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"New Pukes..."

Beg pardon?

Longhorn #1870245 06/04/07 03:30 PM
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me too


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Click on BC's link...That's right! It sends you to a video of new kids on the block!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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No, now I get it. Most of my nieces were enthralled by them for a short period and I got tired of them REAL quick. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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I just gotta say WOW!

At first I was a bit concerned, but the clarification that you are letting the court do as they will helped.

As w/everyone else, I just urge caution.

You seem to have a handle on things. Stay strong!

Come on--they may be pukes now, but you gotta admit they were kinda cute!:)

BS (me)
ExWS -Drac
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"You Can't Fix Stupid" - My Mom
Bugsmom #1870249 06/04/07 04:10 PM
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LMAO...I was the type that if EVERYONE liked the "in" thing, I hated them...didn't pay attention to them at all...

I'm actually having a rough time...some confusion...i think that he was being sincere and it was just nice to "BE"...

I'm not sure what direction to head in to be honest...I just don't think that this week is a good week to talk...

NOW, he will be getting the kids again this weekend and I have thought about suggesting the same thing...perhaps once a week will be good...at this point I'm not sure...

But I have to protect myself...we had some TMing back and forth this morning...and I saw very clearly something that "I" do...I'm not sure how to explain it, but I have to allow him to handle things in his own way and in his own time...

That's ME being Over-responsible...

Also, I had a nightmare that I had to wake myself up from at 4 this morning...in the dream there were people that were hurting the woman there and I can remember dreaming some REALLY gross stuff...and STBX was there in the beginning, just there, but he left before the woman began to get hurt...HN2 was being set up for something and she escaped, once she escaped, her H was able to leave...

They also were there before the horrible things happened to these woman...but I couldn't escape...

And, I was put into this prison, and someone gave me a make shift key to get out...I felt like it was STBX, but he came in the form on another W...I waited until the right opportunity came along and made me escape...first I was alone, but when I reached the top of the first roof, the escape route became a sort of obstacle course, and I was in a hurry...I can remember feeling that my time was limited...

I had to get to the top before my prisoners saw me...

This time I changed into a guy I think, and I think it was another guy that appeared...Robin Williams to be exact...I felt that this was STBX and he took the led...then, once we reached the other roof, we had to work as a team to reach the top where our freedom was. I woke myself up right as we were getting out...the whole time we had to work fast in order not to be catch...so that we wouldn't be killed or thrown back into prison...

I don't know what to think of the dream...it's surprising that I remembered it...I'm soooo tired today, I got maybe three hours sleep b/t fighting with the computer to get online, and waking up like I do every night.

I'm open to any thoughts...

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
Bugsmom #1870250 06/04/07 04:10 PM
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Hey, Rin....

I was just thinking ..... you never really did a plan B letter, just becasue of how the circumstances fell out.

What do you think of doing a sort-of-one now?

Outline exactly what it would take for you to consider reconciliation.

It might just be for you, firming up your own position and lines for yourself. But if he's starting to seem more receptive, starting to put some effort in and make changes .... maybe you could give it to him, too.

Being very specific ....
3 months of weekly IC, followed by 3 months of weekly IC and MC -- all of which he sets up and makes happen.
All (or specific) debt paid off and all bills paid on time during that 6 months.
He either gives you use of the house or gets you & the kids set up somewhere.
He proves that he's protecting the M ... i.e. shows you his phone bills, car mileage, whatever.
Installs spyware on his computer that reports to you.
A post-nup that heavily favors the BS in the case of future infidelity. With a definition of infidelity to include posting a profile on dating websites, etc.

Whatever it is that you need to see from him. You said you saw some changes, so maybe this is the time to decide, and say, "these are the exact changes that I need to see consistent evidence of before I would consider reconciliation." It might help you both -- a roadmap for him, and a compass for you that would help keep you from reacting when he suddenly decides to play nice for a while.

I have no idea if it would work, since it doesn't really follow any of the MB plans. I was just thinking about how you could hold on to some of that possibility and hopefulness taht you got this weekend, but also keep yourself protected. ?


AmIok #1870251 06/04/07 04:37 PM
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I don't know if anyone believes in this stuff from from time to time when I can remember and think to look it up I use things like this sight: dream dictionary


To dream that you are in prison, signifies that you are being censored and not allowed to express yourself.

To dream that someone else is in prison, signifies an aspect of yourself that you are unable to express freely.


To dream that you are a convict, suggests that some situation or relationship is making you feel restricted. You may be experiencing a loss of freedom in some area of your life. Alternatively, the dream may represent your feelings of shame and guilt. This dream image is trying to tell you to stop punishing yourself.

To see a convict in your dream, indicates that an aspect of yourself is unable to freely express itself.


To see or experience obstacles in your dream, represents things in your life that you need to overcome. The dream may be offering you a solution on how to go about approaching a problem in your waking life. You may have some self doubt or trouble in making a decision.


To see blood in your dream, represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments


To have a dream that takes place at night, represents some major setbacks and obstacles in achieving your goals. There are some issues in your life that you are facing that are not too clear. You should put the issues aside so you can clear your head before coming back to it. Alternatively, night may be synonymous with death, rebirth and new beginnings.


To see a key in your dream, symbolizes opportunities, access, control, secrets, or responsibilities. You may be locking away your own inner feelings and emotions.

To dream that you find keys, signifies that you have found a solution to a problem.


To see ropes in your dream, represents some connection or a way to tie/hold things together.

To dream that you are walking on a rope, denotes that you will engage in a doubtful investment but it will prove to be successful.


To dream that you escape from jail or some place of confinement, signifies your need to escape from a restrictive situation or attitude. On the other hand, it may mean that you are taking an escapist attitude and are refusing to face up to problems that are not going away.

To dream that you escape from injury, from an animal, or from any situation, signifies your good health and prosperity. You will experience a favorable turn of events.


To dream that you are in an enclosure, indicates that you are in defensive mode. Some situation in your waking life has put you on guard and arouses the need to protect/defend yourself.


To see a roof in your dream, symbolizes a barrier between two states of consciousness. It represents a protection of your consciousness, mentality, and beliefs. It is an overview of how you see yourself and who you think you are.

To dream that you are on a roof, symbolizes boundless success.


To see a man in your dream, denotes the masculine aspect of yourself - the side that is assertive, rational, aggressive, and/or competitive. If the man is known to you, then the dream may reflect you feelings and concerns you have about him.


To see a woman in your dream, represents nurturance, passivity, caring nature, and love. It refers to your own female aspects or may also represent your mother. Alternatively, it may indicate temptation and guilt. If you know the woman, then it may symbolize the concerns and feelings you have about her.


To dream that your clothing is torn or ripped, indicates that there is some flaws in your thinking or thought process. Your logic is not making sense. You need to alter your reasoning and make a stronger argument.

Well, that just some things I could find...

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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how you could hold on to some of that possibility and hopefulness taht you got this weekend, but also keep yourself protected. ?

I thank you for that...I plan to sit down and do some writing tonight to figure out some stuff for me...

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Here's some more!


To see logs in your dream, represents unconscious ideas and a significant and meaning aspect of yourself. Alternatively, it signifies a transformation. You are headed toward a new direction in your life.

To dream that you are sitting on a log, indicates personal satisfaction and joy in you life.

To see a log floating in water, represents new opportunities. You may be overlooking something important.


To dream that you have long hair, indicates that you are thinking long and carefully before making some decision. You are concentrating on some plan or situation.

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Well, I talked to STBX a little while ago and he was angry...

I called him about something we had talked about concerning the car...well, he got paperwork from his A asking for his check stubs since Jan...and some other stuff...

He said "Well, I have to miss another day of work to do take care of this." Then, he said later, if I have to move out of this house, do you know the [censored] I'm going to have to find a place for...I'm not parking a $30K bike outside an apt."

I said well the decision is not mine...He said "Ultimatily, it is!" I said Well, I don't know what to tell you, if I have to move out then, You're the one with the truck and the trailer."

I just remained quiet, then said I don't know what to say, so I better go." He said well, you have a good day (not in a bad tone). I said you too.

None of this was in a bad tone...and I said if I did get the house that he could leave the bike there, since we were on speaking terms...he said that he wasn't going to come to the house every time he wanted to get his bike...even if we were on speaking terms...

OKay, he's choice...whatever...there's that stubborm mule I've always known...

SO, I'm dark, I'll see him Thurs...I guess if I did want a chance at R, I can let the poor SOB have the house...what do I care...horrible neighbors...

Okay guys, I'm hearing same old same old today...what you think?

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Sounds like the fog is still in place.

WH has a severe case of'poor me! Look what I am being FORCED to do' INSTEAD OF
'Look at the mess I created! Look what I have put Rin and the kids through!'

Stay dark - get thru court and then see where you go from there


BS (me)
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"You Can't Fix Stupid" - My Mom
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Well, I have all the information I need to know about him right now! There will be no R...Ever!

He is the vile petiful person that I left...I needed that reminder...

We talked again and I heard the implied threats...I saw the show last night...but I got the extra feature today and tonight...

I'm p!ssed as all get out and right now, I'm not sure if I want the house just to be mean to him...that would be me forcing the consequences of his actions because I know I'm getting the kids and the house goes with it...

I really need some support tonight...I'll be honest, I picked this last call to really get him to say what he thought because he WAS NOT answering the questions...

This one will need a bill board warning all women...I so f'n mad, and you know what that's cool...

I really need to weigh the options here...close to work, kids school, church, kids friends, HNs...

I move and I take the 4 wheeler and the utility trailer, trade my car in for the SUV that I want...move to Bourg area...nice people there...take ALL of his 401K...you know since he wants the house...got to give up something...

I'm really in to hitting him where it hurts tonight...even thought about taking the HArley! I think the best thing it force to sell!

I'm ranting, but when the last time I did that...it's been a little while...

He had the nerve to tell me that he was being nice to me...I asked how was he being nice...he said TRust me, I've been nice...what? I wish he would f'k himself some more! Be my guest...

All he could talk about was having to find a storage unit for HIS stuff if he has to move out...I've really been back and forth on this whole house thing...should I add to the consequences of his actions, but sitting back and doing nothing...letting the judge rule...or start somewhere completely fresh...

I don't know, I just don't know!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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He suckered you Rin. You fell for it. Luckily, he's too [email]d@mn[/email] selfish and entitled to keep it up for more than a day.

You're mad at yourself. You want revenge.

As somebody said on here. BE STILL

You don't have to make any decisions tonight.

For right now plan on letting the judge rule.


I'm headed for the gym. I'll check back later.

Deep breaths, be still

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Oh, guess what I just found out he sold My motorcycle to the HN2's H...that's why he's pissed about his bank statements being turned over to the A...

F told me a few weeks ago that HN2 brough a motorcycle and it looked exactly like mine...when he questions his dad his dad told him that there were plenty of motorcycle out there that looked the same...

I was talking to him about the motocycle today and he was saying that he's been trying to sell it for a year @ 3K with no lucky and got upset with me when I looked up the value and said okay lets go down to 2800 and put an ad in the paper...

Well, he wants to sell it for 2K...he said "that give you a K and me a K." Put all of it together and what so you get?

I'm going to clue my A in on this too and look to an amount in his statement from HN2...

Suckered...I think that my guard was up...because there was a comment I mentioned that he said right off the bat that made me wonder...that why I kept pulling today...I had a heaviest in my chest, so I called...

ANd to be prefectly honest I called him Sat...curiousity got the best of me...

There once again...you do good things...you get good things...you do bad things...you get bad things...

I got what I needed and what I rightly deserved...

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Darkness falls across the land........

Divorced on 3/25/2008 but I have primary legal and physical custody of my 2 kids.

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Ephesians 5:25 - Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
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I failed to mention that he brought the kids out of state this weekend...

So, anyway, I'm calm, cool, and collected...Thanks BC...I'm going to try to be so dark in my Plan B...if I didn't have to see him in court Thurs. I wouldn't...

F and I were talking a little while ago...he asked if once we moved in and the house was our if we could sell it...I said that it was an option to be determined at a later date...

Well, I've been told to do some praying and writing tonight...so I need to get to it...recenter within myself, now that I have my answers...

I got to comfortable being away from him...I stopped watching my back, checking my rearview mirror...time to step up my game...

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Let me summarize for you.

LET THE COURT DECIDE!!!! Do not (I repeat, DO NOT) decide to do anything to him or with him because then somehow or another, he will twist it around to being YOUR "fault." Nope, be completely honest and forthcoming, and you go for every single DIME you can get out of this guy legitimately. Thus, when a JUDGE tells him he has to pay you and he has to move out of the house and he can no longer be a self-centered jerk but has to pay for his children and take care of his own darn bills...then it's the muscle of the COURT SYSTEM behind the force of that order and he can't just claim that "it's Rin being a bee-otch."


<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

Now he's done it! He has pi$$ed off the mama bee!!!

--CJ <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

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Done deal MAMA...I can handle that...I just finished my writing/praying...I'm good...

I'm centered and I will try REALLY hard when the judge awards everything to me and the kids to not wink at him when I leave the court room...

This single MAMA will be trading in a vehicle soon...I can tell you that...I got a new noise in addition to the one I already have...it's nothing bad...but for the first time I know what vehicle "I" want...

SO, that will be in our future...the kids will LOVE that...L's been wanting me to get a new car...

As far as STBX, it's simply not my problem where he stores his darn bike, it's not my problem where the four wheeler sleeps at night...guess he should have thought about that before he started being a D!CKery dock! LMAO...

well, I need to get some rest...

Oh, I forgot to mentiont he last two times I checked my blood pressure it was normal...AWESOME!!!!! Now, if I can get that sleep thing down pat I'd be doing SOOO great!

MAMA CJ, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys............ <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Hey, anyone want to go to the Harley shop and help me pick out $350 dollars worth of clothes for the kids...Oh, you know what, they had this great train set for $200 that the boys would love and I could give it to them for their b-day...June 21st and the 29th...F and L in that order!!!

Perhaps, I will make a trip after court...that's a great day to spend money!!! Guess I'll have to see what's there! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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[color:"red"]EGG ZACK LEE!![/color]

If DW (which stands for "RichardWAD" had wanted to keep that house and if his toys meant to much to him and if his boys were his top priority then all hhe would have had to do at any time is stop putting his RICHARD into a woman other than his wife and the mother of his children, and come home! He COULD have had it all and he chose to lose it all. TOO BAD if the judge tells him that the price for his wandering RICHARD is that he loses the house that's sooooooo darn valuable to him and now he has nowhere to store his vehicles and now he "has to" get a storage unit.

Rin, I want to be sure I got this correctly. He sold YOUR motorcycle to the hubby of one of the horrible neighbors (HNs)? How is that possible? Doesn't the sale of a vehicle require conveyance of a title? Does he have your titles?? Was it only your name on the title? If so, in order to sell it he would have HAD to have forged your name, and that is a crime--like CRIMINAL COURT crime. If he did sell it, take him to the CLEANERS at divorce court and get not only restitution for the sale price but also for the amount it WOULD HAVE BEEN sold at. Furthermore, speak to the district attorney about criminal court and see if you have a case.



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