From a now locked thread:
IMO, women who hit on married men are ethically and morally worse than men who hit on married women. They are kind of stupid too.
In another thread (that has since been deleted), I believe MyRev said (sorry if I'm confusing you with another poster) something along the lines that a WW on her best day is still worse than the worst WH. So........
why is this? WWs entitlement exceeds that of WHs? General observation?
Both the original locked thread and the above quote drawn from it refer to unmarried OW.
This thread has migrated to a discussion of WWs but the original comment refers to unmarried OW. The quote specifically refers to women, younger women in particular, who chase married men.
WW are as stupid as the aforesaid unmarried OWs, but it’s a different stupid.
What they say is true: Ignorance is treatable, stupidity is not.
Both stupids are incurable and untreatable and will last for life. Both stupids will last for all eternity, actually. Both types of women may think they are in love, but they haven’t a clue what real love is. To the unmarried OW it is pure feelings. Their feelings. Their feelings trump all. To the WW it is all about justification. They want what they want when they want it. And they do anything and say anything to justify themselves.
Young unmarried OW sacrifice their futures for the sake of a loser male who will obviously not stay faithful in the long run, yet they pretend to themselves this is not the way it will turn out for them. They pretend their love is unique and their love is different. This is just plain stupid.
WW are willing to sacrifice their husbands and even their family on the altar of their justifications. This is both stupid and evil.
So, now, married men on the other hand are …. fill in the blank….
For one thing, un-evolved men are primed by nature to spread their genes far and wide. Perhaps it is possible to say many men are mere victims of natural selection. Harley calls this being wired for it. They can’t help it.
A general consensus among physiologists and evolutionary biologists is men are wired to procreate and woman are wired to nurture the resulting offspring.
A married man may succumb to flaunted temptation and abandon his family, some abandon even beyond the degree our laws attempt to constrain them, and the typical OW that drove them into this corner thinks this merely proves the guy’s love for them.
Or, just as likely, the married man eventually looks around and says, I’ve had enough fun for a while now it’s back to my family.
The bottom line is an unmarried woman chasing a married man, as the original thread asked about, is being more than idiotic. One of two certainties will come about. Either the married man leaves his family for the OW and they have a miserable cheating relationship themselves, just as Harley predicts. Or, the married man eats as much cake as he can get for as long as he can get it but he never actually leaves his family.
Adulterer or adulteress, who is the more stupid?
Who is the more evil?
They are in any case different.