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ack!  Upcoming news report: "Ayers story impacting polls" and there is a breaking story about Obama's connection to ACORN! :MrEEk: Keep on dreaming! There's gonna be a liberal in the White House in about 3 months. Until then, keep on deluding yourself!
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Hallelujah is word used to praise God. Using it to applaud one who destroys God's children speaks volumes about you. Destroys God's children? How many people have died in Iraq in the last 5 1/2 years, both American and Iraqi? The number of Americans killed in Iraq is about the same as the number of children that will have their life terminated by abortion today in the US alone.
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It's not a matter of liking Obamba, it's a matter of hating Republicians. That is definitely where I find myself. I do not like Obama, but the other side has left me no choice but to vote for him. BTW, I have no hate for Republicans, I just cannot stand what specific Republicans have done, and who the specific Republicans running for office are... AGG
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ack!  Upcoming news report: "Ayers story impacting polls" and there is a breaking story about Obama's connection to ACORN! :MrEEk: Yes, I think most Americans are breathlessly waiting for the latest "news flash" story to show up on Fox to help them decide how to vote... Right... I am waiting for the one about Obama's ties to Saddam Hussein (wait, did you know they share the same name, what does that say about his character??)...  AGG
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ack!  Upcoming news report: "Ayers story impacting polls" and there is a breaking story about Obama's connection to ACORN! :MrEEk: Yes, I think most Americans are breathlessly waiting for the latest "news flash" story to show up on Fox to help them decide how to vote... Right...  AGG How about from CNN? Would that help you w/ your giggles?
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You posted a youtube link... I can't see it at work, unfortunately. If you have a CNN link, I'll be happy to have a look  . AGG
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OK, I scoured CNN as you suggested, and I see here that 2% of Americans said that the most important issue to them is "Other" where prior associations and "character" apparently falls.. Is that the folks you are referring to? AGG
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Common Medc, you're splitting hairs. As a former PO, you know darn good and well as did Liddy when he made the statement that the ATF and the FBI had JUST CAUSE and a WARRANT to search the compound. It's still extremist statements by someone advocating KILLING FEDERAL AGENTS WHO TRY TO SERVE A LEGITIMATE WARRANT and McCain's buddy Liddy condoned it. You know very well that Liddy's comments were made in response to the government AMBUSH and slaughter of innocent citizens at Ruby Ridge. An FBI sniper shot down an unarmed woman, Vicki Weaver, holding a 10 month baby, like a dog. Liddy is speaking about SELF DEFENSE. Bill Ayers did not commit his acts of terrorism in self defense. BIG DIFFERENCE. It is shocking to me that anyone could draw a moral equation between the 2. Through what logic would SELF DEFENSE be considered an act of "terrorism" on the same plane as blowing up government buildings?  Reason Online Ambush at Ruby Ridge <snip> entire articleSorry ML, but your fact checker must be broken. Liddy's comments were made in the aftermath of WACO not Ruby Ridge. Your SELF DEFENSE claim doesn't fly because ATF was trying to serve a legitimate WARRANT. In 1994, after the disastrous federal raid on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, he gave some advice to his listeners: "Now if the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms comes to disarm you and they are bearing arms, resist them with arms. Go for a head shot; they're going to be wearing bulletproof vests. ... Kill the sons of b*tches." Liddy is noted for controversial advice to his radio audience, including on one occasion in 1994, after the federal raid on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, Liddy advised his listeners: "Now if the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms comes to disarm you and they are bearing arms, resist them with arms. Go for a head shot; they're going to be wearing bulletproof vests. ... Kill the sons of bitches." Granted, I'll give you that Ruby Ridge was obviously a travesty of justice. The FACTS are that is not what spurred Libby to advocate KILLLING FEDERAL AGENTS. So, let's put that aside. Care to defend McCain being a "close friend" of a man who brought down a Presidency and was CONVICTED for it? For his role in Watergate, which he coordinated with Hunt, Liddy was convicted of conspiracy, burglary and illegal wiretapping, and received a 20-year sentence. He served a total of five and half years in prison, including over 100 days in solitary confinement, before his sentence was commuted by President Jimmy Carter and he was released on September 7, 1977. Over the years, Liddy has made four contributions totaling $5,000 to Senator John McCain's campaigns -- including $1,000 in 2007. In November 2007 Senator John McCain, 2008 Presidential candidate, went on Liddy's radio show. Liddy greeted him as "an old friend," and McCain replied. "I'm proud of you, I'm proud of your family... It's always a pleasure for me to come on your program, Gordon, and congratulations on your continued success and adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great." Are you really going to defend this relationship? :RollieEyes: Want2Stay See how it's done, Want2?
Mel proved the author had not gotten his facts correct. She didn't just dismiss them by saying they were written by a leftist. See how that was done Marsh. I backed up my arguments with the actual FACTS. 
BS-me 36 FWW-34 DS-7 & DS-3 PA - 7/06-8/06 EA - 6/06-1/07 D-Day: wife confessed 2-17-07, suspected 8-02-06 Broke NC: 2-19-07, 3-24-07, 5/07 My StoryMy Wife's Story --------------------- Healing one day at a time.....
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That story isn't going to impact this election any more than the GOP's tampering with the 2000 election affected the 2004 election.
It will, however, give those who were never going to vote for a Democrat something else to whine about.
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OK, I scoured CNN as you suggested, and I see here that 2% of Americans said that the most important issue to them is "Other" where prior associations and "character" apparently falls.. Is that the folks you are referring to? AGG Nope. I was referring to the ACORN/Obama connection. Here's the transcript... CAMPBELL BROWN: Now, it is officially nonpartisan. But this group works hard to register low-income voters who tend to vote for Democrats. ACORN's under fire over allegedly phony voter registration in several states, and Drew Griffin of CNN's Special Investigations Unit is digging into this for us. You'll be pretty surprised by what he found. DREW GRIFFIN: There are 5,000 of them. RUTHANN HOAGLAND: These? GRIFFIN: These. HOAGLAND: These. GRIFFIN: Those? HOAGLAND: And these. GRIFFIN: They are new voter registration applications turned into by the community organizing group, ACORN, which has launched a massive voter registration drive, and with 5,000 applications in this one county dumped on just before the October 6 deadline; it looked like to Elections Board Administrator Ruth Ann Hoagland like ACORN was extremely successful, until her workers began finding problems. GRIFFIN: A lot of them? HOAGLAND: 50 percent. We had close to 5,000 total from ACORN, and so far we have identified about 2,100. GRIFFIN: So roughly half of them are bad. HOAGLAND: Correct. GRIFFIN: Registered to a dead person, registered as a person who lives at a fast food shop. HOAGLAND: Yes. GRIFFIN: Or just all of them amazingly in the same hand. HOAGLAND: Yes. Yes. All the signatures look exactly the same. Everything on the card filled out looks just the same. GRIFFIN: Ruth Ann. Fraud? HOAGLAND: We have no idea what the motive behind it is. It's just overwhelming to us. GRIFFIN: It's not that some are bad. Once they started going through them, every one they looked at was bad. HOAGLAND: Right. We've run into a lot of the same - we'll go through ten cards, and the exact -- in the exact same hand, the card is filled out the same, the signature is the same. We'll make telephone calls, and every phone has been disconnected. GRIFFIN: Hoagland decided to stop the review all together, work on other apparently legitimate registrations and get back to the other half of what she now calls "the fake pile," later. HOAGLAND: It's frustrating. It's very frustrating. GRIFFIN: Here is another ACORN filled out registration form. It's for Jimmy Johns, 10839 Broadway in Crown Pointe. Jimmy Johns. We decided to track him down. Here he is. Is there anybody here that's actually named Jimmy Johns? Nobody registered to vote here named Jimmy Johns? This could really -- I mean, there has been no fraud yet because people haven't voted yet, right? HOAGLAND: Correct. We'll find out on Election Day. GRIFFIN: But it certainly sets up a potential. HOAGLAND: The potential, I suppose, is always there. It's just that the volume -- the volume is just incredible. GRIFFIN: The elections board is run by both Republicans and Democrats. Regardless of whose party, we've got a problem with these ballots. These registrations. SALLY LASOTA: Both sides, Democrats and Republicans. For us, it's unfortunate. ACORN, with its intent, perhaps, was good to begin with, but unfortunately went awry somewhere. GRIFFIN: It is fraud, says the Democrat Director, Sally LaSota. LASOTA: Well, if you look, it's the same signature for all three voters. It's as though the one individual tried -- did three separate applications but you can tell the signature -- we're not handwriting experts, but what's obvious is obvious. GRIFFIN: ACORN's voter registration drives are under investigation or suspicion in several states. Just yesterday, local authorities raided this ACORN office in Las Vegas where ACORN workers allegedly registered members of the Dallas Cowboys football team. Over the last four years, a dozen states investigated complaints of fraudulent registrations filed by ACORN, and complaints of fraud by ACORN have exploded nationwide in just the last few weeks. We tried to contact the ACORN director in Gary, Indiana. But when the phone messages went unanswered, we went to the office. It's abandoned. ACORN told us that the state director for Indiana ACORN is actually based in this office in Milwaukee. But today, we found it empty, too. ACORN's attorney in Boston told us allegations his organization has committed fraud is a government attempt to keep the disenfranchised from voting. ACORN LAWYER BRIAN MOLLER: We believe their purpose is to attack ACORN and suppress votes. We think that by attacking ACORN that they are going to discourage people who have may have registered with ACORN from voting. GRIFFIN: Brian Moller says ACORN has its own quality control, has fired workers in the past, including workers in Gary. Despite its past, the Obama campaign gave $800,000 to ACORN to help fund its primary registration drive, and ACORN has endorsed Barack Obama for president. The Obama campaign reacted this afternoon, saying, it is "committed to protecting the integrity of the voting process and said it has not worked with ACORN during the general election." BROWN: Drew Griffin. Drew, though the campaign, or Obama, rather, has worked with ACORN, though, in the past. Is that accurate? GRIFFIN: That's accurate. As an attorney, he represented ACORN in a motor voter court case, which, by the way, Barack Obama won for ACORN. But all afternoon long, the campaign has been calling us, trying to distance themselves from ACORN. BROWN: All right. Drew Griffin for us, tonight. Drew, as always, thanks. (CNN's "ElectionCenter," 10/10/08) LINK
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None of the back and forth even matters at this point. The election has already been decided.
The oppressed are going to rise up and vote those Republicans the h*ll out of office!! Hallelujah!!!
There is a LOT of buzz about the election...everywhere I go. It even came up at a wedding I photographed last week. Yep.
Say "Bye-bye!!"
Charlotte Charlotte, you might be right, what with ACORN running around in "good old Chicago-style" fashion registering thousands of voters fradulently. The Democratic "machine" has been great at "stuffing the ballot boxes" and "stealing elections" for years. And Obama learned his lessons well in Chicago. But we'll see. For the record, "Character" counts. As most of us around here know, it's NOT what you say that counts, it's what you do and what you've done. Obama is all about rhetoric and NO action, or only action that supports the FAR LEFT agenda and "pays off" his political cronies. Have you seen how much Obama has contributed to ACORN, to say nothing of the liberal Democratic attempt to put BILLIONS in "pork" into the Financial Rescue Bill that the Republicans defeated? Barak is an empty glittering Armani suit with NO substance underneath, unless you count the rotting socialist ideas that run remarkably close to Marxism. But it won't change the minds of the lemmings who will follow him, because they don't care about substance, all they want is to "look good" and "feel good." But, you know all those spending projects that Barak has been promising to "spread the goodies around" to everyone, in exchange for massive government control over everyone's lives? Where exactly is Barak going to GET the money to fulfill his campaign promises? The Rich? Who do you think has lost the most in this economic meltdown? The Middle class? Give us all a break! At best Barak will raise the taxes on a huge number of them because as small business owners they make more that $250,000 per year. No hiring. No salaries. No taxes. The rest of the middle class is busy just trying to survive with what is ALREADY left over of their modest income after the Government steals a HUGE chuck of it....to pay ACORN and the other various "pet pork projects" and income redistribution programs of the present government. The Poor? Right, they already don't pay for anything in the way of taxes. Change? In a "pet porky project pig's eye"! And let's not even get started on Barak's idea of what our Health Care system should be like, let alone the financing of that system through his idea of a "One Payer System" (aka the government of liberals). You want to see his idea at work? Look at Canada and Great Britian. You want to wait 6 months to a Year to see a Doctor, move to one of those countries and knock yourself out. Doctors today are already considering bailing out of the Medicare system because it does NOT reimburse enough to pay the bills and make a living ALREADY. Education reform? Get real. Obama HAD ample opportunity in Chicago to bring about REAL educational reform. Did he? NO. He supported then, and continues to support today, the Chicago Teacher's Union. Got their endorsement. But have you EVER looked at what Chicagor teachers are paid and what their WORK schedule looks like? There is probably NO "cushier job" in all of American than that of a Chicago teacher....and the CHILDREN are the ones who wind up paying the REAL cost. Educational reformer? NOT Barak Obama. Contrast every one of Obama's plans with McCain's plans for the same areas and you will see one thing very clearly. McCain is for Capitalism and Obama is for Socialism/Marxism. McCain is for individual choice in selecting Health Insurance and Obama is for forced Government dictated a controlled Healthcare. You want to compare Obama with Palin, as Krazy seems to always want to do, and Obama is for USING OTHER PEOPLE's MONEY and NOT spending his own. Doubt it? Check out sometime just how much of his personal money Obama has donated to charity. It's paltry and miserly. But don't forget, Obama has NEVER run a business or a State and has not one clue about what it MEANS to manage a budget or make "hard choices." By the way, did I mention Obama's consistant refrain of support for all candidates adhering to the federal financing of campaigns, UNTIL he realized he could outspend McCain(who IS accepting federal spending limits) and then "found" that the system was somehow "broken" and he'd add it to his list of things to "change," errrr..fix, once he buys and lies his way into office? "Domestic terrorist" Todd Palin my a$$. Bill Ayers, going all the way back to Columbia University, which by the way Obama still REFUSES to release any records about his time there, is where their "relationship" goes back to. Not close? And the emperor wears clothes too, right? That's what Barak's supporters think. And they just can't believe it when someone has the temerity to SPEAK THE TRUTH and tell all the "faithful followers of Obamessiah that he actually is wearing no clothes." And last but not least, lest we FORGET amid all the rhetoric and bombast... Barak Obama is FOR infanticide, not just abortion. He is AGAINST any possible restriction of ANY kind on any abortions. Guess what organizations also support Obama for this stance. Litmus Test? Yes. I said much earlier on, FOR ME, Barak Obama is UNFIT for the office that defends the "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" of the "least among us." He IS for the continuing slaughter of MILLIONS of innocent babies, INCLUDING those that miraculously SURVIVE an abortion attempt. THEN Barak Obama wants them left in "Comfort Rooms" to simply DIE and go away. This man is a character of "evil at heart" and the willingness to say and do anything to get what HE wants, which is POWER. Once he has it, will there be any changes? Yes there will...on some things....all for the worse. On other things like abortion, NO CHANGE... Now, I wonder if Barak has managed to send his half-brother who lives in Kenya on ONE dollar a month any money? How about when Obama was IN Kenya to campaign for Odinga (you know, the guy who wants to bring Sharia Law of Islamic radicals to Kenya)? Obama puts any "fast talking slicky car salesman" to shame.
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Oooooo...Obama represented Acorn once. I hope the Earth doesn't open up and engulf us all.  The desperation continues.... I think some craniums are gonna detonate on November 4.
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Sorry ML, but your fact checker must be broken. Liddy's comments were made in the aftermath of WACO not Ruby Ridge. Your SELF DEFENSE claim doesn't fly because ATF was trying to serve a legitimate WARRANT. W/o a transcript how can you be sure he was thinking of Waco and not RR?
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Obama puts any "fast talking slicky car salesman" to shame. And Republican voters put their own party to shame. "Kill him!" "Terrorist!" "Obama Osama!" Idiots.
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OK, I scoured CNN as you suggested, and I see here that 2% of Americans said that the most important issue to them is "Other" where prior associations and "character" apparently falls.. Is that the folks you are referring to? AGG Nope. I was referring to the ACORN/Obama connection. Here's the transcript... Ah, OK, thanks. Voter fraud is always detestable. I for one hope that we don't have any issues with voter fraud, hanging chaffs, "voter intent", and Supreme Court interventions in the elections. But how does this play into the question of who to vote for? AGG
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OK, I scoured CNN as you suggested, and I see here that 2% of Americans said that the most important issue to them is "Other" where prior associations and "character" apparently falls.. Is that the folks you are referring to? AGG Nope. I was referring to the ACORN/Obama connection. Here's the transcript... Ah, OK, thanks. Voter fraud is always detestable. I for one hope that we don't have any issues with voter fraud, hanging chaffs, "voter intent", and Supreme Court interventions in the elections. But how does this play into the question of who to vote for? AGG If Republicans don't like the weather on a given day, it'll be spun into "Obama's fault" before lunchtime. They're gonna have mass coronaries.
Last edited by Krazy71; 10/10/08 01:42 PM.
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Destroys God's children?
How many people have died in Iraq in the last 5 1/2 years, both American and Iraqi? Krazy - Gee, I don't know the precise, to-the-person, counts. Do you? Help me out here. While you are at it, how many Iraqis died at Hussein's hand? How many people died in that little "incident" known as Kuwait? And while you are tallying up deaths that seem senseless to you despite the necessity to confront evil before it comes to "a neighborhood close to you," how many people died at Normandy, in ONE day? HOW DARE WE get involved in someone else's fight?!?! The last time I checked it was JAPAN that attacked the USA, not Germany. Fighting the "wrong" fight again, I guess. Maybe we should ask Barak? Shoot, we should just wait on the French to do all the defending of Freedom, they've been soooooo successful at it they did it TWO times in the 20th Century. Why should we EVER get involved in anything? Pffft! One last time, Krazy, Freedom is NOT free and "negotiating" with evil people NEVER stopped them from killing and causing great mayhem on the "world scene." You may not like it, but those "types" only understand FORCE of ARMS. Until then, they WILL do whatever they want to because they believe you are weak and they CAN impose their will on you. But if Barak had been able to exercise HIS SCREWED UP JUDGMENT ability, we would have pulled out of Iraq and accomplished nothing. The SURGE that McCain proposed and championed WORKED. And Obama STILL can't come to accept REALITY and still wants us all to think Iraq is a "lost war" as Harry Reid pronounced. His JUDGMENT stinks. Period.
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Obama puts any "fast talking slicky car salesman" to shame. And Republican voters put their own party to shame. "Kill him!" "Terrorist!" "Obama Osama!" Idiots. And sadly, we do not hear McCain/Palin say a word against such outbursts at their rallies, which include "Off with his head", "treason", as well as racial epithets against African American media members at the events. So by association, does that not mean that they have the same outlooks? (And no, I don't think they do, but it would be nice to hear them disavow such comments instead of winking at them). AGG
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