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Her name is ah, Rina. And you're right, it should be natural, WR.
God, I wish this would end. I told a friend that if I died suddenly, and no medical cause were found, it would be from a broken heart. I don't know how I'd survive without this board.
(((hugs back)))
BS - 60 WH - 67 Married 24 years, together 25 D-Day - 02/09/2009 Trying to enter Recovery
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Oh, don't I know it. You'll get over the hump though, and find the strength in your inner core that you didn't even know you had. We all do. Will you slip up and have your moments then, sure, we all do... but you'll find your strength and you'll discover that you won't die. If nothing else, set your mind to not dying just bacuse you don't wanna give the *FemaleDog* the satisfaction... then, later, you can modify your reasons. Stand up, tall, proud. A 2x4 of reality and strength up the side of my H's head was really the very best thing I have ever done *shrugs*
BS, 28 WH, 36 11/08-? EA(s?), no PA's, lied (net&women) MLC end 5/09? Enter R M 2000 Child, 5.5 yrs
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I keep telling myself that I'm strong enough to get through this. It will somehow make me a better person. If nothing else, this has forced me to lose weight, that I needed to lose anyway. My next husband is sure to like me! LOL
BS - 60 WH - 67 Married 24 years, together 25 D-Day - 02/09/2009 Trying to enter Recovery
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WR, can you think of anything else I can ask the OW? I am going to the meeting well-armed, with my wits. She won't have a chance in Hades!
BS - 60 WH - 67 Married 24 years, together 25 D-Day - 02/09/2009 Trying to enter Recovery
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IDK, if I were meeting OW, I would be as point-blank and as embarrassing as I could get. Make her squirm. Make her feel how disgusting the whole thing is, not the 'lovey, sweet, meant for each other' crap they like to tell themselves. 'So, when you were boffing at the Hilton in that room with the balcony, did you use fake names so no one could trace you?' Talk about the sneaking and lying part of it, not the 'how could you do it' part? We talked last night after coming home from one of his hangouts, where I had gone to see him. He was not happy to see me there. I told him that being apart was part of what caused this problem and how could we fix it if we were apart. He doesn't know the answer to that, just that he feels smothered when I go where he is. I think I'm interfering with his fun, which hurts me too. Waawaa, poor baby. He screwed up, and now he has to earn back your trust. Poor baby. Ooh! Ooh! You know what I've always wanted to tell people to do? Print out some of the web stuff about those endorphins and chemicals, and how an affair is just those chemicals racing through your brain, making you do stupid things, and how 2 years later, that chemical's gone and you're stuck looking at a guy you never really loved, but you both ruined your lives for each other, so now you're stuck.
Last edited by catperson; 04/27/09 02:24 PM.
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Dunno what time zone you are in, but I can't wait to hear what happened. I'm with Cat, make her feel disgusting. "Our friends really just couldn't believe H went to you, because they know how much he loves me. I've never been one for straight up cheap sex, but if that's your thing, at least keep your hands off my H, because if not HELLSA COMIN'!"
BS, 28 WH, 36 11/08-? EA(s?), no PA's, lied (net&women) MLC end 5/09? Enter R M 2000 Child, 5.5 yrs
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Well, we met. I asked the OW point blank what was going on with my H and her. She said there was nothing to it, they are just friends that had a good time in the bar. I asked some other questions, and her answers confirmed what I knew (that she didn't know I could know), so I believe her.
She also said that my H had only told her we were having some problems, no details. That confirms what he told me. There were enough minor differences in their stories that I'm satisfied I've finally GOTTEN THE TRUTH!
So apparently WH just has his head up his woo-who and is stuck in a rut. I do feel better knowing the truth about THAT!
BS - 60 WH - 67 Married 24 years, together 25 D-Day - 02/09/2009 Trying to enter Recovery
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So apparently WH just has his head up his woo-who and is stuck in a rut. I do feel better knowing the truth about THAT! Hi Leapfroggy, I'm just getting caught up on your thread. So, you talked to OW, great! What you say above, do you think WH has not had an A now??? I'm confused. 
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Yes, that's correct, Vittoria.
The way he's been acting, was very symptomatic of an A. I can see now that he's got his head up his xxx, over the other things we have problems with. Mainly - me abandoning him emotionally. Which I had no clue I had done.
I'm going to tell him if he wants to be friends with the ex-OW, I just want to be told about it, and included too. We'll see how that goes! He's liable to decide that I don't have the right to tell him who he can be friends with, although I don't intend it to be perceived that way.
BS - 60 WH - 67 Married 24 years, together 25 D-Day - 02/09/2009 Trying to enter Recovery
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When I said that I felt he had a GF, he did not respond. I told him that there has to be a way to save our marriage and he responded that he's just tired of the whole situation. 2/09/09: He has now determined that this has been going on for the past 7 years. He still feels like he's living alone, and he's very happy to go scouting and hunting predators to shoot. In this area, there's a hundreds of miles to cover. He's gone from dawn to dark and enjoys being alone that way. (He's in full-on Taker mode.) Later that night he rolled over, hugged me and said "Oh God, you can't believe how much I love you Marcella."  (I've been suspicious of Marcella all along.) When I said that my name wasn't Marcella, he said that my name was whatever he wanted it to be that night.  When I mentioned this the next day, he said that he was just teasing.  I said that it wasn't funny. I should also have said how very cruel it was to me in my fragile emotional state. He attempted to make love to me that night (on BP meds, which cause impotence.) I've talked to him about getting something for that, but he's afraid of the 4 hour erection. 3/31: 1:09 pm - he called her cell (1 min) 3/31: 1:10 pm - called her cell again (2 min) 3/31: 1:19 pm - she called back (1 min) 4/01: 8:38 pm - called her cell (2 min) 4/05: Met him at bowling club, I'm going to start that again. He seemed fairly happy to see me, but not really excited. 4/07: 9:51 pm - called her call (1 min)(he was at home!) 4/08: I went to the local bar where he hangs out - the BAR. Marcella was there and I asked her to please stay away from him. She said they are just friends,  but she would stay away. 4/08: 6:40 pm - he called her cell (1 min) 4/08: 6:41 pm - she called back (1 min) 4/08: 6:52 pm - he called her cell (2 min) 04/10: 5:30 pm - called me and said he was about 45 min away. Five min later I saw him pull into her driveway.  He thinks he saw me and attempted to follow to verify, but I evaded. He didn't say anything about it later and neither did I. 04/10: 5:37 pm - called me and asked if I was still out. I said yes, I'm at the other end of town. He asked me to stop at Mac's and get him a couple of cheeseburgers. I did that. With my devious mind, I also thought of getting a couple more and putting them on the hood of his truck in her driveway. Unfortunately, she lives in a fairly isolated house on a dead end street. And it was still daylight. (I need to check this out more) Later, when we were talking, he said that he loves me but is no longer in love with me. I've told him that divorce is not an option; that we will find a way to fix our marriage. 4/12: Met him at bowling club and did 2 rounds together, went to the BAR afterward. I left there at 4:47 pm to go home and he was going out scouting until dark. At 4:50 pm, he called her cell (1 min) About 8:15, he called me and asked me to meet him at the Do Drop Inn, another bar. I did and we had a good general conversation. He didn't make much eye contact with me. 4/13: Called me about 7:30 pm and asked to me to meet again at the Do Drop. I did, more general conversation, a little more eye contact. 4/14: 3:53 pm He called her cell (2 min) 4/14: 5:18 pm He called her cell again (1 min) Called me at approx 8:00 and asked me to meet at Do Drop again. I am giving more attention and admiration. We talked about various things and he made a lot more eye contact with me. 4/15: I started wearing contacts again - I do look better and younger without glasses. Called me at 8:05 pm, said he was going to stop at two bars, maybe 3, then come home. He cuddled me most of the night. 4/16: He checked in about 12:30 pm. Around 7, I called him to see if he was close enough to home to meet for tacos. He wasn't. Today, 4/17 - she hasn't called his cell since 4/08, 10 days. I think she's doing the no contact thing with him. God, I hope so. Okay, I stopped with the  because my eyes were going goofy! There are plenty more, plenty more. WH and OW were and probably still are in an A. Leapfroggy, how can you deny all these signs? No faithful and honest married man has a friendship like this with someone of the opposite sex.
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Froggy, honey, I can't stand here and watch you enter full on denial. The fact that he was "45 minutes away, then in her driveway 5 mins later" UMMMM HUUUUGE REDDDDD FLAGGG!!!
Keep GPSing, snoop as if your life depends on it, because your married life does. Put a PI on it or a voice activated recorder in his car. This is NOT a simple friendship. It would be so much nicer to believe that, but don't be a chump falling for the *MaleCowManure* he dumps your way.... don't. It's plain to see for all of us outsiders that there is an issue... he was in her driveway?!?!?! Seriously. Come on. Honey, I know it hurts, but you have to face it and slay that dragon.
BS, 28 WH, 36 11/08-? EA(s?), no PA's, lied (net&women) MLC end 5/09? Enter R M 2000 Child, 5.5 yrs
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V, I know, it does look very suspicious. However, you'd have to know my H to understand why I have been so upset about this A. He left his last wife because she had an A; and refused to cover for another friend who was having an A. He's very moral about that kind of thing.
Although all the signs pointed to an A, I truly believe what he explained and she said. No A. I do intend to talk to him though about how friends can turn into an A very easily.
Last night he mentioned that I had been rather late getting home from a job. I said that was because I had coffee with Marcella. There was curiousity on his face, no anger or dread. I told him what we had talked about, and that if wanted to continue to be causal friends with her, I wanted to know when there was contact and to be involved. I said that I thought she and I could be friends someday. He was that he was very happy to hear that and he would keep me informed and involved.
I know, I know, now who's got their head where the sun don't shine? I have to go along with this for now, for the sake of my sanity and ulcers.
I so want my husband and marriage back!
BS - 60 WH - 67 Married 24 years, together 25 D-Day - 02/09/2009 Trying to enter Recovery
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Oh man, I'm sorry, but it's the moral ones... even Dr H says so... it's the moral ones that least believe it THEMSELVES that they can. I'm sorry, that 45 minutes away versus in her driveway is HUUUUUGE.... really. You have to maybe hire a PI so you can stop worrying. Let someone else worry for you. Believe me, you have to do it. There is no way out, but THROUGH IT.
BS, 28 WH, 36 11/08-? EA(s?), no PA's, lied (net&women) MLC end 5/09? Enter R M 2000 Child, 5.5 yrs
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Yes, that's correct, Vittoria.
The way he's been acting, was very symptomatic of an A. I can see now that he's got his head up his xxx, over the other things we have problems with. Mainly - me abandoning him emotionally. Which I had no clue I had done.
I'm going to tell him if he wants to be friends with the ex-OW, I just want to be told about it, and included too. We'll see how that goes! He's liable to decide that I don't have the right to tell him who he can be friends with, although I don't intend it to be perceived that way.
Men!  Let me know when you get served with papers so they can start their new 'fated life' together.
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V, I know, it does look very suspicious. However, you'd have to know my H to understand why I have been so upset about this A. He left his last wife because she had an A; and refused to cover for another friend who was having an A. He's very moral about that kind of thing. At one time he may have been 'moral' about that sort of thing, but .... things have changed. Your WH's actions speak differently. Although all the signs pointed to an A, I truly believe what he explained and she said. No A. I do intend to talk to him though about how friends can turn into an A very easily. Well at least they got their stories straight. :crosseyedcrazy: Why not have the Harley's explain that to WH, they are very good at spelling things out.  This is me with catperson Now really Leapfroggy, no one wants to believe their spouse is having an A, but by not admitting it, nothin' gets fixed.
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Ok, ok, so you believe them.
So what did your voice-activated recorder that you put in his car say?
What did the keylogger you put on his computer say?
What did the phone records show when you looked them up?
What did the PI say who you hired to follow him?
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My H told me, after I found a gross number of phone calls, letters, cards and text messages, that 'they were just friends'.  And that he had stopped to see her twice to visit and you know 'talk'. He needed a friend, a penpal. OW .... said the same thing.  OW was so sincere, she wanted to help out in aaaaany way she could, the precious soul.  Guess what .... they got their stories straight and lied between their pearly whites. My H swore on the bible that they were just friends. On The Bible. All lies, all of it. Waywards lie. Look at what is in front of you. Look at your very first post.
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***Bumpin' because I care***
BS, 28 WH, 36 11/08-? EA(s?), no PA's, lied (net&women) MLC end 5/09? Enter R M 2000 Child, 5.5 yrs
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Ok, I know you guys are right.
The gps on his phone has been saying that he's at her house, but when I went over there, his truck was nowhere to be found. And there's no place to hide it. Verizon said it could give an incorrect location, but doesn't know why or how to fix it.
So what did your voice-activated recorder that you put in his car say? Haven't done that yet.
What did the keylogger you put on his computer say? He doesn't have a computer.
What did the phone records show when you looked them up? He has not called her since 4/26 (last Sunday). Before that, 4/14.
What did the PI say who you hired to follow him? Haven't done that yet, either.
He's still talking about going and staying with his best friend for a few days. I'm beginning to think that's a really good idea - all we seem to do is hurt each other.
That would also give him the space he needs to indulge his A, and get it over with faster. Maybe? Or get caught by her H?
I've got to find a resolution to this soon. I can't sleep and the OTC sleeping pills don't work anymore. And, time for a little levity, I'm afraid my face is going to freeze in this very unhappy expression!
Supreme Being Above All - please help me to find the way back into his heart, and restore the blessed marriage you gave us...
BS - 60 WH - 67 Married 24 years, together 25 D-Day - 02/09/2009 Trying to enter Recovery
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