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Even if Lilsis has a version of being dignified and strong -- WH's version will be very very different.
You all know how distorted a WS's perceptions are....

Ooooh, o.k......now I get what you are saying here. Even though LilSis may not have actually LBd, her husband's wayward thinking will turn it into all sorts of bad things that you listed, in order to continue justifying.

Thus the reason for no contact until the OW is gone. Got it.

But, I still stand by the fact that nothing LilSis did or does should make him feel "vulnerable to an affair". And I believe LilSis knows this. I just want to make sure if there are newbies around, they don't get the wrong idea.

Moving forward.

Husband was unfaithful to me before and after our marriage, at least 7 times. I found out 13 yrs into the marriage. Trickle truth for an entire year. Several different d-days, so it was more like a d-year. Difficult recovery.

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LilSis Offline OP
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...and Lex...the fallout that I fear is from ILs. I've considered that...but again, can't do much. I think they've pretty much decided how they want to deal with this, and whatever info they learn they will simply re-shape to conform to their reality, whatever that may be.

In this case, I made it easy for them to do so. Blech.

And his current crop of "friends" are pretty much birds of a feather...or are single and don't get it.

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benedryl...the only thing I know that works on hives.
Hope you have time for a nap -- that stuff always puts me to sleep!

Anything fun planned for the weekend?

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last month

oral steroids turned me into


but I did breathe better ! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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Testosterone boys! Testosterone! It aint just for nose, ear and back hair anymore!
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diarrhea of opinions

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You haven't done anything that 97% of the world wouldn't have done.

Its just that you have the wisdom of MB in your corner.

So the expectations are higher -- that you WON'T impulsively do things that damage your hard work.

That would be my only advice. Curb your impulses.
I know mine most often lead me to trouble....

I hope this doesn't count as rehashing, Lexxy, but I think this beautifully sums up about ten pages of posts (and hard feelings).

Sis, I think your Anger Bank filled up so much that you triggered yourself into doing something. And you did it without posting about it. So, a learning from this might be that if you're thinking about doing something but don't want to post about it, maybe it's not what you really want to be doing.


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I think benadryl is also sold as a sleep aid. Maybe Sominex?

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LilSis Offline OP
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Yeah, Benadryl kicked it this morning...left me woozy at work but at least I wasn't itching...for about four hours. Now it's back with a vengence and I'm going to try Claratin this time so I don't keel over.

I've got other symptoms, too...so I'm kinda wiped. I should just go take a nap.

This weekend: I'm kid-less. My mom is coming tomorrow and we are going to finish painting the stairway walls in the attic. But tonight I'm going to see Knocked Up with a friend of mine. If I can eat something and stay conscious, that is.

sd: good point.

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zyrtec or claritin should do the same thing without the somnolence. any anti hystamine should be just fine.

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diarrhea of opinions

OMG, I just got this. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Yeah, I’m a little slow today. In fact, I just emailed my boss and asked him if he was going to go over my annual raise or was I going to find out on my check next week. He laughed, and laughed, and said, “PM, the raise was on your 06/15 check!” Talk about embarrassing. I didn’t even notice! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />

Widowed 11/10/12 after 35 years of marriage
In a sense now, I am homeless. For the home, the place of refuge, solitude, love-where my husband lived-no longer exists. Joyce Carolyn Oates, A Widow's Story
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One...I have absolved myself of responsibility for the A. Two...I am worthy and loveable. Three...having this knowledge gives me power to stand up instead of cowering in a corner. Four...so I have power; now that I am standing, what do I do? Where do I go?

Sis - heck, with all that - you can do pretty much anything that you want.

You are getting there, you really are. You know it - we all know it...

When you first posted this on the 2nd, you said that you wanted to breathe fresh clear air --- and now ??

I really don't blame you one bit for going over there to talk with him. I certainly can't say that I wouldn't have done that - or worse - by now.. taking the kids ?? Well, you're their mom and know them best...

I was just going to write that - we are all the way we are. You're not going to change, and I'm not going to change.... but that is not true. Since I have been reading on this board, I am almost a totally different person... and I have seen a world of change in you too...

Every day I learn and grow in some teeny (or sometimes, pretty profound) way just from reading here... it's my main purpose in coming here.

I think I remember that your WH said that you see things in black and white ?? I may be that way also... as I am a very logical thinker... (a label given to me in therapy) which means to me that I break down EVERYTHING to its lowest denominator - if that makes sense....like to the core of the problem...

Anyway... summing up Sis, I think you are terrific and do not blame you one single bit for going over to see him... and I do believe that you truly know why you did it...at least, like you said, one of the reasons... and - I do want you to breathe fresh, clean air --

Not sure how you can achieve that quickly... it's all up to you --- not WH.

Sincerely, car

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Stubborn? H & I are both half German. Problem is, H is also half Irish. He used to have a t-shirt that read "Irish Temper and German Stubbornness". Keeps our R interesting!


the irish are pretty darn stubborn too.
and sour too.....oh, the brooding irish. my father was 1/2 irish and 1/2 german.....i could never figure out wich part of him i loved most and liked least.

hi LS.
just catching up and wanted to say hello.....for whatever it is worth, i would consider BR's advice..i don't think she means to attack you, just cut to the chase. try not to take it personally.

hang in there.
hope you feel better soon.

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LilSis ~ Sorry I didn’t respond earlier – I had a lot of things to do at work.

I picked up that thesaurus like you suggested. The alternative words in there were far uglier and far more judgmental. So no, I don’t think I’ll be using that as an alternative to speaking directly about your self-sabatoage.

What you did was predictable.

I said to you….weeks ago:

The problem is that in Plan A, we all have a tendency to become crisis junkies. Our days and nights and conversations revolve around "updates" about what the WS did, said, looked like, parked, what the WS might be thinking...etc. Plan A involves lots of planning, how to ambush the WS with love, how to expose, how to talk to a foggy spouse...etc.

Plan B closes that all down. And this is where the danger lies. The BS has to have something, ALOT of somethings to fill that void. Some WS's are offended by plan B and do everything imaginable to force the BS to reengage in the triangle. Some WSs are thrilled that reality (so they think) is no longer intruding and do not contact the BS.

The problem is that a BS without enough to do will find excuses to check in with the WH.

rationalize, justify = find excuses

And that is exactly what happened to you.

I get that you “feel” that I was disrespectfully judging you.

Feelings are not Truths.

Could you take your fear filter off for a few minutes to read the rest of this post?

You fear you are not good enough.
You fear that a mistake means disaster.
You fear that others will see past your perfect exterior and see the “true ugly LilSis”.

Criticism means that your worst fears have come true.

Lord knows, I am the same way.

So…while your fear filter is off…I want you to reread what I said to you (quote below), because it was not sarcastic, not an insult nor an attempt to hurt you.

I think what you did could provide quite a bit of insight as to why your husband was left feeling vulnerable for an affair.

I did not say: LilSis you are So Powerful and So Evil that YOU made your husband betray you – and you deserved it.

You have been on these boards for months. I assume you have read and have a basic understanding of the concepts behind emotional needs and love busting?

Affairs happen because a spouse choose to succumb to temptation. The CHOICE to do so is entirely the adulter’s fault and responsibility.

However, the environment which led to the WS’s temptation is the responsibility of both spouses. Very few are the BSes who did not contribute to the state of the affair in which the WS became vulnerable.

This is the reason for the self-inventory we talked about.
Either in this marriage or the next…..you must learn what it is about YOU that contributed to the downfall of your marriage.

If you can not or will not do this (and I suspect that neither is the case) then you are doomed to repeat this in your future. How do you think people end up with a string of marriages behind them? Because no matter how many times they switch partners…they bring themselves.

When I read your description of your actions, all I could think was: Aha, a clue! Did she do this in smaller ways, in unknowing ways, that made him feel small and very powerless? In her fear that she was not enough, did she make him small so she could feel big?

Do you think that might have left a hole in his soul that RT was able to leverage to her advantage?

The rest of your post….I did not deserve.

It takes time, energy and thought to post to you. It’s been given freely without expectation of reward or return.

Remember that army of protectors that you said you needed because you feared you could not protect yourself?

Well that army of protectors is doing more harm than good on your thread, to you and to this board. You gotten a lot of terrible advice under the disguise of “support”.

Your power can be found in honest, personal responsibility for your own protection.

And btw, … this: “Aha, a clue! Did she do this in smaller ways, in unknowing ways, that made him feel small and very powerless? In her fear that she was not enough, did she make him small so she could feel big?”

I did this. I did this so many times to my husband in so many ways because I had so little self esteem and so much fear….

When he met his OW, he felt big and strong and admired and respected, not small and weak and bad.

Should you carry forward the tendencies you’ve self-reported in your future life – with this husband or a new one, you will find yourself back in this place again.

I do not wish this for you, or for anyone.

~ Pain is a given, misery is optional ~
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Just sending this your way.


BW me 46
WH 46
Together 28 years married 23
3 Kids DD20, DD17 and DS 14
DD #1 (1st A) 10/13/01 with single OW who was co-worker
DD#2 1/23/02 phone call from OW
WH left job 4/02
MC 10/01 to 4/02 (when he showed up)
Separated 7/04 to 10/04
Retrouvaille 9/04
Red Flags 11/05
DD#1 (2nd affair) 8/16/06 with MOW age 29 twice married and he's her boss.
Moved out (him) weekend after labor day
23rd anniversary 10/7/07
Filed 10/18/06 still seeing MOW
Dropped divorce complaint 6/7/07
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So, for the record, I felt anything BUT "loving confronted."

As BR pointed out...

Feelings are not Truths.

You may have FELT you were unlovingly confronted, but were you?

Confrontational, yes. Loving, no way.


I seem to recall being slammed for trying to be perfect. Remember?

Were you SLAMMED? Or were you lovingly confronted on this?


Please question your need to be agreed w/.

Being agreed w/ FEELS like being loved/accepted, but is it really?

Can you love someone while disagreeing w/ them?

Can someone love you while disagreeing w/ you?

Will you let someone love you who disagrees w/ you?

~ Marsh

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However, the environment which led to the WS’s temptation is the responsibility of both spouses. Very few are the BSes who did not contribute to the state of the affair in which the WS became vulnerable

We disagree here. I think there are a lot of cases where the WS is just plain wrong, immoral, lacking discretion, committment, character, selfishness, narcissim, personality disorders and more that allows them to participate in an affair. No one is perfect in a marriage and I think there are some as I described above that when the going gets tough simply check out and start over. That is what separates the BS fromt he WS. The BS may not be getting all their needs met, be on top of the world happy, etc but they don't check out. They stick it out, perhaps have a more realistic view of a relationship (it will not be all fun and games) and marriage, perhaps it's because they put the children's welfare ahead of their own happiness, whatever the reason they stay with it and try and change it, not check out at the first sign of trouble.

Just one man's opinion.

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And one more thought I had while driving home...

Do you want to feel understood....or do you want to be understood?

There is a difference.

~ Pain is a given, misery is optional ~
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"Knocked Up"

is pretty funny

pretty gross, but funny nonetheless

I hope you enjoy the movie

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