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Originally Posted by newjersey

Give me some receint examples of overt racism on the part of white americans? Killings lynchings etc, I guess being culturally european is implicit racism.

Also an example of an attractive/safe black neighborhood.

Thank you, awaiting your reply, answer the questions don't dodge them.


Most racism isn't overt. That's the kicker. It's almost always practiced in such a way that is can be denied. Minorities are usually disliked "for some other reason" than their race. Only killings and lynchings count?

Rodney King was the first example that came to mind, although he managed to live through it...maybe it doesn't count, then.

An attractive, safe black neighborhood?

Where I live, there aren't any...which actually proves my point. Racism is far from dead, or we'd see more nice, safe, black neighborhoods.

Unless you're implying that blacks are incapable of forming a nice, safe, black neighborhood, which would make you a racist, and an example of the type of person I'm referring to.

The quality of a neighborhood is related to the level of income. I could also show you some white neighborhoods that aren't safe for whites, let alone blacks.

Are there any MB regulars who are black? I'd like to hear what they have to say.

Last edited by Krazy71; 10/09/08 05:03 PM.

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Originally Posted by newjersey

Yea well there are plenty of AfroAm neighborhoods in the US where a white person dare not walk. Don't know of too many where an AfroAm might not walk so who is the more bigoted? Any white person who thinks AfrosAms don't hate them is living in a fantasy world.

From what I see white americans have dropped their racism, try taking a Septa bus across West Philadelphia and see what your opinion is.


I AGREE 100%. Nice to see you know your Philly geography too. Try dropping a white at 20th and Carpenter...see if he makes it the 6 blocks to Broad! I KNOW, I worked those very streets.

Last edited by medc; 10/09/08 05:09 PM.
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So like many white americans you live in a nice neighborhood and have black friends who have PHDs, sorta like myself. I think people like yourself deny the cultural gulf between black and white americans.

About Obama, why would I vote for someone who resents and hates me? Its clear from his statements prior to becoming bland that he dislikes white americans, why else would he persist in a racist church for 20 years?


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If the country can recover from 8 years of the Worst President Ever, and I assume it can, surely it can recover from 4 years of Obama, assuming it isn't in better shape when he leaves than it is now, which isn't exactly a stretch.

Why do think America is so fragile?

Well, let's start with 3 words:


Toss in a huge helping of Liberalism, Income Redistribution, and Tax and Spend, and you will kill, not maim, the economy.

They long ago raped the Social Security system and Medicare.

They already have so much of the National Budget wrapped up in Entitlements that just the natural aging of the population will make the whole system collapse if they stop the "engine of growth," which IS "small business."

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Originally Posted by newjersey

So like many white americans you live in a nice neighborhood and have black friends who have PHDs, sorta like myself. I think people like yourself deny the cultural gulf between black and white americans.

About Obama, why would I vote for someone who resents and hates me? Its clear from his statements prior to becoming bland that he dislikes white americans, why else would he persist in a racist church for 20 years?



Last I checked, Alan Keyes, who is black, compares Obama to Hitler. Go figure. BTW, he's an independent too.

Hmm, I wonder if there was a Black republican candidate running against a white republican....hmmm... want to bet that 95% of blacks would be voting republican.

Imagine tomorrow, Obama talks about how abortion has decimated the black community (which it has)....I imagine that the black community would be up in arms about abortion.

Blacks are being sold a bill of goods with this empty suit. It's s shame that they are hitching the cart to such a lousy human being.

Last edited by medc; 10/09/08 05:53 PM.
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So, you don't think it's possible that someone who is sleeping with a domestic terrorist in the White House might be a problem?

I don't know, Krazy. I hadn't considered that aspect of Obama in the White House.

But considering that Michelle seems to only recently have found a reason to be proud of America (that they can be told anything and believe it, I guess), perhaps I should consider it.

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Last I checked, Alan Keyes, who is black, compares Obama to Hitler. Go figure. BTW, he's an independent too.

Hey MEDC! Don't forget about when Jesse Jackson accidentally let his TRUE feelings about Barak be known.

Rocky Mountain Oysters indeed!!!

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Here's Louis Farrakhan calling Obama the Messiah---> LINK

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"this is just a guy who lives in my neighborhood...." Barak Hussein Obama when asked about his connection with terrorist, Bill Ayers

Why lie about it?

Obama's Real Problem With Ayers
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Tuesday, October 07, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Election '08: At an education forum in Venezuela, Bill Ayers showed the real issue is not his terrorist past. It's the socialist revolutionary agenda that he and Barack Obama want to impose on the nation's schools.

Still more evidence of how the media are in the tank for Obama was evident in Tom Brokaw's description of Ayers on Sunday's "Meet The Press."

"School reformer" is how Brokaw identified the co-founder of the Weather Underground, the radical organization that, among other activities, bombed government buildings, banks, police departments and military bases in the early 1970s.

Yeah, right: Ayers is a school reformer in the same sense, as City Journal's Sol Stern put it, as Joe Stalin was an agricultural reformer.

An idea of what Ayers has in mind for America's schools was provided in his own words not 40 years ago when Obama was eight years old, but less than two years ago in November 2006 at the World Education Forum in Caracas hosted by dictator Hugo Chavez.

With Chavez at his side, Ayers voiced his support for "the political educational reforms under way here in Venezuela under the leadership of President Chavez. We share the belief that education is the motor-force of revolution. . . . I look forward to seeing how . . . all of you continue to overcome the failures of capitalist education as you seek to create something truly new and deeply humane."

Ayers told the great humanitarian Chavez: "Teaching invites transformations, it urges revolutions large and small. La educacion es revolucion." It is that form of socialist revolution that Ayers, and Obama, have worked to bring to America.

Ayers, now a tenured Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of Illinois, Chicago, works to educate teachers in socialist revolutionary ideology, urging that it be passed on to impressionable students.

As Stern points out, "Ayers and his education school comrades are explicit about the need to indoctrinate public school children in the belief that America is a racist, militarist country and that the capitalist system is inherently unfair and oppressive."

If Ayers was just another nutty professor, we'd be lucky. But he wields great influence in academic circles and has had Obama's ear. He's the author or editor of 15 books. Chicago's current mayor, Richard M. Daley, has employed Ayers as a teacher trainer for Chicago's public schools and consulted him on the city's education-reform plans.

Just last month, Ayers was elected vice-president for curriculum for the 25,000-member American Educational Research Association. AERA is the nation's largest organization of education-school professors and researchers.

In a recent interview on Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor," Obama upgraded Ayers' status from "a guy who lives in my neighborhood" to "somebody who worked on education issues in Chicago that I know."

Actually, Obama knew him quite well, having worked together on a school "reform" project called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

In the 1990s, Ayers was instrumental in starting the Annenberg Challenge, securing a $50 million grant to reform the Chicago Public Schools, part of a national initiative funded by the late Ambassador Walter Annenberg.

Obama was given the Annenberg board chairmanship only months before his first run for office. He ran the fiscal arm that distributed grants to schools and raised matching funds.

Ayers participated in a second entity known as the Chicago School Reform Collaborative, the operational arm that worked with grant recipients.

During Obama's tenure as Annenberg board chairman, Ayers' own education projects received substantial funding.

One of Ayers' descriptions for a course called "Improving Learning Environments" says a prospective K-12 teacher needs to "be aware of the social and moral universe we inhabit and . . . be a teacher capable of hope and struggle, outrage and action, teaching for social justice and liberation."

John McCain needs to repeatedly point out the stealth socialism of Ayers' education agenda and Obama's complicity in it. Otherwise, we may one day see Ayers as Obama's secretary of education.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

Exposure 101

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After Ayers said all of THIS...

AYERS: "I don't regret setting bombs; I feel we didn't do enough", and, when asked if he would "do it all again" he said, "I don't want to discount the possibility."

I don't see how his "clarifying" what he meant when he used the word "we" could make you believe this...

Ayers does not hold that opinion TODAY.

Quote: Bill Ayers's blog explaining the soundbite: "The one thing I don't regret is opposing the war in Vietnam with every ounce of my being.... When I say, 'We didn't do enough,' a lot of people rush to think, 'That must mean, "We didn't bomb enough chit."' But that's not the point at all. It's not a tactical statement, it's an obvious political and ethical statement. In this context, 'we' means 'everyone.'"

Ayers Has Not Left Radicalism Behind

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Thursday, October 09, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Election '08: Bill Ayers isn't out bombing anymore, but he has never stopped being a radical. His ties to hostile Marxist regimes remain, raising more questions about Barack Obama's refusal to fully repudiate him.

Distancing himself, as Obama did, from the "detestable acts" of the founder of the Weather Underground terror organization, is one thing. Ayers' terror attacks — in armed robbery, police murder, attempted killings of U.S. troops, and bombings of U.S. democratic institutions to advance a Marxist revolution — were quite easy to disavow.

But Ayers' supporters say his violence was all a long time ago.

Obama emphasized that his friend's terror acts happened "when I was eight years old." Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley told the New York Times last week "he's done a lot of good in this city and nationally." He added: "This is 2008. People make mistakes. You judge a person by his whole life."

But a look at Ayers' whole life suggests he hasn't changed much more than his tactics. He's still the same radical he always was.

Ayers' terrorist acts in the 1970s didn't just blow in out of nowhere. Ayers moved to urban guerrilla violence after finding Tom Hayden's riot-prone Students for a Democratic Society too tame. He was inspired by the Cuban revolution of Fidel Castro, who toppled a democracy a decade earlier.

Ayers' Weathermen were part of a broad upsurge of Marxist guerrilla movements across the hemisphere, using similar tactics to establish Cuba-style regimes. These children of the rich infiltrated universities and spread violence against the "establishment," just as Ayers did.

At the time Ayers was targeting the Pentagon, Argentina's communist ERP began terror attacks in 1969, triggering a Dirty War by 1976. Brazil's MR-8 shot police and kidnapped a U.S. ambassador in 1969. In Colombia, the FARC unleashed terror in 1966, and the M-19 was born in 1970. Uruguay's Tupamaros began bombing and kidnapping in 1970. Peru's Shining Path started university agitation in 1973 and full-blown war by 1980. The Weather Underground, founded in 1969, was the same leftist revolution, U.S.-style.

Operating underground, Ayers' Weathermen aligned closely with Castro's Cuba, which aided Marxist terror groups. Some Weathermen on the run found asylum in Havana; others, like Mark Rudd, were trained by the KGB there. Cuba helped Weathermen on the lam by letting them secretly pass messages through Cuba's embassy in Canada, says FBI informant Larry Grathwohl.

Like many at the time, Ayers was a child of privilege from a wealthy family who got away with his crimes at a time when the West had lost its will. "Guilty as sin, free as a bird — America is a great country," Ayers taunted after walking free on a technicality.

Ayers is too smart to continue bombing, but remains a "revolutionary" through other means. He remains proud of his violent past and alignment with America's enemies.

"I don't regret setting bombs," he famously told the New York Times. "I feel we didn't do enough." His terrorist past reviled here, he's found a welcome embrace in Hugo Chavez's Venezuela.

Obama says he barely knows him, but in the years when he was meeting and serving together on the Annenberg Challenge and the Woods Fund, as well as launching his career with a fundraiser in Ayers' Che Guevara-festooned house, Ayers made at least four Marxist pilgrimages to Caracas to praise Chavez's dictatorial regime.

He sits on the board of a Venezuelan government think tank called Miranda International Center, focused on bringing Cuba-style education to Venezuelan school children.

Recent polls show this turning of schools toward Marxist indoctrination terrifies average Venezuelans. Venezuelan dissidents also accuse Miranda of rewriting constitutions in South America to grant leftist leaders absolute power, with some saying Ayers had a role in 2007's effort to give Chavez total power inside Venezuela.

It's not surprising. Ayers' violent methods may have influenced Chavez's rise to power in 1998. Like Ayers' terrorists, Chavez's campaign began with Weather Underground-style hijackings of bank trucks. At the same time, captured computer documents show that Chavez took $150,000 from FARC while in prison.

Ayers' Miranda biography calls him "leader of the revolutionary and anti-imperialist group The Weather Underground which initiated armed struggle against the government of the USA for more than 10 years from the heart of the empire."

It continues: "Now, he's a professor of education and executive researcher of the University of Illinois in Chicago. He's developed courses around urban reform of schools, problems of capitalist education, and research. He is the author or editor of more than 11 books, including a memoir titled Fugitive Days on the struggle against the government of the United States."

In other words, education isn't the best credential for this supposedly distinguished professor — his terrorist past is.

It's a good guess that his biography on the Miranda site was written by Ayers himself. Ayers' Miranda peers are a soup of the international far left: a FARC apologist from Colombia, a Che-crazy UCLA professor named Peter McLaren, and activist Eva Golinger, who was closely tied to Philip Agee, the fugitive CIA traitor who died earlier this year in Havana.

Meanwhile, Ayers' stepson Chesa Boudin has close Venezuelan ties, too. He identified himself as a foreign-policy adviser intern to Venezuela's government in 2005. He had an office next to Chavez's own in the presidential palace. Not surprising, since Boudin's grandfather is Fidel Castro's personal attorney, and his mother is jailed Weather Underground terrorist Kathy Boudin. His family ties give him street cred to communists.

This, then, is Bill Ayers.

Obama claims he had no idea about his terrorist past when he met him, and hasn't talked to him since 2005.

But with the association going back to the 1980s and Ayers making no secret of his radical views, this is hard to believe.

Given glowing profiles of Ayers and his past in the Chicago Tribune, as writer Jonah Goldberg found, and Ayers' radical agenda in education and philanthropy while Obama and Ayers served on charitable projects, it's hard to imagine anything but a deep bond.

The reality is, either Obama is naive or he doesn't care that Ayers remains an anti-American radical who would hurt his country.

His ties to the rising radicalism in Latin America continue. Could anything be more useful to Chavez than to have someone like Ayers as a go-between with a U.S. president? Obama still has repudiated only Ayers' past terrorist actions. What about his present?


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Some are just so blinded by their disgust with the present administration that they would vote in Charles Manson if he ran on the Democratic ticket (waiting for infantile cheap shots about Bush).

It's not a matter of liking Obamba, it's a matter of hating Republicians.

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I think this is a big part of it too----> The history and truth about communism is not taught by our educators.

Of course the reason it's not taught is thanks to men like Ayers, who are able to control/influence the curriculum used in American schools.

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Originally Posted by Marshmallow
Originally Posted by Want2Stay
Originally Posted by Marshmallow
Andrew C. McCarthy


Andrew C. McCarthy is a noted conservative OPINION columnist. His conservative BIAS is all over the article you posted. If you wish to believe his opinion is TRUTH that is up to you, but I see it as more Obama bashing for the sake of the tyring to save an election.


Yep, he's a noted conservative OPINION columnist.

And his piece was FULL of facts.

Facts that you are free to try to refute.

Full of his biased facts for supporting his conservative view. Why would I need to refute facts about what Ayers is or isn't doing. Last I checked, the Democratic ticket was...

Obama / Biden

Just in case you missed it:

CNN's review of project records found nothing to suggest anything inappropriate in the non-profit projects in which the two men were involved. Internal reviews by The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time magazine, The Chicago Sun-Times, The New Yorker and The New Republic "have said that their reporting doesn't support the idea that Obama and Ayers had a close relationship".

Or this:

CNN Fact Check, Oct. 5: False. There is no indication that Ayers and Obama are now "palling around," or that they have had an ongoing relationship in the past three years. Also, there is nothing to suggest that Ayers is now involved in terrorist activity or that other Obama associates are.

I would rather believe the facts as laid out by the sources above than the musings of a conservative hack with an axe to grind.


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Facts are facts regardless of where they came from.

But, since you trust CNN so much click here----> LINK

Why did Obama lie about his tie to Ayers?

Like you said, Ayers isn't on the ticket. So why did he lie?

And what was it about Obama that attracted a guy like Ayers to him?

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Originally Posted by iam
Some are just so blinded by their disgust with the present administration that they would vote in Charles Manson if he ran on the Democratic ticket (waiting for infantile cheap shots about Bush).

It's not a matter of liking Obamba, it's a matter of hating Republicians.

Agreed, it's not that Obama is the ideal candidate, but it's the one we are left with that actually has a vision of how to repair all the damage done to the United States in the past 8 years.

We're using borrowed money to still fight a war we supposedly won 5 years ago.

Our national debt has doubled over the past 8 years to $10 trillion.

Our once great reputation around the world has been smeared to the extent that even our close allies are distancing themselves from us. And each day the the American stock market and economy drags down the rest of the world we will become less and less popular until they decide to quite financing our enormous debt.

You want to spend your time standing in bread lines, then go ahead and vote for McSame because his policies will be the same ones that got us into this position in the first place.


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Originally Posted by Marshmallow
Facts are facts regardless of where they came from.

But, since you trust CNN so much click here----> LINK

Why did Obama lie about his tie to Ayers?

Like you said, Ayers isn't on the ticket. So why did he lie?

And what was it about Obama that attracted a guy like Ayers to him?

Since the story was originally broke on CNN and they have since recanted the claims as false I would say that speaks volumes. And it wasn't just CNN. There were internal reviews by:

The New York Times
The Washington Post
Time magazine
The Chicago Sun-Times
The New Yorker
The New Republic

ALL of which came to the same conclusion that Obama and Ayers DID NOT HAVE A CLOSE RELATIONSHIP. Looks like some pretty reputable sources to me.

Which is inconsequential anyways because Obama DID NOT LIE. I researched the quote the conservatives are using at the heart of the matter and guess what I found. In typical right-wing fashion they have taken a quote out of context to stir controversy. The original quote was:

Obama said, "This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of English in Chicago who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He's not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis."

How convenient for them to leave off the rest of the quote to infer some deeper hidden agenda. Obama didn't down play his dealings with Ayers. He gave full disclosure in his original quote because he had nothing to hide. Sorry to tell you, but you are being played by your own political party.

So the FACTS are that the conservatives that broke the story and LIED by omission to discredit Obama's character.

As for the Ayers choosing Obama, I would say it's mere coincidence of two people who were ALREADY active in "Education Reform" crossing paths no more no less

Marshmallow, my best advice to you would be to quit relying on the conservative journalists and sites you visit to provide you with the FACTS. You would be much better served to use Google News and do your own research and form your own opinions.

Oh yeah, and in case you didn't hear. Obama has already stated in no way shape or form would Ayers ever serve as part of his administation as Secretary of Education or otherwise.


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Why did Obama lie about his tie to Ayers?

people with nothing to hide, hide nothing.

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Originally Posted by medc
Why did Obama lie about his tie to Ayers?

people with nothing to hide, hide nothing.

Obama did not lie. See my post above.


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actually, yes, he did. He failed to divulge his relationship with Ayers ran much deeper than originally stated.

That is a lie.

A guy that I know.hmmm...a guy from the neighborhood...hmmm...

ACUALLY the GUY hosted a party for Obama.

Sounds like a friend.

The NYT? Credible?

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