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Neaksis insists she was very traumatized by the whole thing,

I would be the same as Neaksis. I'm gasping even reading this..

on the plus side, he's still alive and kicking up a fuss...

YES, for sure!!


Be glad you aren't taking high blood pressure medication..I'm telling ya, you wouldn't have been able to WAIT...

You would LOL at my mad dashes to the bathroom...

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this thread is just streaming along I'll have to get mum to read more often. She would be doing that now however mother decided she wouldn't sleep much during the day as she would be ok getting up at 4.00am with Mikey. we shall see.

I need to get ready soon as the three of us girls & the band will be doing the ANZAC Day gigs in a little while, service starts at 4.30am.

Neaksis when I found out what you do I just went OMG! I have trouble controlling one little hyped up brother. Amazing. Mum is the green fingers in this family, but I do a mean emergency appendicectomy lol

TL where was I? I wasn't paying attention again but thats because its holidays for everyone going to Uni and that and I'm slackin. Anywway mum is writing to you I know because I had to take Mikey to the park and he still wasn't tired. However mum was asleep at the desk when we got back so how many words you get a day I'm not sure.

Queenie, how tings dare? Its tiry tree minutes past tree and its nerviouser time I'm gettin' Hope dare road is not ganky. time to pack and go Hayley told me to be whist and shift me backside, actually it was ruder than that.

hope all have a nice evening

Mrs vdK

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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Originally Posted by neaksis
plastic drop clothes

Do you get them from Neak? Does she leave them on bathroom floors? laugh

Couldn't resist.....just couldn't help myself.

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Cinderella..you're funny...drop clothes...hahahaha!!
And P.S...next time you're in Wyoming, honk!

I love, love, love to garden and play in the yard! I can't wait to mow the lawn! However, we woke up to more snow this morning so I'll have to wait a day or two longer. Oh well, soon I hope. (H bought me a new ZTR mower late last year. Yeah!)
I totally understand it being therapy, hobby, obsession!

I am hoping to be able to plant in the greenhouse this weekend. I have big tomato plants to put in and will go get some more stuff. I want to get off to a roaring start! I may have to hook up the heater and cover stuff even in the greenhouse for awhile, but I am soooo ready to play in the dirt! I rototilled the inside beds yesterday. The outside ones haven't dried out yet and now with the heavy wet snow, it may be awhile. I'm so excited because at the end of last year, my H helped me build raised beds and install them, fill with dirt and compost and I bought a little mantis tiller. It's electric and so wonderful! It starts first try every time! Love it! Oh, and we have an almost full pallet of cedar mulch that I am going to put down between the beds to keep the mud off my shoes. I'm ready to garden!!
Ahhhh, summer....with snow...

Last edited by marriedandlonely*; 04/24/08 06:56 PM.
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Just a quick note before I tend to my chickens here. Everything went well. In 3-1/2 weeks since the last scope, his esophagus had completely scarred shut. At least it's a logical explanation for all the vomiting. He is to return in 2 wks. and get it dilated again. The doctor hopes that repeating the procedures close together will keep it from sealing over. I got him a root beer freeze on the way home. He sucked the plastic off the inside of the cup, trying to get all of it! Now he's resting off his great adventure. His nurse was a former student from the 70s, and they had a grand old time reminiscing. I, on the other hand, am pooped. The kids will be going to bed early tonight!


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Thank Goodness he's OK!!

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Thank you, Mimi. I'm glad too. We're just about to embark upon a grand experiment: supper! Hopefully not recycling soon to a plate near me. sick


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It's GREAT that he is eating/drinking. I sadly remember when my grandmother stopped completely...we won't even go there... frown

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Thanks for the update T&L. I was worried too.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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M&L said:
Well, are you sorry you asked yet? Haha. You got more than you bargained for!

No, I really wanted to know. I really hoped he had quit trading, was working winters, and that things were really good at your house these days.

I know we don't always get everything we want, but ....... well, you know.

CC said:
I'm aware of what you are al doing, but I'm VERY busy: playing tumblebugs (Mimi's fault)......

Oh sure, Blame Mimi. wink

Not working, and playing tumblebugs. What a life. I'm beginning to think it's me that lives in the wrong place.

Sorry your friend's situation is not getting better. It's so sad to watch it, but even worse to live it.

Neak Said:
I just finished my very looooooong shift. We are almost out of Nebraska now, and we spent all afternoon driving through tornado watch counties but managed to just miss all the bad cells.

At first I pictured wicked phones lying in the road........ and you trying to dodge them in your truck. I did get it though.

Neaksis said:
I make no claims to be a gardening whiz, but here goes.

I plant in Supersoil because it happens to be the cheapest potting soil Walmart sells.

OK, we have a super Walmart two blocks from us....... across the creek. I can handle that.

I plant the seeds in old six-pack containers that I save anytime I buy plants.

So, I should have been saving them for years, but I have not. I think I can buy two dozen (empty) six packs for about three dollars at a local nursery. (If I need to.)
I won't be planting this spring in the green house, I'll wait until next spring because it will take me half of the summer to get it finished.
Greenhouse (when finished, I'll move it over against the garden fence.)
I already have the garden planted for this spring, from seed, but next year I'll start things early in the green house and then put them out when it's warm enough .

Garden as of tonight -

They sit in flotillas out on the cement slab in front of the garage, and are covered with plastic drop clothes when it might frost.

The bible says something about making a man an offender for a word - or something like that. I knew what you meant. I can't believe every one else wants to tease you about it. wink

Plant as early as possible, which is early Feb. here. Otherwise it takes forever for you to get any crops.

That helps. If you plant too early, they can get stringy and weak. If too late, they are too small.
I have been wondering when to plant.

Mark your plants! This is the first time I put markers in. I got tired of mystery plants. No matter what you tell yourself, 3 months from now you will not remember what you planted in which container. I use popsicle sticks.

I think we have enough grand kids to collect the sticks by the time I plant. I may be able to collect enough to build another green house.

As to why I got started, farming is in my blood. Gardening is my hobby, my therapy, my obsession.

That made me laugh, but I understand. I have been growing a garden most of my life.

When I was a kid, it was against my will. Now I don't think I could stop if I wanted to.

I was wondering what got you started selling the small plants. It would be a big jump for me to go from my small garden to selling stuff to others.

Where do you get your seeds?
Do you just buy the little packets, or do you have a place to buy in bulk?

I have a bulk seed place that I buy from (online, but they are in my state.) It helps a lot if you plant very much stuff, but they don't have everything every year. It makes it a lot cheaper to do lots of carrots, and onions, and things that take lots of seed. It's pretty cheap for those kinds of seeds.

I can grow turnips all winter, and they are good when winter grown. (bitter if we grow them in the summer.) I bet you could too if you wanted to. Of course, you might not like them. I save the seed and use it the next year. (leave a few plants to go to seed.) I plant in Sept., harvest the first ones in late November, and we harvested the last of them in early March.

Thanks for the help.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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Photos of last weeks campout.
Most of our favorite places are un-improved.

This is Black Rock mountain where we camped. The peak behind burned
badly the summer of 2007, however, our favorite camp spot (the trees in
the front) did not burn.
It's visible from town, and takes about 90 minutes to drive there on
dirt roads.

This is our camp site. The only improvement is a fire ring. The bad part
is that there is no water, and no restrooms. The good part is that we
only saw two other vehicles the whole time were there.

We like to read when camping. This one prefers the hammock when reading.

The twins nearly always build huts, or forts.
This one is in a downed pine tree.

Out on the back side of the burned mountain we learned about rock and roll.
This is a static photo looking south to snap point and the Grand Canyon
just before our class started. www.outdooroutlet.com/SS/black-rock/snap.jpg

Here are two movies from our rock and roll class. They take a minute or
two to load even on DSL or Cable. Don't try then on dial up, it could
take 20 or 30 minutes. www.outdooroutlet.com/SS/black-rock/IMGP0086.AVI

We saw deer and wild turkeys, and generally had a good time. In the
evenings, we read stories around the campfire. Louis L'Amour western
short stories in this case. In Mr. L'Amour's books the good guy always
wins, and the campfire atmosphere lends itself well to western tales.
We take walks, photos, and in this case we studied rock and roll. The
object is to relax, and we accomplished our goal. We also did some
target shooting with .22 rifles.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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Originally Posted by still seeking
I can grow turnips all winter, and they are good when winter grown. (bitter if we grow them in the summer.)


Prince CatLover LOVES turnip greens. Truly LOVES them.

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Originally Posted by still seeking
Out on the back side of the burned mountain we learned about rock and roll.

We saw deer and wild turkeys, and generally had a good time. In the
evenings, we read stories around the campfire. Louis L'Amour western
short stories in this case. In Mr. L'Amour's books the good guy always
wins, and the campfire atmosphere lends itself well to western tales.
We take walks, photos, and in this case we studied rock and roll. The
object is to relax, and we accomplished our goal. We also did some
target shooting with .22 rifles.


I am confused.

You went camping - to a place where a fire ring is considered an improvement. And, while there, you studied rock and roll. How did you plug in the amps?

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H has worked all winter...sorry if I was unclear. He quit the trucking job he has had since November about 3.5 weeks ago. He has been trading all day every day since then...driving me nuts!!!!
He quit because the guy he worked for was a total turd. None of the drivers can stand him. H just got fed up with the constant temper tantrums and it was affecting our drivers (one quit us and another was about to because of this guy). I was o.k. with him quitting! H has been on a dead run since the end of October and we have a money cushion so I am ok with him taking a breather. (H left for work the day after Christmas and we didn't see him until February-lots of hours) I'm not ok with the trading. I wish he would do something more productive and get himself ready for the next job. But, he will wait till ten minutes before he leaves and be in a big hurry. *sigh*
Soon he will be working again. I'm ready.

You guys and your early gardening are making me green with envy. I will have to heat my greenhouse if I plant now...but I will do it!

Hey T & L, I'm glad GP is o.k.! I hope you get a good nights rest too!

Off to the big city tomorrow...have a good one everyone!

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Originally Posted by cinderella
I am confused.

You went camping - to a place where a fire ring is considered an improvement. And, while there, you studied rock and roll. How did you plug in the amps?

You have to watch the video to get it.
Sorry, because you probably have dial up?

I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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So, when the whole family goes out on the truck, do you have a modern day "Little House on the Prairie" story?

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Well, Grandpa's Excellent Supper went well. grin With no hacking, spitting, or spewing. Not even once. Believe me, even saying that much is sparing you a lot of unnecessary details. After 40 years of nursing, I can tune a lot out, but it was getting harder and harder to pretend I wasn't noticing!!!! sick After he ate the smallish plate of food Neaksis gave him, plus the strawberries and lemon pudding besides, he went out and helped himself to some walnuts for an extra dessert and then toddled off to bed upright and unassisted. Such a difference from the man who was unconscious and having seizure-like spasms just this morning.

Modern medicine can be either a marvel or a curse. Today it was simply amazing.


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T&L, I'm so glad your dad is able to eat again! I know it must be a tremendous relief for you, too! Poor man! He must have been soooo hungry!

"Your actions are so loud that I can't hear a word you're saying!"

BW M 44 yrs to still-foggy but now-faithful WH. What/how I post=my biz. Report any perceived violations to the Mods.
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Lalalala I did not hear anything about drop cloths. :p

Mrs. vdK what a treat! And thanks for the chuckle at your mum's expense, picturing her slumped over the keyboarzzzzzzzzzz. (Of course, if I were unkind I would point out that she has told me the same thing about you before. But I'm not unkind. So I won't.) The road is currently beautiful but wet. We are even having some lightning.

Break a leg with your performance - I know it's going to be fantastic. smile

Mimi lol - the only way you would make it around here would be to keep the portopotty out and permanently deployed.

So we have visited our cousins and had a wonderful time! After spending 3+ hours in the barn yesterday I was not so clean, though. I am so sleepy after getting up yesterday morning at 0445 home time, staying up till 12:30 last night, and getting up at 0530 this morning.

AJ has been adopted. I had my horizons expanded. We have home-made maple syrup. We went to visit Grandma - the flowers look nice. We did not have time to visit anyone else, so Mom's letters will be delivered later today.

I'm glad GP is better. I think he and Charlie must be having a competition to see who can get in the worst trouble without actually dying. Speaking of Charlie, he is looking well at the moment, old and frail but better than I expected, and he kept me in stitches. I now know how to successfully carry out any number of game violations, including spearing fish, poaching deer, and shooting wolves with tracking collars. :eek:

(There is not a big enough eek-face for everything I know now.)

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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I woke him up this morning, gave him a Nexium and told him he could eat in an hour. He polished off a double bowl of instant oatmeal with raisins and spices, and an egg on toast. Now he's sitting up for the mandatory hour after his meal, with his nose buried in your book. All in all, things are calm.


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