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It's amusing that now that there's a black presidential candidate, there isn't a single racist among conservatives. Yeah, you're all not voting for him because he's too far left, he's inexperienced, etc. None of you would ever admit that at least part of your reservation is the fact that he's black (half black). I guess the NAACP and other organizations like it have been doing a miraculous job. Even in the deep south and rural midwest, very few people are turned off by the fact that he's the color he is. Whoda thunk racism in this country could nearly vanish, virtually overnight? It's a miracle! 
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Krazy, this just goes to show you are clueless. It isn't anyone from McCain's camp that would whack him. There is a more extreme group in this country that will not allow a radical to hold office. If Obama is viewed (and rightfully so) as anti-American, while I think their actions would be clearly wrong...I do not think they would be un-American. Again, sad...but true.
And btw, this is EXACTLY what you have been advocating. People will look at Obama and his radical abortion position and strike. You suggested this is the way things should be handled. Why stop at an abortion provider when you can go after those that legalize it.
And BTW, when/if your daughter gets knocked up and goes across for state lines .... as a 15 year old, don't gripe that you were not asked for permission or notified...it is what you voted for.
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It's amusing that now that there's a black presidential candidate, there isn't a single racist among conservatives. Yeah, you're all not voting for him because he's too far left, he's inexperienced, etc. None of you would ever admit that at least part of your reservation is the fact that he's black (half black). I guess the NAACP and other organizations like it have been doing a miraculous job. Even in the deep south and rural midwest, very few people are turned off by the fact that he's the color he is. Whoda thunk racism in this country could nearly vanish, virtually overnight? It's a miracle!  Well, I know you are not talking to me. Race certainly plays into electability. Blacks represent 12% of our population. It would stand to reason that more than a few people would have an issue with race. Heck, blacks in this country are more racist than whites....I've seen it and have lived it. see this... http://www.philly.com/philly/hp/new..._silence__pols_sanction_hate_speech.htmlit is a two way street. There are many people that have said they won't vote for a black candidate. Just like MANY blacks will vote for Obama BECAUSE of HIS skin color.
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Krazy, this just goes to show you are clueless. It isn't anyone from McCain's camp that would whack him. There is a more extreme group in this country that will not allow a radical to hold office. If Obama is viewed (and rightfully so) as anti-American, while I think their actions would be clearly wrong...I do not think they would be un-American. Again, sad...but true.
And btw, this is EXACTLY what you have been advocating. People will look at Obama and his radical abortion position and strike. You suggested this is the way things should be handled. Why stop at an abortion provider when you can go after those that legalize it.
And BTW, when/if your daughter gets knocked up and goes across for state lines .... as a 15 year old, don't gripe that you were not asked for permission or notified...it is what you voted for. and BTW, Krazy...this group would barely tolerate McCain.
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Do I have some kinship with you because you happen to post here? Hardly  . But you know the MB terms of service are to not attack your fellow posters, you have certainly cried foul often enough to tell me that you know those rules. You brought up the issue of "morons" when you referred to the McCain rally. What, it's a problem to suggest that the liberals, not those that would support McCain are in fact, the morons? Nope. I have not cried foul at anyone being nasty about Obama, fire away. My beef is with you calling your fellow posters morons, that is a personal attack and is against the TOS. I don't recall saying who you should vote for. I was making a statement about my own thoughts. Understood. you should start with Biden who clearly said Obama is not qualified for office. All is fair in politics, and sometimes the worst enemies during a campaign end up being bedfellows... That's politics. Bush Sr. called Reaganomics "Voodoo economics", then joined the ticket. Shrug. I did not take your comments about left or black as being directed against me. Thanks, I appreciate that. AGG
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Sounds to me like you played the race card. Yeah, OK, whatever  . AGG
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Not going by her IQ score, but by what comes out of her mouth.
I would have considered voting for McCain until he made that choice.
AGG Me 2. I ac2ally hadn't thought about the possibility that Obama might die in office, though I had thought about McCain doing so. If Biden were 2 become president, I think he could do the job. But the choice of Palin as a running mate reminds me of why I believe Bush Sr chose Quayle Insurance. Also why Dubya chose Cheney. -ol' 2long
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I DID NOT say anything about you attacking McCain...you attacked in your own word the "morons" that attend his rallies. Since there are McCain supporters here, you attacked them as well.
Get it now.
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you attacked in your own word the "morons" that attend his rallies. Since there are McCain supporters here, you attacked them as well.
Get it now. Interesting stretch, but completely absurd. I said the people who shouted out "off with his head" at McCain rallies were morons. Nothing to do with posters here. You, on the other hand, specifically called your fellow posters morons. Get it now? AGG
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wow, an op-ed from the nyt.
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I DID NOT say anything about you attacking McCain...you attacked in your own word the "morons" that attend his rallies. Since there are McCain supporters here, you attacked them as well.
Get it now. Interesting stretch, but completely absurd. I said the people who shouted out "off with his head" at McCain rallies were morons. Nothing to do with posters here. You, on the other hand, specifically called your fellow posters morons. Get it now? AGG well, we can debate this...I don't believe your English was clear on this point. However, if that is what you meant, I agree. And as for my words, I of course only meant those liberals that refuse to look at facts and bury their collective heads up their butts. 
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Krazy, this just goes to show you are clueless. It isn't anyone from McCain's camp that would whack him. There is a more extreme group in this country that will not allow a radical to hold office. If Obama is viewed (and rightfully so) as anti-American, while I think their actions would be clearly wrong...I do not think they would be un-American. Again, sad...but true. Obama is anti-American? That is absolutely laughable. If anything, YOU are anti-American for spewing that nonsense. He is the guy who, thanks to our democracy, the majority of registered voters in this country want for President as of today. Sorry, that's the way our country works. There are a good number of other countries you could move to if you don't like the system. Killing the President is as un-American as it gets, and is an obscene example of domestic terrorism. I can't believe I had to reiterate that last point.
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Sounds to me like you played the race card. Yeah, OK, whatever  . AGG You got your back in a corner so you spit out the word 'black'. Guess you weren't on the debate team. 
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It's amusing that now that there's a black presidential candidate, there isn't a single racist among conservatives. Yeah, you're all not voting for him because he's too far left, he's inexperienced, etc. None of you would ever admit that at least part of your reservation is the fact that he's black (half black). I guess the NAACP and other organizations like it have been doing a miraculous job. Even in the deep south and rural midwest, very few people are turned off by the fact that he's the color he is. Whoda thunk racism in this country could nearly vanish, virtually overnight? It's a miracle!  Oh come on, Krazy. I suppose if we were to extend your "logic" to it's natural conclusion, then 90%+ of Blacks voting for Obama is based on his qualifications to be President rather than his "skin color?" Give me Condi Rice or J.C. Watts, (and there are several others) and I'll vote for them in a heartbeat, and they are both Black. No one here has been saying Obama is "unqualified" because he's Black. He's unqualified because he's unqualified, period. Say what you want about McCain, his divorce, or anything else you use as mud to toss at him....HE IS qualified and Barak is NOT. Perhaps the Dems and the Libs should LISTEN to their own VP Candidate who made it quite clear BEFORE he was enticed to run for the VP spot, that OBAMA is NOT qualified to BE President and that the Office of President is no place for On The Job Training. But wait, Biden also made it quite clear that he intends to be glued to Obama's ear as his "main advisor" on what to do. For cryin' out loud, why don't the Dems simple "reverse" the ticket and let Obama "learn on the job" while being the Vice President and leave the "decisions" up to Biden??? And while we are at it, whatever happened to Martin Luther King Junior's wonderful plea that someone be "judged" by the character of their heart, not the color of their skin? Obama's heart is clear, and it's a clear and present danger to the Nation, or at least to the Nation that supports the Constitution and supports defending this Country against ALL enemies, FOREIGN as well as DOMESTIC. Obama's answer is not to defend the USA, it's to crawl into bed with them for their sort of "change." Change? Yes he will. Obama will change this country, and Socialism here we come!
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Nobody would be inferring that Obama "pals around with terrorists" if he was white.
The fact that nobody is making the same claim about Palin is evidence of this, in my opinion.
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You got your back in a corner so you spit out the word 'black'. Corner? What corner? I was asking if Obama would be more likely to get whacked for being left or being black... I personally think that if it would happen, it would be for the latter reason, but I wanted to see what others thought. WTF do you see race card in this? AGG
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Nobody would be inferring that Obama "pals around with terrorists" if he was white. Wanna bet? Ayers himself is white and he IS a terrorist. Same with his "lovely" wife, Bernadine. And I'd say the same thing for anyone who pals around with and calls a friend a WHITE domestic terrorist like Ayers. ONLY in America can that sort of thing happen. Try it one of the Islamic nations, run by the same sort of Sharia Law that Obama has stumped for in Kenya through is support for Odinga, and see how "tolerantly" they would be "received." And it can only happen here BECAUSE we ARE free and because our freedoms HAVE BEEN defended from those who DO want to see us croak and go away as a "force for good" in the world. All Obama is trying to fulfill is Khruschev's prophecy of destroying us from within.
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Unless there is a deal changer soon, Obama will be president Take heart. Kerry was up by 11 points in the polls in Oct.
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Oh come on, Krazy. I suppose if we were to extend your "logic" to it's natural conclusion, then 90%+ of Blacks voting for Obama is based on his qualifications to be President rather than his "skin color?" No, I think most blacks will vote for Obama primarily because he's black. I think we'd all be shocked if that wasn't the case. The black people I know make no bones about it. They feel he's qualified, but are defnintely voting for him because he's black. Not a single white conservative I know, here in the breadbasket of America, has admitted that they're not voting for Obama because he's black. Like I said...what a miraculous end to racism among whites in this country! Give me Condi Rice or J.C. Watts, (and there are several others) and I'll vote for them in a heartbeat, and they are both Black. Easy to say...I doubt you'd vote for them if they were vying for the GOP nomination vs. the Typical Old White Guy. It's a hypothetical situation, so who knows? A black Republican nominee is unlikely anytime in the forseeable future. No one here has been saying Obama is "unqualified" because he's Black. He's unqualified because he's unqualified, period. Anyone who hasn't been President is unqualified. There is always on-the-job training, no matter who is elected. Bush is STILL unqualified, and McCain is eerily similar to him. Perhaps the Dems and the Libs should LISTEN to their own VP Candidate who made it quite clear BEFORE he was entice to run for the VP spot, that OBAMA is NOT qualified to BE President and that the Office of President is no place for On The Job Training. So, all of the other Republican nominees (Romney, Huckabee, etc.) were in agreement that McCain would be the best man for the job BEFORE they dropped out of the race? I don't think so. They were ripping him before they quit, and praising him after he became the nominee. And while we are at it, whatever happened to Martin Luther King Junior's wonderful plea that someone be "judged" by the character of their heart, not the color of their skin?" Why hasn't a single President been black yet? I guess not a single black person has been qualfied...not even Obama. :RollieEyes: Obama's heart is clear, and it's a clear and present danger to the Nation, or at least to the Nation that supports the Constitution and supports defending this Country against ALL enemies, FOREIGN as well as DOMESTIC. Obama's answer is not to defend the USA, it's to crawl into bed with them for their sort of "change." That is pure rhetoric, with no basis in reality. For a group of people who are so big on "DEFENDING AMERICA", you are awfully afraid. You're jumpier than a cat with epilepsy. How are you going to fend off Al Qaeda when you almost wet yourself at the thought of Big Bad Obama in the White House? Change? Yes he will. Obama will change this country, and Socialism here we come! Try watching the news. Socialism is already here in force.
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