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Don't forget War movies. I have the box set of Band of Brothers.

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Okay, BC! I guess you pass the test! LMAO...

Mama CJ, thank you...I have hope now...

Frog, bad big brother! LMAO...I understand what you are saying...

I want a man who CAN BE romantic with me! remember my b-day and actually get me something, same thing with other major holidays...and it doesn't have to be from the store! It can be made! I like surprises and I want someone who will surprise me from time to time and NOT WITH another person! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

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Thomas Carlyle
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BC good catch. I take it you don't mean an officer and a gentlemen either. LOL

Rin yes all the other stuff is of course possible. As long as your picker is fixed you will find one.

Bad picker makes us pick wrong people. LOL.

I remember them all. For mothers day I got the wife a Yankees hat she saw but then couldn't find and a mani/pedi when she wants it.

Trying to figure a little weekend getaway here in June but baseball may interfer but my mom is already taking them.

WE exist we just don' like chick flicks.

BS 38
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When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
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I can understand that Frog...I love Sean Connery movies, Steven Segal, VAn diesel...The fast and the furious was the boom...I hate Chuck Norse!

I'm not the Average woman i think, but from time to time I would like to watch a chic flick...and I do want a man otherwise I marry my brother who is more ladylike than I am!

the last present I got was a pair of chaps...didn't even enter my mind, but that's what STBX wanted to get me...that was last Oct., oh, wait I got a set of diamond studs because he thought he had jewerly under the tree...it was wrapped from the jewerly store paper! It was from the boys, just a little something!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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You know I don't think anything's wrong with my picker...There WAS!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Rin, it sounds like you are getting it.

Now, as far as chick flicks go - sometimes I watch them because she wants to, but I admit (shhh, don't tell) that sometimes I want to watch them, it just depends on the movie.

Some chick flicks even include some sports/actions, basically guy type stuff. I am sure I can name one......hmmmm, wait it will come to me....

And sheesh, isn't the point of giving a gift because the other person wants it?

Divorced on 3/25/2008 but I have primary legal and physical custody of my 2 kids.

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Ephesians 5:25 - Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
Eph525 #1870070 05/18/07 03:51 PM
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LMAO...Not in my STBX's book! i got what he wanted not what I wanted!

You know a card or a flower once in a while i didn't think was much to ask!

Or How about ask me where "I" want to eat and eat there even if "YOU" don't like it!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Well I am gonna toot my own horn here because I have never had a problem doing those things

Toot Toot!


Divorced on 3/25/2008 but I have primary legal and physical custody of my 2 kids.

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Ephesians 5:25 - Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
Eph525 #1870072 05/18/07 04:08 PM
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You go BOY! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

If I did get something it was seldom, very rarly wrapped...straight out of the bag it came in! And never handed to me...handed to one of the boys or put somewhere's I would find it!

there were a few times...flowers that the HN1 picked up for me FOR him to give to me...cards bought when he would go shopping with his BF and he was buying one for HIS W...A christmas outfit that HN1 went to buy and try on for him that was for me...

It was not like it was HIS idea ever...make sense!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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I do have a birthday card under my mat on my desk...it was the best one I ever got from him...Oct., 2005:

Stuff happens and you handle it with ease and confidence.

Someone needs a hand- you give'em both.

Something tries to knock you down and you show the rest of us what landing on your feet looks like...

You're quite the woman!

And always a friend and inspiration to me.

Here's wishing you a birthday that's as amazing as you are!

For you my Love,

hope you have a really great day on your birthday.

Love Always,


he was sleeping with OW at the time!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Each relationship is different though. This year for mothers day I got my wife a NY Yankees hat.

I told someone at work and they were like what. But my wife had been looking at the hat and she wanted it. Then they were sold out. I searched around and found it and ordered it. It wasn't a suprise of course because I stink at suprises. I just said I found the hat and you are getting the hat.

In addition to that I told her she could get a mani/pedi.

We don't really do cards. But I wrote her a litte note.

That works for us.

Some want the cards etc. Last year I got her gift cards for the mani pedi. This year I just wrote the note.

My point is to each their own. YOu want tha so you need someone that likes doing that.

I think really you should see if Bob Villa or Tye Pennington have someone for you.

Whatever happened to your home improvement show?

BS 38
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D Day 10/03
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3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
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LMAO...I moved out of my home! I haven't felt like doing any home projects or even talking shop really! It would be nice to have someone who could do those kinds of projects with me, but not a have to have...at least i don't think so!

Your right, goes back to the 5 Languages of Love huh?

I think the main thing is a partner, a teammate...someone who helps with the kids and the house! Someone who's considerate...it really the little thing that I like...

I think that I will be extremely appreicate of someone for doing the little things because I haven't had that! I will want to return the token!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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It must be something about the weekend...today I noticed when I got off that I was a little blue, of course, it could have had something to do with what we were talking about before I left work...

Just grieving my M some more...I guess in my mind I still wish that STBX would straighten up and walk straight...just that tiny bit of hope...

Of course, the night before L was telling me that he missed his dad, his house, his toys, Go-Go, and he doesn't want a new dog...and all I could say to him was I missed all those things too! He stopped me in the bathroom this morning talking about them again, so I got down on my knees and told him to come here!

All I could do was hug him and repeat that I missed them all too! He was talking about Go-Go, our dog, that the HN1 had and he just looked so sad...

he said that she really bad at HN1's...so i mentioned that we may ahd to get a new dog and he said that he didn't want a new dog, he wanted Go-Go...then he said if we got a new dog, could we name that one the same thing...

My heart was breaking, this was the first time that he really said ANYTHING...really early tonight I was questioning my POV about my M...wonderig if I'm dead on or not...wondering if I'll ever have that feeling that I'm doing the wrong think...

I decided that if I was doing the wrong thing that I would feel a lump or pit or something and I don't have that, so it must be good for me...

Huh, I was even thinking about what HN2 said in her email about STBX being shocked and the days leadign up to me leaving...

It's funnY I made my decision to leave then I found out that he signed up for fling.com with his personal ask...which when questioned about after we left, was told that he was just looking...

I'm sorry that's not okay anyway you put it in my book...I mean Just looking for what...because he knew "I how I felt, and wasn't going to arrange anything and that he knew I didn't believe him but it was the truth." Whatever!

I determined that between the ugly comments and the personal ad that was the icing on the cake for me...it was my breaking point...

I just feel so rejected by him, looked over, there's tons of damage that has been done to me becasue he chose his porn over me, OW, and OP over me...I always felt that I wasn't good enough for him but in reality it was him that wasn't good enough for me...

Tonight at the dinner table, F was talking about how STBX told him one time that he was going to knock him under the dirt or his teeth out of his mouth for something at a parade one time...well, from my POV, I didn't see where his behavior was worthy of a statement like that from STBX...

F asked me, so I told him that I thought what his dad said was a little harsh...F went on to say that STBX didn't treat HN1's kids that way...he never said anything to them like that, that STBX would just whip them...

yeah, for everyone out there...STBX disciplined HN1's kids...she would call him when the kids were givign her a hard time and he would go right on over...

But F said that he sees how STBX treats OP better than us...

LOL...guess I just got a double dose today...I'm grateful for the moments spend talking to them...I know L doesn't understand and this is going to be a lot harder on him than me and F because he's doesn't see yet...

I couldn't believe that "I" thought this because STBX was always saying it..."I'm tired of being broke!" I use to be perfectly fine with not having any money on me...I was happy that the bills were paid, food on the table, and we have what we wanted...

I opened my mouth about this trip to Tabasco and the darn gas price went up and I told them we were going so we are going...I mean there's some other things that are affecting that too, but I have to be true to my word...

That just means that the Jungle garden is off the list, and buying anything form the gift shop...okay, I'm sure that they will still enjoy it and they'll remember that mom said something and it sticks...

That's what's REALLY important to me...their trust in me...when I say that I'm going to do something I do it! They already have one parent that can't be trusted, famous for not following through on the things that he says...

I can say that today was a hard hit with the things that happened or the things that I thought, but nevertheless, I realized that I still have some mourning to do...and to help my noys mourn...

We'll be fine, i know it, in the long run it will all work out...just a matter of patience and faith, i guess!

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Thomas Carlyle
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Well, the little bank problem has been solved and the kids are dressed waiting on me...still in my pj's... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I'm going to have to make two stops before we leave town...one for a cup of coffee...oh, I slept so bad last night...I know I dreams about STBX again but I can't remember what exactly it was about...

Just dreaming about him is torrmenting...

Well, ten weeks out of the house and it's field trip day! Better get a move on before I'm the one in trouble! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
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HI, the kids and I enjoyed ourselves so much...I took pics with my phone at the factory and then, we went to Jungle Garden...

The whole day and we spend $16...that was a great day...we walked through the jungle, saw alligators, one snake, hundreds of egrets (my favorite bird)...bamboo, 64 kinds to be exact...one for each parish in Louisiana...

It was great...I whispered to the boys "SHHHH, I'm hunting wabbits!" and then I would act like I found one and blow him up! They laughed so hard, then we got out the gernades and blew them up...

We walked down into one part and the path disappeared so we just started walking through the woods...well, it's a good thing mom's got a sense of direction...we made it back to the road and walked a ways back to the car...

We looked at small and large things...rollie pollies, spider webs...lizards...

Oh, that reminds me...L like to have freaked out last night when a moth made it's way into our bedroom...he would not walk back in there until I caught it and removed it from the house and as I was walking to the door, he was following me! INteresting character that one!

F was amazed at the size that the bamboo got...that's what I headed the entire time..."Gow, mom, look at the size of that one!" He was amazed at all the different kinds.

I told them that I was going to have to take a day off during the week so that we could go back and they could see the hot sauce factory in production...so we'll go visit again!

L fell asleep on the way home and F and I talked so that he could help me stay awake...we finished our movie "First Knight" when we got home and I napped...

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Very lazy day for all of us...I got up at 9 this morning and the kids and I went to the walking track...I got three miles in and then, since they were soooo good I brought them to the book store to play with the trains that they had available for the kids while the parents shop...

I kind of nosed around until it was time to go see Ghostrider...

LOL...I thought at some point during the movie...what are you doing bring L to this...I was worried that he would have nightmares and had to ask hima few times if he was okay...

Of course, Yeah, Mom, I'm not scared! So, they both enjoyed the movie...I was tired and started to fall asleep at the end...so when we got home, L and I laid down for a nap and slept over 4 hours...

I sure wasn't expecting that...we were suppose to get upand clean the pool so the boys could play...so, we'll try doing that tomorrow...

Looks like I'll be homesitting for two weeks...This Friday my spon. and her H will be leaving to go out of town...SOOOO, the kids and I will ahve the house all to ourselves!

I have two people lined up to go to court with me...so all is good...I'm letting L stay up a little late since he slept so long today...F was kind of upset but he'll get over it...

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Thomas Carlyle
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Sounds like a nice weekend with the kiddos! And very cool that you will have the house to yourselves for a little bit -- that will be nice.

I'm jealous of the 4-hour nap!
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AmIok #1870081 05/21/07 11:49 AM
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LMAO...only because I had my sleeping buddy! L doesn't like to go down but he'll stay with me the entire time!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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HI RIN!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Still catching up on your thread but you sound great, strong and confident. I agree that it was STBXH who didn't deserve you all along. I'm so happy that you are feeling your own value. You are precious and should be treated as such!

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"I love you but not IN love with you" speech 6/3/04
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Sounds great SB. I am glad you can see the forest through the jungle. LOL.

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When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
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