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I have a hard enough time with my 4-5 day periods, I cannot imagine this going on for .....ages, like yours!

One year becomes two, two years becomes five, five becomes ten and before you know it, you've wasted your whole life on a problem you can't solve. That's one way to spend your life. -rwinger

I will not spend my life this way.
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Lol, the funny thing about the pesky things is that no matter how bad they are, there's always someone who has/had worse.

In the last week or so, there have been so many women (even including my grandma) who have told me about their hemmorhagic problems, that I am left wondering if there is anyone I know who ISN'T??? Well, Mom has no uterus so there's one, and Neaksis would never do anything so delicate or indiscreet. That's two. And KR, it sounds like you might be 3. That leaves only 4,386,936 on the other side. grin

And we are all surely very relieved to find that all Rella's pieaces are where they belong...

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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AW, I almost got to drive over to Neaksis' house, no farther. But I got light-headed and couldn't. I didn't even try to operate the washing maching. That was a bit out of my league...

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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wait until I tell on you to Dr Liz.... driving of all things!!

ok I won't dob you in ... this time rotflmao

Just remember that you are NOT super woman right now.... it is ok to take it easy just for a little bit.

And yes I KNOW you have been "bin 'angin' w'bad cumpney" and probably learning far more than either of us wanted to know lol at least about the accent anyway ... laugh ... and also perhaps the driving :MrEEk: faint grin

Rella I do hope it gets under control soon. I'm sure they will find something to help eventually. I have been thinking of you and thought the latest tests might have been able to help.

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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Thank you, everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers. I do my best to remember my iron pills. I trust that, eventually, they will figure out something.

Worst case scenario, I have a hysterectomy. Next worst case, I have an endometrial eblation. Next worst case, I take more lovely pills. I trust that we will find an answer soon.

I'm spending a lot of money on feminine hygiene products and laundry products.

This morning, I have a 10 mile training walk. I don't think there are products that will cope with this.

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Oh goody, we can start an Ablation Club then. grin

Dob or no dob, I coulda made the 2 miles when she first asked me - I felt fine! Not gonna try it this morning tho - my tummy is starting to hurt.

And oh oh oh, they have confirmed us for the 25th and it will be live-streamed on the net. (I might have mentions that.) So as soon as I get all the for-sure deatile (um that would be details) I'll post them. Yipeer!!!

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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So, have you had this ablation procedure? confused

I'm thinking they're gonna try to sign me up for something........ :MrEEk:

This mess started around the end of February/first of March. I've had two rounds of the medication that stopped it last summer and nothing has stopped it this time. And it got a 'renewed life' after Wednesday's procedure. rant2

I'm doing a half-marathon in 2 weeks. dance2 I don't have time to be trying to deal with this mess....I don't want to deal with 'Mother Nature' that weekend and I sure don't want to be recovering from something like surgery!

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Have they checked to see if maybe your IUD didn't rupture your uterine wall....apparently it's common.

I had an IUD for about 4 months but my body started rejecting it. But it wasn't pushing it out of my system So doc had to take it out...it was a nice thought while it lasted....I am like my mother and grandmother I have a very sensitive reproduction system. We also have a family history of clotting problems so I can't take the pill....Plus I don't like the way it makes me feel and I GAIN weight on it. I also have an allergic reaction to latex.....Went over this with DOC and she basically said your gonna have to use lambskin condoms with foam or something to the like and be really REALLY careful.

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Well, I have to call them back Monday and find out what's next. I could do without another period. My two children are plenty. I don't want any more. NONE!!!! So, I'm ready to sign up for an endometrial ablation if they can do it.....no endometrial lining in that uterus means no more periods and it's not major surgery.

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I have not had any of those problems, and never will, but I can identify with pain and suffering.

Prayers for you gals.

W took me to a Jim Brickman concert last night, and it was pretty good. I listened for all of you - cause I knew you would enjoy it. We took the twins because both of them play the piano. They liked it too.

Sweet dreams for all of you. Especially those who need them most.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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SS, good to see you. You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers. What is the news from your world?

hurray Hey, it's Easter and I got the baskets done. Not much in them. Teenagers don't expect lots, I hope. But they are done. It sneaked up on me and I didn't shop for it. hurray

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SS so good to hear that you and your wife and family are doing well despite the tough times.

Easter is a quiet affair here ... no pun intended smile ... and we only buy for Mikey anyway these days. He's not a big chocolate eater and will quite happily swap some chocolate for fruit or fresh bread with butter and hundreds and thousands on it.

its school holidays right now which also means Mikey's kindy is off as well for 2 weeks.

We did have lunch on Good Friday with my sister at her house with all the family and met my nieces (18) new boyfriend (19) ... she dumped the old one for cheating on her ... with a 14 yr old. And well rid of the creep as well. mad
The new one is a professional Aussie rules footballer. Seems a very nice young man.
And the boys are so tall I need a ladder to reach up and kiss them. 20 and 18 now. Time certainly runs faster the older we get. Well it seems so. To me they still cheeky little guys running around the house and causing strife. SIGH

Its something to know and feel great contentment about to know that your kids are OK and doing well and really KNOW that no matter what else you might have stuffed up in life you did a good job with your kids.

Mikey is FINALLY asleep so I am going to try and get to bed myself .... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no one type loudly sleep

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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Life is good, despite the troubles. I worry about the troubles that all of you are having, but I know I can't do much to help........... except for prayer. Knowing that prayer is powerful, I suppose it should be enough.

I think I am one of those people that gets more quiet when times are hard. I haven't been talking much these last 4 or 5 months. My W gives me space (often said to be a bad thing on this web site) and I do a lot of thinking. She and I are close, and next to God, she is my rock, and my salvation. God always comes first, but she is a close second. Isn't it wonderful that God demands that I take care of her, and treat her as Christ treats us. Isn't it wonderful that the things God asks us to do are the things that will make us happy.

My mind is often on my friends here, and I do hope all of you are able to cope, because I know the nature of this world, and it won't get easy for us any time soon. I am glad that you support each other. I am glad to see the laughter, and the fun, because I know that sometimes behind our smiles, there is a great deal of pain, and laughter helps. You really do have my prayers.

We took a trailer of store fixtures to California last week that we had sold to a start up company of which I will be a partner. I was planning on going alone, but my oldest son volunteered to go with me. Then my 2nd son found out and drove 5 hours to be with us ( so we could drive another 7 hours to CA.) Number 3 son was working out of town, and didn't know about it, but number 4 son took days off work and went along with us. It feels good that my sons wanted to support me. They were a big help, both driving, and unloading the fixtures. My partner had another large U-haul truck full, that my sons volunteered to unload also. They didn't get paid for any of this. I agree with AW, that it is good to see our children grow up and know they are doing well in many ways.

We had a funeral today for DIL's grandfather. Funerals are a good time for reflection. One of the speakers asked "What would you like to be remembered for?" I don't know if I have a good answer for that. I do know I don't want to be remembered for things that are not really important. I'm not too concerned about setting a "Guiness book of world records" record.

I have been thinking since about all of you. If you passed, what would I remember you for?

First of all, I hope you DO NOT pass any time soon.

What would I remember you for?

AW for sincere repentance? I really don't think about that much any more. I suppose this forum is a reminder in a way, but what comes to mind now is how much AW cares about her family, and others. It's genuine, and it's easy to tell. Perhaps I would remember her for that.

Cinderella................ Many possibilities. In fact, it's hard to narrow it down for any you.
Service to others perhaps? Her role as a mother?
Willingness to press forward against overwhelming odds? Maybe I can't choose just one.

Neak -
Many talents....
I could name many more.

Neaksis -
Brave - Bravery is the ability to do the right thing, even when you are not sure the result will be in your favor.
Hard working
I should say something about her being a good gardener too - just to make her laugh.
Again, many things come to mind.

T&L -
This last one (above) may get a laugh from your daughters T&L, but I notice that when God commands, you are one of the most meek, and humble people that I know. You always obey.
Christ Like -
John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
You have given your life in the service of others, including you family. May God bless you for that.

M&L -
Hi M&L, I hope you this post finds you well.
The ability to keep doing what is important -
EPHESIANS CHAPTER 6 , especially verse 13.
You continue to stand, despite the storms of life.
Your ability to help others, even when things have been most difficult for you.
Your ability to withhold judgment, and continue to give love when many would have given up. I'm not just talking about your relationship with your H.

Kimmy -
It is all about the food sometimes.
You are a great cook, but that's not the top of my list for you.
Same as M&L, EPHESIANS CHAPTER 6 , especially verse 13.
You continue to stand, despite the storms of life.
Your ability to help others, even when things have been most difficult for you. I am so happy that you never gave up.
The love of a mother for her children.
The love of a wife for her husband.

AJ -
When one makes a mistake, the only real way to repent is with all your heart. What a comeback.

How do truck drivers stay awake? We got into LA at about 3:30 am, and left that evening to drive home. Got back home at about 5:00 am. I can do it two days in a row, maybe even three, but that would be it. I don't know how you can do it for weeks, and weeks.

Support - You seem to know what your W needs now, and you give it to her.

Willingness to help others.
Many things for you also.

They say it's time to come to dinner, I don't know if I'll get back to this or not.
Thanks to all of you for your examples to me.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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I would remember SS for being an encourager. For being a deep thinker. For encouraging and motivating others to think. For being a lover of his family.

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SS - our own personal cheerleader.

EPHESIANS CHAPTER 6 , especially verse 13.

A personal favorite o'mine. Thanks for the reminder.

What would I remember you for?

This is all I wish for - Beloved wife and mother. Doesn't even need my name, only that they love me.

Happy note: I saw Julia Child's kitchen at the Smithsonian. It was like Mecca.

Am experimenting with Amish Friendship Bread. I have the starter fermenting. I'll get to make my first loaves tomorrow. No bread machine this time. The rising processes for them are 24 hours each rise. It'll take 2 days to make 4 loaves.

Jesus took a few loaves and fed many souls...you can't rush the process, huh?

I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

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Originally Posted by Dealan-de
According to historical records, he was the darling of the entire expedition.

Unfortunately, there are no records of him after they returned from the trip. Sacagawea ran away from her husband (who was the "official" guide - but everyone relied on Sackajawea b/c she could speak a few native languages). Her husband, John Babtiste Charbaneau (sp?) was a cruel man - he'd won Sacagawea in a bet.

Actually, he was not lost to history and his burial place is known. Neaksis and I were very surprised to drve past the historical marker on one of the trips to Patch to visit the concentration camp. Our curiosity aroused, we went 3 miles down a dirt road and found this little cemetery you can see on the link below. It was at this time that her youngest told me we had just passed a "Presbyterian Crossing." I was so confused, I had to back up and find out what it actually was--which was a "Pedestrian Crossing"! Apparently none of the Presbyterians had vehicles...rotflmao

Grave of Jean-Baptiste Charbonneau


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This last one (above) may get a laugh from your daughters T&L, but I notice that when God commands, you are one of the most meek, and humble people that I know.

Thank you very kindly, SS, for that entirely-undeserved analysis. However, those daughters of mine had better NOT laugh at it, or I'll meek and humble 'em ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!:twobyfour:



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Originally Posted by thndrnltng
Originally Posted by Dealan-de
According to historical records, he was the darling of the entire expedition.

Unfortunately, there are no records of him after they returned from the trip. Sacagawea ran away from her husband (who was the "official" guide - but everyone relied on Sackajawea b/c she could speak a few native languages). Her husband, John Babtiste Charbaneau (sp?) was a cruel man - he'd won Sacagawea in a bet.

Actually, he was not lost to history and his burial place is known. Neaksis and I were very surprised to drve past the historical marker on one of the trips to Patch to visit the concentration camp. Our curiosity aroused, we went 3 miles down a dirt road and found this little cemetery you can see on the link below. It was at this time that her youngest told me we had just passed a "Presbyterian Crossing." I was so confused, I had to back up and find out what it actually was--which was a "Pedestrian Crossing"! Apparently none of the Presbyterians had vehicles...rotflmao

Grave of Jean-Baptiste Charbonneau



Now I'm mad.

My history book wrote him out of the picture once Sacagawea left Charbonneau.

But it looks like he had a good life, and I'm glad he's not lost...it is like a piece of the puzzle just "snicked" into place.

I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

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Hi everyone!
although I follow this thread I don´t read any others. Itñ just too painful for me, still. I know I should be over it by now, considering it´s been over 4 years and I donñt even see WH at all! that´s part of the reason I don´t post anymore, I don´t feel that it´s right.
Nevrtheless I have quite a good life for myself in spite of everything being in the middle of things: the divorce hasn´t gone through because WH´s lawyer hasn´t done the paperwork and I refuse to insist. I wnat him to do the work.

the house hasn´t sold yet so I´m living with 2 of my daughters, one has moved out but is frequently here and staying over.

My mother has been diagnosed with colon cancer but is doing quite well so far.

The summer is over. We joke that we start working seriously in this country after Holy Week, but it´s not really a joke, it´s true! so it´s as if after 4 months of semi holidays the year is just beginning and things start happening at work, like people being moved around... we´ll see what happens.

I´m in peace, I enjoy life, I´m busy.
I´m know you are all doing as well as possible too.

Thanks SS for your kind thoughts. I would remember you for your kindness, gentleness and family values.

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The problem with starting lists like that, is I could never list all the things that ought to be listed, and sometimes people notice when you leave an item out.

Am experimenting with Amish Friendship Bread. I have the starter fermenting. I'll get to make my first loaves tomorrow. No bread machine this time. The rising processes for them are 24 hours each rise. It'll take 2 days to make 4 loaves.

WE have been making variations for about 3 months now. Very good, and fun too.

It's so good to hear from everyone. I should also say that I know SIHW has been posting here, and I would have liked to comment about her too, but I don't feel I know her well enough, and I didn't think I could have done it right for her.

Does anyone know her well enough to comment?

Thanks for your comments about me. You are very kind.

Cloudy and windy here today. Must be spring.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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