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The cities with the tightest gun control are absolute cesspool war zones.

I think we'll be alright here in Texas. Gun sales are on the rise in Texas since right before and after Obama was elected.

It's been said that Obama wants to monkey with the right to bear arms. That doesn't sit well here in Texas. That's like saying we can't own a pickup.

Gun Sales Up in Texas

Widowed 11/10/12 after 35 years of marriage
“In a sense now, I am homeless. For the home, the place of refuge, solitude, love-where my husband lived-no longer exists.” Joyce Carolyn Oates, A Widow's Story
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If Obama tries to take away the wrong person's guns he will wind up on the business end of a scope. People will only tolerate so much and while I am in favor of some sane gun laws...Obama, as with many things he does, attempts to take it too far. I do not see the Supreme Court allowing him to trample all over the 2nd amendment. Gun sales are brisk here as well...including a new Sig Sauer for me.

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I do not see the Supreme Court allowing him to trample all over the 2nd amendment.

That's what I'm thinking too.

Widowed 11/10/12 after 35 years of marriage
“In a sense now, I am homeless. For the home, the place of refuge, solitude, love-where my husband lived-no longer exists.” Joyce Carolyn Oates, A Widow's Story
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It is my understanding that any "messing with the gun laws" would entail a ban on THE CONTINUED manufacturing of assault rifles (like the Brady law) and possible limits on concealled weapons laws.

Gun sales are brisk out of fear (not everyone is buying assault rifles) and the potential for profiteering (buying an assault rifle today for $800 and sell it on the used market for $5000. after the ban).

I've never owned a gun but thinking about it. Bush has destroyed our economy and crime is always more rampant during economic hard times. Detroit has been disproportionately devastated.

Mr. Wondering

FBH(me)-51 FWW-49 (MrsWondering)
DD19 DS 22 Dday-2005-Recovered

"agree to disagree" = Used when one wants to reject the objective reality of the situation and hopefully replace it with their own.
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Bush didn't destroy the economy, the market reacted negatively when Obama announced his candidacy and promptly tanked.

Look at coal futures when he said he would personally bankrupt any coal powered generating plants.

Just what are we going to heat our homes with, his rhetoric?

Obama's an idiot and a dangerous one at that, far worse than Bush could have ever imagined being.

I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.
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Bush has destroyed our economy.

What a powerful man to have destroyed a nation's economy all by his lonesome. :RollieEyes: grin

Widowed 11/10/12 after 35 years of marriage
“In a sense now, I am homeless. For the home, the place of refuge, solitude, love-where my husband lived-no longer exists.” Joyce Carolyn Oates, A Widow's Story
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Originally Posted by princessmeggy
Bush has destroyed our economy.

What a powerful man to have destroyed a nation's economy all by his lonesome. :RollieEyes: grin

Have you noticed every time the messiah obama opens his yap, the Dow plummets?

I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.
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Originally Posted by princessmeggy
Bush has destroyed our economy.

What a powerful man to have destroyed a nation's economy all by his lonesome. :RollieEyes: grin

I have never understood the motivation of people who develop and nourish hate for a political opponent. In my opinion, that sort of hate is blinding and does bad things to the hater's character.

Rather than discuss issues and policies - let's call names, use hyperbole and try to inject hatred into the dialogue. I just don't get it.

I did vote for Obama in our state primary - but not in the general election.
I will not attack Obama the way Bush haters attack Bush - I am better than that.

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.... forgot to mention - president bashing (no matter who is president) weakens us as a nation.

president bashing = Bush is stupid
policy bashing = this war is (whatever)

RAISE the bar to a higher level of discourse - or continue to be a hater.... at your own peril.


Implying that Palin was McCain's pick because he wanted to "do her" was insulting on too many levels to be forgotten. My respect was lost at that moment. Opinions expressed after that abomination are taken into consideration of that context - hatred beyond reason.

Last edited by Pepperband; 11/13/08 12:14 PM.
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I wanted to comment on this:

Bush has destroyed our economy and crime is always more rampant during economic hard times. Detroit has been disproportionately devastated.

Bush had some assistance with that...

And about Detroit? Are you speaking of the auto industry, or the city itself?

The auto industry is in the doldrums Even Toyota's sales are off 23%. And after a period of time, they, as well as GM's and Ford's sales will return. Everybody is scared right now. I'm not going to buy a car if my job might go away, or my hours might get cut, or my investments are worth 30% less than last year.

Hey, I grew up in Detroit. I follow the industry.

Automotive employment in the US is about the same now as it was in 1980. But instead of working for Ford, GM or Crysler, they work for BMW, Benz, Honda, Toyota and other firms.

Should GM/Ford explode? Sure. Why not. Someone will buy that which is productive, and the rest will go the way of the steel mills in Pittsburgh. To rust or to be recycled. (BTW? Crysler is on life support....)

And I say this as an owner of GM Bonds and Ford stock.... (another indication of how well I pick things... wink

Should the US Gov bail them out? Of WHAT? Thier inability to sell a product? How can the US Gov fix THAT? Because, unlike the banking system, that is thier real problem.

It is said its because they are trying to sell big SUV's, and everyone wants small cars. They can't sell the small car's either. Is the US Gov going to pay the US AM's to retrain all thier engineers to design better cars, and the marketing people to help the engineers to make cars more appealing to the buying public? No. The US AM's will just keep funding thier advertising and marketing budgets.

Will people be hurt? Yes. Which leads me to the City of Detroit angle.

There is crime in the city, and it has NOTHING to do with the economy. IT will be there whether or not the economy grows, or shrinks. This is because the crime is based in drug issues. I want to control this corner where I sell the to suburban boys looking for drugs, and I will kill you to make it happen. And the local druggies will take anything of value from anyplace they can to convert to drugs. So, you can't really keep ANYTHING of value in the city any longer. Someone will just steal it. Been there, watched it happen....

And as a fine example of how to administatively run a city, the City of Detroit is the poster child for failed policies and rampant cronyism. And for hand-outs not helping fix the problems.

Gun laws? Sure, Obama may make moves to tighten up certain things. The Brady folks will get a MUCH more listening ear then the current administration is giving them. Congress has to pass the laws, and that land is friendlier to the Brady folks as well. In the meantime, I'm laughing all the way to the bank if I am a gun retailer.... And I would have NO PROBLEM with inflating those sales figures, to encourage EVEN more sales.

It will be a very dark and dangerous day in the United States when the criminals have the run of the streets. I don't see it happening under Obama. Didn't happen during the Depression, and no matter what, this recession will NEVER equal those times.

Sorry, let me kick this soap box to the side here.


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There is a reason I think your terriffic.

These two lines:

I will not attack Obama the way Bush haters attack Bush - I am better than that. AND president bashing (no matter who is president) weakens us as a nation.

Say so much.

There is MUCH in Obama's policies that I will fight. There is SO MUCH about W. Bush's policies that have made me crazy.

But they are the president. And for that, I am grateful.

I live in a nation where my local congressman and I shared a Hot Dog outside of a local 7-11 one night. He was driving home for the night, I was getting a bite and then back to taxes.

I watched out my window yesterday as his replacement finally accepted congratulations from his opponent.

Nobody had any bodyguards.
Several other Republicans like me, hovered around the edge of the crowd, pleased, not because a Democrat won, but because our Congresspeople CAN Stand in front of the cameras and out in the open and have no fear.
There was quibbling about procedures on the vote count, but NOBODY seriously challenged or had reason to challenge the result.
Nobody died trying to vote last Tuesday.

Does anyone remember G. Bush, Sr.'s "Thousand Points of Light?" Obama'a Civilian Security force will amount to about the same thing.


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Originally Posted by lousygolfer
Several other Republicans like me, hovered around the edge of the crowd, pleased, not because a Democrat won, but because our Congresspeople CAN Stand in front of the cameras and out in the open and have no fear.


I agree. As a registered Democrat, I agree! (yep, it's true, I am a Dem)

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Yes, united we stand, devided we fall.

I've never owned a gun but thinking about it. Bush has destroyed our economy and crime is always more rampant during economic hard times. Detroit has been disproportionately devastated.

You know, this is a subject that has impacted different decisions I have made through out my life. My father was a military man and serious gun collector. None of my siblings or I wanted his extensive gun collection after he died because we all feel the way I did/do. I did not want a gun in my home.

This from a girl who used to go to the rod & gun club with my dad and shoot skeet as a child.

I decided not to become a customs officer because I didn't want to carry a gun.

My dad had given me a gun to carry in my glove box on my long, remote commutes to college and back, but it made me very fearful and I had to give it back to him. I just couldn't stand it in my glove box. Weird, I know.

Anyway, I am now like you, considering it at our new home in Savannah because of the very high crime rate there. My husband actually has one there already (I'm still in MI and my heart is breaking for the people of this state) and I haven't made him get rid of it (if I even have that power, I don't know, hasn't been tested. LOL).

But because I trust my husband implicitly in the safety dept, I'll follow his lead here. And no small children in the house.

God, I hate guns. I can't believe we are to this point.

I always thought pepper spray was more than enough to protect myself. Now I worry that if our dollar fails all h*ll is going to break out. Good people will consider doing bad things, and bad people, well bad people will get worse.

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Originally Posted by Pepperband
I have never understood the motivation of people who develop and nourish hate for a political opponent. In my opinion, that sort of hate is blinding and does bad things to the hater's character.

Rather than discuss issues and policies - let's call names, use hyperbole and try to inject hatred into the dialogue. I just don't get it.

I agree wholeheartedly, Pep. And I am especially saddened to see the name calling here between people who presumably came here for more or less the same reasons - recover from infidelity and save marriages. Yet that supposed bond is nowhere to be found in these discussions.

That's why I have stayed away from these threads recently, as they have become a cesspool of hatred and anger, both towards candidates and towards posters. The former is unfortunate, the latter reprehensible.


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It's very important that we pull together now. If you haven't been touched yet by this economic downslide, you are very fortunate, but rough times ahead for everyone.

The whole world is watching us. I have many clients in other countries, and several friends in Canada. They are all watching us closely.

I was proud the day Obama got elected. We were in Savannah and both my husband and I cried because of the hope we felt that day, in that city. It was like nothing I have ever witnessed in my life. I felt joy/hope coming from people everywhere we went. It was surreal. I'll never forget that day, that feeling for as long as I live.

I will keep my personal opinions about either candidate to myself, but I will back the one who got elected now.

A few things I have learned from my years on this board (I hardly ever read here anymore, but still think of the friends I made here often) is that I have great respect for other people and that means their opinions as well.

When I attack another person, I have learned that I attack all, because it affects everyone who reads it.

Pep, AGoodGuy, et el are so right.

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From the local paper...

"There's been a dramatic change, a 70 plus percent increase in the number and type of (gun) sales."

"Other things (in the store) aren't selling, but all the guns are. I don't have enough to sell. I've pulled everything that was pawned that we have, but if I had long guns, they'd sell."

"I've never sold guns this quickly."

I have a hard time believing this is all due to the election. People realize if this does not turn out good, we will need guns to get food or protect our food and property. or to protect us from the government. either way, times are interesting.

Me: 32 BS DDay: 9/14/08
Slowly coming to the realization that I
am one of those who can't get past it.
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times are interesting.

LOL, to put it mildly.

I have heard that saying "locked and loaded" more than anything else in the past few months. I never even heard it before all this.

Crap, a red-neck friend of ours down south, who was in our home the night of the election, even said he went to check on his "momma" to make sure she was locked and loaded. I about choked. He was dead serious, too. And he was more afraid of what would happen down there if his candidate won, than if he didn't.

Interesting for sure. I had to stop reading economic doom and gloom articles to my husband because it was doing really unhealthy things to his blood pressure.

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Originally Posted by weaves
Crap, a red-neck friend of ours down south,

I'm from down south and someone from the north calling a southerner a redneck is as insulting as calling a black person the n word.

The term is condescending, divisive and elitist.

We aren't stupid here, heck, in fact our economy is is better shape than the resource strapped north.

Lemme tell you, when there was NO fuel to be had in Atlanta, the have-nots were robbing and killing the unarmed for fuel and money.
Even Tabs took the pistol out of the glove box when I would fuel the truck and she doesn't even like guns.

I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.
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They MAY have to serve (though despite the spin I'm betting it will be voluntary),

Who do you think is doing the spinning?

Obama’s right hand man used the word ‘required’.

I know my dad had to put in 6 months service in the Navy fortunately between the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

A military draft comes under the Constitutional power to raise and maintain armies.

Where does Obama's 'REQUIRED' Civilian Security Force come under it?

McCain's Military Draft

This link ^ was dishonest.

McCain has stated many MANY times that he was against a new draft.

Here's one example:LINK

Here's an UNCUT video of the ENTIRE exchange between that NM woman and McCain.

It was obvious that McCain was responding to the meat of the woman's question, not her exasperated remark at the end.

Create a Civilian Assistance Corps (CAC): There is presently no mechanism for civilians with special skill-sets (be they doctors, lawyers, engineers, city planners, agriculture specialists, police, etc.) and a sense of service, to be trained and organized to help their nation when it needs them. The Civilian Assistance Corps (modeled after similar auxiliary groups in Virginia and California) would provide each federal agency a pool of volunteer experts willing to deploy in crises. They would be pre-trained and screened for deployment to supplement departments’ expeditionary teams. The creation of such a corps would ensure that true experts carry out tasks such as restoring electricity or creating banking systems, rather than the current practice of expecting already over-burdened soldiers to assume these roles. An Obama administration will set a goal of creating a national CAC of 25,000 personnel.

I have no problem w/ a pool of EXPERTS VOLUNTEERING their services.

I do not consider REQUIRING teenagers/college students to 'serve' on security forces the same thing.

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We all agree that our resources are stretched, considering the two fronts and other military requirements in the world.

Why doesn't Obama encourage young people to join the military?

But there are oligarchs in the U.S. who would not like the citizenry to have too much power. Well, sorry. America is a nation founded on the power of each citizen. The irony here is the ordinary citizens who defend their own oppression. President-elect Obama is talking about handing over more power to us.

You think FORCING citizens to 'serve' on a security force, is EMPOWERING them?

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