When I say that your post was all about you, I mean that you are still focused on your own wants. MB is about caring and protecting your spouse. I saw none of that here. I saw a WS thinking the world still revolves around her.
I did receive some flowers which I refused.
The flowers were a smack in the face to your BH. A very painful thing for him to have OM give you a gift.
But your focus was on yourself instead of your BH.
I'm sure he was.
and I told him, "Why let him win by getting upset? He wants us to fight so that I'll leave you."
So you told him that his feelings were not appropriate.
You told him that he shouldn't get upset.
You told him that he shouldn't be feeling this TRIGGER! He doesn't get to choose his triggers. They come out of no where and slam him.
He is dealing with that trigger because of your affair. A spouse committed to recovery will want to help their BS get through that trigger, not blow it off...which IS what you did by not acknowledging the pain and fear those flowers caused him.
If you want to help him heal, you will take these moments to reassure him that you love him and want to be with him. These are the moments that lead your marriage to recover or not.
He retreated to the bedroom to watch TV and stayed away from me which hurt.
YOU were hurt????!!!!
Ah, poor you.
You were hurt because he actually dared to be upset that OM is still after his wife.
Do you not see that he RETREATED to a safe place...because YOU are not a safe place.
Think about how you can make yourself a safe place for him in these moments...because there will be more.
I didn't ask for flowers and so now he questions whether or not NC is still being maintained.
OF COURSE he questions NC. And he will for a very long time. The more you think of HIS feelings and respond to him with love and care, the more he will become secure in NC.
But you need to expect him to question it, even when there is no "reason" to question it. The fact that you had the affair is reason enough right now.
I can show him all of my e-mails, texts and phone records as proof that I'm honest.
He should have access to these anyway, without having to ask.
And when he feels insecure, you need to OFFER UP these things to him.
Today he's clingy and wants SF but I feel too crummy to do anything.
You had an opportunity to put his needs first and chose not to. He is bleeding on the floor still, and your job is to nurse him back to health. Instead you take a coffee break.
You could, but wouldn't.
Did you stop to consider how your BS would feel about you feeling too crummy for SF, but not too crummy for going out with a friend.
You put yourself first by not only denying his request for reassurance, but also by doing what you wanted...hang with a friend.
You put your wants ahead of his needs. That won't lead you to recovery.
I have tomorrow off to be with the kids since it's a holiday and I know he'll be feeling insecure because I'm home without him.
So what are you going to do to make him feel more secure?
How can you meet some of his ENs tomorrow while you are apart?
He's been off for 4 days without pay because of this cold and now we can't make the mortgage payment. I'm a bit upset about that.
So your mad that he got sick and couldn't work, but think it's OK for you to deny SF because you feel crummy...but not crummy enough to miss out on going out with a friend.
You placed your marriage in a very low priority spot today.
Stupid rollercoaster.
Honey, your rollercoaster ride ain't no where near what your BS's ride is like.
Turn your focus OFF of yourself. Start asking yourself:
How can I meet my BS top ENs today?
What can I do today to help my BH heal a little more?
How can I make him feel safe with me today?