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I'm so sorry.

If you want her to put the child up for adoption and she does not, then I think you ought to move straight towards D.

If you pressure her (in any way) and she does give the child up, she will always resent you for it.

There is no compromise that will be ok to either of you, especially in the long run.

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First of all, you are getting opinions and the feelings of those who have been (possibly) in your shoes. Because of the serious and devastating nature of an OM (or OW) child, there are not one but two forums on here specifically addressing the issue. It is hard to think clearly when the bullets are flying in your direction and they are my friend.

Up front, I will tell you that my wife and I faced this same situation although it turned out to be a non issue because she wasn't pregnant. But we discussed the possibility because she choose to have unprotected sex with the OM. I gave her my take at the time and she understood because I was very specific in my language without any yelling or LB beyond the simple fact that she had done something that could very well have destroyed more than just herself and we would find out in a few days or she could take a test immediately. I will tell you after my signature what I would have done.

Now you are facing the situation for real and my heart goes out to you. My heart also goes out to the innocent child that no matter what will be scared by the thoughtless actions of not only your WW but also of the cretin who impregnated her, the married man who cheated on his wife. He is obviously a person of no honor or integrity. I will get to him on down the page a bit.

Like others here, I do not agree with your Pastor. You have every right to change your mind about anything and everything based on facts as you discover. The new fact that your wife is pregnant changes the dynamics completely. By all means, tell him so in exactly the words you want to use (if you agree). If not, tell him what you think. He does sound like a person you can talk to who will give you other ways of looking at something just like many on this board will do including me.

And like several others, I would wait a bit before making any decision at all. In the face of extreme adversity, you are not thinking clearly and certainly have not settled in your emotions as to what this all means. You need time to digest and think.

You need time to sort out all the possibilities. And I will underline that time is your best friend as you face the toughest challenge in your life. And without question, your feelings are going be on a roller coaster - changing more than once as you go down the rocky road.

Can someone please explain to me how a 42 y/o Christian, well educated women could be so stupid as to risk her future and her family’s future over a few romps with a married man in the back of a car and on the floor of a vacant house?

As a matter of fact, I can answer your plea for understanding, if I may. Picture her situation as a person who, out of weakness, tried a drug of choice. In this case, it was a drug called Phenylethylamine (PEA). This is the Infatuation drug that occurs naturally in the brain and has characteristics of methamphetamines in terms of the way one's judgement center goes out of whack; history is rewritten, people do crazy things, and there is a natural high that obliterates any thought of consequences. Please note that I said "Drug of choice," as nobody made her take the step down the slippery road of addiction, she did it all on her own and flunked the test of honor, integrity and ethics. She also acted like a teenager in heat, not like a grownup, but that is par for the course for those who choose to get hooked.

There are many innocent victims of your wife's affair including you, your kids, this new child (who didn't ask for what might be a very uncertain future), Grandparents, the OMW and his family, and I wouldn't hesitate to point out that fact to your wife.

She needs to have it burned into her brain cells up front and right now that she cannot, nor will you allow her to, blame shift and dodge growing up for real, immediately. She has new life growing in her body. She no longer has any options, she must act in the best interests of those she has damaged forever to mitigate as much as possible the short and long term effects of her bad choices and decision(s).

Frankly, her feelings and excuses no longer draw any water. She must face reality, stark and total as it is, not as she might want to imagine that reality to be so she can retain whatever tatters of her self respect she is trying to retain. She must own her garbage 100%, period, right now and forever. This is the one place I will give you strong advice. The rest of my comments to you are intended to give you things to think about and nothing else as you muddle though sorting things out as best you can.

There is no way you pushed her to run out and get knocked up and if she chooses to go there, it is just going to make life more difficult for those she has acted to damage as listed.

BTW, I figured that she was pregnant and have been thinking about this since yesterday, examining how I felt at the time and how I processed my feelings, because processing your feelings is where you are and will be for some time. One thought I had was that you cannot allow yourself to accept the advice of others except AS FOR OTHERS, because none of those who will tell you their feelings are YOU, including, especially, me. Take what is said in as part of reaching a decision and of dealing with the total reality, not as guidance, because in this most difficult of choices you have in front of you, the only person who can really understand you, is you.

Here are some suggestions:

You owe OM nothing, zero, except to provide for him whatever he deserves, if you can. He too must own what he did, one way or the other. My mild recommendation would be to tell his wife and him and let him sweat as to what you are going to do. Nothing changes a person like being squeezed in the crucible of life's lessons, kinda like Marine Corp boot camp. Maybe it is time the cretin faced his own consequences.

At this point in time, you can probably destroy him. Since I do not know of his situation, I can make no recommendation. Perhaps his life needs destroying. He certainly deserves no respect since this apparently is not the first co-worker with whom he has had an affair. Does he have young children? Has he learned a lesson in life? What kind of person is his betrayed wife? Exactly what you do depends on the answers you will find in your heart and the best interest of the child that is growing in your wife.

Your wife has made her choices. Now it is your turn. She can make more choices if she wants, but the real choices are yours at this point in time. I believe you have the capacity to make the right choices based on the possible and not some super human path that even a Saint could not thread. This does not mean that you couldn't raise the kid with kindness and love. You might, but I don't know you well enough to even suggest that.

If it were me, and I am not you, this is what I believe I would eventually be of a mind to do given the circumstances as I understand them to be and part of the decision process does belong to your wife based on the choices YOU give her:

1. Have the child, elect to raise it as your own, put it up for adoption, or,
2. Lets divorce and I get custody of our kids; it is up to you to raise the new child and I will not interfere in that process or teach our own kids to hate him or her, but instead, to love him or her as their half brother or sister.
3. No abortion. I hate the thought of killing someone.
4. If you put it up for adoption, we will make every effort to restore a new relationship with each other for the sake of our kids and ourselves. With no guarantee, we may eventually be able to put this behind us.
5. We tell the OMW and the OM about the consequences of his affair(s) and let them deal with it as they will. Insist that HE pay for hospital and birth expenses as a start and if adoption, he put aside a fund to pay for college down the road.

That is all I can give you to think about at this time. As you have seen, there are a lot of people here ready and willing to help you anyway they can and those same people will be ready to help your WW if she chooses to use this forum resource.

Finally, you might want to call the Harley's. In fact, I would recommend it. They are specialists in this arena and the best there is for helping you deal with this most devasting reality that has through no fault of your own, landed in your lap and the lap of your family.


PS: Here is what I did. Based on a somewhat different situation from your's, I told my wife that I would adopt and raise the child as my own. I already have two step-kids that I feel as my own, plus one we made together; one more wouldn't make a quantitative or emotional difference to ME.

I also stipulated that we must sue (with her wholehearted support or else) the OM for every nickle we could squeeze out of him and that he would NEVER be permitted to see or interact with the child until the child was of an age of understanding. No cloud must be allowed to hover over that child while in the formative stages of life.

She agreed with no fingers crossed.

I also gave her the choice of divorce, which she rejected. In the course of discussion, I laid down the law exactly and she has lived up to the spirit ever since. I have no complaints on that score of any consequence.

PPS: I wish I had Pep's ability to put things in simple terms. Maybe she will chime in and do exactly that.

Last edited by _Larry_; 05/21/08 11:10 AM. Reason: point of clarification
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If you pressure her (in any way) and she does give the child up, she will always resent you for it.

Good point Marsh.

I must say that she made her choices. Now it is his turn and part of that process is to present her with his choices based on what she chooses to do. It becomes sort like dealing with a teenager and offering them choices, the outcomes of which are also presented as part of the offer.

She made her choices without discussing them with him. Now it is his turn as he wills.


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I can't seem to stay off this thread.

To be fair, I did want to tell you that I am very close to a couple of cases which worked out, in which BS did keep OC and raise as his own. Yes, it can be done. I just hate to see you pressured to do this, as if it's the ONLY honorable thing. You can be an honorable man and raise the child, you can be equally honorable by giving it up for adoption or asking for a divorce. The ONLY thing I would not find honorable is abortion, and that is not an issue since you already agree that abortion is wrong.

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At this point, I will need for her to do a lot more of the heavy lifting if she wants me to stay.

You posted that while I was rambling away. I must say your maturity of response to all this is an example for others to take. Your clarity of thought in the middle of being shot at is amazing.

And you are exactly right.


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Oh heck, RB, call the Harleys. Might be the best thing you could do.


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With that said, from my perspective, your WW just presented you with what I would consider a "deal breaker". Knowing what I now know about the pain of recovery from adultery, I simply COULDN'T, and WOULDN'T even attempt to raise OM's child. Also, because of the triggers that you mentioned, I wouldn't even be able to stay while my WW carried OM's baby to term in order to give it up for adoption.

After reading some of the stories here about BH's raising OM's children, I've given this topic quite a bit of introspection. I understand you have different beliefs, but for me, my WW would either have to fully agree to an immediate abortion or I would have no choice but to divorce.

You have impressed us with your strength in handling this matter. Your actions indicate a lot of strength, pride and self-respect. While these qualities are GREAT in my book, they will make attempting to raise another man's child nearly impossible. Please consider the amount of pure pain you will have to endure for the rest of your life. You will likely never be able to have a normal relationship with your WW ever again. This could very well destroy you from within.
MyRev, you are entitled to your personal feelings. However, don't believe for a second that IF IF IF Om is not involved that they cannot have a good, solid recovered M and raise this child as a COM. It has and can be done.

RB, do take time to think and PRAY on this. Do not tell OM about the pregnancy. In most states, this child is a COM and an interloper cannot force DNA testing. You can raise this child as your own if you are willing. I can almost guarentee that you will fall in love with the child the moment you lay eyes on him/her.


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I'll never forget looking at my W, moments after walking in on her, and screaming at her that, "She might as well abort that thing right now".

It's such an awful situation.

Keep it and raise it as your own? Jesus himself would be hard-pressed to do such a thing, in my opinion. Some men do, but even I, as a BH trying to piece things back together, see them as completely castrated doormats. The ultimate cake-eating situation for the WW. Let OM knock her up, and let the sucker at home pay for it. OM has the fun, you get to suffer for years on end. Even the BH's that claim to "love the child as their own" appear to be fooling themselves...putting on an act to get by without losing their family
REALLY? Jesus himself was an OC. Joseph had no problem raising him as his own. Krazy, these are very harsh statements to someone that is very hurt and confused.


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Perhaps you can nail him for CS to support the child while having him out of your life. I don't know the legalities.
I strongly recommend you NOT go this route if you decide to stay married. Do not let OM have any rights to this child if you chose to remain married.


me: FWW/BS 52 H: FWH/BS 49
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as if it's the ONLY honorable thing.

Oh, don't get me wrong...it's not the only honorable thing.

Adoption is a very loving and selfless action.

But no matter what the decision, it must be made with much forethought and careful consideration.

That, really, was my main point...well, that and OCs are not "spawn" or "it" or "things."

I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

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And let me add..

If you think there is a good chance you will not work this out, you will need proof soon, that this is not your baby, before you get stuck with 18 years of child support.
In many states (check the laws in your state) he has two years to demand paternity testing.


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Last edited by Revera; 05/21/08 11:47 AM. Reason: TOS: harrassment

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Jesus IS the son of God was not Joseph's child. Joseph was instructed to raise Jesus as his own. I never said Mary was a WW. I never said Jesus was ANYTHING LESS THAN HOLY and PERFECT. I was countering your ridiculous statement that Christ himself would not raise another man's child.

Last edited by faithful follower; 05/21/08 11:28 AM.


me: FWW/BS 52 H: FWH/BS 49
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Krazy, it is a harsh story and frankly a reason for many to question their belief in God. But do YOU need to be so disrespectful to those that call themselves Christian?

I happen to agree with your take that the BH raising the OC is nothing more than the ultimate cake eating. IMHO, these women should not be accepted back...but that is a personal choice to make.

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but that is a personal choice to make.

Very personal.

I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

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You know, you could have said your peace, like Krazy and I did, and move on, but instead you chose to take shots at the valid perspectives of others. FWIW, I think Krazy's post that you quoted is one of the most "honest" posts on this thread ... he acknowledges the "conflict" within, while recognizing the "reality" of the situation, unlike your attempts to blow sunshine at it.

Sure these are "harsh" statements ... rb65 is in a "harsh" situation, probably the worst imaginable for himself.

Also, citing biblical stories to support your position is only effective if you're communicating with someone with the same belief systems ... it is quite obvious, we operate in different "realities".

Sorry, rb65, for the t/j.

Last edited by Revera; 05/21/08 11:57 AM.
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FF, I do not think his statement was ridiculous. I think he was demonstrating how hard this situation truly is...that even the most "holy" among us would have trouble meeting that "ideal." (I put "ideal" in quotes because I do not think a BH raising the OC is the ideal. I see adoption as being the best and really, only solution).

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Also, citing biblical stories to support your position is only effective if you're communicating with someone with the same belief systems ... it is quite obvious, we operate in different "realities".


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Originally Posted by faithful follower
Jesus IS the son of God was not Joseph's child. Joseph was instructed to raise Jesus as his own. I never said Mary was a WW. I never said Jesus was ANYTHING LESS THAN HOLY and PERFECT. I was countering your ridiculous statement that Christ himself would not raise another man's child.


Last edited by Maverick_mb; 05/21/08 12:58 PM. Reason: TOS Violation

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Originally Posted by Dealan-de
To the people who are posting that DO NOT have an OC, you do NOT know your breaking point, or your point of no return UNTIL YOU ARE FACED WITH THE EXACT SAME SCENARIO.

Runnerboy, there is a worse scenario than a child. I know it's hard to believe, but there is. It involves disease and death.

You and your wife need not make any decisions right now. Now, you need to wrap your mind around the fact that your lives have been changed forever. After you are able to do that, THEN you need to weigh your options.

Having an OC in your life does not necessarily make you a doormat. As with everything regarding these issues, it's your actions or lack thereof that determine your rug status. I want you to know that.

I also caution you toward making the OC known to the OM for now. While there are many people here that loathe the duplicity of keeping a DNA child from their donor, I've personal experience, and witnessed other's experiences, and think that not all donors are GOOD for their progeny to know. But again, that isn't a decision for now.

I will only say that my husband's adultry did have it's blessings for me. I look upon them every day. I kiss them goodbye and toddle them off to school. I see only them, and not their mother. They are worthy PEOPLE. They are little humans that have the same needs and wants as any other little human. Who am I to say no to that?

- Kimmy, never a doormat


I was SO glad to see your post! I was going to go over to the Pregnancy Board and ask you to hop over here and weigh in. Your experience and the maturity and love with which you have managed it speak volumes about the woman that you are. It is also a lesson in how we don't know our true capacity to love until it is put to the test. You are a remarkable lady and hope that you keep posting to RB to help him through this difficult time.

With high regard,

Brit's Brat

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