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There will always be scoffers and God haters for some reason or another.
God isn't a Pez dispenser or ATM machine that can be commanded into obedience with chants and rituals. I don't hate God, because I don't hate anything that I believe to be nonexistent. I am an organized religion hater. I must admit that I once felt rather antagonistic 2ward organized religion, particularly in the several years after I quit going 2 church, about 33 years ago. But these days, I try 2 give all of us a little credit for being down here trying 2 do our level best 2 figure our $h!+ out - we just go about it pretty differently. I'm not anti-religion, but I don't believe in religion. Oh, and medc: You can be moral without being religious. You can also be spiri2al without being religious (like yours truly). -ol' 2long
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FH, you are merely being goaded into conflict so you can be labled a hypocrite.
I've seen this tactic used over and over by the other side ad naseum. A "hypocrite"? Ooooooooo......scary. If I wanted to use that label, I could've done so many posts ago. Why do you assume that I am goading him into conflict? He's not exactly agreeing with me, either. We are going back and forth. Nobody is goading or being goaded. "Don't talk to him, FH! He's gonna call you a hypocrite!" 
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You can be moral without being religious. I agree 100%. Some of the best people I know have no religion in their lives. And being religious doesn't automatically give one morals either!
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it's funny how neither of my posts were in reply to you. One was directed to FH the other was and addition to my own post. You seem to just figure out on your own that you fit the description I laid out. Since you've already replied directly to me with nearly the same response word-for-word several times on this thread alone, it wasn't too difficult to figure out.
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The late Joseph Campbell (author of "The Power of Myth") was a very smart man.
The Noah story is probably the most obvious example of mythology in the Bible (a monotheistic rewrite of the polytheistic Babylonian Gilgamesh flood story).
"Myth" isn't the same as "fiction". Myths exist 2 convey great truths.
-ol' 2long I should add that myths 2 the Old Testament folks are like parables 2 the New Testament folks. They serve the same purpose and work the same way. -ol' 2long
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The late Joseph Campbell (author of "The Power of Myth") was a very smart man.
The Noah story is probably the most obvious example of mythology in the Bible (a monotheistic rewrite of the polytheistic Babylonian Gilgamesh flood story).
"Myth" isn't the same as "fiction". Myths exist 2 convey great truths.
-ol' 2long What "great truth" did the story of Noah convey? What I get out of it is "behave or die".
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I don't know how to respond to you as I absolutely trust no-one about it. I don't blame you one bit. Some people would be shouting from the roof tops, but I choose to keep it to myself for some reason. I am extremely uncomfortable with details as I can't even comprehend them. Understandable. Too bad, though. I would LOVE to talk about it with you. I caught a bunch of indignant reaction from "upper" church members as they thought that they "deserved" a sneak peak at the other side for being so "faithful" and I was just some schmoe that got a hole blown in him. That sucks. A similar thing happened to my grandfather when he was in the military. They told him he was "nuts." Or made him feel that way even if they didn't say it that way. I feel any description or mention is boasting that I got something that someone esle didn't get. I don't think it's boasting but I'm sure some others would. To say the least, it was a humbling experience and quite prepared me for my divorce. Yeah, I bet so. On both counts. Take care, Charlotte
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Pepperband - I would not consider disagreeing with Krazy71 to be an "ad hominem" attack because HE put himself up as "the authority" on what is supposed to be "literal" with respect to the Bible.
The "burden of proof" for his claimed right to decide that issue for others falls on him. FH - I could not be LESS interested in Krazy's thoughts about the Bible. I am only interested in Biblical discussions with fellow believers. That's just me 
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It's usually because someone is not clear about what they are asking or what their intentions are. I've tried to be pretty clear. The appearance of "flawed logic" is usually in the mind of someone who is making conclusions without adequate facts or knowledge about the subject or the position of someone else. Going to have to disagree with you here. The appearance of flawed logic is "usually" due to the existence of flawed logic. May I suggest that you try being a bit more forthright in your questions and why you are asking something, rather than appearing to play the "gadfly" and appearing to "question" one view while appearing to support the opposing view. How could I ask you any questions without you intrepretating that as supporting an opposing view? Your certainty on the subject matter would seem to require that any comment, other than compliance, to be viewed as opposition. Yes, you are playing games. I never said anyone was "corrupt," you did. What word should I use. How would you define a group of people who, as you describe, present themselves as seeking the truth, yet in reality are suppressing it? That's what I mean by you are playing games. Instead of asking WHY someone believes what they believe, you jump to conclusions that are erroneous and are not, it would appear, at all serious about why someone would choose Creationism or Evolutionism. No, you'd rather play "gadfly" and beat around the bush to get to whatever it is you want rather than ask sincere questions, especially if you DON'T know and if "I have never made up my mind about it either way" is actually true. I asked a serious question. I asked how could you simultaneously use science as the crux of defeating a view and then further argue that scientists are corrupt (or insert whichever word you would like to use). You said that's not what you were doing. I asked what part of science do you agree with and if it was defined by your spirtual beliefs. You said no, that you have an open mind. I then asked multiple questions to explore how open minded you are. Additionally I asked if you feel it was possible for other people to be as open minded as you and come to a different conclusion. All the while you keep hammering on me about evolution vs. creation and for the most part I am not asking about that. This question indicates a lack of understanding on your part of what you were asking, or at the very least a lack of specificity in your question. I'm pretty sure I understand what I was asking. I think you can understand that randomess is not usually the tool of directed action. But fine, so am I to understand that you agree that some of the components of the evolution theorey are valid, but they do not come together to explain new species. Okay, since you didn't give a specific and just used a general time of "billions of years," I will assume that you are referring to the general estimates by evolutionary scientists of the age of the universe as the "base line" for the timeframe in which evolution is allowed to occur. Unless you object, that is the baseline I will use for the "time" component of the equations. Sure. A monkey is "constrained" by his innate abilities so that if you sit the monkey down at a keyboard and tell it to compose the Gettysburg Address, you will wait a very long time before you finally realize it CANNOT do that. Actually, given enough monkey's, they can compose the Gettysburg Address. War and Peace as well. I have "landed" on the side of Creation BECAUSE God clearly revealed to us that HE CREATED all things. Then science has nothing to do with it? Are you, in fact, arguing through the "Black Swan" idea that "Hopeful Monsters" suddenly appeared, to buttress the idea that evolution is correct? No. The discussion was on randomness. Black Swans are a conceptual term to describe what was thought to be "tail events" typically being more common than expected. This is usually due to a failure to account for randomness or cognitive biases.
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FH - I could not be LESS interested in Krazy's thoughts about the Bible. I am only interested in Biblical discussions with fellow believers.
That's just me I understand, Pep. However, I am of the "school of thought" that believes the biblical directive to always stand ready to give an answer to those who might inquire as to what and why I believe, for the hope that is "within me." I also understand that there is a difference between a sincere inquiry and "less than sincere" inquiries.
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The primary reason I try 2 keep myself away from these boards is because I agree with you that this kind of post is an ad hominem attack ***edit*** -ol' 2long
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I feel any description or mention is boasting that I got something that someone esle didn't get.
To say the least, it was a humbling experience and quite prepared me for my divorce. How interesting!
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How could I ask you any questions without you intrepretating that as supporting an opposing view? Your certainty on the subject matter would seem to require that any comment, other than compliance, to be viewed as opposition. "Opposition" of ideas does not necessarily imply "bad" or "baiting." It can, if the disagreement is sincere, as well as the interest in discussing and evaluating being sincere, be a normal and acceptable method to consider the arguments and perhaps arrive at a "change in mind" on the part of someone. What word should I use. How would you define a group of people who, as you describe, present themselves as seeking the truth, yet in reality are suppressing it? Denial, self-interest, bias toward something that, if accepted, might well mean that they would have to change their behaviors and/or beliefs, close-minded, etc. Not necesarily "corrupt" but unwilling to actually consider opposing viewpoints and how they might relate to the subject matter. "Arrogance" might tend to more closely describe this sort of mindset. I asked a serious question. I asked how could you simultaneously use science as the crux of defeating a view and then further argue that scientists are corrupt (or insert whichever word you would like to use). You said that's not what you were doing. I asked what part of science do you agree with and if it was defined by your spirtual beliefs. You said no, that you have an open mind. I then asked multiple questions to explore how open minded you are. Additionally I asked if you feel it was possible for other people to be as open minded as you and come to a different conclusion. All the while you keep hammering on me about evolution vs. creation and for the most part I am not asking about that. rprynne, if you are not asking about evolution vs. creation, then what ARE you asking? I answered your questions directly, yet it seemed insufficient for you as it related to evolution vs. creation. So needless to say, I am a bit confused by your concluding sentence in the quotation. I believe that God created AND set the laws in place by which His Creation operates and is sustained. So where does that leave you with confusion about my position? If by "explore how open minded you are" you mean that I might still be "sitting on the fence not having arrived at a conclusion concerning evolution or creation," then you are incorrect in your usage of the term "open-minded." I am "open minded" with respect to hearing, examining, and evaluation claims made by supporters of evolution, but that does not mean that I will simply "accept what they say" simply because some "scientist says it." I'm pretty sure I understand what I was asking. I think you can understand that randomess is not usually the tool of directed action.
But fine, so am I to understand that you agree that some of the components of the evolution theorey are valid, but they do not come together to explain new species. Yes, if by that you mean some things like random mutations of the genetic code. That is NOT the same thing as saying that evolution theory is valid, let alone correct. Mutations follow the Laws of Thermodynamics and do NOT confer new information. Rather, they most often destroy information that makes it less beneficial to the organism, if not fatal if the mutation is severe or critical enough. Actually, given enough monkey's, they can compose the Gettysburg Address. War and Peace as well. Your really think so? On what basis? What "experiment" has proven this to be the case? Then science has nothing to do with it? Not with respect to Creation. Science can neither explain HOW God created nor can it explain HOW life supposedly came into being WITHOUT God. It offers a theory, but no proof, and accepts that theory(that life somehow DID arise from non-life in opposition to all known scientific laws and principles) on FAITH alone, with science having nothing to do with it. No. The discussion was on randomness. Black Swans are a conceptual term to describe what was thought to be "tail events" typically being more common than expected. This is usually due to a failure to account for randomness or cognitive biases. And it's not germaine to the issue of origins, especially not to the issue of the origin of life. Here's a couple of "facts" as presented by Science. The age of the universe is estimated to be around 3 billion years old (with the supposed age of the Earth to be substantially less) and the number of electrons in the entire universe is estimated to be about 10 to the 80th power. Those two figures play a dominant role in the "randomness" argument you are are positing for the possibility of life "evolving" from non-life. Now, to give your "Black Swan" concept and credence, it would entail the need for "random acts of creation" to be continuing rather than a "once for all time" event. GOD is capable of such a feat, since He is not limited by anything, such as in the cases of people who were resurrected from the dead (including Jesus Christ). But "natural processes" as required by evolution ARE constrained by the Laws of the physical realm, not merely by my opinion or my "mindedness."
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Seems to me you might want to read that article for yourself.
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What "great truth" did the story of Noah convey?
What I get out of it is "behave or die". Well that's one way of looking at it but I imagine that most believers view the Rainbow covenant as a message of a new hope--that when the waters receded the potential for redemption and the promise of divine beneficence remained. In secular terms, its symbolic import perhaps evidences a shift from retributive justice to restorative justice.
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What "great truth" did the story of Noah convey?
What I get out of it is "behave or die". That's certainly one message you can get out of it, but it's not the primary message. But then you don't believe in sin, right? You don't believe in God, right? You don't believe in miracles, right? And you likely don't believe that the antedeluvian world was significantly different from the post-deluvian world, right?
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Then science has nothing to do with it? Not with respect to Creation. Science can neither explain HOW God created nor can it explain HOW life supposedly came into being WITHOUT God. It offers a theory, but no proof, and accepts that theory(that life somehow DID arise from non-life in opposition to all known scientific laws and principles) on FAITH alone, with science having nothing to do with it. Ok.
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rprynne - not sure what you were "okaying" when all you said was "okay." Care to elaborate a little?
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