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Some will vote simply because he's black.

AND some people will UNFORTUNATELY vote for McCain simply because he's WHITE.

STUPIDITY comes in all colors.

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I'm NOT impressed by Obama's "CHARISMA" nor his COLOR but I sure think he's GOOD-LOOKING. I told my husband soo..We're equal though 'cause my husband likes the LOOKS of his wife..



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Originally Posted by Cherished
Obama scares me. He has the mesmerizing qualities of Hitler. With a Democratic Congress, what would he do? That's why I'm voting for McCain, unrepentent adulterer and all. At least the country will remain free.

Can I be the first to call Godwin's Law?

Obama is a good orator. So were Patrick Henry, Jonathan Edwards, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr, Ronald Reagan, Billy Graham, and as you noted, Adolf Hitler. Why does Obama's oratory remind you of Hitler more than any of the others?

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Why does Obama's oratory remind you of Hitler more than any of the others?

That's what I was wondering?

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I can't believe one could compare Obama to Hitler. I see Bush a lot closer in looks and behaviour to Hitler.

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That sort of remark is an insult to EVERYONE who suffered under Hitler, including my parents.


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Sorry about that..

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Originally Posted by genoveffa
Sorry about that..

You didn't do it. It was the poster who compared him to Hitler.

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I compared Obama to Hitler. There's just no humility on his part. He's got a presidential seal with his name on it. The guy hasn't won the election yet, and he's already got a presidential seal. Also, a lot of what he says is so over the top -- defining moment type talk.

As for his supporters, what strikes me is that I don't hear a supporter say anything negative about the guy. Anything. And Obama talks about how "we are who we have been waiting for."

We conservatives who are voting for McCain see LOTS of flaws. Heck, my candidate was Romney, and I sure didn't think much of his Massachusetts healthplan. But Obama? Obamania. It's scary. This guy is human. Does he know it? Do his supporters know it?

This ultraliberal inexperienced man as president combined with two Democratic houses of Congress -- what could happen? It's scary.


Last edited by Cherished; 08/16/08 06:59 PM.
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Originally Posted by Cherished
I compared Obama to Hitler. There's just no humility on his part. He's got a presidential seal with his name on it. The guy hasn't won the election yet, and he's already got a presidential seal. Also, a lot of what he says is so over the top -- defining moment type talk.

As for his supporters, what strikes me is that I don't hear a supporter say anything negative about the guy. Anything. And Obama talks about how "we are who we have been waiting for."

We conservatives who are voting for McCain see LOTS of flaws. Heck, my candidate was Romney, and I sure didn't think much of his Massachusetts healthplan. But Obama? Obamania. It's scary. This guy is human. Does he know it? Do his supporters know it?

This ultraliberal inexperienced man as president combined with two Democratic houses of Congress -- what could happen? It's scary.


What I asked was:
Why does Obama's oratory remind you of Hitler more than any of the others?
Now you seem to have dropped the reference to Obama's oratory and, if I understand you, are comparing him to Hitler because:

1) "There's just no humility on his part"
2) You "don't hear a supporter say anything negative about the guy."

Okay, I guess those two characteristics might remind someone of Hitler, although the first one also reminds me of George Patton and the second of Ronald Reagan. But why the reference to his oratory being like Hitler? When you parse Obama's oratory, what specifically puts you in mind of Hitler rather than any of the other orators I named? For instance, does he use specific rhetorical devices that Hitler might have used, such as, oh, just to name an example at random, Poisoning the Well?

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I think it's the "we are who we have been waiting for" idea of Obama's that most troubles me. Compare Obama's "we are who we have been waiting for" rhetoric to Hilter's "But now the hour of redemption has come" rhetoric. This "hour of redemption" rhetoric comes from a speech of Hitler's in October, 1938, that I just saw on the Internet as I was reviewing Hitler speeches. Hitler and Obama are probably not the only two people who have used this idea, but it almost seem messianic.

It would be interesting if there are examples of messianic-type rhetoric from other great politicians. Perhaps there are.


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I did a google search and found lots of references to Obama and messiah and Obama and Hitler. Here's an interesting article:

February 11, 2008
Obama's Politics of Collective Redemption
By Kyle-Anne Shiver
"Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes not divine, but demonic." Pope Benedict XVI
A messianic fever grips a segment of the American populace and media. A great leader seems to them poised to redeem our collective sins and change nearly everything, bringing about a new era in which permanent solutions are found to age-old conditions.

Whenever I watch Barack Obama, listen to his eloquent but nonspecific oratory, and see the near-swooning young people who invariably follow him wherever he goes, I cannot help but think of the pied piper and wonder toward what destination he is marching our youth. Obama is having this pied-piper effect not only on kids, but also on a large swath of Democrat and not a few independents and Republican voters, too.

Call me skeptical, but this whole Obama phenomenon seems downright eerie.

Over and over again, Obama invokes his double mantra: "It's time for change!" and "Yes, we can!"

Singer Wil.i.am's (Yes, that's right; it's Wil I Am.) YouTube "Yes, we can!" video has already had over 2 million hits, and it has a hypnotic quality reminiscent of eastern religious meditations. I urge every American still capable of thinking for himself to take a serious look at this video.

Then, consider these numbers on recent Google searches using only Obama's name plus one other word:

Obama + messianic 75,200
Obama + savior 226,000
Obama + prophet 312,000
Obama + Christ 504,000
Obama + change 4,540,000

A number of internet postings indicate that a great many see Obama in not only political terms, but also wrapped in the untarnished cloak of some vague spiritual-awakening.

It is quite tempting to assume that Barack Obama simply is harvesting the inevitable fruits of 35 years of dumbed-down, political indoctrination in the guise of education in this country. This is dangerous. The problem goes deeper, right into the human soul.

A lust for transformation is a common feature of revolutionaries, and when they succeed in grabbing power, the results usually are brutal. Less than a century ago, massive numbers of people fell for a different political messiah on the European continent, and they were products of an education system and cultural establishment widely regarded as a world leader.

That place was, of course, Germany. And the political messiah promoting "change" was Adolph Hitler.

Hitler's slogan: "Alles muss anders sein!" ("Everything must be different!")

Hitler used each of these phrases to describe his own political program:

"A declaration of war against the order of things which exist, against the state of things which exist, in a word, against the structure of the world which presently exists."

"revolutionary creative will" which had "no fixed aim, no permanency, only eternal change."

"an ethic of self-sacrifice"

"people's community"

"public need before private greed"

"communally-minded social consciousness"

All of these expressions came from Adolph Hitler.

Saul Alinsky, one of Obama's primary political mentors, espoused eerily similar societal admonitions in his book Reveille for Radicals; p. 133 and 105:

"A People's Organization (later changed to "community organization") is dedicated to an eternal war. It is a war against poverty, misery, delinquency, disease, injustice, hopelessness, despair, and unhappiness."


"A People's Organization is not a philanthropic plaything or a social service's ameliorative gesture. It is a deep, hard-driving force, striking and cutting at the very roots of all the evils which beset the people...it thinks and acts in terms of social surgery and not cosmetic cover-ups."


"There is hope, and life is worth living. There may not be a light at the end of the trail but they (the masses) have a light in their hands, a light they made themselves, and they know that not only will they themselves have to work out their own destiny but that they themselves can."*

Obama says, "Yes we can!" change...

Exactly what should change and how is unclear. Everything?

Time for Tough Questions and Straight Answers

More than four months ago, when a reporter noticed that Obama was no longer wearing an American flag lapel pin, and asked if he were making a fashion statement, this was part of Obama's reply:

"Instead," (of wearing the pin) he said, "I'm going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testimony to my patriotism."
Well, here we are a week after Super Tuesday and it seems we are still waiting for Obama to expound upon the "what" and the "how" of this ethereal "change" mantra, to spell out his commitment to "patriotism."

Little has been made in the mainstream press of the brand of black liberation theology preached by Obama's pastor and spiritual mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr., who holds a master's degree on world religions with a focus on Islam, and who has traveled to Middle Eastern countries in the company of Louis Farrakhan. Rev. Wright created and presides over the Center for African Biblical studies, whose mission is African-centered Bible studies:

"We are an African people, and we remain true to our native land, the mother continent, the cradle of civilization."

Several forms of liberation theology sprouted during the 20th century, all espousing a third way between godless communism and the socialist utopian dream. All are predicated upon an acceptance that sin is not individual, but collective, and that sin cannot be overcome through religious conversion, but only by a people's struggle against all injustice. Congregations of various faiths and denominations have been used as platforms for collective statist approaches to human redemption. The social gospel espoused by religious-left churches in the U.S. is another form of liberation theology, which takes a political route to redemption for man's collective soul.

According to liberation theologies, God does not save men. Man saves himself through a political process of absolute social justice.

Writing in 2004, as Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict had this to say about liberation theology in his book, Truth and Tolerance (p. 116):

"...this struggle (against all injustice), it was said, would have to be a political struggle, because the structures (of oppression) were strengthened and maintained by politics. Thus redemption became a political process, for which Marxist philosophy offered the essential directions. It became a task that men themselves could -- indeed had to -- take in hand and became, at the same time, the object of quite practical hopes; faith was changed from ‘theory' into practice, into concrete redeeming action in the liberation process." (emphases mine)

Consider these statements from Obama's campaign website, contained in his video invitation for all to "join us in changing the Country."

"We believe in what this Country can be."
"In the face of war, we believe there can be peace."
"In the face of despair, we believe there can be hope."
"...America can be one people reaching for what's possible."

Obama indeed seems to be offering a people's government solution to all human problems. He is, after all, running for President of the United States, not for a pulpit. Substituting the state for God as provider has been the inherent common thread in all Marxist regimes.

And in this seemingly redemptive offering, Obama may be promising what only God can actually deliver, in the form of yet another, more eloquent, version of the same old utopian dream that started with Rousseau and Marx.

Can man successfully redeem himself through collective transformation and liberation?

Pope Benedict says "No" rather emphatically, in Truth and Tolerance. Writing of the fall of the Soviet Union:

"...where the Marxist ideology of liberation had been consistently applied, a total lack of freedom had developed, whose horrors were now laid bare before the eyes of the entire world. Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes not divine, but demonic."

Coincidentally, Saul Alinsky began his book Rules for Radicals:

"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer."

Attempting to discern true meaning from Obama's speeches gives one the feeling of having been trapped in a sort of verbal quicksand. Hair-pulling levels of frustration await any effort to find any specific meaning. A sensation of lethargic sinking into an abyss of abstract gibberish awaits the mind looking for specifics..

Obama's public statements, his speeches, even his "present" votes in the Illinois legislature leave one dangerously unsure of his true intentions.

Whatever Obama's concrete plans are, they ought to aligned with his political mentor, Saul Alinsky, and his spiritual mentor and liberation theology specialist, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

In the absence of any genuine explanations from candidate Obama himself, the change of which he speaks reasonably may be inferred to be quite antithetical to anything even remotely resembling American patriotism.

And that is a legitimate concern for every American voter.

Kyle-Anne Shiver is a frequent contributor to American Thinker. She welcomes your comments at kyleanneshiver@yahoo.com.

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I WILL compare him to ANY person that supports the slaughter of innocents. His stance on abortion is so out there. Any Christian that supports him will, IMHO, also have the blood of innocents on their hands.

The Catholic Church has their issues for sure...but they certainly get it right when it comes to voting for those that keep abortion legal in this country. There feelings of the church is that a person that does this...or supports is is excommunicated.

And Obama is nothing more than a media creation. The liberal media is looking for their poster politician...and what's better than a woman...a black. It makes the liberals shake with excitement. I dislike the Clinton's a lot...but Bill had it right when he said that Obama wouldn't have even been considered a serious candidate but for his skin color.

And let's not forget his racist church....but, oh yeah...he NEVER heard any of that. Even the pastor called him a liar and said he is only pretending to be distant from him due to the political race. Obama KNOWS that he cannot alienate the white vote and win...after all...blacks represent a pretty small percentage of Americans.

Rev. Wright
“He is one of the most important voices in the 20th and 21st century: That’s what I think about him,” Mr. Wright said, adding, “When Louis Farrakhan speaks, it’s like E. F. Hutton speaks, all black America listens. Whether they agree with him or not, they listen.”

“He had to distance himself,” the pastor said, “because he’s a politician, from what the media was saying I had said, which was anti-American.”

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Originally Posted by mimi_here
Some will vote simply because he's black.

AND some people will UNFORTUNATELY vote for McCain simply because he's WHITE.

STUPIDITY comes in all colors.

Yes mimi, stupidity does come in all colors.

But putting aside the "stupid ones" for a minute, how exactly does anyone account for 90+ percent of any "skin color" grouping of voters voting for a candidate if NOT based primarily on "skin color?" Surely one would expect more that 5-10% of ANY given group to be liberal or conservative, wouldn't you think?

What happened to Martin Luther King's dream of how ANY person should be "judged?"

The "parallels" between the mesmerizing talk of Hitler and Obama, AND the "change" that both envision(ed) for their nation is flat out SCARY. It's bad enough that Nancy Pelosi won't even allow an "up or down" vote on drilling for oil, but Obama's answer to the oil problem is to "inflate your tires and tune up your cars and that alone will save all the gas that's needed or that would be potentially found through increasing the SUPPLY of gas and oil through drilling." And THAT is just one of his "scary ideas" for "change."

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Now Obama is Hitler???!!! :RollieEyes:

I haven't been watching ANYTHING about the election on tv or reading anything in the newspapers. Everything I've heard or seen about the candidates has been coming from the MB boards.

I didn't think I'd see this comparison, though!!


I don't know if I'm even going to vote. It will be a first if I don't.

Where is Ralph Nader these days? If he's up, I'll vote for him in the election.


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This whole "Hitler" thing is ridiculous. It's fear based marketing since Obama is different (skin color) it is an blantant attempt to play on this fear of something a little different. Instead of blantant racial remarks they are trying to stir the underlying racism in all of us...the fear of our differences. Sneeches come to mind.

Anyway....here's my google research supporting my opinion that McCain is more Hitler like than Obama:

Obama + messianic 75,200
Obama + savior 226,000
Obama + prophet 312,000
Obama + Christ 504,000
Obama + change 4,540,000

McCain +messianic 1,520,000
McCain +Christ 3,740,000
McCain +Savior 881,000
McCain +prophet 1,760,000
McCain +change 34,100,000

By your logic cherished...I guess it's safe to say that McCain is more Hitler like than Obama. However, my research has lead me to suspect you as well...

cherished +Hitler 361,000 google hits
cherished +Nazi 387,000 google hits

As far as this whole debate, this year I am going to try to refrain from debating with anyone that voted for Bush in the last two elections as they made such an overwhelming mistake with their last one or two votes that their opinions really don't hold much weight....period.

Come on...George Bush versus Al Gore. George Bush had NO EXPERIENCE whatsoever especially in comparison to Gore, yet, now, McCain v Obama...experience matters. Republican candidates that SAY they are pro-life get votes for doing NOTHING more than saying they are pro-life versus a candidate that wants to take the initiative to actually reduce the number of abortions in this country instead of giving lip service to a cause and doing NOTHING. Remember 7 or the 9 Supreme Court justice were REPUBLICAN nominees.

There is not a doubt in my mind that this country would be better off today if Gore had won the election in 2000 and anyone that fails to acknowledge that today in hindsight is a _______ (insert insult here). Obama MAY mess up and be horrible too. Heck...they ALL mess up some...I just believe he'll likely mess up LESS than another dimwit ineffective Republican administration.

Mr. Wondering

FBH(me)-51 FWW-49 (MrsWondering)
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"agree to disagree" = Used when one wants to reject the objective reality of the situation and hopefully replace it with their own.
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Mr. Wondering,

I did a google search and found an article comparing rhetoric of Obama's to rhetoric of Hitler's. I was asked why I thought of Hitler when listening to Obama, and then I found an article using google which had a comparison of Hitler's rhetoric to Obama's.

I'm not afraid of Obama's skin color or inexperience. I'm voting against him because he is so liberal, and I'm concerned about his rhetoric.

Just a clarification --

By the way, I did vote for Bush, and I do wish I had voted for Gore. Maybe I'm wrong about Obama, too, but he scares me, and what scares me about him is his rhetoric. The article I quoted had a quote from the current pope: "Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes not divine, but demonic."


Last edited by Cherished; 08/17/08 09:30 AM.
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a _______ (insert insult here)

Well, Mr. W, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Susan Kahrs. I am from California. What I am saying I will say without the protection of a pseudonym of any kind: You pick the insult you feel is appropriate for me, but I categorically deny your assertion that Al Gore would've been an improvement as president. And in my not-uneducated opinion, Al Gore and Obama are simply the same liberal-on-a-shtick; only the flavor is different.

Obviously, you feel differently. But I have no compulsion to insult you for that. I, Susan Kahrs of California (Burson, to be precise), am of the personal opinion that your post basically provided substantial documentation for my earlier post a day or so ago, and I thank you for it.

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There is not a doubt in my mind that this country would be better off today if Gore had won the election in 2000 and anyone that fails to acknowledge that today in hindsight is a _______ (insert insult here).

and anyone that believes that is a complete __________ (add appropriate insult here).

as for the abortion issue, I think you are smart enough to know that your excuses and rationalizations about that are just plain wrong. YOU know how the SC works. There is NO guarantee that any justice will vote a particular way...no matter who appointed them. (In fact, Souter was considered so conservative that Democrats voted against his appointment. You KNOW this stuff Mr. W).

On the abortion issue, Souter began to vote to override restrictions he believed in back in 1992. On death penalty cases, worker rights cases, criminal rights cases, and other issues, Souter began voting with the liberals in the court. So while appointed by a Republican president and thus expected to be conservative,[9] Souter is now considered part of the liberal wing of the Court.

In the past few years in 5-4 cases, Souter almost if not always sides with the liberals.

And Mr. W....a Christian that supports abortion is nothing more than a __________ (insert every possible insult here). Abortion is the taking of a human life at its most defenseless stage of growth.

Instead of blatant racial remarks they are trying to stir the underlying racism in all of us...the fear of our differences.

Baloney...and from a family that is frequently bi-racial to your lilly-white clan, i say that you are ignoring some real issues here and yelling "racism" because nothing else will work when it comes to BI-RACIAL Barak Abortion.

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I will go one step further here and say that ANYONE that supports abortion rights is either racist or has underlying racial issues. Abortion decimates the minority community at a rate substantially higher than any other. The black population would in FACT be 35% larger now without the abortion problem.

Abortion has ALWAYS been an issue of race and its early supporters were full blown racists.



wondering & Hitler 2,120,000 Google hits. :RollieEyes:

The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

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