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i *think* it means

piece of dog ****

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pile of dog shasta

he's more than a piece

Last edited by BetrayedCajun; 06/07/07 10:22 AM.

BS 33 EXWW 35 DS 5
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and that is giving dog poop a bad name.

Just think PODS saw the goddess today in all her glory, while he was wallowing in is misery. You have a plan you are acting not reacting. He is now reacting to your actions.

You have turned the tables, he may have one the battles but your going to win the war.

He might get some more licks in but you have learned to heal your wounds and move on.

Have a great day and do some breathing

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Dont' think this isn't effecting him worse then it is you.

WE all love you here but understand that we would give you a 2x4 if you were trying to pull one over on us.

WE know what you are saying is true, you know what you are saying is true. Your A knows, His A knows your HN's know his parents know.

He is going into court hoping his untruths aren't exposed. He is hoping it all goes his way. Well it won't unless his A is the smartest on the planet, yours is an idiot and the judge is an idiot. Followed by you being an idiot for not stopping it. LOL

This sucks yes but it is life. Nobody here wants to be here. On this board that is. LOL.

We have all been pitched the curve ball. But you are lucky in that you are learning more and more about yourself and how to be healthy during this time.

Think of this as another milestone another accomplishment.

You got through this too.

Soon enough he will be standing at the front door ringing your doorbell looking at what he gave up. A hot momma that has his house.

BS 38
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D Day 10/03
Recovery started 11/06
3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
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WOW...THANK YOU EVERYONE! I hear you all...and I'm praying for the best in each of yours sitchs...

I was feeling a little sick this morning so I decided since I wasn't supose to be here at work anyway and everything was covered that i would go home and nap...

Mainly, so that I would not allow my mind to start thinking anything negative...waste of energy...

So, I'm here at work again, feeling better, I actually eat something so I should be able to make it...tonight I plan to go open the house for our meetings...LOL...since all of our vets seem to be on vacation somewhere...

My way of giving back what has been giving to me, passing it on...

Frog- i know that everyone believes me, but it felt SOOO good to hear my A say that PODS admitted to most of it! I realize that my POV in some of in could have been my fears creating a fantasy, or something of that nature.

Remember we had talked about how I could care for myself...I knew it well now, I'm proving it to myself! Big difference!

TODAY, I feel sorry for him...and I hope wish him the best...I hope that one day he will realize the damage that he's done and try to make amends not only to me but the boys...actually mainly to the boys...all I would like is for him to truely sorry and state why he's sorry!

I know that I'm a good person and I do my best to help people and to be real with them...I'm sadden about that he chose to this path but I can't do anything about his choices...so I go on for me and the boys...move forward...

There's a lesson for me somewhere in this delay...perhaps that I can handle the pressure...I was so anxiety ridden at one point in my life...I've had two panic attacks and one was over money in 98...The other i don't remember what it was for...LOL

I guess this is showing me that I CAN trust myself...here we are down to the line and I'm not wavering...that's pretty big in my book...

SO, thank you all for standing by my side in this season of my life...I am reminded each day that I'm not alone in this and I find my strenght in sharing...

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A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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BS (me)
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"You Can't Fix Stupid" - My Mom
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I heard that Emerson Drive song this morning and thought of you. That is a really great song. It was very true!

And hugs to you!

BS (me)-28
4 Kids
A started Jan 07

Then the time came
When the risk it took
to remain tight in a bud
Was more painful than
the risk it took to blossom.

-Anais Nin
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yeAH, I'm thought of...how cool is that? And I get hugs! WOW!

((((((RIGHT BACK AT YA!))))))))

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Well No word yet on the NEXT court date...bummer...complete bummer...

I guess the only thing that I have to hold on to right now it that he admitted to 90% of the stuff I told my A...

Really rough day...I was to exhausted to cook tonight, so I ordered pizza and the boys and I went pick it up...come home, ate and waited until it was time to go open the building...

Well, I get there and we had a plenty large group tonight...I had to get up once to check on the boys...they were rolling there cars off the metal car, flying them into the air, and they were crashing WHEREEVER!!!!!!

They were good...MOF, some of the memebers didn't ever know that they were there, until it was over and I walked to the back to tell them to gather they stuff and when I saw all the cars ALLLLLLLLL over the room...I amlost lost it, but I didn't, I just helped pick them up...

I got them home and got them in bed, laid down with them and went to sleep still in my court clothes...

If I could Plan B this process right now I would...I really feel close to the end of my rope, at this present moment...

SOMETHING HAS TO COME TO AN END...I mean I know that there's a reason...perhaps IL's won't be at the new court date...I will have OP to go with me...I don't know whatever the purpose is...

I have to admit that I've been thinking about the sitch the last hour and I try so hard not to think about it...rehashing it over and over in my mind is not going to change anything or solve anything, just make me miserable...

It would be SO great if I was home because I would make a point of getting my kick bag up and just start wailing on it! PODS and I got it over a year ago and I heard I'm going to put it up Gos knows how many times...well "I" would have it up, just for days like this when I need to work out some frustration!!!!

Once again, I sit back and wait...to the best of my ability patiently...whatever that IS!

Thanks again for all of your support...I'm still shocked by Kayla's comment on being mental strong...still trying to let that one sink it...

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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OKay, just called my A's office...

The judge and our A's will be meeting this comming Wed., June 13th @ 9am in his chambers, to discuss the case and set a date! Para said that she will let me know something then!

What the heck IS THIS?

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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It's called BULLCHIT!!

BS 33 EXWW 35 DS 5
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Why do they get together and set a date?

BS (me)-28
4 Kids
A started Jan 07

Then the time came
When the risk it took
to remain tight in a bud
Was more painful than
the risk it took to blossom.

-Anais Nin
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Sorry.. I will rain on the parade today.

You ask this:

What the heck IS THIS?

But the problem was here:

my A was sick, was going to get it for tomorrow but PODS A can't do it tomorrow!

Everyone was ready to march in the Parade, on the appointed day, and your A copped out.

And there goes the parade.

Courts have schedules as well. Gotta live with them.

And your A was the one who was sick.

Let it go. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />

Not PODS fault.

This TIME!



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They are NOT getting together to JUST set a date. The judge will want to know why this hasn't been settled yet. The lawyers will give him a quick summation of things and he may encourage one side to budge (and Rin, it will not be your side!) based on thew facts. Judges don't want to have this stuff go to a hearing and he is attempting some back door diplomacy here. More likely than not his lawyers will be returning to your STBX on Weds and suggest that he should be more amenable to a settlement in your favor.
That's my take on things.


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HI, LG...I talked to my A yesterday and knowing him and the way he normally is...poor thing sounded like sh)t...I did understand...I didn't think he would be on his best performance if he did go to court...

Nope, not PODS fault...I'm cool with that!

MEDC...You are very right...I just got off the phone with a friend of mine that THIS same thing happen too and after it was all said and done...she walked away with everything she was asking...mainly CS and Custody...

So, she said don't be surprised if you get everything you are asking!

So, MEDC, your take has been backed up with some facts...

MY POV, the judge is NOT going to want this [email]cr@p[/email] in his court room, it will be a waste of his time and I know he's got some pretty pressing cases going on right now!

The judge is not going to be happy with the facts at all...one payment on CS in three months, locking out of our house b/c of PODS claim "fear for MY life", whatever, unpaid bills...besides my A said to me yesterday that PODS was backing down...

Good to know...A said that PODS doesn't want a full blown custody battle...also, good to know!

I'm cool, I'm calm, and I'm NOT worried in the least, especially NOW!

So, I sit back and relax! no kids this weekend, I'm going to do some self-care...LOL...SLEEP! No matter how broken it is!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Rin, this is typical stuff and the judge will push this along. If your STBX decides NOT to settle.... trust me... the judge will look VERY unfavorably upon him. His lawyer will let his know that today.

PODS will back down in ways you can't even believe right now because HE knows the battle was lost before it began. His one ploy failed...bullying you! You are a strong and good woman that stood up to him and now he looks like a fool. He will be a beaten man within the next week and he knows it. His attorney will tell him that he stands to lose a lot more in court should he take it to that level. YOU have won this already Rin... I know that you will not fully believe that until the verdict is final... but if I were your friend and neighbor, we would be popping the champagne cork to usher in the your victory in this battle you never asked to fight in the first place.

MEDC... putting the champagne on ice!

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Never underestimate the power of the PODS.

When you back a dog into a corner they will fight.

Now I can say this when it comes to the STBX he has no reason not to fight. He probably won't win but he really has no reason not to try.

Can't win if you don't play. I agree that he has a snowballs chance but it is still a chance.

He doesn't strike me as the type to not go down swinging.

I think with him admitting to his A that you were accurate helps though because his A cannot subborn purgery.

The fact is it is pretty cut and dry. I him getting every other weekend and 1 night a week if he is lucky.

Then the guidelines for CS and your home follow.

BS 38
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When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
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AWESOME! You are a wonderful man, YOU know this! I appreciate your posts greatly!

I was thinking about a little extra care for myself this weekend TBH...

I waiting on a call back about this month's CS and IF I GET today...well...I'm thinking of getting my FIRST professional pedi...it's something that I HAVE WANTED to do and hasn't had the courage but I've been thinking if I can do all of this other stuff then what's a pedi?

It will pend on funds! If it doesn't happen this weekend, it will one day soon! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Hey Frog, see that's my thinking because one: HE has to put on the show and two: I knew that he was going to fight me tooth and nail on this to began with!

HE really thinks that he's been this great dad...I've read it in his emails...was reminded of this when I broke into his account the other night...and deleted some pics he had on me!!! Sure didn't want anyone else getting those, right?

I just figure the harder he fights the harder he will fall! So, be it!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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why stop at just a pedi? Go for the full spa experience if you can.

It is worth it.

You are worth it.

Hope you have a great weekend.

Divorced on 3/25/2008 but I have primary legal and physical custody of my 2 kids.

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Ephesians 5:25 - Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
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Hey Rin, in Texas it's called a pre-trial conference. MEDC is exactly right about the Judge pushing for a settlement. He wants it off his docket. I also agree with MEDC that there'll probably be a "Come to Jesus Meeting" between PODS and his A shortly thereafter.

Hang tough, you're doing great.

Widowed 11/10/12 after 35 years of marriage
“In a sense now, I am homeless. For the home, the place of refuge, solitude, love-where my husband lived-no longer exists.” Joyce Carolyn Oates, A Widow's Story
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