About this:

So why did she make that claim? Could it be that she's simply forgotten? That's reasonable. In the midst of her soul-searching and turmoil, perhaps she's thought to herself, "Hmm... I've fallen out of love with him. Did I ever love him? Maybe not." And when you're leaning towards the non-love way to begin with, it's a pretty easy step.

Your on the right track.

Its called "rewriting history"

Because if she was never "in love" than she could end up in the alley, and then divorcing you, because, she was never "in love"

But HEY, you were paying the mortgage, and buying the food and life was really great all those OTHER YEARS, that she wasn't "in Love"

In this particular situation, you CANNOT convivnce them differently. You can only SHOW them that you still LOVE THEM.

And Love is a VERB. We treat it as a NOUN, and we make choices not to LOVE, and not to CHERISH. We have to work HARD to LOVE our spouses. To feed the marriage. That is a lesson of MB.

I hope your MC goes well. Let her TALK. She will put it ALL out there. You do not have to say much at all. Everything she says, you can use, now that you know about MB, to filter and understand better, where she is at, and what is going on in her head.

Do not be afraid to answer the MC, but do not challenge WHAT your WW says to the MC, unless, of course it is bald-faced lies. (I.E. MWH beats me, had four GF's etc.) If she says: "he never cared for me" That's right, you didn't. But you want to correct that. Your question to her: "what would it take for you to feel cared for by me?" DO NOT SAY: "That's CRAZY! I cared for her ALL THE TIME" that just leads to non-productive "he said, she said" stuff.

Let her talk.

She might start with, "HE FORCED ME TO BE HERE!" Just reply: "I'm glad you came!"

That's why SHE should talk. Let HER get her story out there. Then you have the blueprint of WHAT went wrong.

And if you TALK, you should be gentle, and describe what you feel. And your response to her actions. And how you want to make it better.