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No she stays busy with the kids and all and has friends that she has play dates with, conversations on the tele.

I am a SAHM and I am very busy with day to day stuff with the 4 kids. I have friends I talk to including my sisters and my mom that do not live around here. That being said I DO get lonely sometimes. It can be a monotonous daily grind at times. I have talked to my H about this from time to time. He can't understand how I feel but he can be sympathetic. I have no idea how he feels being the sole bread winner of the family and the pressures that brings but I can be sympathetic to his feelings. One thing I have brought up is the fact that when you work you get a paycheck, reviews and pats on the back by fellow workers. (IE validation of your work) SAHM's don't get those things. You just have to know you are doing a good job. So him telling me I am doing a good job is very important to validate my work. This Christmas he gave me one of the best gifts I have ever gotten. He gave me a review (complete with my job title) and detailed what I was doing and gave me a rating on each category just like he would for one of his employees. It touched me because he listed everything I do (an acknowledgement) that he realizes and appreciates my contribution to the family.

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I commented on how nice she was dressed this morning before I started my 1.5 hour drive to work. She blew it off, but I am sure that she is going to stop by OM house again this morning.

Patience is a virtue

Did you comment on how nice she looked because you wanted her to know how beautiful she looks or because you were suspicious she dressed up for OM?

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Thanks Suam,

Monitored conversation between her and her girlfriend


You missed deleting this one above. Thought I'd copy it here for ya here so it would be easier for you to find.

Mr. W

p.s. - How old are you? Do you need me to call you a waaaaaambulance? Deleting your posts is just sooo dramatic and spits in the face of all those who legitimately took time out of their lives to post advice to you. MB forums are not perfect and never claimed to be. It's only as good as the current active posting members make it and remake it day in and day out.

What was your contribution??? For how long???

Oh yeah...you don't exist anymore...you've deleted yourself for the equation.


Mr. Wondering

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There, I backed it in for you.

If you ain't man enough to take this scumbag down, then there's more here than you are telling us, Mr. Kramer.

I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.
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Thanks for the comments MW and Pariah.

No pun, insult intended for those who viewed my post. As stated, I was appreciative to those who responded in kind.

No sense in me posting if the internet police delete my comments. Being the chivalristic man that I am, I felt compelled to come to sadwifes aid **********edit****** making what I consider to be unwarranted and horrible comments about her situation instead of giving her recommendations reflected on MB.

*******edit*******I simply pointed to the fact and was "snuffed out" IMHO, the post that they made were far from the recommendations and teaching anaologies here on MB. Obviously the moderator did not feel the same and IMHO was extremely biased in editing my comments.

In saying so, be careful with your post above or you will be subjected to the same treatment <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

"A fact is a fact, and if it looks like a Snake, then it probably is"

Last edited by Justuss; 11/09/07 10:34 AM.
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Last edited by Justuss; 11/09/07 10:38 AM.
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Thanks to all and GOODBYE!!

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Thanks for the comments MW and Pariah.

No pun, insult intended for those who viewed my post. As stated, I was appreciative to those who responded in kind.

No sense in me posting if the internet police delete my comments. Being the chivalristic man that I am, I felt compelled to come to sadwifes aid *****edit****making what I consider to be unwarranted and horrible comments about her situation instead of giving her recommendations reflected on MB.

****edit********I simply pointed to the fact and was "snuffed out" IMHO, the post that they made were far from the recommendations and teaching anaologies here on MB. Obviously the moderator did not feel the same and IMHO was extremely biased in editing my comments.

In saying so, be careful with your post above or you will be subjected to the same treatment <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

"A fact is a fact, and if it looks like a Snake, then it probably is"


It would seem that we were the new kids on the block that weren't afraid to speak up and say "the emperor has no clothes" and were SHOUTED DOWN for daring to question their self-proclaimed enlightenment.


However, when in Rome .... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Maybe I really do have what it takes to be a MBer!!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by Justuss; 11/09/07 10:36 AM.
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Last edited by Justuss; 11/09/07 10:37 AM.
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Holly Hoover Dam

IMO, what a couple of Sears Craftsman.

Mr. W

*you just gotta know how to do it without being edited. It takes years of practice.

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Oh yea...LT.

I found this old post too...

You might ougtha wanna go back and delete that post as well:

Here it is:

My story -
In 2003 I returned from a two week annual training exercise with one thing on my mind. However, upon my return found my wife slighlty intoxicated and ultimately did not experience any intimate relations with her that night. The next day I overheard her talking to a girlfriend telling her what a "crummy husband and father" I was. I confronted her and it resulted in a huge argument that lasted for days. Eventually when we made up and were able to spend some intimate time together, she communicated to me that she no longer wanted to have "oral sex". I interpreted this as not wanting to give anymore BJ's.
No big deal. A few days later, I proceeded to go down on her and she interupted me and again stated that she did not want to have any oral sex. Of course, I had to inquire (as my cunningless talents are beyond repore). She state that "just because she enjoyed it did not make it right".
Our relationship immediately started to diminish and she dictated that we would no longer have sex at night, after drinking and only during am hours before the kids awoke.
That was five years ago and things have continued to decline. Now I am lucky to get laid 2 times per month and it usually consist of her lying on her back spreading her legs and 5-10 minutes later the episode is over.
I initially had doubts when I discovered that she could no longer look into my eyes (Constantly looked away), I consider the eyes to be the "key hole to the sole". At any rate, I started paying a little more close attention to small things in the house and discovered that when I return home there is not ONE pair of dirty undergarments in the house, NEVER!.
I work out of town during the week but sometimes manage to get home more than just on the weekends and still have not found any drity or soiled undergarments (maybe I am mad or reaching for straws). At any rate, when I return home unannounced it does seem to irritate her.
I monitor her phone calls and have overheard her talking with her sister about me returning unannounced really bothering her "makes her feel as though I am trying to sneak up on her etc". In addition, she constantly communicates her dissatisfaction with our sex relationship and even stated that if she never had to have sex again it would not bother her at all.
At this point as with other men's post I am really confused about where this is at and where this is going.
1) She presents herslef as a "God Fearing Catholic" goes to church every sunday.
2) With the young ones in the home, I have difficulty in believing that she has the opportunity for an affair.
3) In addition, her being a full time stay at home mother would give her limited time available as well. (we have very nosy neighbors that would report any strange occurances while I am away)
1) I personally think that something did occur five years agao when all this started. (To drastic of a change in our relationship) so maybe the guilt has been hanging on?
3) Do not have any concrete evidence that something has or is occurring.
If my wife is displaying many of the characteristics that is she really having an affair?
Would religious affiliations make a difference?
We have had two serious discussions within the last three weeks attempting to find out what has brought on the changes. I was told two weeks agao that the reasons for the changes was "because she had lost respect for me related to poor decisions related to career moves".
Then last Sunday she tells me that the reason was "In my 20's, I was a slut and felt like nothing more than a P-ssy and t-ts, and she had finally able to develop some some esteem" and decided that she no longer wanted those things anymore".
Leaves me hanging? Anybody able to shed any light on my delema?
I know that this is lengthy post (sorry), I would appreciate any feedbak and thank you for your time and consideration.
Me 49 W 45
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Daughter 6, Son 5
Deception and Lies (General II)

FBH(me)-51 FWW-49 (MrsWondering)
DD19 DS 22 Dday-2005-Recovered

"agree to disagree" = Used when one wants to reject the objective reality of the situation and hopefully replace it with their own.
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LTK and MyRev.

Maybe it is just like MrWunders says:

"*you just gotta know how to do it without being edited. It takes years of practice"


You are fighting to save something? Right? We can help with that. Hang around.


Your in the trenchs too. Hang around.


Well, so be it. She does have a bad sitch on her hands. And the way the info flowed out lead to much conclusions being jumped.
And your defenses were called for. It just that the conclusions had been jumped.

And another poster leaves.

So be it.

Not your fault, or anyone elses.

Its just the nature of the internet.

Can't we all just get along?



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*you just gotta know how to do it without being edited. It takes years of practice.

You know, I really don't plan on being around here long enough to gain the skills to join the clique.

You all may not believe it ... and frankly I don't care ... but over the past few weeks I have been thinking about this site and how I misjudged it at first. I came here originally because our MC was using some of the questionaires and exercises from MB, which were very beneficial, and I thought this board was very helpful in the early days after D-Day.

However, if I go back and re-read some of my first postings, you see a lot of condescending hate and bitterness from some of the long time posters, but I guess I was so caught up in my own nightmare and learning all I could about this terrible subject that I didn't dwell on the negativity.

Now that I feel we are well into recovery, and the initial pressures have eased, I've had some time to think about what I'm getting from this site now and why is has become so unfulfilling. It seems, I have come to the conclusion that I now look at this site with much of the same opinions I've formed about organized religion.

In my experiences with organized religion, I found that most congregations were dominated by people who were proclaiming to be something that their actions betrayed, and quite frankly, I see the same stuff on this site.

Also, as with most churches I've experienced, they are made up of a majority of good people, who worship in annonymity, and do a good job of "living" those ideals ... just like here, where I have "connected" with a few individuals where I related strongly to their stories/situations. They are the ones dealing with their own issues, and doing their best to do right by their vows, spouses, families, while retaining their self-respect.

Also, just like organized religion, its a shame that the vocal self-serving hypocritical minority taint the experience and cause good people in need to turn away from something good rather than have to deal with the self-righteous minority.

I am still very interested in a few isolated situations and individuals that I've formed some type of bond with here at MB, even though I don't know their names or where they live and will continue to visit to maintain a level of contact with them. However, as those situations resolve themselves, I see myself visiting here less and less until one day, I just won't come around at all ... again, just like I've done with organized religion.

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I do hope you will stick around. There are hundreds of good people posting here who need all the help they can get. Just use the "ignore" feature when the group-think gets too crazy. Saves a lot of turmoil.

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You have the right to say goodbye to this website. Im going to say good bye myself, now that I read these posts. God is the only one to judge no one else!!

To all that answered this post. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Expessially you Justuss who deletes every little thing. Justuss will probably***** edit this***
Everyone has a right to there opinion. As long as there is no swearing, or real sexual detail. Whats the problem with posting how you feel. Wheres the respect out there. The US constitution was written for us americans to express ourselves freely. Get over your egos. Let people express what and how they feel.


I will email you my email address so we can chat freely, without the egotistics of others.

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get over yourself.

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Thanks for the info. That is great to know!!

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MyRev and LTK,

Learning through adversity...that's why I'm still here on MB. God brings lessons to me again and again. I respect your choice...just wanted to share how vital a lesson I finally got through the diversity of this board.

Took a lot of turmoil, recoiling from some posts and posters...and I learned what hits me inside has meaning for me, about me...to aid me. I had a life-long habit of judging others...as if that could protect me...and instead caused me more harm inside.

What I do to others, I do to myself. What I don't allow others to do to me, I don't do to myself. How I learned to refine my boundaries and then enforce them, around myself.

MR, you mentioned this was something that hit you with organized religion...can you take it apart and see where we label a whole from a certain part? I did this...was taught to do this...reasonable overlap considering we're all people on this earth...organizations and entities don't really exist...people doing and not doing.

We gather to others with similar beliefs in certain areas...evidenced here, on the Infidelity forum...and I think what we experience here as we share our current experience has parallels in other parts of our lives...inside of us.

Through adversity here on this board, I learned I wanted to change how others posted at times...to fight back, highlight, direct...wasn't working for me. Through them I learned about my old beliefs of being done to...harmed...through others' opinions.

Funny thing...that was me not taking their stuff as their opinion...taking their definitions as having weight and fact. They don't. When we speak, it's about us, really. When we attack, that's still about us, isn't it? When we scoff, we scoff at ourselves.

What we do to others we do to ourselves. That's between them and them, isn't it? Finally broke my victim-strength...that false payoff...where I measured injury by how much someone hurt, who hurt them, caught up in the curing cycle.

Learned to take compliments and attacks the same...as opinions. I hadn't let go of the compliments (chose those to define me, rate and evaluate me)...which lets in the bashing definitions with equal weight.

I believe all things work for growth. If I deem some emotions negative and some positive, I'm cutting parts out of the whole...manipulating my experience...cutting off signals with as much beneficial information as other signals I don't mind.

I hope both of you will stay, use the tools here from Harley and his choice of the board (the ignore, the PM disabled for everyone), and report by email to moderators when you want...and let the outcome go.

Like an act of bravery you can really see, and know you're brave. An act of honesty, so you know better you are honest. And an act of generosity even when you don't see your own contribution...because you are essential, you ripple.

Javas...please stay on, read, choose to post or not...know your own choice. Lots of lessons here...I'm still learning and plan to be for a long time.

We can learn boundaries through books...here on MB, we also have the interactive experience with them. Knowledge to actions...for us, about us. Post and let the outcome go. Retrains our brains, our hearts, our spirits, in my experience.


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LT, MyRev, et-al,

Don't feel bad. We have this same discussion every six months. People get hurt/angry over the name-calling, verbal abuse, etc... this kind of thread starts, it all gets editted out, the thread gets locked...and we'll have this same discussion again in six months.

We can't change what others post. The only people who have the power to enforce the rules (Terms of Service) here are the mods. They enforce that TOS in the way that they feel is right. If you disagree with how they enforce it, you can email them.

Everyone's options are simple...either stay and put up with it, or leave. That's about all you can do.

Owl #1957770 11/09/07 02:37 PM
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...and let the facts speak for themselves.

Widowed 11/10/12 after 35 years of marriage
“In a sense now, I am homeless. For the home, the place of refuge, solitude, love-where my husband lived-no longer exists.” Joyce Carolyn Oates, A Widow's Story
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