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AJ is doing very well. His job is going great, but keeps him too busy to have many adventures. He is delighted to have us out there at last, and sad that today is his first day in several weeks to come home and have no mommy and daddy there. He loves them, and always hates to see them go.

(Very soon that will not be a problem!!!!!!!!!!!)

He is also so relieved to have my health difficulties resolved, and on their way to a permanent mend. And it's amazing who he runs into out here...last Friday evening he ran into a man he knew from his executive protection days in the Bay area. The man used to bring fuel in to the refinery where AJ did terrorist abatement stuff, and remembered him. He still works for the same company, but now locally out here.

Now he's on his way home, but drooling over the biscuits and gravy that are waiting for him. I'm pretty sure biscuits and gravy are a top EN for him. grin

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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Oh, and glad you liked the link - AJ loves the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and introduced it to us. He also is very jealous of people who put up the light shows with the TSO soundtrack.

Someday......in his dreams. wink

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

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Then Neaksis sent us both this picture from I Can Has Cheezburger:



A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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Glad to see that all are wellish and mostly ok!!!

Neak its so good to see that tl was so enthused by the idea of living near you that all that cold was just nothing to her.

I am about 230 km from Perth tonight in the south of the state all by my lonesome and far from all the drama. Liz is doing mummy service while I am working..... and drinking a glass of wine

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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Neak its so good to see that tl was so enthused by the idea of living near you that all that cold was just nothing to her.
rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao

Sounds like you're having a good time, though! flirt

Got an email from Mom this morning...

Well, we're up, dressed, and ready to hit the road at a remarkably early hour, in spite of a late stop. Why? Did anyone ask? Well, when your dad got up to pee at about 6AM, your GP was not in the room. I had seen a light shine briefly at an unknown time earlier in the night, but it looked like the bathroom door closing, and I was so tired I didn't get up to told his hand while he "went". I called the front desk, and sure enough, he was there--down 3 flights of stairs and in the lobby...with the desk clerk, wet pants, and a policeman who had been called after he arrived at 4AM and didn't know where he was or where he should go. I have a feeling that your dad, who was the one who went downstairs (being better dressed than I) did less explaining than I would've done. But the upshot is that we're starting out much earlier than we had expected, and will be leaving New Mexico soon, according to GP.

I think we'll have to barricade the door tonight. Slow him down!


A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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poor GP... he just wanted to be ready early smile

poor tl .... she never got to explain it all too the nice policeman and desk clerk laugh

but my Jacobs Creek sparkling Moscato is very nice indeedy. Had oysters which I am not particularly fond of but these were nice.. kilpatrick style... then a tender sliced rib steak with peppercorns..yummy... then rubbarb and Apple pie with icecream

fellow worker Julie had brushetta and fish & chips and then a choc tart with cream

we are so naughty .... diets are right out the window tonight hurray

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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At least there were no goannas involved anywhere!

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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Maybe we can put together a group lunch, dinner or something next time I am there. You want to coordinate it?

And of course, I want to know how you are. Good? Bad? In between?

I understand, SS it was a bit of a tease! I would LOVE to coordinate a lunch when you come out again. Just give me a shout out, I think you have my email. If you don't my throw away email addy is in my profile.

I am doing pretty well. I am up and down emotionally with all I have going on in my life. Never enough time to really do much about our R. Sometimes we do well and sometimes we just exist. Visitation with OC adds even more stress and less time for "us".


me: FWW/BS 52 H: FWH/BS 49
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Neak, I am lost WHY your parents are heading back to Cali.


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dontknow Me too!

Kidding aside, they have plenty to do before they can move. I keep hoping they'll send Neaksis to me in the spring to get their house ready for them, except for the carpentry/repairs. She could use a vacation.

AW, any other day GP complains bitterly when dragged out of bed before a decent hour. (And a decent hour to him is pretty late.) But time just flies when you're in New Mexico.

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

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We need to start an office pool how long it will take before Dad comes back out here with another load of stuff - his, this time.

He was so cute...every few minutes someone would ask a kid, "Where's your grandpa?" "Oh, he said he was going back over to his house again." Then he'd be back, and a couple minutes later he'd be gone again.

So my bet is for sometime between now and Christmas. Who's next?

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

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Mom has everybody tucked in at a motel in Elko. The door is barricaded, so tomorrow morning should be much less eventful for them. We hope.

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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Something interesting I got today from my uncle...

I love that this shows us the real meaning behind the words we learned
as children and often recite mindlessly.


Rather cleverly done.This is in two parts, the suppliant's prayer
and GOD in response. It is very, very good.


Suppliant-- Our Father Who Art In Heaven.

God-- Yes?

Don't interrupt me. I'm praying.

But -- you called ME!

Called you? No, I didn't call you. I'm praying.
Our Father who art in Heaven.

There -- you did it again!

Did what?

Called ME. You said, "Our Father who art in Heaven".
Well, here I AM..What's on your mind?

But I didn't mean anything by it.
I was, you know, just saying my prayers for the day.
I always say the Lord's Prayer.
It makes me feel good,kind of like fulfilling a duty.

Well, all right. Go on.

Okay, Hallowed be thy name.

Hold it right there. What do you mean by that?

By what?

By "Hallowed be thy name."

It means, it means . . good grief,
I don't know what it means.
How in the world should I know?
It's just a part of the prayer.
By the way, what does it mean?

It means honored, holy, wonderful.

Hey, that makes sense..
I never thought about what 'hallowed' meant before.

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.

Do you really mean that?

Sure, why not?

What are you doing about it?

Doing? Why, nothing, I guess.
I just think it would be kind of neat if you
got control, of everything down here like you have
up there. We're kinda in a mess down here you know.

Yes, I know; but, have I got control of you?

Well, I go to church.

That isn't what I asked you.
What about your bad temper?
You've really got a problem there, you know.
And then there's the way you spend your money--all on yourself.
And what about the kind of books you read ?

Now hold on just a minute! Stop picking on me!
I'm just as good as some of the rest of those People at church!

Excuse ME.. I thought you were praying for my will to be done.
If that is to happen, it will have to start with the ones
who are praying for it. Like you -- for example..

Oh, all right. I guess I do have some hang-ups.
Now that you mention it, I could probably name some others.

So could I.

I haven't thought about it very much until now,
but I really would like to cut out some of those things.
I would like to, you know, be really free.

Good. Now we're getting somewhere.
We'll work together -- You and ME.
I'm proud of You..

Look, Lord, if you don't mind, I need to finish up here.
This is taking a lot longer than it usually does.
Give us this day, our daily bread.

You need to cut out the bread..
You're overweight as it is.

Hey, wait a minute! What is this?
Here I was doing my religious duty,
and all of a sudden you break in
and remind me of all my hang-ups.

Praying is a dangerous thing.
You just might get what you ask for.
Remember, you called ME -- and here I am.
It's too late to stop now. Keep praying. ( pause . . )
Well, go on.

I'm scared to.

Scared? Of what?

I know what you'll say.

Try ME.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

What about Ann?

See? I knew it! I knew you would bring her up!
Why, Lord, she's told lies about me, spread stories.
She never paid back the money she owes me.
I've sworn to get even with her!

But -- your prayer --What about your prayer?

I didn't -- mean it..

Well, at least you're honest. But, it's quite a load carrying around all
that bitterness and resentment isn't it?

Yes, but I'll feel better as soon as I get even with her.
Boy, have I got some plans for her.
She'll wish she had never been born.

No, you won't feel any better. You'll feel worse.
Revenge isn't sweet.
You know how unhappy you are -- Well, I can change that.

You can? How?

Forgive Ann. Then, I'll forgive you;
And the hate and the sin, will be Ann's problem -- not yours.
You will have settled the problem as far as you are concerned.

Oh, you know, you're right.
You always are. And more than I want revenge,
I want to be right with You . . (sigh).
All right, all right . . I forgive her.
There now!

Wonderful! How do you feel?

Hmmmm. Well, not bad. Not bad at all!
In fact, I feel pretty great!
You know, I don't think I'll go to bed uptight tonight.
I haven't been getting much rest, you know.

Yeah, I know. But, you're not through with your prayer, are you? Go on.

Oh, all right.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Good! Good! I'll do that.
Just don't put yourself in a place where you can be tempted.

What do you mean by that?

You know what I mean.

Yeah. I know.

Okay. Go ahead. Finish your prayer.

For Thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory forever. Amen.

Do you know what would bring me glory --
What would really make me happy?

No, but I'd like to know.
I want to please you now.
I've really made a mess of things.
I want to truly follow you..
I can see now how great that would be.
So, tell me . . . How do I make you happy?

YOU just did.

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Emailing it to the Wookie right now.

He's having a devil of a time at work (literally, the devil has corrupted most of the higher ups in the agency - and they make it h-e-double-hockey-sticks for those who don't follow their lead).

Love you mucho grande big.

From the department of redundancy department

I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

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T&L have to say that was very good and I did have some smiles reading it.... as well as red cheeks... I think we all like to sometimes give lip service to prayer... pardon the pun... and not actually live it. blush

Not been around much.... frankly exhausted and living on worries with oldest son... but as my DD says nothing that a good surgeon won't be fixing.
However I agree with the field nurse who informed all that he swears 'really well' and impressed her no end MrRollieEyes

he's doped up quite a bit of the time and tells us to F off a lot but we know its not him really... still a bit hard to take though. Of course not just the F word but so many others. I'm almost certain I didn't teach him any of those words crazy

However we are learning some interesting tales. Doesn't pay to talk in your sleep with your mum around smirk It took us a day or two to piece this together....
Seems there were these 3 young officers of which one was my son... and one who was dating a nurse at the base. The nurse got so drunk one night she gave the officer in charge of her such a bad time that she was arrested. She got 4 nights confinement after working the day shifts. They had no where to lock her up but in this very large room which was used a linen storage room. In went a camp bed and instant lock up.

So my sons mate woke him and another officer up at about midnight and told them to come help him break his girlfriend out. The room had bars on the windows secured by coach bolts so the three of them took a ladder from store... my son climbed up and undid the coach screws and his mate got his girlfriend out and ran back to his billet.
He got them them up at 5am again and reversed the whole thing. Did it three nights running and no one was caught.

I think someone takes after his dad FAR too much if you ask me rotflmao faint

DD has taken off to the bush with a girlfriend or two to attend one of her girlfriends birthday party in Katanning... a farming town down south. They were all "awhisper" about their friend turning .. oh my gosh .... 22!!!! why don't they just order the zimmer frame now and guide dog .... dramaqueen

sorry just going to press my bell for the home care worker to lead me to bed whistle

Its so quiet here again ... that I can't sleep. stickout

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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T&L, thanks for that. smile

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Many a good man has failed because he had a wishbone where his backbone should have been.

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.
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Today I had the unique pleasure of waking up from one of my "I'm-not-26-anymore" tests and finding that my xh's niece (used to think of her as my niece) was my nurse. It was sort of nice to see her but I would rather have seen her in another setting.

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The kids built a catapult yesterday. Need I say more?

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
~ English proverb

Neak's Story
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Was it big enough to launch one of the kids, or just your average rock throwing catapult?

The rock ones are kind of boring.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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You should let me talk to them.

I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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