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But if Barak had been able to exercise HIS SCREWED UP JUDGMENT ability, we would have pulled out of Iraq and accomplished nothing. Nonsense. If Barak had been able to exercise his judgment, we would have saved >4000 American lives and tens of thousands of maimed Americans, saved hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, preserved our moral leadership in the world, and oh yeah, probably would have captured Osama Bin Ladin. AGG
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"Kill him!" - Bill Ayers to "Uncle Sam."
"Terrorist!" - Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrne, self admitted, unashamedly, and still regreting they didn't kill more and bomb more.
"Obama Osama!" coined by Teddy Kennedy. Republicans figured Teddy SHOULD know.
"Idiots." I concur. Bill, Berandine, Teddy, Barak, Far Left Liberals....if the shoe fits, and it fit's just like Cinderella's slipper, WEAR IT.
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But how does this play into the question of who to vote for? It doesn't at all... which is why the Obama campaign is desperately trying to distance Obama from ACORN. 
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And sadly, we do not hear McCain/Palin say a word against such outbursts at their rallies, which include "Off with his head", "treason", as well as racial epithets against African American media members at the events.
So by association, does that not mean that they have the same outlooks? (And no, I don't think they do, but it would be nice to hear them disavow such comments instead of winking at them). AGG - do you mean like Barak's 20 year "not so close" association with Rev. Wright and his "God-da.. America" outbursts? Or Barak's 20 year membership in "Black Liberation" marxist theology? Or his association with Farrahkan and his racial comments? Or his meddling in Kenyan politics to try to get Odinga elected and Sharia Law made the law in Kenya? Or the Kenyan burning of 100's of Christian churches and killing of MANY people by Obama's chosen candidate when he lost the election? Anyone remember talks by the Democrats about another '68 sort of response to Obama losing? Barak...silent again. Or Barak's elitist philosophy about those poor Pennsylvanians clinging to their religion and their guns? Or Barak's agreement by silence with his wife's opinion that she FINALLY, after all these years, has SOMETHING to be proud of America for? Emperor Barak wears no clothes.
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Oooooo...Obama represented Acorn once. Yet another example of Obama's stunning lack of judgment. Time after time after time....
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Destroys God's children?
How many people have died in Iraq in the last 5 1/2 years, both American and Iraqi? Krazy - Gee, I don't know the precise, to-the-person, counts. Do you? Help me out here. While you are at it, how many Iraqis died at Hussein's hand? How many people died in that little "incident" known as Kuwait? And while you are tallying up deaths that seem senseless to you despite the necessity to confront evil before it comes to "a neighborhood close to you," how many people died at Normandy, in ONE day? HOW DARE WE get involved in someone else's fight?!?! The last time I checked it was JAPAN that attacked the USA, not Germany. Fighting the "wrong" fight again, I guess. Maybe we should ask Barak? Shoot, we should just wait on the French to do all the defending of Freedom, they've been soooooo successful at it they did it TWO times in the 20th Century. Why should we EVER get involved in anything? Pffft! One last time, Krazy, Freedom is NOT free and "negotiating" with evil people NEVER stopped them from killing and causing great mayhem on the "world scene." You may not like it, but those "types" only understand FORCE of ARMS. Until then, they WILL do whatever they want to because they believe you are weak and they CAN impose their will on you. But if Barak had been able to exercise HIS SCREWED UP JUDGMENT ability, we would have pulled out of Iraq and accomplished nothing. The SURGE that McCain proposed and championed WORKED. And Obama STILL can't come to accept REALITY and still wants us all to think Iraq is a "lost war" as Harry Reid pronounced. His JUDGMENT stinks. Period. You're not seriously going with the "we're in Iraq for the sake of the Iraqi people" argument, are you? We went in because we "knew" Saddam had WMDs. After it became clear that we'd made a "mistake" (yeah, right), it became a humaniarian mission because we care so much for the Iraqi people. Or was it because Al Qaeda had set up shop there?:RollieEyes:
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"Kill him!" - Bill Ayers to "Uncle Sam."
"Terrorist!" - Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrne, self admitted, unashamedly, and still regreting they didn't kill more and bomb more.
"Obama Osama!" coined by Teddy Kennedy. Republicans figured Teddy SHOULD know.
"Idiots." I concur. Bill, Berandine, Teddy, Barak, Far Left Liberals....if the shoe fits, and it fit's just like Cinderella's slipper, WEAR IT. So it truly does not bother you to hear "Off with his head"? "Kill him"? "N-word [to audience members]"? If so, it's truly sad how "Culture Warrior" has managed to divide this great country, with Dubya and now some McCain supporters happily drumming the same beat.. United we stand, divided we fall, I'm afraid. AGG
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Oooooo...Obama represented Acorn once. Yet another example of Obama's stunning lack of judgment. Time after time after time.... McCain supports the war in Iraq, and fought for de-regulation of the financial industry for decades. Time after time after time....
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Nonsense. If Barak had been able to exercise his judgment, we would have saved >4000 American lives and tens of thousands of maimed Americans, saved hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, preserved our moral leadership in the world, and oh yeah, probably would have captured Osama Bin Ladin. Pure speculation on your part, Krazy. But it does reveal you are "in bed" with Obama and have NO CLUE what to do to deal with radical Islamists. No doubt you'd use the same "reasoning" to claim "if only we'd followed "Barak Obama-like" judgment we could have saved thousands and thousands of lives by NOT invading Normandy. Not a clue...and that's beyond dangerous.
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And sadly, we do not hear McCain/Palin say a word against such outbursts at their rallies, which include "Off with his head", "treason", as well as racial epithets against African American media members at the events.
So by association, does that not mean that they have the same outlooks? (And no, I don't think they do, but it would be nice to hear them disavow such comments instead of winking at them). AGG - do you mean like Barak's 20 year "not so close" association with Rev. Wright and his "God-da.. America" outbursts? No. I mean folks at McCain/Palin rallies being whipped into a murderous frenzy. What are they going to say when someone gets hurt (which they will, the way things are going) - "oops...not our doing"? AGG
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Nonsense. If Barak had been able to exercise his judgment, we would have saved >4000 American lives and tens of thousands of maimed Americans, saved hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, preserved our moral leadership in the world, and oh yeah, probably would have captured Osama Bin Ladin. Pure speculation on your part, Krazy. That was my quote, and of course no more speculative than your assumption.. Actually, mine is probably much more supportable than yours. But it does reveal you are "in bed" with Obama and have NO CLUE what to do to deal with radical Islamists. I didn't realize that Iraq was full of radical Islamists before we made it so... Last I recall, Iraq was the strongest enemy of Iran's Militant Islam, which we have conveniently (for Iran) destroyed, making Iran the powerhouse that it is today. Brilliant move. The Iraq war was/is a collossal blunder of epic proportions. Even the strongest supporters of it admit that had they known then what they know now (i.e. no WMD), they would not have supported the war. So please don't lecture about battling "radical Islam", the war was never about that, and will always remain as one of the biggest blunders of modern age. It has no smilarities whatsoever with WWII. No doubt you'd use the same "reasoning" to claim "if only we'd followed "Barak Obama-like" judgment we could have saved thousands and thousands of lives by NOT invading Normandy. No doubt if we had followed your reasoning we'd be invading Libya, Iran, North Korea, half of African countries, etc... Not a clue...and that's beyond dangerous. Oh, I agree with you there, my friend. That is why I am not voting for the cowboys. AGG
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"Kill him!" - Bill Ayers to "Uncle Sam." And Todd & Sarah Palin to Uncle Sam, and an idiot redneck at a McCain rally to Obama. "Terrorist!" - Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrne, self admitted, unashamedly, and still regreting they didn't kill more and bomb more. And Todd and Sarah Palin for supporting the violent secession of Alaska, along with John McCain for helping to arm not only Saddam Hussein, but the Taliban and Al Qaeda as well. "Obama Osama!" - coined by Teddy Kennedy. Republicans figured Teddy SHOULD know. Leave it to Republicans to adopt a term coined by an old drunk with a brain tumor. "Idiots." - I concur. Bill, Berandine, Teddy, Barak, Far Left Liberals....if the shoe fits, and it fit's just like Cinderella's slipper, WEAR IT. We can't all be as intellectual as the country music and NASCAR crowd. Here's a gold star sticker for your forehead.
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We can't all be as intellectual as the country music and NASCAR crowd.  You guys should try a debate class. Go Keyes! 
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What are they going to say when someone gets hurt (which they will, the way things are going) - "oops...not our doing"?
AGG I can hear it now: "Well, maybe if Obama had been a better candidate, our base wouldn't have been so riled. Yet another failing of Barack Osama....errr....I mean Obama".
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We can't all be as intellectual as the country music and NASCAR crowd.  You guys should try a debate class. Go Keyes!  [country song]"Drill here! Drill now!"[/country song] 
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What are they going to say when someone gets hurt (which they will, the way things are going) - "oops...not our doing"?
AGG I can hear it now: "Well, maybe if Obama had been a better candidate, our base wouldn't have been so riled. Yet another failing of Barack Osama....errr....I mean Obama". And I do agree with medc on this point, that sadly, there is a good chance of things getting out of hand. And I really wish that candidates would act responsibly and nip in the bud any and all riotous outbursts. It is really sad to see so much foaming at the mouth; like I said, our country is going in the toilet not because of any one candidate, but because of the divisions within us. I hate to see anyone encourage divisiveness. AGG
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That story isn't going to impact this election.. Good thing it won't...other wise THIS might leave a mark. 
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That story isn't going to impact this election.. Good thing it won't...other wise THIS might leave a mark.  You are obviously reasonably intelligent. What on Earth makes you think a single, laughably fabricated campaign ad is going to turn an election? Oh yeah...desperation. I can imagine people who are already committed to voting for McCain staring at the screen and gleefully shouting, "You get 'em, John!" Independent voters aren't that stupid.
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What are they going to say when someone gets hurt (which they will, the way things are going) - "oops...not our doing"?
AGG I can hear it now: "Well, maybe if Obama had been a better candidate, our base wouldn't have been so riled. Yet another failing of Barack Osama....errr....I mean Obama". And I do agree with medc on this point, that sadly, there is a good chance of things getting out of hand. And I really wish that candidates would act responsibly and nip in the bud any and all riotous outbursts. It is really sad to see so much foaming at the mouth; like I said, our country is going in the toilet not because of any one candidate, but because of the divisions within us. I hate to see anyone encourage divisiveness. AGG Things are going to get even crazier in the near future, when the Republican party is fractured down the middle, with far-right Christians on one side and moderates on the other. Eventually, the far-right will get a nutcase like Sam Brownback nominated. Then it'll hit the fan.
Last edited by Krazy71; 10/10/08 02:53 PM.
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as a registered independent and someone that stands for at least as much of the Dem ticket as the Republican ticket, I can say that I see the divisiveness being fueled by the democrats. They HATE to be called on factual stuff....and they have for a long time. Obama has it down to a science....and he can add the cry of racism when it suits him.
Obama is a nightmare...while I wouldn't like to see a pro choice candidate win the White House, I would rather see that to have such a horrible person and candidate get through. This is exactly the stuff that the Clinton's warned against and I would bet that as has happened in other elections, the poll numbers will close up dramatically in the next few weeks.
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