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lousygolfer #1870724 07/16/07 03:27 PM
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This past weekend was mine, and the weekend before was his, but I got them last weekend so that I could bring the boy's to see my dad...

This weekend I had something to do, thus the reason for the change...this coming weekend would be his normal weekend...

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Thomas Carlyle
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Based on the amount of consternation involved here I would be sure that when the dust settles and the ink is dry that I have or my attorney has covered all the bases.

I would leave nothing to chance if possible. I know one lady who ultimately had to spell out things to such a minute detail that a [censored] could understand them (i.e. - pick up/drop off times, where and when to meet, how long to wait before leaving the drop off point, who could be at the exchanges, and much much more) in order to stay out of court with ex WH.

hopeandpray #1870726 07/16/07 04:17 PM
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Thank you for the advise..I will have to DO something...

Of course, come the court judgement, I won't have to worry about POWS wanting the kids on the a certain weekend to be with the HN2's kids...I'll be living there and he won't...

Another reason, I really didn't push the issue, a matter of How important is it?

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Thomas Carlyle
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Stop take a step back and think for a minute.

Let him have it his way. Say you are sorry and let him know that he is right.

Then laugh when he has the kids at his new place and HN2's kids are over when your kids are with him.

Then you don't have to deal with HN2. So in the short term he wins. In the long term you win.

HA HA HA is all i have to say.

See you are getting what is best and you dont' even know it.

BS 38
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3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
frognomore #1870728 07/16/07 04:54 PM
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Frog, did you read my post prior to the TMs...I'm cool with this, it didn't bother me at all...i was actually a little surprised, I saw what he was doing and it just wasn't worth it...losing my peace...I just posted the TMs to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing...

That my POV wasn't wrong on this...

And you are SOOOO right about this...
So in the short term he wins. In the long term you win.


BAHHAHABABAAAA! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Let's celebrate!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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No I thought you were cool in the tm'ing just trying to put a positive spin on it.

He wants the kids on the weekend that HN2's kids are there that is great.

So now HN1 is moving your STBX will have the kids the weekends HN2's kids are there, geez moving back into that house is getting easier and easier.

Plus until custody is settled by the courts you should be as flexible as you can.

That is part of custody the willinginess etc.

You sound great by the way. Your thread moves so fast now a days.

Keep moving forward Rin it is the only way to go and make progress.

Paint me a picture of a frog. Not the one in the pot eveyone keeps talkin about either.

A hot tub would be nice.

BS 38
FWW 35
D Day 10/03
Recovery started 11/06
3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
frognomore #1870730 07/16/07 08:58 PM
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WEll, Thank you Frog, I am so grateful that you came into my life...how special I am to have an online big brother!

I'm really loving the whole sitch with POWS and his POV, it's getting pretty interesting being away from him and I'm still loving it...

I'll have to consider painting that in the future I had the "PERFECT" picture "HOP" into my head for you! LMAO...

I got to my Aunt's and looked at my Pic and said to myself "WHAT THE HECK did I DO?" So, I had to go back and fix my mistakes, but when I left it was looking great!

I even brought one of my Aunt's painting to give to Spon. as a thank you, and to show my appreicate and graditude for all that she's done for me...

ALso, that TM session with POWS is me, I didn't have to think about what I typed to him, no games on my part...he hasn't been one for compromises...there is no meeting in the middle with him...He sees things my way or his way and usually he says that I "always" have to have MY way...

Boy, if I hada penny for all the times he's said that! I could go visit Orchid in HI! LMAO <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Well, I was sitting in front of the window unit at my Aunt's "studio" and I'm freezing...going to go back outside for a minute, then slip my PJ's on and get between my cozy sheets, which by the way, I AM STILL LOVING! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

A set of these needs to come with Plan B gear!!!! LMAO <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> I'll ahve to fill out the paperwork! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Just couldn't get the sequence.

How many thread count on those sheets?


lousygolfer #1870732 07/16/07 11:07 PM
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Yeah, how many thread count? You are making me jealous!
I just have my flannel sheets on my bed, with my flannel nightgown, all buttoned up to my neck....LOL!

You sound pretty upbeat, and chipper, great!!!! I am feeling the same way lately. I almost feel like I have a 'glow' of happiness... it is great to have your real self back after going through heck!


Sadmo #1870733 07/16/07 11:24 PM
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LMAO...Hi Guys, 500 and I'm in heaven!!! Who would have thought that a sheet of sheets would make me feel so good...LMAO

I should have been kind to myself A LOOONNNGGG TIME ago...LMAO...the stay is so much more pleasant now!!! LMAO

I almost feel like I have a 'glow' of happiness...

AH, you got it Sadmo, there's a glow to me right now and it's so great...

I can't tell you how many times I've heard from POWS that:

I would NEVER be happy or

I looked for things to make me uphappy or

Something to that effect!

And here I am today, just as happy as a lark...

Grateful for the people who have come into my life, the things that I have overcome, just around about HAPPY...

I should have tried this happy thing out years ago, LMAO...

Who knew it was everything that it was cracked up to be!!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Good Morning! I hope that everyone is doing well today...

i almost started out the day bad, catch myself, and made myself stop thinking the things I was thinking...it would have just been self-abuse to think things like:

I wonder if FIL is questioning F...Did FIL get on POWS and that's why he was so crappy the other day?

ANd my thinking was getting worst...I could have played the game worst case sceneio...but like I said I was only going to abuse myself if I continued on that path, so I stopped my thining and tried to refocus...I ended with saying pray...

I mention this becasue so many of us have a tendency to do this, and it's a matter of what we want for ourselves...

I was thinking the other day about LA's little saying: worrying is like praying for the things that you don't want!

Well, I went a little farther than that and came up with worrying is a form of abuse to ourselves...a way to self- sabbotage...turning a good day into a bad day...

By stopping ourselves from this type of abuse, we are creating healthier thinking, it's a way to cahnge our attitude...

I can remember so many times when i was home I would wake up and immediatily start thinking negative things POWs did this, POWS did that, and I'm going to do this b/c he did that...playing out ends "scenes" in my head, DJing the whole time...

Well, I had not done that in a long time, but because the kids were not here keeping my attention, I almost went there...almost started worrying about what was being said to them, what was said to POWS, etc....

Wasted energy...would have only ended in a downward spiral that was pointless to begin with...

The difference from the past and today...awareness and the ability to change MY attitude!

So, I'm here, I'm present, and I'm in Goddess wear for the fourth day in a row and I plan to do the same thing tomorrow! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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You Go you Goddess you!

You have it all today! Goddess on the INSIDE as well as the OUTSIDE!

Doesn't get any better than that!

BS (me)
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"You Can't Fix Stupid" - My Mom
Bugsmom #1870736 07/17/07 09:34 AM
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Evidently the new Goddess bed sheets are having an impact on you also <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Divorced on 3/25/2008 but I have primary legal and physical custody of my 2 kids.

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Ephesians 5:25 - Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
Eph525 #1870737 07/17/07 09:50 AM
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I just have my flannel sheets on my bed, with my flannel nightgown, all buttoned up to my neck....LOL!

Sadmo this is a fire hazzard. If you toss and turn all that rough flannel could combust be careful.


I tried silk one time, it felt really good. Then I got my silk boxers on and tried to act all sexy ran over to the bed hopped on and slid right off the other side of the bed. Ouch.

Now no more silk. Definitely no Flannel!!!!

This has been a public service announcement from the dangerous sheet advisory board.

You too can prevent bedroom disasters.

BS 38
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D Day 10/03
Recovery started 11/06
3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
frognomore #1870738 07/17/07 10:01 AM
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But Frog! It is not rough flannel, I use fabric softener!!! LMAO!!!!!
Also, I just don't know... silk boxers??? I just don't like that idea... it just does not seem right. So it is good that you slid off the bed.<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Those cotton sheets though... hmmmmmm......

So Rin, what goddess wear are you wearing?? I am curious....
And I agree with you. About the obsessing about POWS. It can drive you crazy. And it does not get you anywhere, so great job in stopping the craziness!!

Have a great day!!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Sadmo #1870739 07/17/07 10:36 AM
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BUGS and Sadmo...on the Goddess wear, Today I am wearing a pair of white capri pants, one inch black heels, of course, jewerly, and a multicolored top, with a black band right under the girls to frame my shape...

Frog- Thank you for the advisory, I think there should be a warning on the tags that come with them...

LMAO...you slid off the bed! BAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! How romantic was that! Awesome! I would have helped you up AFTER I stopped laughing! LMAO <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

E- I'll tell you what man, everytime I crawl between them I'm STILL amazed, and I THINK it DOES help with mindset! LMAO What a great way to treat myself EVERYDAY! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
Sadmo #1870740 07/18/07 04:11 PM
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Well, I am another step closer to having a new court date, my motion IS at the judge's office!

So, I should be hearing something soon about the date but I'm estimating that it will be the last week of August now!

Progress not perfection! LMAO

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Hi, Rin!

Wow, this process has been dragging along for you. I'm glad that there's a little bit of progress!

How's your week without the boys going? Hope you're enjoying yourself!


AmIok #1870742 07/18/07 04:34 PM
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Happy Birthday! Oh, I'm so excited that you are posting today! I want to hear want you are doing tonight, I'll have to go check your thread!

It's been a really good week without the boys I do miss them and would like to tlak to them but I'm not sure how to get in touch with them while they are camping...

The weekend was really busy as I donated my time all weekend and then monday I went to my Aunt's to paint some. Last night, I went to a meeting. Today, I will be going home changing clothes and painting by myself...

I don't have a whole lot more to do...

Oh, I did go by the used bookstore Monday during lunch and bought three books by my favorite author, Patricia Cornwell...I haven't read for fun in so long and I was told that I needed too! So, here I am on the first book and it's going by really fast...this one is set on the serial murders that happened in Baton Rouge...

So, of course, I was interested immediately because of the setting, I'm not finding it hard to get into the book!

Then, yesterday during lunch, i went to a meeting adn today is my co-workers' B-day so we all went to lunch today!

Tomorrow night I'm charing the meeting, Friday I'll be sleeping at my Aunt's house so that we can get up early Sat. to drive to Mississippi for the painting class that I am taking with her...

Then, SUNDAY I get the boys back! LMAO...so you can see I'm trying my best to stay busy and OUT OF TROUBLE!

No man neeeded here yet, I have to get rid of the one I have first, by then I'll be good and comfortable in my own skin! LMAO <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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I'm a little frustrated today! I still have not gotten CS this month from POWS and today was going to be the day that I paid off my car, but since I don't have CS I have to pay the regular note this week. Then, next week pay the little bit that remains...

I mean it still gets paid off, just a week and a little extra money to do it!

Outside of that, things are going well...today, I help pack for the day trip tomorrow to the painting class...I'm a little nervous about that too...being around OP who I'm sure have taken classes before and I haven't of course...

I'm sure that I will do fine, learn a few things, and everything will work out but you know that feeling you get when you step outside of your comfort zone...

Well, here I am! Branching out some more...I have noticed with the painting that I'm doing here that the need for wanting it to be perfect is not there...it's actually been pretty relaxing...

In the past, when I've done a project, I was my worst critic...I felt like the whole would see all the defects that I did...and I was the first one to point them out to people...not the case these days...

I've also changed my plans about sleeping at my Aunt's house tonight due to my sleeping habits! being up at all hours of the night...felt I would be more comfortable if I slept at home and just met them at 5:30 in the morning...

Well, i'm off to get some work done, and try to let it go that I can't pay that darn car off today...ce la vie! That's life!

hope everyone's having a good day!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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