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It's a tough pill to swallow to vote for this man. I'm a dyed in the wool Republican who voted for Mitt Romney. The problem with Obama is he seems to mesmerize people with promises that mean everyone is going to have everything they want.
Obama scares me. I didn't think I could vote for McCain, either, but Obama seems worse.
People need to be compensated for the work they do, or they won't work. Even my children appreciate that because I ask them if the two older ones would babysit if they got the same amount of money whether or not they babysat. The answer, of course, is no. Cherished
Last edited by Cherished; 08/15/08 06:04 AM.
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classical values - Carol McCain and John McCain "Even if I agreed with every political idea he had, I'd never vote for him." The delemna of this election is that we have TWO people, and only two people to choose from to be the next President of the United States. The "other candidate" vigorously supports abortion, no ban of any kind on anything that might "limit" aborortions. He also voted to "allow" that a "botched" abortion attempt, where the baby was still delivered alive, should be allowed to "continue" by doing NOTHING to help the surviving, alive, baby to continue living. In other words, the baby should just be left to die. And WHY does Obama support all forms of abortion for ANY reason? Because he doesn't want to have the possibility that his own daugthers might exercise poor judgment, get pregnant, and then have to be "penalized" for their poor moral judgment. So kill the baby and make the baby pay for the "bad judgment." NOW, for me, I could NEVER vote for him no matter how much he was good at oratory. HIS idea of CHANGE scares the begeebers out of me, not mention his confirmed Marxist/Socialist changes that he wants to "change" America into. So, no "perfect moral canditate." But ONE WILL BE the next President. I'll take a Commander in Chief with some experience even if I do have to "hold my nose" on some "issues." The foremost JOB of the Commander in Chief is to protect and defend the AMERICAN PEOPLE, not the "citizens of the world" as Obama sees himself. The job does NOT entail telling people that divorce is "morally wrong" but to leave that up to the courts and to the "beliefs" of the people of the country. Per Wiki "Carol McCain told The Mail on Sunday in June 2008 that she was not bitter and that, "He’s a good guy. We are still good friends. He is the best man for president." And that's the reality of Politics.
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I've heard people defend McCain on the premise that "His wife doesn't hold it against him so why should we?"
If she were on MB, we would be whacking her up side the head with a 2x4. We have a LOT of foggy BS here who oddly enough stick up for their WS' adulterous and immoral decisions.
Can you imagine the hurt she suffered after waiting for him to come home all those years, only to have him come home, take a look at her marred looks, and dump her almost instantly? I find him very similar to Edwards in morality.
And is there a statute of limitations? If McCain had robbed a bank all those years ago, and was STILL publically spending the illgotten funds, would we overlook it because it was "so long ago" ??
And no I won't vote for Obama either. Once again I wonder what it says about us as a people, that we can't find a moral choice to run for highest office of the land.
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FH -- It's still a bitter pill to swallow. John McCain did abandon his first wife. I don't see a car accident as justification for leaving your spouse. I didn't think I could vote for McCain, either, but Obama could turn our country from capitalist to socialist. If people get the same whether they work or not, why work? Cherished
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Can we keep this focused on MBers' issues and NOT on POLITICAL VIEWPOINTS, please? That is not the purpose of this FORUM.
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Cherished, as a Republican candidate, McCain was....let's just say....NOT my first, second, or third choice.
But he is what we have.
Obama IS what the Democrats have.
A choice cannot be "avoided" because ONE of them WILL BE the next President.
Besides the other issues, another MAJOR issue is what sort of Supreme Court Justice will the next President likely nominate to fill vacancies.
I am for "strict constitutionalists" and NOT the sort of Justices who think that Terrorists get to have US Citizen rights, including habeus corpus.
The insanity of the libs on the Supreme Court MUST end. We are NOT citizens of the world. The other countries ideas are NOT "trumps" over our written Constitution.
This whole election this year is "stinky, stinky, stinky." But a choice is still going to have to made on who will most likely fulfill the Constitutional Duties of the President of the United States, and it is clear to me that Obaman is NOT that person. That leaves only one other choice. This election, sad to say, I will vote AGAINST Obama, not "for" McCain. Call it "the lesser of two evils" if you will.
If you'd really like to "curl your hair" some more about the "total package that is Barak Obama," I'd recommend reading a new book called "The Obama Nation," copiously annotated with references that cut through the glib talk and the smokescreen Obama wants to erect to keep the "fog" around him and keep people from seeing the "real Obama."
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Mimi, this is "OTHER TOPICS" and frankly I have seen you post enough things on this board that have NOTHING to do with MB. Every time someone mentions Obama you climb out of the woodwork to protect your man.
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And WHY does Obama support all forms of abortion for ANY reason?
Because he doesn't want to have the possibility that his own daugthers might exercise poor judgment, get pregnant, and then have to be "penalized" for their poor moral judgment. So kill the baby and make the baby pay for the "bad judgment." Really? In what interview did he say that? Sources, please. If you'd really like to "curl your hair" some more about the "total package that is Barak Obama," I'd recommend reading a new book called "The Obama Nation," copiously annotated with references that cut through the glib talk and the smokescreen Obama wants to erect to keep the "fog" around him and keep people from seeing the "real Obama." Uh-huh. May I also add this story today from NPR: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=93619378
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Can we keep this focused on MBers' issues and NOT on POLITICAL VIEWPOINTS, please? That is not the purpose of this FORUM. mimi - gettingitback raised this thread and tied not voting for McCain to infidelity, divorce, and marriage to an affair partner. Those ARE "MB issues." Since when can't some "MB'er's" discuss things that they might happen to want to discuss that might not meet your own criteria of what should or should not be discussed? It seemed to be important to gettingitback as an issue for gettingitback. Or is it just that you don't like any mention of any opposition to an "Obama" candidacy? Can you name 3 things that Obama has done in his life that qualifies him to BE the President? Maybe all 143 in the Senate? What else? However, if it will make you feel any better, I wouldn't mind or be offended if the thread were moved to "Other Topics" on the General Discussion forum.
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FH -- It's still a bitter pill to swallow. John McCain did abandon his first wife. I don't see a car accident as justification for leaving your spouse. I didn't think I could vote for McCain, either, but Obama could turn our country from capitalist to socialist. If people get the same whether they work or not, why work? Cherished JM is NOT a great candidate...but look at the other choice. While I never excuse adultery and will not do so for JM, I always keep in mind that he had to suffer a lot of emotional issues as a result of his lenghty POW internment. I wonder if that played any part in his being less than honorable when he returned. All I know is that a supposed Christian that favors abortion and protecting the motherland above all else seems a very, very bad choice. William Ayers anyone?
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FH -- It's still a bitter pill to swallow. John McCain did abandon his first wife. I don't see a car accident as justification for leaving your spouse. I didn't think I could vote for McCain, either, but Obama could turn our country from capitalist to socialist. If people get the same whether they work or not, why work? Cherished JM is NOT a great candidate...but look at the other choice. While I never excuse adultery and will not do so for JM, I always keep in mind that he had to suffer a lot of emotional issues as a result of his lenghty POW internment. I wonder if that played any part in his being less than honorable when he returned. All I know is that a supposed Christian that favors abortion and protecting the motherland above all else seems a very, very bad choice. William Ayers anyone? If the emotional issues he suffered are what caused him to cheat, might that not put us at risk for what else he could do due to emotional damage? And I doubt if all the damage has been healed. He has a reputation for still having ourtbursts similar to people suffering from PTSD. It stinks to have NO GOOD CHOICES, imho.
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Okay, and your link provides what information? Really? In what interview did he say that? Sources, please. I'll tell you what, why don't you go look it up for yourself. I DON'T refer to "rumor," I refer to facts that are "referencable." Maybe if I feel like it I'll even go ahead and post it for you if you aren't up to searching on your own for whether or not a statement is true.
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He has a reputation for still having outbursts similar to people suffering from PTSD. That does worry me but it has apparently been addressed according to health reports. Who knows if he has any lasting impact....just like we don't know how many brain cells Obama has burned with his cocaine usage (look what it did to GWB). The fact is, Obama is the flavor of the day. The man has zero substance and is popular for all the wrong reasons. He has associated with some very unsavory characters and called them friend. He has the MOST liberal voting record ever and now he is running from that. Take away his radical abortion positions, his association with a racist church and a few of his "friendships" and I would vote for the man. This election really comes down to the lessor of two evils and in this case the choice couldn't be more clear.
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A little anger in a President can be a good thing.
Drawa a line in the sand.
However, someone on this thread that JM abandoned his first wife instantly.
He returned from Vietnam in 1973, found Cindy in 1979 and D'ed in 1980. That's not instantly.
Since coming to MB, I really can not accept the circumstances of the start of his relationship with Cindy.
However, the JM who went to Vietnam and the one who came back are two differnet people, really. And the 1st Mrs McCain wasn't the same either. Neither of them CHOOSE the course of actions that occurred to them from 1968 to 1973.
The end of thier Marriage may have been in the cards anyway. Even without the auto accident for Carol. Many of the returning POW's, and even regular troops returning from the war had marriages that ended in divorce. You don't come back the same.
That's no excuse for an affair. He could have divorced her earlier. So could she.
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He has a reputation for still having ourtbursts similar to people suffering from PTSD.
It stinks to have NO GOOD CHOICES, imho. Yes, it would be nice to have a candidate that could be enthusiastically supported, like Ronald Reagan, for example. However, with respect to the "reputation for still having outbursts similar to people" who don't like America or Americans very much, how about the Michelle Obama comments and the Barak Obama comments, such as those "people who cling to their religion and their guns?" How about the judgment of Obama to declare in BERLIN of all places that we are all citizens of ONE world and that his view of America is only as a "citizen of the world" and we are "bad" for "judging" others? Shoot, Obama STILL can't bring himself to acknowledge that the "Surge" in Iraq WORKED and that the Iraqi government has made more progress than our own Congress. But all that aside, what do you think Obama might DO if Israel and Iran "have a go at each other?" That is a VERY real possibility in light of the impending changes in the Israeli government and the holocaust denying, wipe Israel off the face of the planet, nutjob running Iran (the same guy who was insrumental in the taking of the American Embassy hostages in the '70s that led to another liberal President's defeat for not being able to DO WHAT WAS NECESSARY).
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We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community. Trinity United Church of Christ. Now how long do you suppose ANY white candidate would be considered a serious contender for president of the U.S. had they attended a church that espoused such "values" (substitute "white" for "black.")??? He/she would be run out of the campaign in two minutes in today's world. Give me a break.
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I agree with your post 100%. I am missing the remark about him leaving her instantly upon his return..I just don't see it on this thread....I will go back and read again! eta...found it).
Last edited by medc; 08/15/08 07:33 AM.
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I don't like McCain at all, but I like Obama even less. I haven't decided yet how I will vote, or even if I will. I thought Thomas Sowells ideas were pretty interesting: deleting fake article! 
Last edited by MelodyLane; 08/15/08 02:25 PM. Reason: article was a fake
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Okay, and your link provides what information? That the book is an unabashed smear campaign set up by people who do it on purpose to sway elections and that the material in the book is highly suspect if not downright lies? Republican groups buying up thousands of books - in bulk - so that it gets onto the New York Times Bestsellers List to give it legitimacy, so that people will feel compelled to discuss it? Republican groups using automated, orchestrated communication methods to get people to push it to the front of the public eye so as to legitimize it, as well as all the email campaigns I'm sure you've seen, such as the racist caricature I just received yesterday? It worked with you.
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