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Originally Posted by medc
MEDC: the only morons I hear are here...the liberals

MEDC: I of course only meant those liberals that refuse to look at facts and bury their collective heads up their butts.


Of course wink .

Look, seriously, both sides can easily be accused of being lemmings and "refusing to look at the facts". But it's rarely that simple. I like to think that most voters do look at the facts, the good and the bad, and make up their minds based on what is important to them. To accuse someone who decides differently than you do of "not looking at the facts" is just plain silly, because what matters to you may not matter as much to them, and obviously vice versa.

I am looking for a President who can lead to a better future for the country, and frankly, I don't care as much who his pal is or who he slept with as I do for whether he can negotiate world and domestic politics, if he understands the concept of give and take, or if he has a simpleton "ready, fire, aim" "joe sixpack" answer to everything... I have had more than enough of the latter with Dubya...


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Originally Posted by ForeverHers
Originally Posted by Krazy71
Nobody would be inferring that Obama "pals around with terrorists" if he was white.

Wanna bet? Ayers himself is white and he IS a terrorist. Same with his "lovely" wife, Bernadine.

And I'd say the same thing for anyone who pals around with and calls a friend a WHITE domestic terrorist like Ayers.

ONLY in America can that sort of thing happen. Try it one of the Islamic nations, run by the same sort of Sharia Law that Obama has stumped for in Kenya through is support for Odinga, and see how "tolerantly" they would be "received."

And it can only happen here BECAUSE we ARE free and because our freedoms HAVE BEEN defended from those who DO want to see us croak and go away as a "force for good" in the world.

All Obama is trying to fulfill is Khruschev's prophecy of destroying us from within.

So, how do you feel about Sarah Palin being married to a domestic terrorist?

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Originally Posted by Marshmallow
Unless there is a deal changer soon, Obama will be president

Take heart.

Kerry was up by 11 points in the polls in Oct.

Yep, until Bush took the lead by telling pathetic lies, and having a base stupid enough to believe them.

You aren't so delusional that you think Bush getting re-elected was a good thing, right?

Fool me once shame on you...fool me twice................

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Originally Posted by ForeverHers
Obama will change this country, and Socialism here we come!

Yeah, but we still have Bush in charge, remember? So I guess he started Socialism, with all the government money going to businesses and talk of taking over the banks... How ya gonna pin this one on Obama I do not know, considering McCain stampeded to vote for this bill ahead of everyone else...


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Originally Posted by Want2Stay
Originally Posted by Marshmallow
Andrew C. McCarthy


Andrew C. McCarthy is a noted conservative OPINION columnist. His conservative BIAS is all over the article you posted. If you wish to believe his opinion is TRUTH that is up to you, but I see it as more Obama bashing for the sake of the tyring to save an election.


Yep, he's a noted conservative OPINION columnist.

And his piece was FULL of facts.

Facts that you are free to try to refute.

And like he said...

"You could conclude, as I do, that it all goes back to a formative time in his life that Obama refuses to discuss. Or you could buy the fairy tale that Bill Ayers first encountered an unknown, inexperienced, third-year associate from a small Chicago law-firm over coffee in 1995 and suddenly decided Barack Obama was the perfect fit to oversee the $150 million pot of gold Ayers hoped would underwrite his revolution."

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Originally Posted by Marshmallow
Originally Posted by Want2Stay
Originally Posted by Marshmallow
Andrew C. McCarthy


Andrew C. McCarthy is a noted conservative OPINION columnist. His conservative BIAS is all over the article you posted. If you wish to believe his opinion is TRUTH that is up to you, but I see it as more Obama bashing for the sake of the tyring to save an election.


Yep, he's a noted conservative OPINION columnist.

And his piece was FULL of facts.

Facts that you are free to try to refute.

And like he said...

"You could conclude, as I do, that it all goes back to a formative time in his life that Obama refuses to discuss. Or you could buy the fairy tale that Bill Ayers first encountered an unknown, inexperienced, third-year associate from a small Chicago law-firm over coffee in 1995 and suddenly decided Barack Obama was the perfect fit to oversee the $150 million pot of gold Ayers hoped would underwrite his revolution."

It's just amazing how this deluge of "factual information" is coming out three weeks before the election!

Too bad Obama isn't an uncharismatic stooge like Kerry was.

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Originally Posted by ForeverHers
those who DO want to see us croak and go away as a "force for good" in the world.

I think most of them want to see us go away as a force of cowboy diplomacy in the world; I find it hard to blame them.

No one likes occupying forces, no matter what "greater good" they claim as the excuse for the occupation. It has never worked in the past, and never will.


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Originally Posted by Krazy71
It's just amazing how this deluge of "factual information" is coming out three weeks before the election!

Too bad he wasn't vetted properly before he became your party's nominee.

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Originally Posted by Marshmallow
Originally Posted by Krazy71
It's just amazing how this deluge of "factual information" is coming out three weeks before the election!

Too bad he wasn't vetted properly before he became your party's nominee.

That's a matter of opinion.

Either way, he continues to widen his lead.

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Originally Posted by Krazy71
[quote=ForeverHers]Oh come on, Krazy. I suppose if we were to extend your "logic" to it's natural conclusion, then 90%+ of Blacks voting for Obama is based on his qualifications to be President rather than his "skin color?"

No, I think most blacks will vote for Obama primarily because he's black. I think we'd all be shocked if that wasn't the case. The black people I know make no bones about it. They feel he's qualified, but are defnintely voting for him because he's black.

Not a single white conservative I know, here in the breadbasket of America, has admitted that they're not voting for Obama because he's black.

Like I said...what a miraculous end to racism among whites in this country!

I got it. You seem to acknowledge that racism is the prime voting motivator for a large percentage of Blacks and NOT the qualifications of the candidate. And NO, they don't think he's qualified. They think he gives them "hope" despite his lack of experience.

Likewise, there's a whole group of liberal white voters who will vote based on RACE simply because Obama is Black, and they think that to vote FOR someone based on their qualifications would make themselves "racist," after all. So they will vote for the most unqualified candidate to come down the pike EVER, simply because he is Black.

As for those who will vote AGAINST Obama, I have no doubt that there are some White and Hispanic voters who will vote against him simply because he is Black. But most Conservative voters will vote for McCain because of the only two candidates TO choose from, one of whom WILL be the next President, McCain is by far the most experienced Candidate

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
Give me Condi Rice or J.C. Watts, (and there are several others) and I'll vote for them in a heartbeat, and they are both Black.

Easy to say...I doubt you'd vote for them if they were vying for the GOP nomination vs. the Typical Old White Guy. It's a hypothetical situation, so who knows? A black Republican nominee is unlikely anytime in the forseeable future.

Was there something I said that you failed to understand? McCain was NOT my 1st choice, nor was Obama the 1st choice of a lot of liberal voters (like Biden himself).

I would have voted for either Watts or Rice BEFORE voting for McCain, period, BECAUSE I am a Conservative first.

NOW, the choice IS down to Obama or McCain, and Obama is totally unqualified to BE the President. He's not even qualified to BE a US Senator, having served a whopping 172 DAYS as a Senator and the rest of the time as an active Candidate for the Presidency.

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
No one here has been saying Obama is "unqualified" because he's Black. He's unqualified because he's unqualified, period.

Anyone who hasn't been President is unqualified. There is always on-the-job training, no matter who is elected.

Bush is STILL unqualified, and McCain is eerily similar to him.

A Specious argument if I've ever heard one, Krazy. By your "logic," no one is qualified for ANY position anywhere, in or out of goverment, UNLESS they have first BEEN in that position. So much for the idea of MERIT promotions. No wonder the liberals oppose merit promotions and prefer the patronage system so much.

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
Perhaps the Dems and the Libs should LISTEN to their own VP Candidate who made it quite clear BEFORE he was entice to run for the VP spot, that OBAMA is NOT qualified to BE President and that the Office of President is no place for On The Job Training.

So, all of the other Republican nominees (Romney, Huckabee, etc.) were in agreement that McCain would be the best man for the job BEFORE they dropped out of the race? I don't think so. They were ripping him before they quit, and praising him after he became the nominee.

Nope, but the "best" candidate is not the same thing as "unqualified" and that is precisely what Biden MEANT about Obama. Biden NEVER said the same sort of thing about Hillary, and he even thinks Hillary would have made a better VP pick than himself, again telling us that in HIS judgment, Obama's "judgment" is "off."

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
And while we are at it, whatever happened to Martin Luther King Junior's wonderful plea that someone be "judged" by the character of their heart, not the color of their skin?"

Why hasn't a single President been black yet? I guess not a single black person has been qualfied...not even Obama. :RollieEyes:

Roll your eyes all you want. Maybe you'd have like Jesse Jackson instead, but the Democrats didn't think so.

Maybe Louis Farrahkan or the Right (err..left) Reverend Tawany Brawley (sp?) Al Sharpton would be a better "pick?"

YOU keep wanting to bring this to a RACE thing when it has NOTHING to do with race. It has to do with QUALIFICATIONS. One more time, Krazy, WHAT has Obama DONE? Nothing, unless you want to count having learned how to manipulate the system in true "Chicago-style" politics and Socialist activism.

WHY do you keep doing that?

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
Obama's heart is clear, and it's a clear and present danger to the Nation, or at least to the Nation that supports the Constitution and supports defending this Country against ALL enemies, FOREIGN as well as DOMESTIC. Obama's answer is not to defend the USA, it's to crawl into bed with them for their sort of "change."

That is pure rhetoric, with no basis in reality. For a group of people who are so big on "DEFENDING AMERICA", you are awfully afraid. You're jumpier than a cat with epilepsy. How are you going to fend off Al Qaeda when you almost wet yourself at the thought of Big Bad Obama in the White House?

No, Krazy, it's not "just rhetoric." It's proveable from what Obama HAS done, not what he says to get elected.

As for "fending off Al Qaeda," I'd use my guns and my religion, that I "cling so strongly to." Can't let them have the "corner" on guns and religion, now can we? smirk

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
Change? Yes he will. Obama will change this country, and Socialism here we come!

Try watching the news. Socialism is already here in force.

Yes it is. And it's known in this country as Liberalism and/or the Far Left, of which Barak is the furthest left of ALL Senators.

Thank you for making the point.

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Krasy71 wrote: So, how do you feel about Sarah Palin being married to a domestic terrorist?

FACTS don't bother liberals much, and they make up lies like this to simply avoid having to deal with facts.

PER AGG's statement, I don't much give a rat's behind about Palin's husband one way or the other, HE is not running for Office.

Nice try at a diversionary tactic, though a bit lame of a try.

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Originally Posted by ForeverHers
PER AGG's statement, I don't much give a rat's behind about Palin's husband one way or the other, HE is not running for Office.

Huh? Moi? I was only speaking for myself, not for you. If you were not focusing on Obama's ties to Ayers, then that would apply, but it seems to me that you are.

News flash, Ayers is not running for the Office either...


Last edited by AGoodGuy; 10/09/08 03:42 PM.

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Originally Posted by ForeverHers
I got it. You seem to acknowledge that racism is the prime voting motivator for a large percentage of Blacks and NOT the qualifications of the candidate. And NO, they don't think he's qualified. They think he gives them "hope" despite his lack of experience.

Likewise, there's a whole group of liberal white voters who will vote based on RACE simply because Obama is Black, and they think that to vote FOR someone based on their qualifications would make themselves "racist," after all. So they will vote for the most unqualified candidate to come down the pike EVER, simply because he is Black.

As for those who will vote AGAINST Obama, I have no doubt that there are some White and Hispanic voters who will vote against him simply because he is Black. But most Conservative voters will vote for McCain because of the only two candidates TO choose from, one of whom WILL be the next President, McCain is by far the most experienced Candidate.

Uh, yeah, they do think he's qualified. You could at least pretend to give blacks in this country a little credit. Why am I not surprised that you'd actually have the gall to insinuate that mainstream conservative voters are actually the LEAST likely to be racially motivated? That's hilarious and sad simultaneuously.

Oh, and "most experienced" and "best" are two entirely different things.

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
Was there something I said that you failed to understand? McCain was NOT my 1st choice, nor was Obama the 1st choice of a lot of liberal voters (like Biden himself).

I would have voted for either Watts or Rice BEFORE voting for McCain, period, BECAUSE I am a Conservative first.

Once again, that's easy to say, considering it's a purely hypothetical scenario.

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
NOW, the choice IS down to Obama or McCain, and Obama is totally unqualified to BE the President. He's not even qualified to BE a US Senator, having served a whopping 172 DAYS as a Senator and the rest of the time as an active Candidate for the Presidency.

Ok...how many days before he's "qualified" in your eyes? 500? 1000? 3000? At point does he cross that magic threshold between "unqualified" and "qualified"?

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
A Specious argument if I've ever heard one, Krazy. By your "logic," no one is qualified for ANY position anywhere, in or out of goverment, UNLESS they have first BEEN in that position. So much for the idea of MERIT promotions. No wonder the liberals oppose merit promotions and prefer the patronage system so much.

You have a bad habit of trying to give "examples" of my logic, but being completely off-base.

The Presidency is a one-of-a-kind position. There is no other like it anywhere on Earth. Only a handful of men in the history of mankind have held the title.

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
Nope, but the "best" candidate is not the same thing as "unqualified" and that is precisely what Biden MEANT about Obama. Biden NEVER said the same sort of thing about Hillary, and he even thinks Hillary would have made a better VP pick than himself, again telling us that in HIS judgment, Obama's "judgment" is "off."

Since Biden's judgement is spot-on in your book, maybe you should re-consider your vote.

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
Roll your eyes all you want. Maybe you'd have like Jesse Jackson instead, but the Democrats didn't think so.

Maybe Louis Farrahkan or the Right (err..left) Reverend Tawany Brawley (sp?) Al Sharpton would be a better "pick?"

YOU keep wanting to bring this to a RACE thing when it has NOTHING to do with race. It has to do with QUALIFICATIONS. One more time, Krazy, WHAT has Obama DONE? Nothing, unless you want to count having learned how to manipulate the system in true "Chicago-style" politics and Socialist activism.

WHY do you keep doing that?

Because, even though I sarcastically said otherwise, I refuse to believe that racism is the exception among white conservatives. I've lived among them for every one of my 37 years, and I know better...no...I'm QUALIFIED to make such an assertion.

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
No, Krazy, it's not "just rhetoric." It's proveable from what Obama HAS done, not what he says to get elected.

Then why isn't The Department of Homeland Security all over him right now?

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
As for "fending off Al Qaeda," I'd use my guns and my religion, that I "cling so strongly to."

Great...we'll all be on our knees facing Mecca in a matter of months.

Originally Posted by ForeverHers
Yes it is. And it's known in this country as Liberalism and/or the Far Left, of which Barak is the furthest left of ALL Senators.

Thank you for making the point.

I was referring to the bailout (rescue) bill. It's one of the most socialist pieces of legislation to ever come down the pike, and more legislation like it is coming our way.

They're being signed into law by "Mr. Conservative" himself.

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Originally Posted by ForeverHers
Krasy71 wrote: So, how do you feel about Sarah Palin being married to a domestic terrorist?

FACTS don't bother liberals much, and they make up lies like this to simply avoid having to deal with facts.

PER AGG's statement, I don't much give a rat's behind about Palin's husband one way or the other, HE is not running for Office.

Nice try at a diversionary tactic, though a bit lame of a try.

So, you don't think it's possible that someone who is sleeping with a domestic terrorist in the White House might be a problem?

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Yea well there are plenty of AfroAm neighborhoods in the US where a white person dare not walk. Don't know of too many where an AfroAm might not walk so who is the more bigoted? Any white person who thinks AfrosAms don't hate them is living in a fantasy world.

From what I see white americans have dropped their racism, try taking a Septa bus across West Philadelphia and see what your opinion is.


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2ple of 2uestions for you fine, objective folks.

What's worse?:

Being cheated on, or Obama winning the election?

Being cheated on, or McCain winning the election?

I haven't laughed so hard reading a thread since...


-ol' 2long

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Originally Posted by newjersey
From what I see white americans have dropped their racism

You must live in a tiny bubble.

Are you serious?

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Originally Posted by 2long
2ple of 2uestions for you fine, objective folks.

What's worse?:

Being cheated on, or Obama winning the election?

Being cheated on, or McCain winning the election?

I haven't laughed so hard reading a thread since...


-ol' 2long

As long as you frame the only options that way, 2long, I'll play along...

1. Obama winning the election. I can recover from the cheating but the country isn't likely to recover from an Obama/Reid/Pelosy triumverate, and along with it any chance at recovering anything.

2. Being cheated on. No worries about the country with a Commander in Chief who IS qualified (and that's most certainly NOT Obama).

3. It has had it's rather hilarious moments, I have to agree with you there.

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If the country can recover from 8 years of the Worst President Ever, and I assume it can, surely it can recover from 4 years of Obama, assuming it isn't in better shape when he leaves than it is now, which isn't exactly a stretch.

Why do think America is so fragile?

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Give me some receint examples of overt racism on the part of white americans? Killings lynchings etc, I guess being culturally european is implicit racism.

Also an example of an attractive/safe black neighborhood.

Thank you, awaiting your reply, answer the questions don't dodge them.


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