I'm glad you're keeping R talk to once a week. What's your time limit for it? We kept to 20 minutes...no room to talk and talk...simple bulleted statements of ownership.
Your W gave you a great one. And you said you were insulted by her statement. Big fat DJ right there. It's harming your communication and your marriage.
DJ - Disrespectful Judgment. Read "Love Busters" and eliminate all of them.
She can have this perception...doesn't mean you're treating her that way. Do you want to understand her or control her? Do you want to TAKE offense or acknowledge? Your choice.
Just know that what you did crossed a boundary. That's not what you want.
Strive first to understand, then be understood.
She doesn't open up about R talk...and then she did. Big time. One statement. Then on top of the DJ (assuming she was saying YOU made her feel like a piece of meat), you added two more...you stated her perception came from one of two places in HER. Do you really want to know her or remake her into an image of her you'll be happy with?
I'm being tough on you right now because you're not holding to your boundary of respect. What is your predetermined progressive boundary enforcement around you for when you cross your boundary?
I'm just trying to flush out some freaking answers from my wife.
Stop. You aren't that powerful. She voluntarily told you something really important. LISTEN. Listen to know, not to own...it's not yours. Do you want to be safe for your W to be radically honest, or control what you hear so you don't hurt?
You won't hurt if you don't DJ yourself and her. You're doing that, not her.
Stop digging/flushing. Focus on listening and repeating to stop your own disrespectful reactivity...state your DJs as they occur..."I heard you say you don't want to feel like a piece of meat and my fear went off the charts, with this huge amount of anger right on its heels. I took your sharing with me as my fault. Wow. I did that so fast."
That's sharing with ownership. It means you're practicing RH, acting from respect and that you ARE safe to share with...you'll state (share) not DEMONSTRATE.
You HEARD her blame your parents instead of hearing her thoughts which you weren't privileged to hear before. Her theories, thoughts, perceptions...all hers...not fact. Do you want to have the privilege to know another human being's intimate thoughts or do you want to refute, dismiss and discount them?
You're not safe, FB. You get it and you lose it. Stop focusing on flushing her out so you can maul her...and focus on listening to acknowledge and hand back to her, instead.
You're doing the bait and slap...stop.
You didn't act from respect...so I understand her not respecting you right now. You can change that and respect yourself. Your choice.
Btw, about your other DJ that she doesn't find you sexually attractive? Sex is IN the mind...and when humans do not feel desirable, they don't desire. When they feel like scum, they don't find others stepping on them to be very attractive, safe, a celebration of who they are. Get safe to share with, know and not own what isn't yours...and her desire may go through the roof.
LB's will kill SF.
Every family has screwups...neither of you would have been attracted initially to each other if not for their screw-ups and injuries...together, you heal those old issues...right now, you're actively choosing to re-open and wound her in the exact ways she saw in you to help her heal.
She has done the same to you. You gotta ASSUME she meant to wound you with her opinion about your parents in relation to you...did you ask? "Ouch. Are you saying that to hurt me right now?" Do you want to live in reality? Then confirm or clarify...stop assuming. It's what is making you reactive NOT her sharing with you.
And you know what's REALLY a building block of intimacy? If she answers "Yes, I was." That's radical honesty and it builds intimacy.
Your demeanor may have been calm and respectful...your choices were not because of your DJs.
Review your post and ask yourself if in your R talk did you want to be aware or in control? Which one? One negates the other? Do you want to know your W right now or control her?
Because this wasn't an R talk...it was your boot camp. Be really honest with yourself...do you want to break her down to rubble and rebuild her so you won't ever be hurt by her again? Do you want her to FEEL how devastated you've felt...or for her to KNOW?
They are two separate things.
I don't intentionally try and make her angry, talk down to her, make her feel inferior, shameful or manipulate her. I just try and tell her my viewpoint. And I won't let an issue slide, ever again. Otherwise we will be doomed to repeat the same conflicts over and over. Remember she once told me that she would be perfectly happy living with me in the same house, if she did not have to have sex with me....and just hoped that I wouldn't be unhappy. Her statements make me insane and wonder why I've choosen to put myself through this....then I remember that I have fallen in love with this emotional wreck.
She can feel all those things and you CANNOT cause them in her...do you even care what she feels? Are these R talks to change your feelings about her or hers about you right now? Or are they to know what each of your stuff really is?
When you tell her she's wrong about her stuff, you are manipulating and disrespecting her. To make you safe from her stuff...and you already are. Her thoughts are hers, not fact. Stop making them right/wrong. What's your real goal? To know and be known or to change, control, cure?
She is having an internal issue with sex...she feels selfish. What does that mean to her? She doesn't want to feel two-dimensional, like a piece of meat or an outlet. That's about her, her beliefs...do you want to know what she believes, how she perceives, her filter...or do you just want her to be the real piece of meat and not perceive, believe that way?
Figure out what are problems to be solved and what's to be understood...in the real world, you cannot solve anything without understanding it first...90% of marital issues are NOT to be solved...they are to be understood.
Understanding is key...you have your own filter to own, understand...and your DJs make you toxic to share with right now. Clean your own filter up...so you can understand first, then see if there's really anything to solve. The very act itself may validate she's a whole, complete, three-dimensional human being who cannot be a piece of meat...and she may celebrate feeling respected, acknowledged, understood, spoken and listened to the equal she is to you, valued and cherished...biggest turn on there is...because that IS intimacy.
Easily translates into physical intimacy.
She's not an emotional wreck...another DJ. She has a lot of emotions, signals she's not getting, triggering to stuff you have no part of, aren't the cause, control or cure of...do you want to be safe for her to share, helps us humans to hear our thoughts aloud to figure out our own signals (like you do here with your posting)...or do you want to shut her down and then flush her out the way you want her to be?
No wonder she doesn't want to have R talks. Brutal.
Do you want to do communication exercises? It's reasonable because you abdicated your responsibility for your half of the marriage for long, when you go to correct it (because you realized it as really harmful instead of helpful), you'll over shoot...I did that. It's like you were at 0 degrees...and so you do the complete opposite to "fix" yourself...and 180 degrees from 0 is still sick.
What's your target? 90 degrees...the apex of living. It's what we all thirst for and keep overshooting, overcorrecting like in a skid, turning away from it and crashing our relationships.
What your "Remember she once told me" choice to dwell in that statement...it's riling your fear and pain...and she's not doing that. Did she tell you today that is what she wants, would make her happy today? We can reach back over years of our marriages and stab ourselves with our partner's statements...and they would swallow fire to take them back and they can't. And they have to deal with your brain handing you all the emotions, the signals, you experienced when you heard it...feel the insanity, make it into fact and forever...as much of a fantasy as an A.
Speaking of which...
Did you hire the PI to find out if she is having an EA with the divorced coworker? It's very important.
Second, did you do the Policy of Joint Agreement (POJA) with your W about quitting your job and taking a month off?
Btw, I originally typed "WW" for Wayward Wife through this post...and then went back and revised it...you haven't found out if she is having an A or not. You dropped that ball. It's an important ball. She sounds very much in the WW mindset that I experienced myself.
The flags are still there. I don't understand why she can't share with you her password for her work email so you can see them. Do you check her work cell every night?
Same questions I think I asked before.
Can you make yourself a sigline, btw? I look for your posts, and in the lag time, I forget important stuff...siglines really help me out. Says ages, time married, kids or not, and what your marital issue that brought you here is...obviously, your thread title helps out...however, it doesn't update what you've learned...and a sigline can..."Don't know if in A or not" "In MC and working on reconnecting"...whatever you want in there to help keep your situation separate from all the others on the board.
Yeah, I'm afraid I'm going to confuse you with another BH and embarrass myself big time. Because marital conflict and stress really is common, has many of the same elements, and I'm old...all gray and wrinkled...I'm afraid of my own assumptions, too, FB.
When you guys met an fell in love with other, was she sexually dysfunctional? Afraid of being a piece of meat? Was SF joyous and additionally connecting (we're really connected in our self-images in the infatuation stage)?
Staying up until 3am, playing computer games, watching television...all are signs of depression...intense distraction to our own detriment. Does she now have a regular and healthy sleep pattern with at least six hours and not more than eight hours every night? Does she nap after work for more than a half-hour?
Your opinion that her inability (she's able) to be totally open blocks intimacy...gotta be super safe for anyone to choose to be totally open, radically honest and confiding...and I bet you were when you guys were in infatuation stage.
Second stage is a shock to many people...isn't what their fantasy of marriage included...or even their knowledge, through others...which is why it takes both of you, doing your best, partnering, not parenting, without judgment to get to know and be known.
You can choose to see her actions as giving you the middle finger...you're gonna hurt, feel anger, frustration, and that forever child in you is going to kick your emotions all over the place...and it may not be true. She may feel she is a constant failure to you sexually, unfulfilling, a vehicle to your release like anybody on the planet could be...and no, not from anything you say or do...just because she feels like a constant failure.
She may put anything...darning socks...as an excuse to distract and not experience what she does now during SF.
Wanna do non-verbal communication exercises?
Thing is...you don't know, do you? Which is why you guess, assume...limit possibilities, correct? Our DJs walk into terrifying voids for us...which is why we feel they are real and that aren't even reality.
Stop refuting her stuff. "I'm so fat." "You believe you're fat? Good to know." Change your steps, FB, if you really want to change the dance.
So sharing your stuff, your admiration and appreciation, your own attraction for her is HER having a pretend negative body image? Do you really want to know this woman or just get her hot for you so you can feel admired, appreciated and loved?
If you held yourself to following the policy of Radical Honesty (RH) and stated, "Right now you look so lovely to me. I am turned on, lit up inside by your smile." Those are real statements of affirmations, another of your W's love languages, which she isn't getting met by you because you've DJ'd them as something else.
Do you usually tell her you admire her physical body parts? Or her personality? Her words? Her essence? Her actions?
Not "giving" compliments...stating your own truth...sharing with her.
What could be so fearful about sex? Are you serious? It is the raw physical symbol of absolute vulnerability and ultimate connection in your marriage...which is why it's an EN...it symbolizes deep acceptance, respect, admiration, appreciation, commitment and love. That's what you tried to get her to see, remember? Fear kills all that...feeling rejected (from refuting her stuff and then craving her body); disrespected, talked down to, negated, not appreciated, not loved.
Does not mean you're doing this to her...take your own inventory before you take hers...means she's feeling this way...and you've posted where she is feeling this less and less...and you feel more connected to her during SF...and disconnected when you guys do R talks...don't demean her fear of SF (disconnection) when she may feel very connected when you guys safely communicate.
From your previous conflict avoidance, you might have exampled to her that she's dangerous, to hide her stuff because who she really is disappoints, irritates, annoys or causes you to feel disgust...what's so fearful about conflict?
And you can consider yourself launched at this point of my post.
See my reactivity? Your post was like my own marital R talks from four years ago...ohmygosh...triggering all over the place (with reversed roles, btw...I was the digger/flusher). That's mine to own and to share with you. That's my filter. I lived it...which is why I chose to stop living that way.
Changed my life experience...
Find out definitively about a workplace EA, 'k? Could also be a PA, which is another consideration in your battle for SF...don't know. Won't know until you independently verify...and I'm not doubting your intuition that above all, she doesn't want to be the bad guy...would rather you have an A so she can feel good about herself, that she didn't fail.
Because that's what conflict avoidance says, too...rather lose the marriage than be wrong, correct?
And that's not who you are...just how you acted. And then you changed. You are continuing to change. So can she, 'k? It's a choice. Ask MC about it...sex therapy...or doing IC with her...while you independently verify she's not in fantasy affair land (another distraction btw).
Don't push, flush, dig...respectful is listen and repeat (respectful to her and to you...so you don't take in, stop DJing and reeling emotionally)...striving first to understand, then be understood...to really know and be known...her stuff isn't a danger to you...and if it is to her...you'll have the privilege of discovering instead of assuming...and make sure you are sharing your fears, thrills, joy, sorrow and anger aloud, too.
You can do this, FB. Overshooting isn't fatal unless you keep choosing to do it only because it's the opposite of what you did before. Realigning to what your real goal...then you'll thrive.