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AW, you wrote that yourself, didn't you. It's good, and it made me cry, and I couldn't post. I haven't cried for a long time.

T&L, thanks. I know I shouldn't say this, but there is always so much between the lines. Do you do that on purpose?

Glad GP is improving. We worried. Still worry about T&L, but I won't admit it.

Yes, loved the commentary.

Neaksis, anyone who has followed this thread knew what your mom was talking about. You know she does it accidentally on purpose....... don't give her the satisfaction.

It almost makes me laugh to type this. I'd like to visit your family just to watch. Pat and Eddie would probably be boring in comparison.

Cinderella, the cat video was great. The twins and I laughed and laughed.

I'm so glad AJ and Neak got to visit you. Good for you.

Happy trails AJ, and Neak.

Hi CC. Read back through some of your old stuff today. Still thinking..........

M&L, the weather report says you are going to get a heat wave this weekend. Maybe it will all melt.
My Peas are nearly all gone, it's getting too hot for them.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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We had a beautiful day yesterday! It will be even warmer today and tomorrow.....oh it feels sooooo wonderful!
It will probably start a bit of flooding though with all the snow still up in the mountains.
I got a lot done while the weather was cool so I can go out and plant the garden (at least some of it) today. I planted some of the onions yesterday. Today I will plant the rest, along with the potatoes. The peas haven't come up yet. Soon, I'm sure, with this warm weather.

Well, it is a bittersweet time in my life. One you think about, sometimes hope for, dream about, dread....my youngest graduates
high school next week! He is so incredibly busy and doesn't really want to be done with school now, since he won't see his friends anymore. I am busy getting ready for company and trying to keep up with his schedule...I don't dare think about it for long....might make me cry. Of course it's an exciting time...transition...scary...all that and more. Of course he won't be leaving until fall for college so it's not like much changes immediately. I'm sure that day will be hard though. I cried all the way home when I dropped my daughter off. Ahhh, the growing pains!

I finally hired a cleaning service to come help with house work and it is so wonderful! So much got done that wouldn't have if it was just me. They will come again on tuesday to freshen up before company comes. A luxury I have long threatened to have. It is hard to let someone see the dark dirty corners of your bathroom-even when you know they are here to clean them! No more! They are clean corners now! It is lots easier to do the upkeep when the cobwebs and mold are gone!

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When I win the lottery, I will get a cleaning service!!! Promise!!!

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Neak Offline OP
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Rella, when you win the lottery, you can get us ALL a cleaning service. laugh

MaL, congrats on your son. I still have a few years left, but they are shrinking awfully fast. They were just babies such a short time ago.

When you have a chance, please email me at you _ neak at yahoo dot com, thanks.

AW, I owe you and your lovely DD both letters, which I am far behind in. I really really liked your poem, you naughty girl for not telling us it was you but SS knew better didn't he???

Give that girl a hug from me, and also tell your future DIL that after a trick like that, anything she decides to do to him is fair game!!!

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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I don't think you should wait to win the lottery! Just do it!
I know a lot of people who say they would give up a lot of things before they would give up their cleaning lady.

I want to have clean house. I don't want to clean it. We have always been so busy during the summer that the house was atrocious.
I have needed help for a long time and just couldn't bring myself to get it. After all, a woman should be able to keep her own house clean right? (An example of my flawed thinking). This year is different..we won't be very busy...but in a normal summer I answered the phone, scheduled everything, all the books, EVERYTHING, and the summer before last, I fed the whole crew (8 of us)lunch and dinner every work day!! And still I didn't feel justified in getting help. Oh, and BIL was going through his divorce at the time so he was here till the wee hours, including weekends.

This year I have more time but I am going to enjoy it by working in the yard, not cleaning house. This is a bit about my sanity. Not the lottery. Just do it!!! You will love it!

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fgw5rhyqyhv from AJ

Rella, AJ said to tell you that you already have 3ee3 2 maid services

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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I will tell them AJ said that.

Hey, if AJ can wash dishes for a bunch of strangers, my son should behave so well when asked to wash dishes for his family.

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Neak, I don't know if she wrote it, and the video clip seems to indicate otherwise. But, it sounds so much like her. I wondered.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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SS & Neak and all I would have loved to have written that one... but sadly no it is a song which was written I understand for soldiers wives organisations in the US. cool

here if we don't show a stiff upper lip and carry on its thought to be treasonous crazy well...... by some .... usually Gov accountants. smirk

I heard it at our wives meeting and of course we all teared up a wee bit. But then Mrs vdK brought out her whipped cream cheese cakes with grated swiss chocy on top ........ and all of that suddenly went away!! Happy again !!!! grin With strong black coffee and then a big mug of hot choc .... yum

And we FINALLY got Haley to attend at long last. Being alone and isolated is not good for you and can lead to activities not conducive to a good M or relationship. And she had great fun. Did you know she can Tango really well? No wonder my son has such a big smile on his face.. she spoils him rotten. But no worries Liz and I are working on her! grin

On Sat we ended up having a long wine night back home with some of the girls who didn't want to drink having all the kids so the mums could play at our house. Watched some DVD's .. First wives club and the rest are a bit foggy I'm afraid... except for Dr Zhivago which I couldn't watch...love the music but the story line .. uck ... a few of us hung out in the other room and talked and joked and made lots of noise while the younger crowd cried over Zara etc .... lots of us slept in to about 11.00am today. Then I spent most of the day with mum who goes into hospital tomorrow for her op on the nether regions .... its not my fault I tell you ... she could have decided to have a Caesar

Dads results are probably due in this week as well ..... Are we having fun yet? I keep asking myself. :eek:

Mikey is being a bit of a handful right now as well ... joys of motherhood confused .... so everyone says who no longer have small kids any more!! He playing with toy soldiers SOMEONE bought him and when I'm not looking runs into the room with the sat TV and pushes buttons until he finds something like combat or similar .. I have to work out how to lock the darn thing so if I forget to put the handset out of reach no bang bang shows.
Talk about genes!!! blush

well washing machine done now so off to bed for this maid ... I mean mum laugh

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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Well, sorry as I am that you have some tough emotional times, AW, I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one. This morning, at church, the sermon was on "Who Will Love Me?" and I nearly cried. Seems so long since anyone has loved me...besides my mom and children.

Maybe love is not the word I mean. Maybe it's 'been there to meet any of my emotional needs' and right now no body is doing that. NO body.

Last edited by cinderella; 05/18/08 03:00 PM.
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big hugs [[[[[[Rella]]]]]]

I have thought a lot about what you wrote about not 'being loved' ... I feel though that maybe you have it right when you mean who will meet those emotional needs ... perhaps the needs provided by a partner.

I do think you are loved a lot by many ... (includes us here of course!!) ... your kids who obviously adore you ... other family and friends ..... but yes it's different from the love given by a partner.

Yes Rella it IS hard some days, not terrible or sad as much as just missing that other part of sharing. Like a wonderful sunset and I want to turn around to Aussie and say look at that ... but he's not there.. and yes I can share it with my daughter and son and parents and other family .. but it's not the same ... you know?

Rella I know that you are aware you must also be prepared to find the person who can love you that way ... perhaps you have??? ...is it just that it's not a every day arrangement ???

Sometimes its very lonely ... even with many around isn't it?

But I guess we just keep on keeping on!! Patience and prayer and hope .... I don't think we are alone in that dear Rella.... perhaps though we understand what we would like though?


Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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Maybe we should get together and commiserate.

I think I'm really feeling the lack of a partner. I just am going through a spell where I feel like I can't do enough.

I'm really tired. Really tired. And overwhelmed by the amount of stuff on which I have fallen behind. It's simply overwhelming.

But, I'm ok. Or not. But, I'll make it through.

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I am so sorry you are feeling overwhelmed! I know that feeling too well. It is something I have struggled with for a long, long time.

What is it that is overwhelming you?

Hugs to you...I wish I could go help you!

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I think not getting any backup at home -- x left in july 1995. It's been a long time. Sometimes, being the only adult wears you down.

Nothing I do makes boss happy. And, due to budget reasons, employer is offering a buyout to employees to reduce employees by 2000. If fewer than 2000 take the buyout, there may be lay offs. That is not good.

And, I have trouble getting my teenagers to do what I need for them to do so I develop resentments which lead to a whole circle of anger and frustration.

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I'm not ignoring you...I have thought about you being overwhelmed alot. I have been busy with company so I haven't been on all day.

To all.....

My baby boy has graduated high school. It's gone by so quickly. Sort of surreal right now. After it was all over and we were trying to get pictures, he just couldn't quit crying. He doesn't want it to be over. *sigh*. Me either. Now off to college in the fall. Yikes.

Off to bed.....it's after 11 here....I'm tired. Life is good.

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ML and Rella

it's really a big change for them too so it's no surprise that they are a bit excited and a bit fearful or doubtful about it all.
Here in Aust its not so bad as they are in a local school until about 17/18 and then right into a uni or adult college system. They usually don't have to travel away if you live in a city.
My oldest son though choose to go to the Military Acad 3000km away so that was pretty hard for me. Following his Dad ... sad and proud about that.
My darling daughter is in Med school at Uni & teaching hospital and is nearly a full fledged doc... lives at home with us & just married her wonderful young man whom I adore. He's a commando.
Our men are all deployed right now. We hate phone calls ... late night visitors and the news.... for obvious reasons. crazy

But you watch them go ML and you smile and cheer and never cry in front of them ... well try not to smile its their 'great' adventure of life beginning... sometimes I wonder if in this complicated world if we ask too much of them very suddenly ...one moment depending on mum and dad etc for most everything and then 'bang' start living on their own in a strange place. *** sigh *** just not fair they grow up so fast ... I still remember clear as a bell his first day at school where I cried like a baby after he ran off into his first class room.

But at least I have my little bloke Mikey still!! Starts school in about 2 years ....... I wonder how I could stop that ???? blush

"And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon" .... sigh ... just not fair ....

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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The Diplomat arrived late Thursday night.

Took son to school Friday morning. Then took daughter to her school to get a form at the office, another document from another teacher, complete a form for another teacher, and pick up a French horn to use over the summer. Then, I picked my son up, took my daughter to take the test for her driving permit (no license till she has driven w/ a qualified driver for 50 or more hours), then we went home. That afternoon, they went to their dad's for the weekend. That night, the diplomat and I went to see the same movie (Indiana Jones) at the same theatre as the children but the were with their friends at a different showing.

Saturday, son graduated from middle schol. The diplomat and I went where we had the distinct un-pleasure of being around my x but that went fairly well - the two men had never met. Afterwards, the diplomat and I had a nice day. We did a few thing around my house that needed to be done. We had dinner at the grocery store where they cooked his scallops and my salmon before our eyes. We went to see another movie (Baby Mama).

Sunday, son was dropped off to go to church w/ me. Daughter went w/ her dad. Son got picked up. Diplomat and I fid a few more things and grilled some chicken for dinner.

Today, we did a few more things around the house and he left. Bummer.

Tomorrow evening, the children will be home. Daughter leaves for 3 weeks in Germany on Thursday. I hope she has everything she needs because she has left me precious little time to help her get packed and buy whatever she needs that she doesn't have. Silly 17 year olds. Think you can do everything miraculously.

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I can't believe you are letting this thread slip so low on the page. wink

Reading this thread makes me both sad, and happy.
Happy, to see everyone and hear how you are doing.

Sad, because there are still troubles all around.

The trick is, to be happy anyway. Quite a trick some days.

Cinderella, what did you do last week to cheer your self up? You sound better now.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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I don't know how to make a link to a webpage on this new site, so you'll have to highlight it and put it into the address thingie. (Hope I'm not being too TECHNICAL for anybody!) It's a tribute to soldiers, and since I'm weepy today anyway it struck me as just perfect! crazy

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Originally Posted by still seeking
Cinderella, what did you do last week to cheer your self up? You sound better now.


The Diplomat of the Far Kingdom was on a diplomatic mission to my kingdom last weekend. We attended my son's 8th grade graduation, went to the movies twice, went to the grocery store where they cooked him some scallops and me some salmon. We did some repair stuff around the house and did some cleaning out in my basement.

Then, he left last night.

Well, it was fun while it lasted. We shall have another another round of diplomatic talks eventually.

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