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well, he might do it when he is mad at her so he gets a release but he withholds sex from her? he probably also does it when she is mad because he knows she doesn't like it. i mean, they are separated if i read correctly, live in 2 different places. why tell her he is doing it except to get her mad. he could masturbate all day long and she would never know it.

also, april, you say you are mad he went out of town and didn't tell you. well, you are separated. i am sure he doesn't feel the need to tell you everything he does. if you were living together and working on your marriage that would be one thing, but you are not. and i am sure you do feel used during sex if you two are doing it and then he just brings you home. i'd feel used too.

of your own admission, you said our comments were based solely on what you have written here and that we don't know all of the facts so basically maybe we would be posting different responses if we did? that is what i get from that. melody is not being crass with you, if there is more we need to know, than you need to tell us so we can post according to all of the pieces. if there is nothing else we need to know than why even post the comment that you did?


God first, family second, and all else will fall into place.

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First of all - everybody - get past your issues over whether or not lusting and masturbation are forms of cheating. Get after the roots of what she's saying that marriage builders can help her with.

1. One-sided SF. This is a man who takes no time/effort to please his wife - it's all about him and his pleasure - the fact that he doesn't get pleasure out of pleasuring his wife is a symptom...

2. HIS pointing out that he's using magazines and self-stimulation WHILE HE'S ANGRY AT HER!! This couple has been married for 10 years and known each other longer than that. He's button-pushing. Keep in mind, she married him knowing they didn't share the same Christian values, but also that HE MARRIED HER KNOWING SHE DID HAVE CHRISTIAN VALUES.

3. Other button pushing (love bank withdrawals) include a lack of exclusiveness to the marriage, bringing other women into the marriage bed via conversation, and behaviors designed to add to her sense of insecurity in the marriage.

Regardless of how you feel about lust and masturbation, these other three points are violation points.

Please focus your efforts to help her on these, rather than just disagree on the thesis that Lusting after a woman in your heart is adultery.

Cafe Plan B link http://forum.marriagebuilders.com/ubbt/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2182650&page=1

The ? that made recovery possible: "Which lovebuster do I do the most that hurts the worst"?

The statement that signaled my personal recovery and the turning point in our marriage recovery: "I don't need to be married that badly!"

If you're interested in saving your relationship, you'll work on it when it's convenient. If you're committed, you'll accept no excuses.
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Here is a passage out of Corinthians that brings to a point the crisis in your marriage:

1 Cor. 2: 14
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

You chose to marry a natural man instead of a spiritually centered man. Now, you are changing the rules on him and he's "naturally" rebelling. I think Pep's suggestion of "The Power of a Praying Woman" is a good one. I think directly commanding that he change his values is not a good one.

If you search on the emotional needs board for "paper dolls" you may be able to find an essay on the topic of lust written by my husband, who goes on the marriage builder board as Kasey. You will find validation there for everything you feel, and if your husband had a spiritual center, what he would feel about violating his own spirit with his behavior toward you.

The root of the problem you are dealing with is that you have an empty love bank - it has been slowly drained for 10 years of marriage to a selfish man. And now, you are threatening divorce, something equally offensive to God as lust!

I can tell you how I worked my own recovery, if that would be helpful to you. But our situations are dramatically different in that Kasey suffers tremendously when he violates spiritual laws and your husband is not converted. But some of what I did would still help you.

Have you read the book, Boundaries, by Cloud and TOwnsend?

Cafe Plan B link http://forum.marriagebuilders.com/ubbt/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2182650&page=1

The ? that made recovery possible: "Which lovebuster do I do the most that hurts the worst"?

The statement that signaled my personal recovery and the turning point in our marriage recovery: "I don't need to be married that badly!"

If you're interested in saving your relationship, you'll work on it when it's convenient. If you're committed, you'll accept no excuses.
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Originally Posted by KaylaAndy
First of all - everybody - get past your issues over whether or not lusting and masturbation are forms of cheating. Get after the roots of what she's saying that marriage builders can help her with.

Thank You!

1. One-sided SF. This is a man who takes no time/effort to please his wife - it's all about him and his pleasure - the fact that he doesn't get pleasure out of pleasuring his wife is a symptom...

This is so very true!

2. HIS pointing out that he's using magazines and self-stimulation WHILE HE'S ANGRY AT HER!! This couple has been married for 10 years and known each other longer than that. He's button-pushing. Keep in mind, she married him knowing they didn't share the same Christian values, but also that HE MARRIED HER KNOWING SHE DID HAVE CHRISTIAN VALUES.

To be fair, "I" asked him. There was a program on television where women asked men questions. One of the questions were, did they think of other women while masturbating. These were not Christians, and the men said most of them thought of other women sometimes. I asked my H if he did, and that's when he told me about the magazine.

I recently asked him why he would do this when angry at me, and he answered, but I couldn't tell if it was a joke or not, because he said [color:#3366FF]"Maybe I was whipping you"
. What kind of answer is that? When it's THIS serious, that is NOT a good reply, even as a joke.

And, I know I should have thought our differences through more, before marrying, but you're right, he DID tell me that he admired my morals and values, that other women in his life didn't have. He promised me to never stand in my way of my relationship with God.[/color]

3. Other button pushing (love bank withdrawals) include a lack of exclusiveness to the marriage, bringing other women into the marriage bed via conversation, and behaviors designed to add to her sense of insecurity in the marriage.

LOTS of withdrawals! We actually had an agreement that he wouldn't talk to his ex-wife, only when it was urgent or an emergency. He said he would tell his daughter to call him direct. Some would say the phone call was necessary, I don't feel it was. And I certainly don't think it had to last 1/2 hour! This REALLY hurt me! It made me feel like he pulled the rug out from under me and I had no say in it, since it's something we had agreed on together. And the fact that he didn't care (anger used against me again) about how it would affect me, really really hurts.

Regardless of how you feel about lust and masturbation, these other three points are violation points.

Please focus your efforts to help her on these, rather than just disagree on the thesis that Lusting after a woman in your heart is adultery.

I do hope that you all will do that.

Last edited by aprilshowers; 05/03/08 08:57 AM.
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Originally Posted by KaylaAndy

Here is a passage out of Corinthians that brings to a point the crisis in your marriage:

1 Cor. 2: 14
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Yes, I totally agree with you. In a sense, I'm reaping what I sowed, since I married him knowing what HIS morals and values were. All though I will say, as time goes on, his attitude with my having God in my heart, has gotten much less accepting.

You chose to marry a natural man instead of a spiritually centered man. Now, you are changing the rules on him and he's "naturally" rebelling. I think Pep's suggestion of "The Power of a Praying Woman" is a good one. I think directly commanding that he change his values is not a good one.

I have this book, I need to get it out. I do pray for him though, and us, and our marriage. And you're right, this IS an area I need to work on. I need to prayer over that also, that I 'live' my walk more. I do my best now, but with so much going on, I admit I slip up sometimes.

If you search on the emotional needs board for "paper dolls" you may be able to find an essay on the topic of lust written by my husband, who goes on the marriage builder board as Kasey. You will find validation there for everything you feel, and if your husband had a spiritual center, what he would feel about violating his own spirit with his behavior toward you.

Thank you, I'll look for that thread.

The root of the problem you are dealing with is that you have an empty love bank - it has been slowly drained for 10 years of marriage to a selfish man. And now, you are threatening divorce, something equally offensive to God as lust!

I have told him that I'm sorry I threatened divorce, and that I'd like to try again and use this site and Harley's steps. He has agreed to try it SLOWLY, so I printed out ONE article and had him read it aloud, and it went ok, he agreed with him about trying to find the 'love' again, as just opposed to solving conflict.

I can tell you how I worked my own recovery, if that would be helpful to you. But our situations are dramatically different in that Kasey suffers tremendously when he violates spiritual laws and your husband is not converted. But some of what I did would still help you.

I would appreciate that very much, thank you.

Have you read the book, Boundaries, by Cloud and TOwnsend?

Yes, I have. I have a few others on boundaries also, but here's what takes place when I set boundaries.

If I have a boundary, and he tries to push it, and I lovingly yet firmly hold to it, he gets very angry with me. He'll come up with many reasons why the boundary is wrong, stupid, etc.

The more I stand my ground, the more problems it causes.

I do want to say, I'm NOT saying I don't have a part in all of this, I know I do. It's just very hard to have any emotional energy to put into this at this stage, since I've been trying for so many years. He, on the other hand, seems to try very little, or at least that's how I see it.

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Just some information and thoughts.

When I think of H moving back in with me, I get very nervous and confused. On the one hand, I know it might be what we should do, if we want to really work on this, but on the other hand, I have so much hurt and frustration inside, and so many things are left undone and unsolved, that I'm not sure I could live with him again.

H has always taken a flippant attitude toward life, intimacy, and our relationship. I take our marriage very seriously. It's not that I'm not fun or let go and enjoy myself, I do, but the seriousness of the sanctity of marriage, is very important to me, since I know that Satan wants to destroy marriage.

I don't know how to handle this part.

When I approach him with concerns, he either jokes it off, or gets angry. This makes me feel VERY unsafe to come to him. This is NOT good for us, for me. I think that might be why I don't 'trust' him in general.

Wanted to add: I've also been depressed allot lately, for about 5 years off and on now. If I were not a Christian, I might not be here right now, this is how low I have gotten.

Sadly, I'm unable to take antidepressants, because of a heart condition. So I can understand giving up on life from one view, but my life is not mine to take, it's God's decision, so I would never do that, but I have been low enough to understand it.

Last edited by aprilshowers; 05/03/08 09:22 AM.
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And see, that's where I see it differently. To me, masterbation to any other woman (magazine picture or real) is putting his sexual thoughts on somebody other than me, and to me, that's cheating (cheating ME of exclusive sexual pleasure).

I agree whole-heartedly...but be careful, your words can come back and bite you in the a$$. About 8 years ago, i found an e-mail response to my husband...he was supposedly looking for ways to spice things up in the bedroom...I told him that when he viewed porn and masturbated, that I felt cheated on...because I felt cheated out of an exclusive relationship reserved for husband and wife. What he heard was an accusation from me that he was cheating.

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Sadly, I'm unable to take antidepressants, because of a heart condition.

What condition is that?


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Originally Posted by oncesmitten
And see, that's where I see it differently. To me, masterbation to any other woman (magazine picture or real) is putting his sexual thoughts on somebody other than me, and to me, that's cheating (cheating ME of exclusive sexual pleasure).

I agree whole-heartedly...but be careful, your words can come back and bite you in the a$$. About 8 years ago, i found an e-mail response to my husband...he was supposedly looking for ways to spice things up in the bedroom...I told him that when he viewed porn and masturbated, that I felt cheated on...because I felt cheated out of an exclusive relationship reserved for husband and wife. What he heard was an accusation from me that he was cheating.

I hear what you're saying. And he by no means, agrees that what he did was infidelity. He HAS said that it was a mistake and it was wrong, and wont' happen again, but somehow I feel that he means it was a mistake to tell me, not do what he did.

And that he did this when angry with me, concerns me allot.

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I've been known to say on this board that
He who cares the least about a relationship has the most power.

I'm not saying to not care anymore. But rather, since your love bank is so depleted, do what you can to protect from further withdrawals.

Keep in mind, I have a Christian husband who shares the same values, so while it was difficult, you will have different difficulties.

When things were at their worst, I knew I wasn't free to stay, until I was free to leave. Freedom didn't mean permission to leave from my husband; rather it meant preparation for autonomy.

So I prepared. I worked on job skills first - it seemed that I was on a path to the sales profession, so I took some sales training. I worked on my income. I worked on meeting emotional needs for myself that had me complaining about my husband not meeting my needs. Needs like "Financial Support", "Domestic Support", "Admiration", etc. are things that can be met by myself - in fact, to some couples, meeting an emotional need for admiration, in someone who hates themselves, their looks, their very "being", the spouse will have an impossible time meeting the need for admiration.

And I prayed. I studied new skills like investing. I worked on my empathy. And God softened my heart and He met needs that Kasey couldn't meet. It's one of the great blessings of being a believer, and feeling God's love - there are emotional needs where He steps in and fills the emptiness.

If you stop looking for your husband to meet your emotional needs, chances are you will be less critical of him and more patient, which will allow you to make deposits in his love bank. Chances are, his biggest emotional need is to feel admired by you. Look for those times when God moves on his heart and draw closer to him then. Admire the traits that drew you to him in the first place. Recognize those times he does kind and generous things. Let him direct the conversation. But leave with dignity to prevent him from making love bank withdrawals. Close the bank so to speak until the next opportunity to open it for deposits. Don't let that stop you from making deposits in his bank - just be careful.

Above all - don't invite confessions on topics that you know are raw for your spiritually. In fact, avoid movies or television shows on any topic that is a raw issue between the two of you right now.

Now is the time for you to become more of what God intended you to become. Not an evangelist to convert your husband by command, but attract your husband into a kinder, gentler lifestyle.

Cafe Plan B link http://forum.marriagebuilders.com/ubbt/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2182650&page=1

The ? that made recovery possible: "Which lovebuster do I do the most that hurts the worst"?

The statement that signaled my personal recovery and the turning point in our marriage recovery: "I don't need to be married that badly!"

If you're interested in saving your relationship, you'll work on it when it's convenient. If you're committed, you'll accept no excuses.
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Originally Posted by Pepperband
Sadly, I'm unable to take antidepressants, because of a heart condition.

What condition is that?


Pep, I have a very sensitive 'autonomic nervous system' and have tried 12 different antidepressants, from 3 different families, the SSRI's, Tricyclic antidepressants and MAOI's. Each and every time, they cause my heart rate to go dangerously high and my blood pressure to shoot up to stroke levels.

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I feel that he means it was a mistake to tell me

It was.

I am unfamiliar with a heart condition that would preclude the use of SSRI's. I am curious as to what is preventing you from taking one. I really would like that knowledge as I frequently talk about AD's.

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I have a very sensitive 'autonomic nervous system' and have tried 12 different antidepressants, from 3 different families, the SSRI's, Tricyclic antidepressants and MAOI's. Each and every time, they cause my heart rate to go dangerously high and my blood pressure to shoot up to stroke levels.

that is a shame for you as SSRI's are actually used at times to treat this condition.

Exercise would be your best bet anyway.

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Which he apparently felt that since I felt that way, and he didn't, he might as well go ahead and do the whole deed. About 5 years ago, he started acting very different towards me, and I began to feel as though he was involved with someone. I asked him several times. He never answered my question directly...and I began to be very suspicious that he was indeed having an affair. I began to investigate...I had very strong feelings that he was, but I needed absolute proof...Which took me 2 years ( he traveled quite a bit, which made it very convenient for them, She is from a different city, state...he met her in a chat room). I found video of him and her together...on a portable hard drive. That was 3 years ago. Nothing has changed. I tried to work thingout for the sake of our children (I don't think that they suspect anything), but it is time to move forward. I have an appointment with an attorney on Thursday...I'm going to file for divorce.

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Originally Posted by mkeverydaycnt
I feel that he means it was a mistake to tell me

It was.

I am unfamiliar with a heart condition that would preclude the use of SSRI's. I am curious as to what is preventing you from taking one. I really would like that knowledge as I frequently talk about AD's.

Read my reply to Pep above. smile

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Originally Posted by mkeverydaycnt
I have a very sensitive 'autonomic nervous system' and have tried 12 different antidepressants, from 3 different families, the SSRI's, Tricyclic antidepressants and MAOI's. Each and every time, they cause my heart rate to go dangerously high and my blood pressure to shoot up to stroke levels.

that is a shame for you as SSRI's are actually used at times to treat this condition.

Exercise would be your best bet anyway.

Just curious, which ones of the SSRI's have been known to be used for heart conditions? I've tried most of them, maybe it's one I haven't tried.

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Originally Posted by aprilshowers
Pep, I have a very sensitive 'autonomic nervous system' and have tried 12 different antidepressants, from 3 different families, the SSRI's, Tricyclic antidepressants and MAOI's. Each and every time, they cause my heart rate to go dangerously high and my blood pressure to shoot up to stroke levels.

Have you ever been on a neuromodulator?


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just do a web search for heart and ssri...you will come up with thousands of hits. Some good info from Mayo and other sites.

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Have you ever been on a neuromodulator?

No, I have not. I just did some reading on it online, and it hit on something for me.

Years ago, I had a 24 hour urine test, not sure why now, but I remember the results came back questionable and it was suppose to be repeated. I lost my insurance, there were 2 deaths in my family, and it was forgotten.

Thinking now, this just might be something here. Many of the things I read, touch something inside my head, can't explain it too well, but with the histamine, serotonin, dopamine thing going on, it relates to many things that have happened in my life.

Any little bit of caffeine, cold meds, even a bee sting, sends my heart rate soaring and my blood pressure spiking. I tend to worry very much, constant thinking, going over, analyzing things to death and making myself a nervous wreck.

I have trouble now with people, feeling like I'm different, odd, and left out. Very low self-esteem, etc.

Many more things also, but you might have hit on something.

Tell me, are neurotransmitters a form of Amino Acids? Are they actually prescribed in a pill/capsule form, or are there many separate ones that you take as separate pills/supplements?

I'd be very interested in any information you might have on this!

Thank you!

Last edited by aprilshowers; 05/03/08 12:30 PM.
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Originally Posted by mkeverydaycnt
just do a web search for heart and ssri...you will come up with thousands of hits. Some good info from Mayo and other sites.

Yikes! Most of the results I saw, seemed to indicate that the SSRI's can cause MORE problems with the heart.

I did find one site that had positive information though, but that's just one.

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