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I think entering negotiations and making it perfectly clear that 10 minutes after they level an attack against Israel, we would in turn make Tehran the largest parking lot in the world, may just shut them up.
A President does not have to sit with another leader to make this clear. I would make the statement....and then suggest that when they back off of their "destroy Israel" stance, we will have something to talk about. Until then, there is no reason to give that nut-job an audience.....much less let him come into our country and spout his rhetoric.
I think entering negotiations and making it perfectly clear that 10 minutes after they level an attack against Israel, we would in turn make Tehran the largest parking lot in the world, may just shut them up.
I will check out the link. BUT, I understand that McCain has only said that PRESIDENTIAL talks should not be held without preconditions...and I agree 100%. I have not heard him say that diplomatic talks should not take place...in fact, I have heard him say the opposite.
Obama now has adopted McCain's position after realizing he misspoke about HIS sitting down with these leaders without conditions.
Presidential talks are NEVER undertaken without preconditions. Obama's position that he would do so was absolutely unheard of.
Summit meetings are risky things to hold in the first place, from a diplomatic standpoint. There is a reason we have ambassadors and embassies and Secretaries of State, after all.
When the President of the United States meets with another nation's leader, it DOES legitimize that leader in the eyes of the world. Even though the US is a superpower, when the President meets with the leader of another country, they do so as equals, and in this sense some of the "prestige" of the United States is conferred upon the leader he meets with. Prestige is a very important quality in international relations, and has a lot to do with the perceived legitimacy of a government.
Most Presidents also are very careful about who they meet with for the simple fact that meeting the wrong person would be unwise, politically. A photograph of a US President embracing (or even shaking hands with) someone like Pol Pot, Idi Amin or Adolf Hitler would be political dynamite in the hands of the opposition.
Obama was ignorant of both of these considerations when he made that promise to meet with Ahmedinijad "without preconditions". That doesn't say much for his judgement, in my opinion.
Me: 41, INFP Her: 46, ESFJ Married 6/95 B-G Twins 4 yrs recovered from serious neglect on my part. So happy together!
[quote] [Obama was ignorant of both of these considerations when he made that promise to meet with Ahmedinijad "without preconditions". That doesn't say much for his judgement, in my opinion./quote]
The Obama Campaign has tried to mislead Americans into believing that Obama never said he would meet with Ahmadinejad, which is a lie. Here is video of Obama himself in September 2007 clearly stating he believed there was nothing wrong with negotiating with Ahmadinejad. Obama even called him by name.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt
"Would you be willing to meet with leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, and North Korea without preconditions?"
Here is Obama's response on 2007 SC CNN/YouTube Democratic Debate (23-Jul-2007):
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt
"palling around with terrorists" doesn't come close to the monumental lack of judgment that...
I wish both campaigns would stop with the slime attacks under the guise of "it shows poor judgment"...
I would have greater respect for a candidate who focused on issues instead of trying to make himself look better by making the other guy look worse. I know, wishful thinking...
I totally agree GG. I HAD a lot of respect for John McCain until last week.
Thanks. I cringe every time I see the candidates (or their surrogates) throw mud. It is so unbecoming and unpresidential, and just worsens my opinion of whoever is doing the slinging. Oddly, both McCain and Obama look uncomfortable doing it, but I guess their advisers keep telling them "sling sling sling"... .
see, the problem with the Obama crowd is, you can't state facts...like Biden's opinion of both Obama and McCain without them whining like a bunch a 9 year old girls. It's either a racial issue or "swift boat" politics. How about ...it's the fact.
Ayers is a HUGE problem...and it SHOULD be pointed out.
Biden's opinion of Obama IS relevant...as are his stated views that McCain would be a very good president. Joe Biden said that.
But in typical liberal fashion...it's time to whine when the facts come out. It's a vast right wing conspiracy.
Even Obama doesn't stand by the comments he made about sitting down with the presidents of those nations. Even he now knows it was a STUPID thing to say.
see, the problem with the Obama crowd is, you can't state facts...like Biden's opinion of both Obama and McCain without them whining like a bunch a 9 year old girls. It's either a racial issue or "swift boat" politics. How about ...it's the fact.
Ayers is a HUGE problem...and it SHOULD be pointed out.
Biden's opinion of Obama IS relevant...as are his stated views that McCain would be a very good president. Joe Biden said that.
But in typical liberal fashion...it's time to whine when the facts come out. It's a vast right wind conspiracy.
that's all liberals do...heck, you have it down to a science....so, pull up your big girl panties and at least educate yourself. Then vote your conscience.
that's all liberals do...heck, you have it down to a science....so, pull up your big girl panties and at least educate yourself. Then vote your conscience.
It's called 'winning', not 'whining'.
My conscience tells me that every American is morally obligated to vote for the candidate that is least like GWB, who will likely go down in history as the most incompetent AND the most corrupt President in US history.
Because he s a self admitted domestic terrorist. it's a shame that pansies like you can't figure that is not a good associate for a president.
Please pass on what you have on Palin. I would slam her too. I just think our politicians should NOT be associating with people that have tried to harm our country.
Because he s a self admitted domestic terrorist. it's a shame that pansies like you can't figure that is not a good associate for a president.
Please pass on what you have on Palin. I would slam her too. I just think our politicians should NO be associating with people that have tried to harm our country.
Todd Palin believes in Alaska's secession from the United States. I'm leaving the office in a minute, but it's easy to look up.
I agree that politicians shouldn't associate with such people. Obviously, we should never provide people like Saddam Hussein or the Taliban with weapons...