and dream all those who are here, loving and supporting you with all they've got.


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Calling in the League of Justice...Iceman, Superwoman, Green Lantern, Superman,
THe Hunk
, and all our super heroes!
Can I be the Hunk!!!!!!!!

Now when I read that I laughed a little. Then I realized I am a dork. I was like hey it is the Justice League. And the Hunk is not in the justice. Iceman is one of Spiderman's amazing friends and really he is in the X men. How could she get it so wrong. That is when I realized I should just let the little things go.

I totally agree with Frognomore...
LA said that. I repeat LA said
I totally agree with Frognomore...

I do not think LA has ever totally agreed with me. There is really no point other then to say LA said
I totally agree with Frognomore...

Rin I didn't have a lot of time to post. So I was brief yesterday.

I did a little research and LA is a community property state so you guys are basically 50-50 on assets. Ask for the Motorcycle LOL.

So here is what I was told while I was diligently researching a D.

Remember I am a man, Known as the Hunk from here on out, so I went and spoke with a lawyer.

He said there are basically two different proceedings, the D and child custody.

In california we are no fault so it doesn't matter on the D.

I see you guys are fault so it does matter but since you guys have both done some wrong and both can point to fault I am sure the D will be granted then the community property is split.

Next is child custody. I think I like your A and not his so much.

My A told me refrain from any mudslinging. There are a list of things that will give you more or less custody.

Mainly the current parental roles.
The questions asked were simple.
Who: Helps with homework, gives them baths, feeds them, goes to school on parent night, takes em to the doctors etc.

What are their doctors, teachers, friends etc names.

Once it is established you did most of that then the court keeps status quo.

There are some things that will interfer with that. Reported and substantiated abuse and addiction are two that come to mind.

Now one of the things my A told me is do not let her leave with the kids and you do not leave until a court ordered Custody agreement is in place. Or she agrees to at least 50-50 custody.

The reason being if I leave or let her leave I am saying loud and clear. "I completely trust this person with the sole responsibility of taking care of my Children." I am fine seeing them a few days a week.

If he now wants to sling mud let him. My A told me if I let her leave my mudslinging would hurt me.

Mr. Hunk you say your wife is unfit, Yes I do. You let an unfit person leave with your kids. Yes I did. Why, "here is what he is thinking but can't say" Because I didn't realize how much child custody was with that type of cs arrangement. That is basically what the judge already knows.

If a man wasn't involved with their upbringing before the court won't help.

Remember to document WH involvement with WH son as well.

Do every thing without emotion and things will be great.

Oh and see if you can get his work records for his suspensions.

Good luck your friend Frog the Hunk

BS 38
FWW 35
D Day 10/03
Recovery started 11/06
3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

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good Morning, I had to catch up on everything around here...it wasn't that bad...that figured out the credit card machine, I left instructions, the new security alarm went off and the police came over, an employee went AWOL, unlike him, someone must have put something in his drink the night before, he didn't wake up until after 12, and another employee's father died yesterday...

Glad I wasn't here! LMAO

He won't win this, Rin, but I'm sorry that you have to suffer anymore at his hand, but he is losing control, so he will do everything he can right now to try to regain it. If you live well, it is the ultimate slap in his face, one which he deserves.

If I look at the bright side of things than this is giving me a great lesson in standing up for myself and being assertive! I think I need more of this...been a doormat long enough...believing his crapballs!

It's getting easier and easier to duck and dodge them, TBH! I really find that I'm bouncing back so much quicker than I use too! Like a duck in water!

Shocking? That another human being can treat someone so bad for so long...and then act like this? Yes. But surprising? No. I would say that I was half way expecting this. I have to admit, I was also a little bit hoping that he'd come to his senses though!

I completely agree with everything you said and feel the same way!

He is used to spinning his web of charm and people just "believing" him, and in court, that's not how it works. He is used to ranting and raving and people caving into his "demands",

You nailed it! My uncle said yesterday that when he worked for/with him that he had a major attitude problem, that STBX thinks he knows more than he actually does. And you can see the same thing at this job!

I know you were hoping to be able to move back into "your" old house

It's highly recommended that I sit tight right now...be still and don't move...so I wait until court...but plan b is in place...yesterday's letter kind of renewed my patience and spirit in a way...at least i feel that way today...

I also called my lawyer and asked for a meeting to sit down and talk a little...I asked for next Tuesday afternoon! I'm calm, very calm...

I, too, am beaming with pride for you.
LMAO...hearing this from you is a bigger blow...LMAO...but completely oppose of yesterday! I'm beaming...all my hard work is paying off and I heard if from the "Master" (wax on wax off) <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

How is your sleeping?


I still wake up several times a night, sometimes it's from dreaming about STBX, sometimes just a bathroom trip, sometimes I don't know why...

I don't feel tired in the morning, and I'm learning to go to bed when I feel tired at night...of course, it's easy right now, kids are in bed at 8:30 and I can follow when I need to...no meds...just my AD...

On weekends, I make sure that I rest up...LOL...sometimes nap twice in a day...specially if the kids aren't around! It's move down the propeity list now, it's not something that bothers me as much as it use too! I was starting to think that something was "wrong" with me!

Now, I just think that it's normal for the sitch, just like my blood pressure right now, it's been pre-hypertension with all the stress...

The key is I pay more attention to myself...long, hard process to learn, instead of obessing over the WH or STBX...

Now, I have to make sure that "I'm" okay, cause if "I'm" okay then the kids are okay!

now would be the time to ask for what you may need,

AH, I'm going that TOO! I asked my Uncle to watch the kids tonight so I can go to a meeting! Spon. left town today and usually I don't ask OP to watch my kids...

I've learned that I NEED help...still a littel tough to ask but I'm working on it! I'm thinking on printing a flyer and bring it to my meeting asking for support on June 7th and filling the court with Al-anons!

Well, i have to head to IC, I'll be around...thanks all, so MUCH!

E, you too! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Frog, I'll reply to your post later, I rad a little like...

I totally agree with Frognomore...

what the heck, it WAS? worth repeating? LMAO

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Okay, Frog...I understand CS...nothing can take the kids away from me...

I understand that you are saying since we're both at fault...D granted, done deal...i say yes I have cheated, he says yes, he has cheated...over...

Then, we just move into Community property split...LOL...I don't want the motorcycle that's unpaid, I'm asking for the one that is...tangible...I can sell it and pay off debt...I'm asking for that, the house, and my car...not to mention the tools and other things!

God, I wish I had a picture of him with someone else. I asked a friend, she doesn't have them any more!

So, that's it huh? Sounds good...it would be awesome to walk out of the court on june 7th Ded...like my cousin did yesterday...I spoke, the other girl spoke...D granted!

I hope that I understood that...I am so grateful for friends like you...LOL...Mr. Hunk...

28 days to court! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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