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Some very exciting news today but something to certainly mountain on the stress in the next few days, tied in with all sorts of baggage. Very careful handling needed.

J has an interview at the place where we met. He got offered a job there not long after we moved down but it was for slightly less money and he would have had to have paid back his relocation money too. He didn't take it. I was livid and have gone through many phases of resentment about it since.

He applied there about a year ago for a higher position adn was unsuccesful.

As he walked out the door tonight, he said "ST, I am incredibly stressed about this interview already; I just need you to know" I let him know that we would discuss it and work on it as a priority to try and relieve some of the stress asap.

First of all - I am very very chuffed and proud that he has not only identified he is stressed adn why but that he has told me in a way that is asking for my help.

I say interview - it's an assesment day: Competencies interview for 45 mins, give a presentation and question time for another 45mins and then "real play" for an hour. The feedback he got from the last time was that his real play let him down (managing an awkward employee who was brill technically but couldn't do people and how to keep her motivated when promotion was unlikely due to her people skills and lack of interest in them). I can't help but think though, how much his empathy, emotional intelligence, reasoning ability, personal problem solving etc has improved since last time.

This is a request for prayers really. Please pray for us as we work on the preparation for this interview This is an opportunity to do away with these punishing shifts.

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Originally Posted by lildoggie
I do believe that having someone upbeat does make the house a happy home. I used to make a real effort to walk in from milking each morning with a cheery 'good morning family' even on the mornings that were total cr*p and those mornings did seem to go better thsan the ones when I stomped in and just b*tched about how bad milking was.

Well enough blather, and its prolly not MB anyway smile

ITA - it's just such bleep hard work to be that person so much of the time.
Actually, now I think about it and I will reconsider by whinging. J does do it now - he is the happy one sometimes. Wow - that is great and a reilef.

Thanks for bringing about that realisation tonight or this morning.

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yeah it is hard work to be the bleeping happy one, since MB Flick makes more of an effort now tho. And lets face it, it's so much nicer to be in a happy home than a tense one. Call it a family EN LOL smile

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Let me ask you this, ST. If J started shouting and saying exactly how he feels as the result of the affair, what your response be? I'm not saying he threatened you or lost control, but what if he just let things out without worrying about how you felt about what he was saying or the way he was saying it?

Why does it have to be me that keeps the spirit positive; thinks of the work arounds; tries to keep things up beat and out in the open so that they aren't buried and sulked about? It gets sooo tiring.

Read this quote from you and ask yourself what you would tell a FWW you were trying to help if she said this.

Harley says we shouldn't trust our spouse; if we live our lives not trusting our spouse then that means we can't feel 100% safe.
But I'd bet that before the affair he DID feel safe.

he has been less angry since dday than he was for the 3 years before.
I would suggest that he has been more cautious about how he expresses his anger, not that he has been less angry. That's the thing about this. He KNOWS that his AOs and threats of violence (or at least your fear of violence) was a contributing factor to your vulnerability to an affair. He KNOWS he has to fix this aspect if he wants to keep you.

And just so you know, I think Dr Harley means that we shouldn't blindly trust our spouse to have our welfare in mind in all things because we all have a Taker as well as a Giver.

I think his concern would be more about him and his anger management and being safe from losing his family because of it.
Ouch! Take a look at this and how it is worded. Can you see any hint of DJ in this?

So you do think he needs some very targettd counselling to deal with this?
Probably the most direct and rapid way to do it.
IS it something we can work on together?
Only after both Love Banks are filled to capacity because BOTH givers need to be present for this to work. Because what has to happen will not be easy to process and will not deposit love units but will probably withdraw them from both Love Banks.
COnfiding in a friend?
As long as the friend is also a friend of the marriage, it can't hurt.

he's still in denial about it
I am so hoping this was said tongue in cheek and meant to be humor. faint

What do I do about this? Give him a chance to physiclly discharge his anger at me? What do i do about this?
Physically? Nope. Verbally? Only if you can let him vent without interruption and defense of what happened or offense at what is said.
J is safe from a repeat of that betrayal
How does he know this? Can you say this with 100% confidence? Is it contingent on anything besides your resolve? Are the EPs that are in place all that HE needs to know this to be true?

I guess I'm just turning into a grumpy old man...


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Originally Posted by Mark1952
Let me ask you this, ST. If J started shouting and saying exactly how he feels as the result of the affair, what your response be? I'm not saying he threatened you or lost control, but what if he just let things out without worrying about how you felt about what he was saying or the way he was saying it?

I think I mentioned this above: The one time he did do - and he yelled and shouted exactly how he felt and yelled about how selfish it was (only lasted 30 secs though) I felt enormous relief and it made me feel closer to him. I want him to be able to do that - and I have to say that at that time when he did it - I didn't feel threatened.

Why does it have to be me that keeps the spirit positive; thinks of the work arounds; tries to keep things up beat and out in the open so that they aren't buried and sulked about? It gets sooo tiring.

Read this quote from you and ask yourself what you would tell a FWW you were trying to help if she said this.
Point taken.

Harley says we shouldn't trust our spouse; if we live our lives not trusting our spouse then that means we can't feel 100% safe.
But I'd bet that before the affair he DID feel safe.
I'll ask him. I'm not sure I did - I have always been wary of infidelity and never overly enthusiastic about him going out or away alone.

And just so you know, I think Dr Harley means that we shouldn't blindly trust our spouse to have our welfare in mind in all things because we all have a Taker as well as a Giver.

I think his concern would be more about him and his anger management and being safe from losing his family because of it.
Ouch! Take a look at this and how it is worded. Can you see any hint of DJ in this?
maybe a hint, not intentionally, not sure - I'll ask him.

So you do think he needs some very targettd counselling to deal with this?
Probably the most direct and rapid way to do it.
HIs next IC session is in 2 weeks, he may take it to her.

he's still in denial about it
I am so hoping this was said tongue in cheek and meant to be humor. faint No it wasn't. I can't be doing the UA time right. HE doesn't understand why it makes such a difference to the ay I feel about him - as far as he is concerned I either love him or I don't and spending time together shouldn't make any difference. Except I know that deep down he knows that isn't true because he refers back to times when we did everything together.

What do I do about this? Give him a chance to physiclly discharge his anger at me? What do i do about this?
Physically? Nope. Verbally? Only if you can let him vent without interruption and defense of what happened or offense at what is said.
I think I can do that - I am so unfoggy about how the A happened and how I was at that time that I do not think I would have aproblem with it. Whilst accpeting that that was me, I know that that isn't me now and that anger would be directed at the Wayward me. I think.

J is safe from a repeat of that betrayal
How does he know this? Can you say this with 100% confidence? Is it contingent on anything besides your resolve? Are the EPs that are in place all that HE needs to know this to be true?
Of course I can't say with 100% confidence - I'd have learnt nothing here if I did say that. I think he is satisfied that I am protecting our M from infidelity.

I'd though about some UA time tonight - playing a game or some wii - me: giving. He's keen to get going on his interview prep, so that is what we shall do. But I am thinking more about him again when he isn't about and making plans or our few hours together.

Right, lets get to it.

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How was the weekend ST?

Have you and J been doing the prep work for his assessment day or did you end up playing on the wii?

I went through one of those days a few years ago and it's gruelling.

It was a full day of assessments, tasks and role-playing with an hour long interview in the middle of it. I was totally exhausted by the end of it. It was like mental torture being under so much scrutiny for that long a period so I feel for J.

Having said that, I'm sure he'll do great as he sort of knows what to expect and is doing the prop work needed.

You're both in my thoughts and thinking extra special ones for J.

When is it?

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The weekend was good thanks.

Not much of the UA time as J was working but we were very comfortable with the time we spent together.

One night he started reading through his Supervisory Skills manual to refresh himself on all scenarios and I filled in a 15page form for him.

I have just found the presnetation he did for his last interview there (it's exactly the same title) and I think he could improve on it and certainly be more prepared for Q time than he was last time - he asked for detailed eedback and although I can't find it I seem to recall this was an area of weakness. The presentation itself was fine.

It's the 15th December (a week tomorrow).

We had some good UA time thismorning, went to get the xmas tree (the kids agreed that we could get it, DS wanted to decorate it and dd wanted it to be a lovely surprise when she walked through the door).

We took our decision very carefully and compared several trees.

J did ask the Q " how come you want a big tree this year why did you insist on such a c**p little tree lastyear?"

I replied " because you were desperate for a big one and had spent the previous x number of weeks telling me how I couldn't buy any presents cos we were skint - I wasn't going to agree to anything you wanted" smile on my face

penny drops for him "oh I remember now"

smiles and hugs and kiss

Now that trigger could have gone so very differently, but, we are both looking forward and realising how much better this xmas will be.

( Did I say numbers have gone up, I think it may be 16 at ours ofr lunch, but won't be confirmed til probably xmas eve)

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While I was sat here last night inbetween posting J and I were IMing. We'd been going good, so I thought I would take the opportunity to ask J if he would consider the A and really think about how it felt and what about the A made him angry and email it to me or Mark ( hope you don't mind that I suggested you Mark) highlighting the bits that he would like to discuss further.

I asked him whether he thought this was a good idea. O fcourse by email I can't get defensive and argumentative and he has chance to get it all out without interruptions. I also benefit because I am not twitchy about the anger and how it is coming out.

He wasn't sure whether he would but he did. Sadly it didn't get delivered which lead to it looking htat I was being very careless of him and turning my nose up at it and him going slightly AO ( I left the house twice). I did show him that there was no sign of the email in the inbox. In fact it came in 40mins after he left for work tonight.

Anyway, here it is. This is the first time J has opened up and talked about the A and what it meant to him and it feels good and I am proud and relieved that he has done it.

There is only one sentence which triggered a "yeah but..." in my head.

Originally Posted by ST's J
Well here is what I think

What makes me angry is when I think you think more highly of him than me.

When you appear to compare me to him.

When you talk about your time with him as being free and easy and all comfy when all he had to do was to come around and chat to you and drink tea and do the things you could enjoy. Yet when I was home all you wanted me to do was achieve things for the family, and you did not give me any time.

Whenever he had been around, the house was usually in the same state as I had left it or very little had appeared to have changed. I was not angry at the house being a mess more the reason I believed it to be a mess. You were spending too much time with him

Him spending more time with the kids than me and you appearing to turn the kids against me. or not let me spend time with the kids

You blaming your attitude towards me on the shift work, me not taking a job I did not really want because of the state of our marriage, when the reason for me working shifts was because of you wanting to move back to Salisbury. yes i could have said no but could I really? I dont think so.

OK i turned down the xx job a couple of years ago, but at the time you did not object too much, and it did allow you to start your OU degree.

from the start I said he was only after one thing and you denying it and saying he was just teaching you trumpet.

It was obvious it was more than that because you would not leave facebook open, and you started setting up other e-mail addresses. I knew all this but hoped it was just something else, but deep down I knew what was going on.

Your lack of interest in me, full stop. the trumpet came before me, but now I know it was actually him that came before me.

You allowing me to see him in my house and let me say hello and be a friend to him and his wife by taking me around to his place for BBQs.

I knew it was wrong but did not confront you properly - scared of the answer.

Did not feel you cared for me at all, i was just a piggy bank.

He was bloody short and fuggly with a sh*t lifestyle and you preferred him to what we had and what we had worked for, and what I was currently doing the majority of work for (financially. You were doing the family work when he wasn't around I admit)

You made me feel inadequate because I was happy in my job and did not want to progress or change jobs, yet you did not want to get a better paid job or more hours because you did not want to reduce your time with him.

Having said all the above I am not really that angry about it now unless you rub it in my face like the other week and say you miss something about him, but you do not give me the chance to do the things because I think it is a way of punishing me still, if you tried a bit harder to do the things that you did with him i will learn. but it annoys you that I dont so you dont try. I am trying to do it without prompting though.

The affair was over a year ago, nearly now. It is in the past. I dont really know how we got to the stage of me being always abusive too you, yes it was always in me but for it to get to that stage and so prolonged was unexpected I think. It may have been the combination of shift working your lack of care for me considering I was in Salisbury and working shifts mainly for you. The only way I could get a response or attention from you was to shout or be horrible to you, I now know this to be wrong but at the time I could not do anything else.

One final note. I can think about you and him and anger does not enter my head, probably because it has stopped and you are doing a very good job of ensuring it does not happen again, however it is also down to me to not give you a reason to look around again. Which I am trying very hard at. You deserve a good and loving husband. I am doing my best.

Can we now put this to bed!??! I think I only get angry now if I am triggered. If I do get angry about things now adays for things such as house mess things then I think this is because it triggers the feelings that you do not care about me or do not have time for anything apart from yourselves, which is how I felt when you were spending a lot of time with him. I think that your affair was totally selfish - to seek what you wanted from somebody else other than me, because i was not around enough and at the times you wanted, which there was not a lot I could do about.

Please can we stop this now. Not sure I have completely forgiven you for it, but I did have a part to play in turning you away from me which I accept, but it takes two to win and lose marriages.

I want to keep this marriage, and get everything back to how it was apart from my abusive nature and your selfishness towards me. Lets spend some good time together and nail this. We are getting there and i am so looking forward to this Christmas. I am proud of both of us for sticking at it, we both had many reasons to give up and walk away, but for what ever reason we didn't we didn't so lets move forward and look back in few years and wonder what it was all about.

Please stop beating yourself up about it, about why I am not angry. I was, but am over it apart from the triggers, which I will get over sometime.

It's been a long time coming. Feels good to have it out there, I know a lot more about where I need to direct myself and what I need to recover.


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hug ST and J

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Wow, ST. Simply, wow. I am very proud of you for requesting this -- for knowing you needed this and I am impressed that J did this for you, and for him. His knowing that he is looking forward to time with you, for being proud of you both, and for wanting to move forward...

As I said...


This rocks.

Yay! hurray

(((((ST and J)))))

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WOW ST and J. Just WOW.

I am sat here with tears in my eyes after reading that.

How impressed am I? clap

J - I just love what you wrote and how you wrote it.

ST - you know exactly what you need to do now, and what you need to work on. J has written a "heal me" manual for you in a loving, caring, and building way. No real bitterness or hostility towards you in there.

You two can do this and you're going to have the most super fantabulous christmas ever.

hurray hurray hurray

I can't say anymore, I'm just in awe of the gigantic leap forward you two have just made.

Love ya ST kiss

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I think this is because it triggers the feelings that you do not care about me or do not have time for anything apart from yourselves, which is how I felt when you were spending a lot of time with him. I think that your affair was totally selfish -
This pretty much defines what an affair is. It happens because we DON'T care about our spouse or his/her feelings when we do it.

to seek what you wanted from somebody else other than me, because i was not around enough and at the times you wanted, which there was not a lot I could do about.
And this I think explains how one happens. Dropping our protections and allowing someone else to give us what we are, or at least think we are, missing.

ST and J,

A loud hurray for you both!

I hope you enjoy your grandchildren together...

Never give up.

Never give up.

"Never, never, never, never give up." (I think I got the right number of nevers in there)

He also said, "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."

And, "To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day."


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hug ST and J hug

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Thank you everyone.

The playing field seems to have chnged somewhat - the goal is really really visible.

Grandchildren. Grandchildren. Do you think we can take them with us on our travelling retirement?

BTW Sere - forgot to mention that Spurs game!!

I'd better get off here and make sure the house is tidy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally Posted by staytogether
BTW Sere - forgot to mention that Spurs game!!


dramaqueen dramaqueen

crybaby crybaby crybaby

What spurs game ST?

I remember nothing of any recent spurs game.

I do not know who spurs are.

That weekend, if indeed there was a football game that weekend, is erased from my memory.

Bad mean ST. cry

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And here I was anticipating some new game with spurs... wink

and boots... shocked

and... whistle

Never mind... blush


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Are you sure you don't remeber this?

hee hee hee

Perhaps they were actually wearing spurs and that is why the wigan players just stood around like jibbering wrecks watching the ball keep flying into the goal.

does this refresh your memory?

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Oh my gosh, I just read that note from J.
Heartbreaking with a beautiful ending.

ST, he has given you direction how to help him heal.
I wonder if he had written something like this sooner, if it would have had the direction that this one does.
I can see after a period of time, when emotions are more settled, we are better able to sort out our feelings and situations in a more rational manner.
Kudos to you J. hug

And to you both ..... hurray and loveheart

ST, I told you that stubborn people are survivors!

You asked me why I thought that you were adorable.
It's the way you write and the words that you use and the
cander that you have. I have to admit that I don't always
fully understand what you are explaining, but I always love to read it.
Your one post on the fun thread, about the chocolate and the wind
..... I think I did pee my pants. grin

Luv ya. smile

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Originally Posted by Vittoria
..... I think I did pee my pants. grin


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Originally Posted by staytogether
Are you sure you don't remeber this?

hee hee hee

Perhaps they were actually wearing spurs and that is why the wigan players just stood around like jibbering wrecks watching the ball keep flying into the goal.

does this refresh your memory?


ST. You are being very mean to me.

I refuse to click on those links and I therefore still have no recollection of the events of that day. It has been blotted from my memory and I never want to think of that day ever again.


Still love ya mean ST.

Me - BW
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