Andrew- If I decalre enough doesn't that just make his decision easier...he doesn't have to make one! Then he will go off into fantasy land and will say I was the one who wanted a divorce or I was the one who decided not to wait on him because I I really didn't love him after all or I would have waited for him!!!!!!!!
He really does think that way. He will justify his behavior by saying see I was right you really don't love me!
He absolutely will have to make a decision if you declare that enough is enough. He will have to choose to leave the OW for good if he wants to keep you in his life. He may choose to rationalize it as you say and keep dating the OW, but she will have to meet all the ENs that you were meeting. What if your husband kept you on the side, because she CANNOT meet those needs. It won't be too long before your husband can't stand her because of all the lovebusting and unmet expectations.
Part of going to Plan B is writing a letter that outlines the path back to the marriage. You make it clear that you are cutting off contact, not because you don't love him, but because his behavior in the affair is too hurtful towards you. To protect your remaining love for him, you need to sever all contact with him until such a time as he is willing to end the affair and return to the marriage. Then you outline what you will need to accept him back, such as no contact for life, total transparency and accountability, complete honesty, marriage counselling, whatever you need.
The letter also serves as a formal, written reminder that you are not choosing divorce. You are just trying to protect yourself from his selfish and hurtful choices.
Only you can decide whether its time to go to plan B. But try and think about this objectively. You have been Plan A'ing for 6 months and your husband does not live at home. He seeks SF with you but goes on a cruise with her and then calls to apologize to you. Are you happy with this situation? Because it won't change until you change your part in it.