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Originally Posted by LovingAnyway
I don't think you have close to the longest thread in MB history...just maybe one of the wordiest.


Hey, that meant me, too. lol is right!

Still clutching the outcome, aren't you? Even with posting...wanting to determine for others whether your contributions matter, repeat...or don't. Not posting from your own code...what resonates, what shares who you are, your own experience. Because you have honesty, consideration...connection (your half) in your code.

been doing this how long...? and I still haven't figured that one out. Haven't been able to wrap my head around not looking for the outcome. I know it's been driving me nutty too... but I can't seem to find a way to shut that off with her. I've done it with everything else that I can see... but I'm stuck there with her and the marriage. It's like I can't comprehend anything but a yes/no/maybe scenario where I have some direction. She keeps telling me to accept things and do something else right now. I haven't been able to figure out how to do that. The marriage was my life and now it FEELS like my life is on hold until I get that yes or no answer. Seems I'm looking for finality, which is why I made that whole post about not knowing whether to wait. You're abs. right. I don't know how I'll feel, or what I'll do until it gets here. yet I'm looking to be able to say "if a, then b and never again because I'm moving on" or "if a, then b because I'll never break us apart again". I guess the idea of waiting around until the day I'm dead for nothing has me worried, or even for another 10 years. Find myself asking me "Why wait for someone that wouldn't wait for you?" "Why wait when she doesn't want to give you a chance?" "Why not give up on her when she's giving up on you and not giving your life back?" "Why care about someone that..." blah blah blah. Of course I'm not seeing it that way. I'm seeing it her way. All foggy and full of DJ. Sounds great. "Yeah, I'm standing up for myself and I'm in control". What a bunch of poop. Guess I'm so engrossed with needing an answer that I feel like I'm under her control. Feel afraid... "What if I meet someone and then she wants to work it out?" "What if I wait for nothing?" "What if she keeps breaking my heart over and over again?" I guess I feel like I'm at her mercy and just don't want to be anymore. I want to feel like it's my life and that I'm in control. Not miserable because I have to deal with her choices all the time. I want answers, not "I'm going to school, and you should just give up, but I don't have time to think about how I feel and everything is just so open ended and I don't care about anything right now". makes me feel like it's all open ended and just left there to fix itself magically. Like my life is just going to suspend itself in time until she's done, or probably moreso... I'm just supposed to not care about my marriage like she is and jsut do something else until something just happens to resolve the issue. I just can't see where that does anyone any good. I don't see mhy I should have to wait until my kid is 35 years old to find out that she still loves me and finally wants me back. "Oh, by the way... you missed out on all those years with us as a family, but it's ok because I got what I wanted and now I want you back! Isn't that great?" Yeah. Awesome. I have always been an answers kind of guy. If I'm not looking for answers it's because noone's life is going to be effected by an outcome, or I absolutely just can't find them.

Hmmm. Acknowledges you feel for others, you believe you understand, have been there and felt that...

I've become this analytical monster. I look at my relationships with my frieds and family and I find myself analyzing everything they say and do. I can't just sit there and have a conversation with anyone without feeling like I'm psychoanalyzing everyone and giving responses to guide a situation or conversation the way I think it should go. I feel like I'm trying to manipulate everything and everyone. Doesn't feel real, but staged or something. No enjoyment. Weird. I don't get it. I think maybe I've just been trying to discern outcomes for so long that I look for them in everything now. It's getting so I don't enjoy talking to anyone, and have forgotten how to have a normal conversation. or something. I don't know. I guess I fell like a full time shrink or something???

You want your posts to heal, correct, change...in order to deem them a contribution?

I want to feel like I'm not involved in some great ordeal anymore. Like I'm living in limbo, or playing a role. I want to be live, and not feel like there's this big part of my life that is unresolved and that I have to think about it, analyze it, talk about it, deal with it all the time. Not be waiting for that yes or no answer.

How does this tie into WW's choice to divorce so she can get funding as a single mom to go back to school? She's choosing to tell your DD, by her own choices, that marriage isn't as important as money. Deception is okay for a good cause. And that the family unit can be together without being together--that marriage is just a piece of paper, and doesn't work in your favor, sometimes.

Exactly what she says lately. It's just a piece of paper, and if ti's not working out you do whatever else makes you happy until you either change your mind or die. makes me angry because DD is the one that suffers most for this. Get told lies, or half truths. Feels like she has to live with this life that has been placed in front of her, and has to lie and deceive to please because she does know what is happening and just hides it. I know she knows.

We discussed how you all living together, without APs, again would work out so WW could go back to school...stop working with OM, and with some concerted elbow grease and focus, you guys could thrive, in honesty, as a family.

I mentioned this to WW. She pretended not to hear or just ignored it. At one point she had a tantrum and said that she's tired of pleasing everyone and is doing wht makes her happy now. She included DD in that. Looked right at both of us like we are the enemy. I remeber that look and those words. They came from me and were directed at both of them in a specific instance I'll never forget during the time when I was having my first EA and hating the world and "just wanted to be happy at any cost". WW didn't let me forget about it for quite a while either.

She's said many times she's done something with the divorce and then hasn't...her battle with herself...her own choices. You've danced this dance a lot...when you see concrete evidence (and you look for it) that she has progressed on the divorce, state your stuff...

I know. I have a feeling it's coming soon, but I haven't thought about it much since that night because I have heard it before and am used to hearing it. I'm ready for it if it comes.

"I know you're choosing to break our marriage to bits in the name of your own education. And I know you know you could do this another way, that I back your dream with you...and will not support you at the cost of our marriage."

I've said that in my own words.

Something like that...break the fantasy justifications in your own head...there are no easier ways in life...just wrong ones guised as if they were...

There is no "nobody loses this way" answers in regards to divorce. Everyone loses something. You know that. Live it.

That's not what I've heard from her. Life goes on. It'll turn out fine. Everyone will be ok. It's happened before. All things I said and realized were a crock. I wonder what will be the trigger to wake her up, or if she'll find one? I did.

You choose each day to be what you are--married. You are. And have been. Stop living in what if's...not here yet. You cannot say in highest honesty whether or not you'll want to reconcile after she obtains the divorce. And if she doesn't obtain it...well...you remain married, don't you?

I'm afraid of having to keep doing this... to keep wondering, to keep waiting, to feel like my life is less than whole and ripped asunder with this ever present issue. Sometimes I even find myself asking if I'll be punished for what I've done for the rest of my life... and even telling myself that I'll accept it if I am. Am I really being punished? Only Punishing myself I'd be willing to bet.

Don't borrow on tomorrow's possibilities. Live today and know what you are choosing and living from right now. Tell your DD you do not believe it's okay to break a marriage apart for personal gain. It's fantasy. When one person in the family loses, they all lose. That you're looking out for your marriage...and you've got a plan...

I try to let her know these things in subtle ways. She freaks out if I do anything more than that, and when it gets back to WW she goes ape poop on me.

To move back in, hold yourself to healthy boundaries, make it so that WW can go back to school (and NC with any OM)...and be the family you already are...without deception, divorcing or putting anything else ahead of your marriage.

No rebuttal...no debate. WW shared her stuff...her own perspective...and you share yours. Share in highest honesty to yourself...and if you took on her stuff as a bash against you...some kind of frozen suspension...then catch your own DJ, what you do to yourself...because DJs aren't reality...just seem like it.

WW may be sounding like a wishful child...that everything will somehow turn out okay...evading consequences which are giving her bumps of fear right now...and wishing in fantasy eases them inside her...don't go there with her. Respect her stuff separately from your own.

She's in the same boat I was. She is out for number one, deathly afraid of facing anything related to what was causing her pain. She's even pegged DD for trying to hurt her now too. Been there, done that. Glad I won't ever again.

When you say "I don't know how to feel about that"...hear the lie to yourself...we lie in process, too...we feel and don't feel...if you don't know what you think about something...that's a signal it may not be here, today, to be dealt with--might be in the past or the future...and result in mixed feelings because it's not here.

Yeah... I'm looking for answers taht aren't there and aren't needed. trying to protect myself from an imaginary enemy.

Why not listen and repeat her message in an email or message back to her? You hear her saying she just realized how she is doing what hurt her so much when you did it...that she believed you were trying to punish her...and now that she's doing it, she isn't trying to punish you...just put herself ahead of you as her partner, the marriage and the family.

I've repeated that to her. When she did it to me back when, I said the same thing she did. "oh well."

Say that you hear she's asking you for a clean slate for the marriage...so that she can have both...her dream and the marriage...feel supported, forgiven, partnered and not stay in the loop of sacrifice (sacrificing herself and making others then sacrifice for her)...that you understand...you've been there...

Tried this too. She said that I had to learn my way after making them suffer, now it's her turn. Which is where the punishment thing came into play. She's not punishing, "only" doing what she "needs". Same stuff from me. She has a response for everything, and if she doesn't she just says "Oh well."

and you wrote her a really long letter about all that you've through.

Do you feel punished by her? Do you think you've been caught in the sacrificing loop, the extreme Giver and Taker in yourself? Do you perceive her reacting to her feelings instead of living by a principle...just as you did previously?

I feel punished by me because i felt punished by her. I keep slipping back into that role every now and again. Correction, I haven't been able to shake it entirely.

Since you can't actively POJA with a WW...you can still brainstorm, offer alternatives, state you're not enthusiastic...say that you really feel marital history repeating...and your top priority is to live from your principles, to act from them now...and the highest one is marriage for you.

Be helpless in the face of your own boundary...hey, this is the one you've made in stone now...can't cross it...which isn't putting your foot down...you can't cross it. You understand she's willing to cross hers. You see it.

I'm afraid of saying "Divorce me and we are through forever" I don't want the divorce, let alone to have to uphold that decision. Divorce would be easier. Not my choice. Resigned to living with a decision I have no control over, is easier than saying I won't do it again. Telling her no would be like ripping my own heart out and stepping on it. Ouch. That's the part I didn't know how to handle I guess? I don't know. Wasn't really even sure if that was some kind of DJ?

And you know in your gut that no one can be proud of crossing their own boundaries because of self-deception (higher cause) in the end. Like your EA...you get what you want at a great cost to those you love most...not worth it. Not even a little. Means to an end...which ends precious relationships you can't get back.

I don't like crossing my own boundaries, and fogging myself out with a partial result payoff.

That's your gut telling you that you've danced this dance with yourself...hard to watch, isn't it? Was hard for your DD and your WW to watch years ago. What do you wish WW had done differently when you were in her shoes?

Nothing. or I'm not sure? The only thing I know I would have asked for was that she had hung on just a little longer and not given up on me even if I had told her too. Something i wish I had done for her, and am trying to make up for by not doing it now. I wouldn't have asked her for anything else that I can think of.. I needed to stop for me to stop for them. I really would like to know if there was anything she could have asaid or done that would have made a difference...? I'm curious now. Anyway.. She came back to me once, this time seems to be alot worse. Less likely to happen. I'm not giving up, but I'm running low on ideas and am milking everything at this point.

Then do it.

Not stuck. Confused. The overlap can be messy. Remains true. You still choose your actions and beliefs from your own code. Doesn't depend on what she believes, thinks, feels or perceives, right?

Stop judging yourself fool or not fool. If you have honesty in your code...then you must be honest. If you have respect...then you must act respectfully. If you hold your marriage as your highest priority...then fear doesn't come into it really...you feel it...and act for your marriage, anyway.

Guess I've got more than just the marriage on my mind. Guess I've got myself on my mind too. Thnaks for pointing it out. You helped me find the answers I was looking for. I'm glad you came back to make this post. I think maybe if I focus on anything other than the marriage, it should be focussing on how not to focus on the marriage without saying "Scr*w it". Need to learn how to not be hanging on needing an answer. Something I used to know and have forgotten. Thnaks again!!!


(All stuff you already know...a reminder.)

Heh. yeah, I know. Happens every time. I know then it's like we never even talked at all. I don't get it?

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been doing this how long...? and I still haven't figured that one out. Haven't been able to wrap my head around not looking for the outcome.

Allright...let's go there. Do you control outcomes? Do you have the power to make others respond to you in the way you want them to, when you want them to?

Get to your nitty gritty beliefs--consider yourself as the child you were...how powerful were you in your relationships to others?

I know it's been driving me nutty too... but I can't seem to find a way to shut that off with her.

Have you found a way to shut it off with your mother, father, siblings? Are you practicing this with them? Not analyzing, devising...hearing their stuff as their stuff? Do you practice listen and repeat with filter with them?

Not crazy or unreasonable to me that this would be extremely difficult to do with your WW. There is the deep belief which was hidden within me, that marriage would heal all my past, present and future wounds...that my DH would fix me. Made him very powerful didn't I?

Not unreasonable to think that if he couldn't, no one could...still through him...not myself or my changes...kept my focus embedded in him...even made him part of my own filter for understanding, sensing and judgment.

Not yes/no/maybe as responses...listen and repeat IS a response.

She keeps telling me to accept things and do something else right now.

What's your reaction inside when she says this? Grasp the immediate one...is it "you can't tell me what to do" or "you can't control me" or "why are you telling me to do what I'm already doing?" or

I haven't been able to figure out how to do that.

just do what she says?

The marriage was my life and now it FEELS like my life is on hold until I get that yes or no answer.

Get reality with two hands...is your life on hold? Are you not living it, minute by minute, day by day? Or does it feel on hold because you keep re-experiencing the same thing with WW? You can change how you experience her...up to you, not her.

Understandable to want finality...especially when you are basing your choices in response to someone else's choices. Can greatly add to the "on hold" experience. Do you really wait to base your actions on others? Or do you act, anyway, based on your own decision. You've made your decision, you said. It was for now, to stand for your marriage. That determines your actions...how are you standing for your marriage? You state your stand, are not acting against your marriage (dating, fantasizing about others, love busting). Review your actions...not her words. Review how well you hold yourself to your boundaries...and see if you feel as much on hold as before.

You know you're in control of yourself whether you feel like you are or not. Your decision isn't predicated on her decisions. Your decisions, goals, desires are yours.

You would definitely feel controlled, at her mercy, by choosing to believe you can be controlled.

And reasonable, as well, because she is actually saying exact words and phrases you said while being wayward. You wanted her to wait your EA out and be there for you. That's what you've already chosen to do--part of standing for your marriage.

And you've held to your boundary of honesty and stated what you're hearing from her...same words, same perspective and perceptions. Note what you've already done...and how you had to stop the EA for yourself and your family...which means that power resides within her choices, not yours.

You are experiencing, right now. Know your experience. You want answers because...? Life is open-ended all the time...you choose, others choose...you choose again...a myriad of choices constantly.

If your deep urge for answers comes from your fear of the outcome, figure out when outcome...for you are in the midst of outcome all the time...and it sounds to me like you're overlooking results because you're solely focused on the ultimate outcome...for your marriage.

No on hold...you are actively living. You father every day. You brother, sister, son, cowork, stranger every day. You have the same weight on this planet as you did last year and the year before that--you ripple. Each choice you make does this. Could it be you shifted back into making those based on outcomes rather than your code? And waiting on the ultimate outcome means you aren't aware of daily choices at all? Would that give you the experience of inertia?

I see your active lies to yourself in your last post. Can you find some of them?

I consider hyperbole a lie to self (because that was one of my most often used deceptions). The "I don't see mhy I should have to wait until my kid is 35 years old to find out that she still loves me and finally wants me back." This thought would give me feelings of helplessness, frustration, resentment and anger. And the thought isn't close to reality or truth. It's a knife intended to get me to experience those same signals...which are false. Because you choose daily your goal, whether to stand by your previous decision or make a new decision.

Sneaky ways of keeping us feeling same stuff...hides the weapon behind our own back doesn't it?

Understandable when you've punished yours routinely for decades that when you stop doing it one way, you'll find a more subtle replacement to keep that routine. One after the other...discover and knock them down. You have to hold yourself to your boundary of honesty...so these deceptive thoughts violate that boundary.

You may even be experiencing being at her mercy as a signal you are reacting to being at your own mercy. You may even be merciless. You know you were in your EA and last year in your PA.

She can wish you wouldn't think, feel, believe or perceive the way you do...wish hard and long. Those wishes remain about her, coming from her, not you.

She chooses to distract from her stuff...understandable for her to ask you to distract from your stuff, too, isn't it? Understandable, not healthy. Not real. That's what I mean by don't go there...and you go there by taking her stuff to be your direction.

You are still working out the automatic reactions to enmeshment. At times, you experience yourself as really separate humans in one union...other times, you experience her as half of you...giving her the power to direct, guide, choose your thoughts for you, wish your feelings into being...buy into her ability to be the cause, control and cure for you.

Means more practice at re-centering. That's how I take that signal in my own life.

You aren't going to get fixed and stay fixed...the dichotomy remains...you aren't broken. You never were or will be. You will definitely experience your life as if you are if you believe it.

Check your beliefs. They are so doing stuff in there.

May lessen your compulsion to analyze others...happens when we view ourselves minutely...see to know...not to judge or change or fix or manipulate. Great sign when you catch yourself manipulating others...you are doing it as well to yourself. Sign of deception...and boy, you know I have that in me. Every word I write to you is also for me. All about me. All the time.

Let that sink in anew...I'm not fixing your life, your marriage or you. I'm looking at my own...through my filter...while I listen to you and hear many of my own thoughts and experiences.

See why enmeshment happens? Like a breeze to me. Not bad or good...it is. This human process allows us to connect and disconnect...to others and to ourselves...learn, grow, practice...gives us our automatics, even. As our awareness changes, so do our actions. Our choices.

Is there awareness in outcomes, or of outcomes?

Reasonable to me that when we discover more in ourselves to share it...not shrinks...and when we feel we've fixed ourselves to want desperately to fix others. Which is a great reminder we don't. We aren't broken. We're human. We have the mandate to know and be known...so fulfilling the second part when we are in massive discovery mode can easily go to "be like me"...we over step and disrespect...the lure? "If you're like me, be where I am right now, I exist (or I'll be happy, safe)."

Again, takes the deep belief we are damaged, broken, in need of repair...instead of knowing more and choosing differently. Right now.

I want to feel like I'm not involved in some great ordeal anymore.

Which means you believe you are involved, undergoing, some great ordeal right now. What if you chose to not believe that? What if you chose to believe you're living your life? You're in many relationships and right now, in a union that's been battered for a long time--and you have now stopped battering it?

You chose differently. Did you choose to stop battering it so you could control the outcome? Is that possible, as a human? Or did you change your dance steps within the dance because that's not really who you are?

Would your WW spouting a ton of fantasy really hit your ire and insecurity because you are continuing, in different tiny ways to dwell in it, also?

You have roles...which you take on by choice...and act from by choice. You are a husband, a father, son, brother, seeker, human, fill in all your roles...ferret out all of them...discern self from roles...you'll have many real ones and some false ones in there.

Peacemaker, fixer, smoother, artist, creator, lemming, geek, translator, pacifier, instigator, hot shot, doormat, punisher, pleaser...(some of my list obviously). Make your own.

Consider what may be hundreds of labels...and I'll do the same, 'k?

Do you resolve life...are you that powerful? Or do you resolve your stuff by knowing it, through awareness, acceptance, understanding...and change it through your choices?

Your beliefs will give you your feelings, which give you your life experience. Not the other way around. I know...I'm still ticked I was told to live backwards. I'm working on it.

Right there with you. I get it, lose it, rediscover it and re-center myself.

Not like we've never spoken of it before...all that has passed is real...was really shared. Where's the judge in you that says it's illegal or wrong to share it again, today?

Might be why her words (your words once spoken coming back at you) carry a deeper punch. Hey, you already learned that...move on! She's correct...she has to learn her own way. She only learns her own way (inherently) as do you. As you did.

Harder from this side, though, isn't it? Not wrong...there's your wishfulness in plain sight...wishing she wouldn't or would do differently, right now. She did differently before, remember? She's capable. Just like you.

What are you doing the same as before that you're not proud of? That may be outside your designated boundaries around yourself? What thought process, belief system or perception habits are you repeating?

The more you know of you, the more you can share with others...especially with DD. She'll see you choose, what work you do, define her own beliefs (you aren't that powerful, though it may seem like it as a parent)...have you shared with her how you control how much influence anyone has on you? How wide you open the door?

I believe your WW is bone-weary of pleasing others...to control outcomes/responses. I know it was fatiguing work for me...obsessive focus...lots of manipulation. You know this from your own experience. Validate and acknowledge...you learned controlling others through pleasing was fantasy. Endless, rewardless fantasy. You found your false payoff and discovered how disrespectful and harmful it was for you to please to avoid conflict (that's controlling outcomes, right?) and blocked intimacy. You really do understand this. You do feel for her. A kinship maybe?

When you're looking for lies to yourself in your last post...some of them are DJs. Does that help?

What comes isn't here yet. It is not reality. Sure distracts from what is...name what is reality right now. You can find out what you're distracting yourself from.

Have you kudo'd yourself silly with praise for speaking, sharing...holding true to your boundary of honesty, openness, intimacy? Or did you say what you did to get WW to think/feel/believe/choose differently? Your intent matters. It's the difference between experiencing self-admiration and esteem and bashing yourself for not changing what wasn't in your control to begin with. Difference of reality and fantasy.

Don't let anyone know things in subtle ways. Subtle is a judgment...often signals where you're being deceptive to yourself.

Hints, implication...name all the ways you verbally attempt to manipulate...so you can see you doing it to yourself.

Don't base what you say to DD on her possible response. That teaches her to not tell you what you may freak out at...feel anger about...teaches her to deceive you--the way to live and connect and be intimate on this earth. It's what you were taught, wasn't it? Because you were that powerful...that you can freak out others...doesn't respect that we freak, we process, we decide, and our feelings come from within us, for us, about us. Signals.

Same for WW. For everyone, correct? When you choose to believe you control others' responses you betray them and yourself.

Is that what you want? Is that what you don't want? Then instruct your brain that's not what you want. It's a choice.

You can remove yourself from your WW's LBs. In fact, it's your responsibility to your goal to do so. To not do is to be the bandit stealing from your own love and respect bank...and blame your WW.

She's in the same boat I was. She is out for number one, deathly afraid of facing anything related to what was causing her pain. She's even pegged DD for trying to hurt her now too. Been there, done that. Glad I won't ever again.

I'm thrilled you're committed to not making that choice of perspective again. And when you do (when you're not looking), how do you amend to yourself and others?

Yeah... I'm looking for answers taht aren't there and aren't needed. trying to protect myself from an imaginary enemy.

No wonder you DJ'd that your WW was looking at you both as her enemy. You caught yourself doing it, also...signalled yourself to take a look. What do you think?

Reality: Your wife had an expression. She looked. Fantasy: Like you both were her enemies, the enemies of her happiness, her entitlement.

I remember that from my life. Gave me the experience of being an enemy instead of a wife. Horrible experience. Necessary. Long time to see me doing that to myself.

Easy to see how in marriage, the reality is we are partners...and our experience is that we become enemies and allies, different depths of each, almost like one growing into the other and back again. Reality remains--we're partners.

"Oh well" will continue to feel like a stab inside of you until you put down the knife. "Oh well" isn't an answer...it's an expression. Only your WW knows what she means. It's a non-reply. All that you feel from it's impact is from you...adding, defining, sharpening and feeling dismissed. Part of that stab is you wanting a different answer...wanting to say, show something to make it not be her response. Means "oh well" isn't the outcome you were going for. Let go the outcome. Then hear those words as they really are.

"I'm choosing to not respond" is uhm, well, her response.

Feel the impact of choice...choosing not to act is EQUAL to choosing to act. Both matter. Is that a signal to you in some way?

Is to me...my choice to keep writing this post...adding words upon words. Over responsive?

Heck, I'm adding to my lengthy post--is "Oh well" a trigger statement for you? I triggered to my mother...when I was desperately trying to persuade her to give me permission to do something she wouldn't. Ack.


Tried this too. She said that I had to learn my way after making them suffer, now it's her turn. Which is where the punishment thing came into play. She's not punishing, "only" doing what she "needs". Same stuff from me. She has a response for everything, and if she doesn't she just says "Oh well."

Tried? Tried what? Or did you state, share...or say to get something different in response?

I feel punished by me because i felt punished by her. I keep slipping back into that role every now and again. Correction, I haven't been able to shake it entirely.

Maybe if I work on rephrasing here..."I felt punished by me...my choice to believe she was punishing me. Pre all A's...you chose to feel punished by her choices. Can you reach further back to where you felt punished before you met WW?

I'm afraid of saying "Divorce me and we are through forever" Healthy fear there...because making ultimatums is what got you here, isn't it? Remind how true is "forever" in that sentence? I don't want the divorce, let alone to have to uphold that decision. Divorce would be easier. Caution: You don't know if divorce would be easier...note lie to self...because you aren't divorced Not my choice. Resigned to living with a decision I have no control over, Might want to check here for self-deception...reality check: Are you resigned to living with a decision you have no control over...or resolved to stand for your marriage within your power and your limits? May not seem much different, will generate a different experience. is easier than saying I won't do it again. Telling her no would be like ripping my own heart out and stepping on it. Lost me...telling her "no" what? Ouch. That's the part I didn't know how to handle I guess? I don't know. Wasn't really even sure if that was some kind of DJ?

I don't like crossing my own boundaries, and fogging myself out with a partial result payoff.
Then mind YOUR boundaries...with awareness...fight your own fog...which is self-deception. Find those false payoffs within yourself for your continuing assumptions, hidden beliefs, choice of thoughts...bring them into your light to own and understand, embrace them...find their origination points. Hold them up to your light of reality and see them for what they are and where they came from. Stay aware they transform, mutate, replace and strive to keep you in the habit of DJs. Do so lovingly.

Nothing. or I'm not sure? The only thing I know I would have asked for was that she had hung on just a little longer and not given up on me even if I had told her too.
So do this for yourself inside and for your marriage.

I'm glad you came back to make this post.
You're welcome. I'm glad I came back for me, too.


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Things have been very busy here. Working alot of extra hours because of a buy out.

Wanted to let you know... I got a phone call today. They are delivering the paperwork to me Tuesday or Wednesday night depending on the delivery person's availability.

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Good to know.

I always wondered about buy-outs...seems to me, when a company is bought-out, then the current employees are bought...so they would be paid more...

seems to end up as less...

My prayer is through this time you know your own value, regardless.


Oh, and work lots of hours and save that money!

Can't you be hard to serve, uh, reasonably?

Thanks for the update...I was wondering...not worrying...wondering.


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Hey, it's me... you know, "that guy" that used to write here ALL THE TIME! laugh

Yeah, still very busy... but it's starting to slow down a bit.

Funny you should say that. It took them until two nights ago to finally track me down and get that paperwork to me. Caught me at home while I was there for a half hour before going for wings Tuesday night. The guy got really lucky. grin I haven't told WW that I have it yet. Told her I was getting it, but that was it. Haven't had time. last night was the first night I'd been home before 9pm in awhile, and I crashed on the couch on accident for most the night. I needed some sleep apparently. it catches up to me every 2 or 3 months and I need one night to make it up. Last night was it apparently. Slept pretty well. Something I haven't done in a few weeks. smile

I haven't signed. Read it. Not much to it. She filed on the grounds of abandonment, and the paperwok carries over our previous seperation agreement terms. That's about it. Not sure what I'm supposed to do from here, other than not sign. Need to read it more when I have the chance.

I thought it would bother me alot more to get it. Guess I've had plenty of time to prep, and quite honestly I believe I've made loads of progress in certain areas and am doing alot better job of handling the things that come at me in life now.

I called and talked to her the other night. She didn't have much of anything to say at all really. No small talk, nothing. Said her life isn't that exciting. Usually we talk for about an hour, and then I let her get back to work or whatever she's doing. Dunno. I tried really hard to keep it going, but it fizzled. It still seems strange... that she talks to me like it's been years, or that she barely knows me. I know I've been defensive at times... but understanding where she's coming from, or how she fell into that role is still beyond my grasp. It's not like I've chaged THAT much, and I still see her atleast once a week. I guess that's the way it is for her and I'll either get it or I won't. I dunno. Live and let live.

I'm in the mood for a change lately. I've actually been out making friends! Crazy... me going out, making friends and enjoying myself... haven't done that... well... ever! Always had alot of friends, but never went out of my way to make them, and I've never really been socially active on purpose. laugh It's great really. My attitude has been soooo much better, and I don't feel that overwhelming pressure to be in a relationship (as much, it's far far less) and focused on WW all the time. It's been helping us to get along, though it does again still feel funny being the only one on the same page we used to be on together. I've been more relaxed lately, despite everything I have on my plate.

guess that's all i have time for right now... still trying to make time for MB and stuff... but I've been a little lax on myself about that in favor of being social. I think it's something I've needed and has helped me in getting to the next step. Something I'm sure you'd be glad for. <:OD


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Thank you for the update, Inf.

I hope you'll read those papers ASAP...I believe there's a time-limit for response. Find out from a lawyer what's in the best interest of your DD, 'k?

Will you now consider Plan B? Getting an intermediary for all contact with WW? Not seeing her during DD exchanges?

Good to know you're asserting yourself, and even better, getting that monthly night's sleep. Sure wish you'd consider how much your body affects the rest of you and learn how to get routine rest. Seriously. I think it greatly affects your emotions and mind.

Steady as you go.

And you go!


I don't like the grounds of abandonment at all, btw. Please spend the time/money with a divorce lawyer to know your options.


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I've read them over... there really isn't much to it, like 3 pages... I was able to understand 99% of it. There is a deadline like you said.

The time is not a problem... I'm willing to make it anywhere I can... it's the money. I don't have it, and anyone I might be able to get it from either also does not have it or is not willing to part with it. Been there and tried that a few times to say the least. I went so far as to try to get her back into mediation and scheduling another appt, but she bailed saying that she didn't have the time and was fine with the way things are.

I had been considering Plan B again... funny you should say that actually. I told her I was going to follow through with those specific things... She told me to do whatever, but said that if I wanted to play games I could do it on my own time and that she wasn't wasting hers talking someone else in my stead and that she just wouldn't talk to me at all and it would suit her fine. Then I got the usual song and dance about how if I couldn't be adult about this that she wasn't going to go out of her way to include me in DD's life and this and that. Then she goes and tells DD what I have to say and DD gets angry at me and blames me and doesn't listen to what I say because I still get all the "blame" for all of this from them both... Same threats, same stuff as last time, and I don't honestly know what to say or do other than to just play by her rules and appease them both. Sounds like I'm giving up, but I'm not... I'm just struggling to find a solution when i have time, not getting anywhere and apparently doing "what I do best" and letting her walk all over me in the meantime.

Well... on the plus side of things (???) DD just had her birthday party last weekend. I spent 5 hours with them both, along with 7 other kids, rollerskating and we all got along just fine the whole time. WW and I talked quite a bit while we were there. We've been talking alot since really. I know it's backwards and not helping, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel good to be able to talk to her at great length without arguing at all during a conversation for the first time in a while.

I dunno LA. None of this has gone the way I have wanted it to, and I know I have a huge part in all that... it seems it's always me or something else standing in the way. I keep chugging along, but things keep getting all messed up.

Anyway... yeah, today is a day of irony with you and I apparently. I feel like poop today, and I know it's because I haven't been eating or sleeping well. I decided today to change that because I really don't wanna feel like poop. I was doing ok for a bit there, but it seems the busier I get the more I let myself go. It's tough finding time for everything, and I find myself forsaking sleeping and eating to have the time for everything. I need to prioritize. I'm trying to do too much with too little.

I don't like the whole abandonment thing either... I'm trying... but I always have this feeling that my idea of effort and your idea are two different things... but I'm doing the best I know how for the three of us, and would really like to be able to say in the end that I don't have any regrets after having done what all I did.

Thanks again for looking out for me!


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I've read them over... there really isn't much to it, like 3 pages... I was able to understand 99% of it. There is a deadline like you said.

The time is not a problem... I'm willing to make it anywhere I can... it's the money. I don't have it, and anyone I might be able to get it from either also does not have it or is not willing to part with it. Been there and tried that a few times to say the least. I went so far as to try to get her back into mediation and scheduling another appt, but she bailed saying that she didn't have the time and was fine with the way things are.

Hey there, Inf! Good to see you.

So the deadline obviously passed...did you do your response in time?

Also, the money for what? Are you talking lawyer? I know you're already paying CS...so I'm not clear. You've got the internet, so what more do you need? (Only a little bit flippant...I have a lot of faith in the internet to connect you to the knowledge you need...takes time, though.)

Did you contest the divorce in your response? Is that possible? Again...I'm the clueless one...would behoove you (with horsehoes) to start a thread in Divorcing/Divorced here on MB...The_Tall_Man, BHHFSGuy are going through the same process...did try to save their marriages...so you could help each other and they have terrific, informative folks posting to them...

That's what I would do.

Give yourself permission to ask for the help you need...sounds like asking for money doesn't stop you...why would asking for information, clarity, compassion, support? I dunno..just my perception.

As for self-care...we DISTRACT from care of self. Which is why it takes a lot of repetitive focus to make it our habit, our pattern...so, lather, rinse, repeat. You can do this. Healthy boundaries...set a bed time (yeah, just like you rebelled against as a kid), set the ritual to go around it...no stimulating tv, movies, video games within one hour of when you want to be asleep...do your physical care (massage your feet with lotion) while sitting on the side of your bed...pick up your room, brush your teeth...you do the physical symbols so that you can feel the emotional care, too...do a half-hour of reading, meditating...

If you were a kid who made fun of fuddy ol' neighbor Fred, who ate every day at 5:30pm...always watched Wheel of Fortune and Lawrence Welk on Saturday nights...was always in bed by 9pm, lights out...and got up every single day at 5am...and you saw it as capture, torture, prison, slave, automoton...vacuous...I dunno how else to disparage it and SWORE you'd never be like him...because as kids we perceive lack GREATLY...our huge focus...not abundance...and we dont switch around our perceptions, try on new ones regularly...then you learned an extreme by seeming to see one...and rebel.

Okay...see it as a middle option...what you do because of what you desire most...to feel energetic, clear-minded, rested, strong, enduring and flexible.

Real payoffs from real self-care...and believe me, really difficult to do when you have this voice in your head saying, "You can't tell me what to do" and that's to YOU about you, from you.

Oops, my thoughts are showing.

Thank you for your update and sharing about your reactions. Sounds to me like you see me grading you, possibly disappointed in you...or you in your choices, your self.

And I perceive you still are allergic to blame, believe in bad guys in marriage and fear being the one...even in others' perceptions only.

As for abandonment...you know you will always be father to your DD...in her life...ergo, in your STBXW's life. Hold that reality in your palm...and see if you're abandoning yourself in distraction, negating self through lack of care...and sense you're looking at your family and marriage, that's where you're sensing it, instead of right there inside you.

You at times were a huge part of harming your marriage...as well as a huge reason it's lasted this long...you remain only and all of half of every relationship...remind yourself when you take too big a chunk of blame while you were wanting responsibility.

Okay, oh, AcronymicMan...let me in on what "ttys-ish!" is...I'm tired (yeah, from lack of self-care, what of it? LOL) and appreciate the courtesy.


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I need to read it again, but I'm not sure it gave me a response date? that's the thing, the lingo was clear but there weren't really any instructions on what to do with it or when... unless I'm crazy? or just missed something... assuming the latter. ;O)
I swear it said there is a dealine, but didn't tell me when it is? or maybe it was just so long from now that I put it out of my mind for the time being... something like that, or something something something. I dunno. I planned to look at it again soon. Get a fresh perspective, find anything I might have missed, etc...

I've talked about money, help, etc... the whole shebang a number of times... I get alot of can'ts, don't knows, and the likes... Time and the OM seem to be huge factors.

Now... I've never been one for rebellion. Atleast not openly or conciously. I may not have liked my bed time, but I didn't argue the point most times... and I've always been an early riser. I guess my desire to have a full life greatly outweighs my desire for sleeping sometimes. I go to bed between 10 and 11 on average. I'm always up alot at night though, and not sleeping comfortably. Stuff like that. I'm so used to it that when I do sleep good at night I wake up feeling like crap. Funny how that works.

I had a neighbor Fred... great guy. I watch his house while he and the missus are on vaca. Very nice place. It's my dream house!

I don't know about that whole foot lotion/massage thing... not my idea of relaxation. XOD I am guilty of playing games/watching movies before during and after bed... usually either pass out in front of the tv, or go to bed when I just can't stay up anymore if I'm doing either of those things which isn't often.

Well, I wasn't looking for a grade form you that I know of... I guess I was grading myself... wondering just how much I really was getting done vs how much you might do with my time and resources?

Talk to you soon-ish!


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Infy, Dude!!!

That's my way of saying "great to see you"...and I think you got that. I'm not hip. I'm a geek. I even play a hip person on MB boards poorly.

And I laugh at myself.

So...you didn't tell me what tty-ish thingie was. A woman's gotta know.

I haven't read divorce papers which are served...so I don't know. My question came from my belief that it would state, like a ticket, where and when your response is needed. I don't know for NY and WW previously filing a legal separation what to do.

I trust you'll find out and do.

Let me know when you want to take a look the difference between living by distraction and living through it. Have you seen Amoret's threads? Mama2boys? Up_A_Hill? BringItOn? Amartini? So much cool stuff going on here on MB. I would love to know what you think.

And ezb is still here (one of those you posted to) and is now divorced from bunnyinin...who is also here, posting.

I think it's terrific you actually get to sometime live in your life's dream house...how cool is that?

And who's assuming self-care actions are relaxing? What if they are healthy? Is that a belief you have? That when we do healthy things we are relaxed? Like cause and effect? Action and outcome?

Is work less of a part of the stress you are seeking to process well? I know you're in your best season because of the outdoors, long daylight hours you get...I'm remembering your love of being outdoors.


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Hey 2 u 2!

It's all good! Besides, what is "cool" or "hip" aside from being a matter of [personal perspective anyway... As far as I'm concerned, you'll always be cool in my book. BOD

I'm laughing with you. XOD

Ahhh... now... see, I did. You just didn't notice. I trust now that I've said that you'll figure it out grasshopper. ;O)

I've read everything over again. There are alot of blanks/missing info, and vague references I don't get. Dunno. I'm still looking and trying to figure it all out.

WW says that we apparently did everything half [censored] and that now she is paying for it. I guess "they" are having to re-do some of the paperwork from before and it's taking longer than it should. Geee... that's a shame.

I also hear that she is considering buying the house we lived in, when everything happened, from her Step-Mother. highly doubt she can afford that on her own... if you get my drift.

Sounds good.. this distraction thing... you know what I mean. But I don't know what you mean. you've got some spleanin' to do Lucy.

I would really like to find more time for this place. So many things have changed at work and home that limit that. I love coming here!! This place set me straight when I needed it most...

Yeah, no kidding... how cool IS that? I'm a pretty fortunate "Guy" at times.

Maybe your idea of self care and mine are two different things? or maybe I believe my biggest self care issue IS stress and that I have a hard time relaxing these days... ? or something.

Work is stress for me currently. Always busy (almost), rushed to get done. I never leave on time. yesterday was the first day i got to do that in several months. I take the majority of our Depts customer phone calls all day, and that has to be the part of my job that I absolutley hate with a passion. I'd like to be able to go to school, but I'm still not sure for what? Wanna decide soon. I just turned the big 30 over the weekend. I leave home early in the day, get home late and have no time for anything. Weekends are usually full of what I couldn't get done during the week on Saturdays and then spending Sunday with DD. There's just no room for "me" time. I really don't like that to put it mildly. I feel like time and life is sifting thorugh my fingers. Wasn't that long ago when it wasn't like that...

Anyway- gotta go.

ttys-ish! (Talk To You Soon-ish!)

I figured I'd save you the trouble of figuring it out. :OD

laterz LA

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