it is easy to say "just don't read it" but come on. you know you are going to read it! and then you are going to get all worked up; and it is just not worth it. i look at ignore kind of like plan b. i don't have to read what the person says and then i don't have to be p*ssed off or hurt or whatever in the process.
mlhb - there is no "come on" to it. Yes, it is easy to say "just don't read it," but it's also TRUE, in much the same way that "thou shall NOT commit adultery" is "easy to say" but the "WS" response is "you don't know my situation or how offensive and neglected I feel by my spouse."
If you (or anyone) are allowing yourself to get "all worked up" by what someone else is saying or doing....why do you allow yourself to feel that way? Walk away from the thread or if they are being rude and personal, report the post to the moderators.
You don't have to be "p*ssed off or hurt or whatever" if you don't allow yourself to react that way.
When you say, ""just don't read it" but come on," aren't you really just saying that the individual doesn't have the ability to control THEIR OWN actions and responses? Think about it.
And yes, you CAN "say" that using the "ignore user" function IS a way of controlling your own actions and responses to someone who "annoys you," but in reality all that is being done is shifting the responsibility to someone else(in this case the system) to "protect you."
All that I really advocate is that each person take responsibility for their own actions and responses for themselves. Stand up and control YOU, yourself, the only person you can control anyway. "Running away" from something that is "unpleasant" is a natural response ("fight or flight response"), but as rational, thinking, human beings, we don't have to "give into" emotional responses, we can CHOOSE.
After all, that IS the "message" that BS's try to get across to their WS's, right?
Don't give someone else the right to have "power" over you through your emotional feelings, stand your ground. "Ignoring a user" is pretending that the person or idea is not "out there" and that it doesn't have to be "dealt with," even if it makes us "uncomfortable for a while."
it was someone who on more than one occasion had been sarcastic with me and said some not so nice things to me. so, instead of dealing with it anymore, i put this person on ignore after i had repeatedly asked them to STOP posting on my thread and they would not.
I don't know the specific case you are referring to, so I can't comment directly on it. But I will say that if someone is being "harrassing," that IS a "reportable offense against the rules (TOS) of the system" and should be reported to the Moderators for PERMANENT intervention of that member's right to post to anyone if they can't "get with the program."
The underlying thought that I would apply to this issue is there IS a distinction between "argument" and "being argumentative."
Argument is health, being argumentative for one's own purposes or agrandizement is unhealhty.
Just one example would be the proverbial "MB 2x4" that is sometimes employed as a means to "get the attention" of someone. I've used it on occasion, recently in fact, and most other members have likewise used it on occasion. The INTENT, though, is to help someone, especially if they are on a destructive path or a path to nowhere. It is NOT intended to "hurt" for the sake of hurting someone.