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Now I'm mad.

I hate to disagree, but I've seen you mad, and this doesn't seem to even come close.

smile blush cool


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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Originally Posted by still seeking

Now I'm mad.

I hate to disagree, but I've seen you mad, and this doesn't seem to even come close.

smile blush cool



I'm mildly irked.

You know when you hear about all the wrong facts making it into schools' text books?

Now I know at least the writers of one of the books I got my learn'in on with was busted.

Makes ya wonder which other ones were wrong, too.

I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

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I think I get the large, cinemascopic camera in the uterus today...not that small palm-held personal video camera. More like the kind they put on a crane or dolly. :crosseyedcrazy: TEEF :MrEEk: crazy grumble

The question of the day is: do I want to keep the IUD or have it removed? After all, I need it every rare now and then. And, when it goes, I'm not doing birth control. AND, I'm not playing Russian roulette with pregnancy at my age think doh2

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Makes ya wonder which other ones were wrong, too

There are lots and lots and LOTS of them. :MrEEk:


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Originally Posted by cinderella
I think I get the large, cinemascopic camera in the uterus today...not that small palm-held personal video camera. More like the kind they put on a crane or dolly. :crosseyedcrazy: TEEF :MrEEk: crazy grumble

The question of the day is: do I want to keep the IUD or have it removed? After all, I need it every rare now and then. And, when it goes, I'm not doing birth control. AND, I'm not playing Russian roulette with pregnancy at my age think doh2

Tough decision girlie. How easy is it to use condoms? I know some people don't like it but it's an option....what about foam or the vaginal condoms?

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Originally Posted by still seeking
It's so good to hear from everyone. I should also say that I know SIHW has been posting here, and I would have liked to comment about her too, but I don't feel I know her well enough, and I didn't think I could have done it right for her.

grin I feel the love....no worries...sometimes I like being an enigma....keeps the masses wondering.....but I am an OLD hand here.....been here since '04. Lurked before that.

but it is good to meet ya ***HUGS***

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Hi...I don't know if this is a thread in which I belong but I thought I'd say hello since I hang out on GQII so much. smile

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I'm mildly irked.

And fun to tease too, but I'll never tell.

but I am an OLD hand here.....been here since '04. Lurked before that.

A young old hand, but I just didn't know you well enough, and I didn't want to make something up.

It is good to meet you too, I hope life is good at your house.

Cinderella, I know you can cope, and that you will probably be just fine. But are you OK?

I just assume Neak is OK. I mean, she IS related to T&L. But extra prayers for both of you tonight anyway. I know God knows how you are, and He'll look after you.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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Hi...I don't know if this is a thread in which I belong but I thought I'd say hello since I hang out on GQII so much. smile

You're welcome to hang out here as much as you like. Back in the days when I was dancing for the world--emotionally naked and on the table tops :MrEEk:--this was a happening kind of place. But once I was done, the looky-loos drifted away and we were left with a much smaller core of people who just enjoyed hanging out together...and so we have done ever since. We're from all over the world, and would never have "met" if it weren't for the events that drove us to MB in the first place.

My daughter, Neak, was the first person to find MB, and it (and the absolutely terrific posters on it) gave her the tools she needed to recover her marriage. I followed shortly afterwards to see what on earth she was getting into. Neaksis posts occasionally but her adopted children's traumas keep her busy enough that it's a rarity these days. My husband, AKA "The Clam", is spoken of but does not speak. There are 2 more kids who occasionally (and entirely involuntarily) make an appearance on this thread, my 2 sons Neakbro and Flard. I'll let others introduce themselves. Hope you stick around.


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SS thank you for such kind words. I always think of you as someone with a soft wise humour especially towards himself, who is content within, who uses gentle persuasion and questioning to help those around him. Your family is just plain lucky. smile

Rella you should have a talk with your doc on this and what options are best for you. I wonder if the IUD is causing some of your problems? I agree dicing with Pg is not the way to go. Though I do admit to being tempted to think of another now that Mikey is nearly 4 crazy I said tempted .... no serious thought !! cool

SIHW we don't koolaid here so I always am curious about that line of yours? A movie... a ad??? dontknow

RooGirl WELCOME to the Aisle. We are friendly and have a few laughs... read whats going on in each others life... moan... complain sometimes... but mostly have fun. Some serious moments too of course being MB but its a great aisle. laugh

Neak... have you BEEN GOOD today??? following the docs orders??? confused naughty I think tl may need to come and nurse you when she gets back home stickout hug

Meanwhile I am patiently awaiting DD's arrival back from the Isle of Saints and Sages. There have been no arrests or riots as yet... well none that anyone have told me of smirk ... so I suspect its been a good experience to get her head straight and fears under control.
Soldier hubbies are hard to live with especially when deployed.
I'll tell you all about it in June/July. MrRollieEyes

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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hurray Hello evrybuddy! (The hurray emoticon is as close as I can get to waving.)

SS, I would remember your tactfulness and gentle way with words, as well as genuine warmth and caring.

Roogirl, HELLO! You are very welcome here.

AW, I have not been a very good girl today, but I haven't needed to. See, yesterday Mom so nicely came and drove Mr. C and me to therapy and back, and I didn't do much else, either. It was almost all resting. So today I woke up and had clearly turned some kind of corner. Still some pain, but hugely better and I got quite a bit done. Long about 1500 I started feeling as if I should slow down a bit and not overdo things, but I did that, so I haven't been an entirely bad girl, either.

My pre-op for the next one is 4/28, with the surgery to follow sometime the first week of May.

Neaksis is having a really hard time right now. She didn't call the sheriff today, but it was close. Tomorrow morning she will be able to discuss some treatment options with the therapist, but something drastic needs to happen, and happen yesterday. She and her family have been in need of the much-appreciated prayers from here.

Ok, now a happier story. Well, you know Mom & Dad just got back from visiting AJ. So the other night I was talking to him, and he said he was eating corn dogs for supper. Veggie, of course. I asked where he got them, and he replied, "From my mom and dad! " Of course meaning MY mom and dad, but I don't mind sharing, since he's found himself in great need of a real mom and dad.

He also told me tonight how much he misses having them there, and he's been appreciating the tasty homemade bread and stuff that they left him, and missing having them there when he gets home from work. How sweet! Now THAT'S how in-laws are done!!!

Oh, and I got confirmation of the music Mom and I are doing in Sacramento. We're actually doing 2 songs, but it looks like only the one for church will be live-streamed on the internet. The link is:


and then just scroll down the page to live-stream when it's time. They start broadcasting at 0940 PDST, which is the Sabbath School lesson study, and church will probably be in the neighborhood of 1045. I'll post a separate thread on GQ a little closer to the time, and with the physical address of the church just in case anyone lives close enough to drop by.

Very exciting, and Mom is doing great learning my song in the new key. rotflmao

My hot choccy beeped, so I'm going to go nab it. AW, give Dr. Liz my love and tell her I can't wait till she makes it home. What a lot of neat stuff she's gotten to see....

sleep sleep sleep

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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Very exciting, and Mom is doing great learning my song in the new key. rotflmao


And don't think I'm gonna do it AGAIN!! naughtyuhuhnaughty It is very difficult to do all those deedly-deedles when you know them already in another key!! :crosseyedcrazy: Write for your range. (She overestimated the number of times she could hit and hold that high note in the same song and still sound good.MrRollieEyes)


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Range shmange. grin

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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I have a very narrow range, I sing monotone.

It's always a pleasure to listen to people with talent, and I know you both have it.

It's fun when your children do well. I know T&L is pleased with Neak's talents.
One of our twins took first place yesterday in a 3D art competition. (3D in this case means clay sculpture.) She did a unicorn in the water being attacked by a giant squid. She also got word that she placed 2nd in a national contest (in her age division) for a water color of ducks swimming. I may post photos next week, if I can pry the time loose from other tasks.

We'll be out of Town Saturday, with no net access, or I would love to tune in and watch you play and sing.

I have really wondered about Neaksis this last few weeks. It's not really proper for me to make waves asking about her, since I am a married man, and she is a single girl, but one probably should not ignore feelings that come to us about praying for others. I have had similar worries for other MB posters over the years, both male, and female, but when it's female posters, I tend to tell myself that I best think about other things. Not that I have improper thoughts, but It's best to avoid thinking to much about any women but my own wife, or daughters.
It was interesting to me when you reported that Neaksis is really struggling right now, because that matches my worries. I will pray personally for her, and children, and W and I will pray as a couple also. One of the reasons I ask lots of questions about all of you, is that it's easier to pray for specific things than for your general health, or wellbeing. It's easier to focus my faith when I do it that way.

I worry about all of you from time to time. Was about to list specific worries, but probably best that I skip it. You would each know why I worry about you. All of us have our own doubts and fears.

Must go for now .


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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Aw....the explanation is back in this thread a page or 2 I am posting from my phone so I can't look it up easily.

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So based on the title of the thread, I thought I'd try and s"neak" in here for a little bit and post my physical beef. grin

So as of this AM I've started yet another period! Egadz this 2wk cycle of mine has been driving me NUTS! I've got the Mirena IUD that is approaching the 5yr mark and maybe it's time to switch it out, but my doctor has me going through a series of tests to see if there are other issues going on. My pap came back abnormal last go round, so she ordered a full blood workup, pelvic ultrasound and another pap. Whatever it is, I sure hope it can be treated easily.

I can hear the screeching tires of 40 approaching! Yeah....it's just down the block from me now. rant2

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Neak hope you are behaving yourself.... Dr Liz said you would have been feeling it the last day or so. hug

SS I agree sometimes I feel so awkward saying I will pray for a man here. As you say nothing more than wanting to help and offer a prayer but it just looks awkward when you type it on MB. I suppose we are all extra sensitive and probably rightly so as I would never want anyone to misinterpret such a thing. But we here in the aisle understand I am sure. smile

SIHW got it... nose fountain and all lol grin

SPARKLES!! I hear you on the 40 thing. I was hoping for a semi-retirement by 40 for my hubby ... but not to be. He has other plans. skeptical I'm waiting for Kimmy, Neak and tl to accidentally break his leg crazy

Rella hope things are going ok for you... got you in my prayers. .... are you SURE you don't want a another bub maybe two???? faint


A Mikey moment .....
There was this very faint odour in the house ... sniff sniff .. Good God what was it ... sniff sniff.. ewwwwwwww thats OFF... something rotten .... sometimes there are things that Mums just have to do .... go in search of those smells.
I was thinking of a dead snake or bird... maybe field mice or rat coming for the bird seed in the cages. That sort of thing.
After searching every room and the patio... I finally got to the enclosed patio out the back ... the area Dr Liz & hubby use mostly. Looking .... nothing ... but its STRONGER in here ... I approach carefully .... nothing??? ... then I hear .. something.... AHA!! behind that 4 seat couch .. there sitting on the floor is Mikey and Jake the dog... Mikey happily playing with a whole mess of maggots while the dog chewed the bone he dug up .. or Mikey did.
puke puke puke
I think perhaps I may not mention that to DD upon her arrival home. I THINK the stink will be gone by then. sigh

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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Originally Posted by MutedSparkle
I can hear the screeching tires of 40 approaching! Yeah....it's just down the block from me now. rant2



I hear it receeding!


The scoop is.....no more IUD - he said I wasn't likely to get pregnant at my age...lower odds than if I'd had my tubes tied. So, I let it go to try to get my body back to normal. Will spend the next 3 months taking some progesterone to try to straighten things out. Hope I can tolerate it. Then, at the end of 3 months, we try to figure out what to do next. Biopsies were normal. Everything looks healthy enough in there. It's very cool to get to see your innards on a video monitor. cool

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>he said I wasn't likely to get pregnant at my age...

You didn't hit him, did you?

Cos I might've...hit him....you know...like when they check your knee reflexes...only it's your hearing he's checking...

And I thought of our Cinders today...hoping she'd check in.

I saw my inner innards a couple of times...each time there was an itty bitty human in there...B was even sucking her thumb for the camera.

I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

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Oh. And OCDS is going 5 to be FIVE tomorrow! FIVE is so big...but it's so leeeeetle, too. I love FIVE.

Six is good, too....but FIVE...ah, five.

I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

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