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So like many white americans you live in a nice neighborhood and have black friends who have PHDs, sorta like myself. I do? Holy crap! Can you give me my address, too? I can't wait to see my house! I'm gonna have to question every black person I know, and find out which ones have been hiding their educational background from me..those sneaky devils! I think people like yourself deny the cultural gulf between black and white americans. Uh, no. I say racism is still rampant among both blacks and whites. According to you, racism has been all but eliminated among whites. You seem to think the "gulf" is narrower than I do. About Obama, why would I vote for someone who resents and hates me? Its clear from his statements prior to becoming bland that he dislikes white americans, why else would he persist in a racist church for 20 years? NJ McCain and most Republicans resent and hate the non-rich. They just pull out the same old arguments every 4 years (abortion, religion, etc.) that they don't really care about, get the sheeple to vote for them, then shelve those issues until the next election cycle. Do you honestly think McCain isn't a racist? Please. He'd be the only 72-year-old white man who isn't. Even if Obama was the most racist black man in America (obviously he isn't), how exactly would that directly affect your life? Remember how government works when answering. Please don't dodge the question.
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actually, yes, he did. He failed to devulge his relationship with Ayers ran much deeper than originally stated.
That is a lie. Sarah Palin has been very forthcoming about being married to a domestic terrorist. Every time I watch TV, there she is again...going on and on about how she and Todd belonged to and currently support a group who advocates secession from the United States using violent means. I wish she'd just shut up about it already.
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actually, yes, he did. He failed to devulge his relationship with Ayers ran much deeper than originally stated.
That is a lie. Sarah Palin has been very forthcoming about being married to a domestic terrorist. Every time I watch TV, there she is again...going on and on about how she and Todd belonged to and currently support a group who advocates secession from the United States using violent means. I wish she'd just shut up about it already. and addressing Palin answers the concerns about Obama how?
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actually, yes, he did. He failed to divulge his relationship with Ayers ran much deeper than originally stated.
That is a lie.
A guy that I know.hmmm...a guy from the neighborhood...hmmm...
ACUALLY the GUY hosted a party for Obama.
Sounds like a friend.
The NYT? Credible? Ok, smart guy, care to refute this...... McCain's connections to G. Gordon Liddy are even closer and more disturbing. Liddy, of course, is famous as an ex-felon convicted for his role as a mastermind in the Watergate break-ins and cover-up. Less well known is the fact that Liddy proposed to kidnap anti-war activists in 1972 and even plotted the murder of a newspaper columnist deemed unfriendly. If his criminal activity helped bring down a president weren't bad enough, Liddy actually advocated terrorist acts, too. In 1994, Liddy advised listeners to his radio show to kill federal law enforcement agents: "Now if the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms comes to disarm you and they are bearing arms, resist them with arms. Go for a head shot; they're going to be wearing bulletproof vests. ... Kill the sons of b*tches." Despite this public advocacy of terrorism, McCain appeared at Liddy's home for a fundraiser Liddy organized for him in 1998. Liddy has given McCain $5,000 during his various campaigns, including $1,000 in 2007. McCain has never refused the money. Less than a year ago, McCain appeared on Liddy's radio show (where Liddy greeted him as an "old friend") and McCain told Liddy, "I'm proud of you, I'm proud of your family. It's always a pleasure for me to come on your program, Gordon, and congratulations on your continued success and adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great." You know how the saying goes, that those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Sure does look like McSame should have looked in his own closet before he started throwing..... Want2Stay
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Even if Obama was the most racist black man in America (obviously he isn't), how exactly would that directly affect your life? another one of your questions that is so stupid it doesn't merit a reply. Gee...how did Bush being an idiot (in your estimation) affect your life? He'd be the only 72-year-old white man who isn't. Once again, Krazy shows his intelligence. It's amazing with as bright as you are Krazy that you are not running for office. YOU do more to help the conservatives here than anything they can muster on their own. Time to stop wasting my time and make use of the ignore feature.
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I will hold McCain to the same standard....I KNOW the liberal media would make a big deal out of this if it were true.
Look, as I said...Obama has a lot of good ideas...some suck. I WOULD vote Democratic if he were off the ticket and there was a pro life candidate.
No one should be able to run from his past.
IMHO, there is nothing worse than abortion. RACISM runs a close second. mcCain is not close to being my first choice. BUT, I have seen no evidence f him being racist...none of his connections with terrorists...
Watergate is a non issue for me. What is happening today...caused in large measure by the Democrats dwarfs Watergate.
But make no mistake, I would be full in favor of scrapping the election if McCain has ties to terrorists. Your quote about Liddy is why the 2nd amendment exists. The government should be resisted if it attempts to circumvent the constitution. They should be resisted with force. THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE 2ND AMENDMENT.
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and addressing Palin answers the concerns about Obama how? Addressing Obama answers the concerns about Palin how?
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another one of your questions that is so stupid it doesn't merit a reply.
Gee...how did Bush being an idiot (in your estimation) affect your life? In other words, you have no answer for the question, which wasn't directed at you in the first place. Bush being an idiot wasn't the problem. Bush being a corrupt conservative was the problem. Once again, Krazy shows his intelligence. Another personal attack that neither refutes my statements or backs up your own. It's amazing with as bright as you are Krazy that you are not running for office. YOU do more to help the conservatives here than anything they can muster on their own. Then McCain should give me a call, because what he's been doing isn't working. Time to stop wasting my time and make use of the ignore feature. Turning tail and running is your prerogative. Too bad life doesn't have an ignore feature...the next 4-8 years are going to be depressing for you.
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Last edited by Revera; 10/10/08 10:31 AM. Reason: personal attack
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You didn't watch that CNN report did you? Obama said, " This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of English in Chicago who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He's not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis..... AND.....when Hillary brought up the Woods foundation, he said this... OBAMA: "than me serving on a board with somebody for actions that he did 40 years ago." Transcript: Obama and Clinton Debate He tried to down play his connection w/ him. He's just some guy in the neighborhood. And when Hillary cornered him w/ the Woods foundation he added that he sat on "a (one) board w/." NOT TRUE Since the the records of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge have been released, we now know that he worked closely w/ him on at least two boards. And it doesn't make a difference to me whether he exchanges ideas w/ him on a "regular basis" or a "semi-regular basis". I don't want my President exchanging any ideas w/ a terrorist. And Axelrod also tried to excuse the extent of Obama’s involvement w/ Ayers, saying, “Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school... They’re certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together.” Which is laughable seeing that Ayer's youngest child is an adult. Obama also failed to tell us that his political career was launched in Ayer's livingroom. The CNN investigation concludes:
"The chairmanship of the $100 million Annenberg board helped volt him from southside Chicago lawyer to political player and that too has another connection to Bill Ayers.” Shortly after joining the Annenberg board in 1995, a female state senator appointed Barack Obama as her apparent political heir. “Where was that introduction made?” CNN questioned? Simple: “in the home of the 60s radicals Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.” LINK Obama has been concealing and misleading the voters about his relationship w/ Ayers. Why? AND: Was he "palling around w/ a terrorist"? When a reporter asked his own campaign manager about his relationship w/ Ayers, he described it as "friendly".
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Let's say for a second all of this Ayers stuff is true. Obama and he are best friends forever. Have been for decades.
What will be the repercussions of this?
Will Obama work behind the scenes to help plant explosives at government targets? Will he convince Ayers to resume his terrorist activities and help him build bombs?
Will he secretly assist Al Qaeda in detonating a nuke in Times Square?
Where are Republicans going with all this, other than smearing Obama in a last-ditch effort to win an election?
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McCain Linked to Group in Iran-Contra Affair
Barack Obama has his William Ayers connection. Now John McCain may have an Iran-Contra connection. In the 1980s, McCain served on the advisory board to the U.S. chapter of an international group linked to ultra-right-wing death squads in Central America.
The U.S. Council for World Freedom aided rebels trying to overthrow the leftist government of Nicaragua. That landed the group in the middle of the Iran-Contra affair and in legal trouble with the Internal Revenue Service, which revoked the charitable organization's tax exemption.
The council created by retired Army Maj. Gen. John Singlaub was the U.S. chapter of the World Anti-Communist League, an international organization linked to former Nazi collaborators and ultra-right-wing death squads in Central America. After setting up the U.S. council, Singlaub served as the international league's chairman.
McCain's tie to Singlaub's council is undergoing renewed scrutiny after his campaign criticized Obama for his link to Ayers, a former radical who engaged in violent acts 40 years ago. Over the weekend, Democratic operative Paul Begala said on ABC's "This Week" that this "guilt by association" tactic could backfire on the McCain campaign by renewing discussion of McCain's service on the board of the U.S. Council for World Freedom, "an ultraconservative right-wing group."
In two interviews with The Associated Press in August and September, Singlaub said McCain became associated with the organization in the early 1980s as McCain launched his political career. McCain was elected to the U.S. House in 1982.
Singlaub said McCain was a supporter but not an active member.
"McCain was a new guy on the block learning the ropes," Singlaub said. "I think I met him in the Washington area when he was just a new congressman. We had McCain on the board to make him feel like he wasn't left out. It looks good to have names on a letterhead who are well-known and appreciated.
"I don't recall talking to McCain at all on the work of the group," Singlaub said.
McCain has said he resigned from the council in 1984 and asked in 1986 to have his name removed from the group's letterhead.
"I didn't know whether (the group's activity) was legal or illegal, but I didn't think I wanted to be associated with them," McCain said in a 1986 newspaper interview.
Singlaub does not recall any McCain resignation in 1984 or May 1986. Nor does Joyce Downey, who oversaw the group's day-to-day activities.
"That's a surprise to me," Singlaub said. "This is the first time I've ever heard that. There may have been someone in his office communicating with our office."
"I don't ever remember hearing about his resigning, but I really wasn't worried about that part of our activities, a housekeeping thing," said Singlaub. "If he didn't want to be on the board that's OK. It wasn't as if he had been active participant and we were going to miss his help. He had no active interest. He certainly supported us."
On Tuesday, the McCain campaign addressed the resignation by saying that the candidate disassociated himself from "one Arizona-based group when questions were raised about its activities."
Taking an opportunity to attack the Obama-Biden ticket, the McCain campaign added that as a House member and later as a senator, McCain fought against communist influence in Central America while Sen. Joe Biden tried to cut off money for anti-communist forces in El Salvador and Nicaragua.
The renewed attention over McCain's association with Singlaub's group comes as McCain's campaign steps up criticism of Obama's dealings with Ayers, now a college professor who co-founded the Weather Underground in the 1960s and years later worked with Obama on the board of an education reform group in Chicago. Ayers held a meet-the-candidate event at his home when Obama first ran for public office in the mid-1990s.
In McCain's case, he was a House member and a board member of Singlaub's council when the new congressman voted for military assistance to the Nicaraguan Contras, a CIA-organized guerrilla force. In 1984, Congress cut off military assistance to the rebels.
Months before the cutoff, top Reagan administration officials ramped up a secret White House-directed supply network run by National Security Council aide Oliver North, who relied on retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Richard Secord to carry out the operation. The goal was to keep the Contras operating until Congress could be persuaded to resume CIA funding.
Singlaub's private group became the public front for the secret White House activity.
"It was noted that they were trying to act as suppliers. It was pretty good cover for us," Secord, the field operations chief for the secret effort, said Tuesday in an interview.
The White House-directed network's covert arms shipments, financed in part by the Reagan administration's secret arms sales to Iran, exploded into the Iran-Contra affair in November 1986. The scandal proved to be the undoing of Singlaub's council.
In 1987, the Internal Revenue Service withdrew tax-exempt status from Singlaub's group because of its activities on behalf of the Contras.
Peter Kornbluh, co-author of "The Iran-Contra Scandal: A Declassified History," said the Council on World Freedom was crucial to diverting public attention from the Reagan White House's fundraising for the Contras.
Singlaub and the council publicly urged private support for the Contras, providing what Singlaub later called "a lightning rod" to explain how the rebels sustained themselves despite Congress' cutoff.
In October 1986, the secrecy of North's network unraveled after one of its planes was shot down over Nicaragua. One American crewman, Eugene Hasenfus, was captured by the Nicaraguan government. At first, Reagan administration officials lied by saying that the plane had no connection to the U.S. government and was part of Singlaub's operation.
"I resented it that reporters thought it was my plane. I don't run a sloppy operation," Singlaub told The AP.
In an interview last month, Downey, the full-time employee of Singlaub's council, said she has a clear memory of McCain resigning in 1986, but not earlier.
"It was during the time when the U.S. Council had been wrongly accused of being owners of the Hasenfus plane downed in Nicaragua," said Downey. "A couple of days after that, I was in Washington and called home to get messages from my mother. I returned that call and a staff person wanted to ask for the resignation of Congressman McCain."
When Hasenfus was shot down, McCain was in the final month of his first campaign for the U.S. Senate seat he still holds.
McCain's office responded quickly. McCain said he had resigned from the council in 1984. Further, McCain said that in May 1986 he asked the group to remove his name from the letterhead. McCain's office produced two letters from 1984 and 1986 to back his account.
The dates on the resignation letters in 1984 and May 1986 coincided with McCain election campaigns and increasingly critical public scrutiny of the World Anti-Communist League, the umbrella group Singlaub chaired.
In 1983 and 1984 for example, columnist Jack Anderson linked the league's Latin American affiliate to death squad political assassinations.
The Latin American affiliate was kicked out of the league. At the time, Singlaub told the columnist the Latin American affiliate had "knowingly promoted pro-Nazi groups" and was "virulently anti-Semitic."
"That was putting it mildly," Anderson wrote in a Sept. 11, 1984, column on alleged death squad murders, an article that appeared two months before the U.S. election day.
Two weeks after Anderson's column, a letter from McCain addressed to Singlaub asks that the congressman's name be taken off the board because he didn't have time for the council.
Singlaub told AP that "certainly by 1984," he had purged the World Anti-Communist League of extremists. Singlaub complains that American news media wrote that the league hadn't gotten rid of extremist elements and tried to tarnish the league's credibility, "making something evil out of fighting communism."
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Can I ask a stupid question? Why is so much effort being put in to discrediting the candidates rather than discussing the actual election platforms? I watched an American station for the first time in a long time last night and it was full of political ads dissing the other politicians. Honestly, I had no idea who the ad was FOR, only who it was AGAINST! I read through a bit of this and it's the same thing. Does the typical American even know what the candidates are actually going to do if they win? Don't you guys care about taxes, economy, pollution, education, health care, foreign relations and other actual political issues rather than who knew who and what subversive group they belonged to? Now I can see how OJ got off the first time.
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Can I ask a stupid question? Why is so much effort being put in to discrediting the candidates rather than discussing the actual election platforms? I watched an American station for the first time in a long time last night and it was full of political ads dissing the other politicians. Honestly, I had no idea who the ad was FOR, only who it was AGAINST! I read through a bit of this and it's the same thing. Does the typical American even know what the candidates are actually going to do if they win? Don't you guys care about taxes, economy, pollution, education, health care, foreign relations and other actual political issues rather than who knew who and what subversive group they belonged to? Now I can see how OJ got off the first time. Oh Canada... I think we have a good handle on the issues...and now we are discussing character. They do have character in Canada...right?
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Oh Canada...
I think we have a good handle on the issues...and now we are discussing character. They do have character in Canada...right? Oh sure. We've got PM Helmet Head up against a bunch of crooks of varying sliminess. The only honest one, the woman, doesn't stand a chance. But people here worry more about the issues. Only Helmet Head has put out negative ad campaigns (that I have seen at least). Our election is Tuesday and we see and hear more about yours next month.
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It goes to his character, Krazy.
And his judgement...which he has held out as being THE reason we ought to trust him.
He says he has the "judgement to lead" and yet has no problems exchanging ideas w/ an unrepentant terrorist.
And he has no problem sitting in the pews of Wright for 20 years.
B/c of course he never heard Wright say any of those Anti-American views of his. He wasn't the man he knew.
Just like he didn't know Ayers was a terrorist...he wasn't the terrorist he knew.
And he wants us to trust his judgement, when he is apparently so naive and incurious?
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My priest spoke about the slandering of parties and canidates just this morning at mass. He was spot on. People become blind and uncompromising while locking in on their canidate.
I've yet to see one persom here try to convince the opposite party with logic to change their mind on their canidate.
All I see is.."I know you are but what am I"!!!!
You'd think someone here would be intelligent enough to speak about their parties platform on an issue without pointing out the speck in someone's elses eye?!?
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All I see is.."I know you are but what am I"!!!! I haven't seen much of that on this thread. The fact that it hasn't been locked shows that it's been fairly respectful. You'd think someone here would be intelligent enough to speak about their parties platform on an issue without pointing out the speck in someone's elses eye?!? Go ahead, Iam, the floor is all yours.
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