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What? You mean it's NOT okay for them to wager using sisters as poker chips?


He and Scooter, both. The Wookie wanted to get Scoot a bow and arrow set and I told him not to unless he wanted a third eyesocket in the middle of Little4's forehead. Could you just see it? "Stand right here, Little4, and balance this apple on your head..."


I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

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We were watching a special on sharp shooters the other night . This guy could hit an asprin (you know the size of an asprin) mid air.....he could ricoccet off 3 walls and still hit a bullseye...and he could split an arrow down the middle with a second arrow....

All with a bow and arrow......it's like hels a modern day robin hood. Without the whole rob from the rich to give to the poor thing.

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Well, the adventure today went well enough.

First, the psychiatrist....ADD adults get to have those

Then, the chiropractor....people w/ achey-breaky bodies get to have those

Then the gynecologist.....they didn't find anything that looked like cancer (but I wasn't worried about that). hurray It was interesting to see live video from the inside of my uterus. flirt I just wanted to know why this blasted period won't quit. However, I don't remember losing my IUD and the doctor didn't find it. think No answers yet. Maybe by middle of next week.


So, I got sent across the street to the hospital for abdominal x-rays.

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Thats scary but a BIG HUG from over here. I am glad they found no cancer.....so i guess rads to to the radiologisy next and then you'll get a call to consult about them?

Have you seen Dude where's my car? It's an utterly random stupid movie but it's so stupid it's funny....The lines have now jokingly become an in inside joke between me and duckie....I was drinking some sugar free crystal light earlier.....when he goes... Dude, whatever you do don't Drink the Koolaid. Then juice shot out my nose and I could not stop laughing. Now it's a favorite saying.

and yes it was grape...I know just so lady like of me.

Last edited by SIHW; 04/08/09 11:14 PM.
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Do you know the origin of the Kool-Aid line? Ever heard of Jim Jones and his group in Guyana? You're significantly younger than me so I have a feeling you might now know.

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Don't ever asinuate your old :P

I gathered from the movie it had something to do with spiking the punch?

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Also Duckie prods me that I can make a full 4 course italian meal...but I always screw up the koolaid(too much water not enough sugar/sweetener)....I am not a koolaid cook.

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Hee hee, I always make it with too much water and not enough sugar... ON PURPOSE!

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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Originally Posted by cinderella
Do you know the origin of the Kool-Aid line? Ever heard of Jim Jones and his group in Guyana? You're significantly younger than me so I have a feeling you might now know.

CNBC had a 3 hour special on the history of Jim Jones and Jonestown. It was heart rending. One of the survivors spoke on how he was seperated from his wife while they were forcing the women and children to drink the koolaid and he couldn't get to them...I cried with him...the poor, mislead guy actually thought what they were doing there was going to be so good for the world...and it would've been if absolute power hadn't corrupted absolutely...and if anyone but JJ was running things. He was a sick, sick man.

Cinders, when I used to go to the chiropractor my DD12 was only 3...she called him the "cracker backer." If the name fits...right?

I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

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Mwaaah, catch you all in a bit.

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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Love you Neakiepoo.

I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

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Love you too! loveheart

So I am back and mildly under the influence. I seem to be making sense, to myself anyway, but keep typing the wrong letters and having to go back and fix typos.

Mom got some great news for us today - the Sacramento Central church has asked if we can do special music for their church service on 4/25. You can SO color me there, as long as Mom can come and play for me. I'll wait for her agreement before I make a huge announcement.

The church service is live-streamed online, and AJ and I "attended" church there many times on the road, when we were not able to reach a local church, being in the truck and all. They just don't make most churches for trucks...

So I'll let you know as soon as it's for sure.

The surgery went well. The nurse said afterwards she was amazed at how fast I went out. The next thing I remember, I was cracking jokes in recovery even before I was fully awake. I am hoping the nurses were laughing for the same reason I was laughing.

One nurse complimented my tummy, that I didn't look like I had 3 kids, *pats self on back*, and they were amazed that I was able to drink so quickly, but I really woke up fast.

Well, time to dash and get the stinky girls, but I'll be back later.

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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so glad all was ok for you on the op. Now remember to obey the recovery instructions and not act like certain men we know!! grin

And congrats on the church gig... I suppose its a gig too isn't it.... and on 25th April too... ANZAC Day. laugh cool

Now we all want to see the posts WITHOUT the typos corrected!! rotflmao

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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Originally Posted by Neak
Love you too! loveheart

So I am back and mildly under the influence.

I knew you couldn't keep from PUI ing.....we need some Forum sobriety tests over here!


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Fine. No corrections then. hey, so far so good, ifyou're not counting punctuation and grammar.

Here is the Dervish lod, stardate 3 and 4 combined. Mopm, the part about the horses is actually true, if a hair inaccurate - they were really ponies.

Hi Mom--And Auntie. I got my shoes muddy yesterday because I wasn't paying attention and I walked through the mud while I was playing in the snow. Noah was NOT happy. The shoes had to be outside because they were all wet and the mud was sticky to my shoes. I did a good job of scraping it off. The second time. () Noah told me so. I wore socks yesterday because my shoes were dirty.

We went to the bee house. I ran down to the bee house and one of my lungs was hurting bad. It had a typewriter in it and I wanted to have a piece of paper but I didn't have one. So I just kept on pressing the letters like crazy. I threw a snowball and hit Grandpa in the back. Whoopsie! Grandpa was kinda grumpy because he was standing on some broken steps and trying to get in the house by using a piece of a stove to try and open the door. While he was doing that Noah went in the front door. I knew the front door was unlocked but I wasn't going to tell those guys. There was a stable which used to hold these horses that I met. (I'm unsure of the accuracy of this claim, but whatever...) The typewriter was pretty much all that was interesting to me, but the staircase was the hardest thing to climb.

Then we went to Redstone. We went to two houses and I went barefoot to one of them. I tried to go to sleep on the trip but Noah kept on waking me up. We went house searching and we were taking home someone who smokes and makes his own cigarettes. I think that's weird. And dumb. And I had to spray the car with air freshener two times. (Fortunately, not while the guy was in it! )

Today we went to North Dakota. I went to sleep again. We went to Williston and went into Super Wal-Mart. I tried on 5-year old slippers and they didn't even fit! On the way back, we got out of the car and went to a hill of snow. I was very wet after that because I sank into the snow, soaked my shoes and filled them with with snow. The snow went on my bare back. (You should've seen him about the time the snow got deep and the crust was thin and he went in up to his knees, yanked his leg out, fell over, and flung his shoe high in the air. Wish I had a video of that!)

We made potato salad. I cut with a knife for the boiled eggs. I cut the eggs wrong and some pieces of yolk felled down. Diesel ate them and he was happy. I cut pickles too but I ate them all. I stirred the potato salad and peeled the eggs. I called Dad to ask would he like for us to wait for him for supper, but he drove right into the driveway right when I was ringing it. Now Uncle John-John is here and I'm happy. I hope I can play basketball tonight but right now it's getting dark and my dad is talking. I love you, Mommy, and I miss you. (Apparently, Auntie not so much!)


I am not feeling too badly at all, as long as nothing moves but my fingers. Pretty shortly here I'm going to have to go t the bathroom, but that's not so bad. I do have a few aches in my belly, but the worset right at this momsent is my throat. It did NOT take kindly to being intubated, and is letting me know. I've been cralking all afteroon like a frog, I had to add, in case anyone doesn't know what "cralking" is.

So I never did get to tell Mom what jokes I was cracking. See, when I first started to wakt up, my right leg and hip were in a lot of paiun, much mor than my abdomen. Then nurses adjusted my on my side and put a pillopw between my legs, also shooting some nice demrol into my IV. (I KNOW HOW TO SPELL ALL THIS STUFF< oK?????) They tried to explain that it was probably from being up in the stirrups. "No - I can tell. You had me doing the spolits (spolits,, I mean SPLITS SOPLITS SPOLITES ARRRRRRHHHHHHHHG) while I was asleep." It took a few moments to get me more comfortable-ish, but when one of them mentioned the stirrups again, I said, "Oh no, you don't fool me. You had me doing acrobatics in there." I laughed, they laughted, we all laughed.

Their thermometer was funny, too. They finally had to go get a new one. Before them took me in, it regiestered me twice at 95 degrees, then at 99. The new thermometer they had to go get read at 98.8 so they went with that one. Kind of like capaign promises - you only keep the ones you like, lol;.

Also, I just found one of the EKG sticjkums in my armpit, and it was not happy to still be there. And ooooh but I just hurt my poror ahem poor potbelly trying to scratch an itchy spot on my legt. Leg.

Those bad 2 oldest children are still in there making noise, but I can't yell and don't fele like getting up. That's ok, their chickens will come home to roost at 0630 tomorrow. Approximately.

I'm still hungry. *pout* But I still don't have enough spit to chew anything really good. I tried crackers forst on the way home, but they were so dry I had to pour water in my mouth to finish chewing them. Not so tasty. So I had Newakesis (oh oh oh it hurts to laugh, but I kept trying to type the right letters for poor Neaksis and they wouldn't come out!) order me some of those little tater tot thingys at Taco Bewll, figuring they had enough oil and sauces to go down easier. Which they did. Then I had a little Top Ramsn for supper, chased by 2 stickes of lcorise (pronounced liquor-ish). I was till humngry but at Pathefinders they ha d aspeicla ice cream thing for the kids and I got a root beer float. 2 seconds later I was thirsty again, but I'm a little better notw. Now.

Except for the fingers part, which wseems to be going seriously downhill.

Allrighty, well that is probably enough entertainment for one night. There is only so much laughing a sensitive professional writer such as myself can take all at once. Ah, but you wsay, we're not laughing WITH you, we're laughing AT you. And your Freudian slip would be the truch. Truth.


A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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I can make sense of all of it Neak. It has helped having to decipher DD's Oi'land blog into English so yours was a breeze!! smile

I am sorry to say she speaks like that now. There is NO way I can or will take the blame for that one. naughty crazy

However she has read this post and had a laugh about them doing acrobatics on you in the theatre. She wants to know how you found out as its one of the few perks in the job, just ask your mum! lol laugh

To help explain the post to her cousins she had to translate it into modern Irish speak. As an example .....you wrote ....
Their thermometer was funny, too. They finally had to go get a new one. Before them took me in, it regiestered me twice at 95 degrees, then at 99. The new thermometer they had to go get read at 98.8 so they went with that one. Kind of like capaign promises - you only keep the ones you like, lol;.

DD translated this as follows..... Their thermometer wus gas, too. they finally 'ad ter go git a new wan. before dem tuk me in, it regiestered me twice at 95 degrees, den at 99. de new thermometer they 'ad ter go git read at 98.8 so they went wi' dat wan. kind av loike carpain promises - yer only keep de ones yer loike, deadly things them dare thermometers dem ar lol;.

I am not sure she was joking. faint

Now I promise you no was laughing at you, it was WITH you even if you were asleep or in pain and couldn't join in we just KNOW you would if possible!! rotflmao

Liquid codeine, DD says it's like a nice sleepy pain killer and though not as good as morphine, it works very well. Just make sure you don't drive.. operate machinery including the washing machine.... or anything that requires you to be sort of alert.

Now take care and big hugs to you.

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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Oi me 'ead this marnin'.

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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Oi me 'ead this marnin'.

Now that is just SCARY faint rotflmao

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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Oi've bin 'angin' w'bad cumpney, Oi 'as.

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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My feminine hygiene report:

Got a call from the doctor's office today.....remember the video camera in the uterus adventure? TEEF :MrEEk:

Remember they couldn't find my IUD so they sent me for x-rays? Well, the x-ray people found it and it is apparently in the right area.grin

The pathology report for the hysteroscopy came back normal. dance2

So far, so good. But, they still don't know the cause of the problem so I need to go have it done again. With a bigger camera or tool or something......Nothing like a perma-period. doh2 :MrEEk: sigh faint

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