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You know lll, this is an extremely humiliating experience for the BS. However, these are his choices, not your choices. You can hold your head up high. I also believe that most people who have their sh!! together don't view people in affair Rs as being very romantic, but more like being really stupid. From what I have observed, people who hang with people in As are other people who have had As or just people who are kind of ignorant themselves. The other thing is this. If your H was a decent man he knows he is being a real a$$ right now. However, that would be too painful to admit. So who is the best person, maybe the only person, who will make him feel good about himself? Well of course his fellow a$$ OW. This is where it's gets funny. Eventually, if he stays with her, and the magic mirror he's been looking at shows him what's really there, he's screwed. In the meantime you have moved on. You will be fine, and you've done all you can do at this point.

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About this line:
" I feel disrespected, embarrassed and humiliated by his choices."

Right now you do. Becasue those are the things that the has done to you.

One day, he may make all this up to you. That is what MB can help you with. Getting to that point.

And if he doesn't make any attempt to do so? THen MB can help you to move past those feelings and do the things that are right for you.

Others have walked this road, and they are willing to help you make you trip calmer and easier.

Sorry 3L, I'm sorry that you found out your H wasn't the type of man that you thought he was for many years.


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"this is a personnel matter which he will take to the university standards and ethics committee"

Wait a few days then send a follow up letter to the ethics committee and university president.

TheRoad #2314081 01/28/10 10:34 PM
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ARRGH!! ethics, smethics... what the road said!!

Marriages don't fail, people do. (And I don't recall who said it)
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" I feel disrespected, embarrassed and humiliated by his choices"

You feel this way now, but with time you will feel less like it is about you and more that it was all about him. His issues with boundaries and committment to vows.

Then, you will find yourself mentioning to people matter of factly that you are the victim of a philandering wayward.

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He told me, as I knew, that because this was an internal personnel matter, he would not be able to share the actions of the standard and ethics committee.
LLL as you expected and to be expected. Since this is a Human Resource matter combined with an ethics issue the process will likely be somewhat slow. However this could get rather uncomfortable for your husband as he will likely be called in to explain his actions and likely in front of his superiors. Depending on the politics of the institution the vultures will sense vulnerability and may attempt to use this situation to advance their own cause at the expense of your husband. This will likely make him uncomfortable and angry. So be prepared for the backlash.

You have done what you can do. In regards to addressing the issue in the workplace. The only other avenue I could imagine is if there is a student in a similar situation as Hot Pants, could file a discrimination suit that he or she was not afforded the same treatment as Hot Pants because of the "grades for sex" deal. This scenario is unlikely to go very far however would add fuel to the administrative turmoil he will be subjected to.

I'm already tired of this crap.
I can sympathize with you on this. It takes time to get over the shock, hurt, betrayal, anger, sadness, lost hopes and dreams. For your sake you need to look after your self and find some other focus to try and inject some enjoyment in your life. Right now you can bury yourself in work as it likely demands it, however be mindful of seeking some simple enjoyment for yourself.


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Hey, LLL....

How's it going?


FWH/BW (me)57+ M:36+ yr.
4 D-Days: Jun-Nov 06 E/PA~OW#2 (OW#1 2000)
_Ace_ #2315285 01/30/10 07:57 PM
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Had to give myself a breather from the drama....today my sister and I headed off to shop and lunch, then came home to walk and play with the dogs....then we spent the rest of the afternoon eating popcorn and watching old movies. It was a great day. We're topping off the eating frenzy with a pizza delivery due in the next 30 minutes and a bottle of wine! It has really been an ok day where I actually went minutes at at time NOT thinking about my H and the mess he's created. My sister is a godsend in my life. Having her here with me is such great support.

Have seen nothing of my H and heard nothing from him or about him. He seems to be having no problem just cutting me out of his life. I'm going to be ok.....it will be an adjustment but after reading some of the hell some here are put through by their cheating spouse, I'm beginning to think maybe its merciful that this may be over quickly....he's appearing like there will be no fence-sitting by him.

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then we spent the rest of the afternoon eating popcorn and watching old movies

I LOVE old movies! What did you watch?

"Singing in the Rain" is my all time favorite movie ever. "Auntie Mame" is pretty close though....


"I may not know what the future holds, but I know who holds my future." -Martin Luther

Remarried my FXH 25 years to the day of our first M. God is so good-and sometimes so unexpected!

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Today we watched Ninotchka and The Philadelpha Story. Two of my favorites....I love old movies, too. Have a big collection of them on DVD. They are like old friends that I watch when I need to escape. Also, if I can't sleep at night, if I put on an old movie favorite with low volume, I fall right asleep! I guess I don't feel I'll miss anything because I've seen them so often, so I am lulled to sleep.

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I love Shawshank Redemption. I've seen it about 50 times. I don't even need popcorn to watch that one. (-: Thank God for sisters. I feel sorry for people who don't have one. They are such a blessing.

Glad you are feeling a little more settled LLL. You have had a rough couple of weeks.

God's Blessings,


Me, BW-57
FWH 54
4 kids and 4 grandbabies between us
In recovery since D-day, May 28,2007
FWH never onboard the MB boat but still clinging to the side.
One day at a time by God's grace.
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Glad to hear that you are doing so well. This is a roller coaster, and I don't think the reality of it has totally hit you yet. It has just happened all to fast.

You will find lots of scenarios here. Chrisner and I had our ddays at about the same time, but he was D within what seemed like weeks, while I was dragged through court for over two years. I often consider him the lucky one, but he may not agree. He was D before he even had time to comprehend what hit him, while I went through almost a year of continued lying, sneaking around, cake eating and false recoveries. Honestly, I don't know which was better (or worse).

Then you have others who went right into recovery (SMB comes to mind) and some (Queenie) who are in recovery 18 months later when we all thought it was hopeless.

You just never know what will happen in these situations, but the one thing I do know is that you have to take care of you. Keep doing that no matter what.....

Last edited by ChaiLover; 01/30/10 08:59 PM.

BS - me 56
XWH - 57

12/25/06 - Dday - WH promised NC. Plan A in effect. Thought we were in recovery.

6-3-07 - Dday#2 Found out NC never took place and A never ended. Found MB NC promised again, but WH would not write NC letter.

9/07 - Dday #3. Still lying and sneaking around. Plan B implemented
WH wants nothing to do with me

Divorced as of 12/09 after 36 years
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Originally Posted by saynomore
I love Shawshank Redemption. I've seen it about 50 times. I don't even need popcorn to watch that one. (-: Thank God for sisters. I feel sorry for people who don't have one. They are such a blessing.

Glad you are feeling a little more settled LLL. You have had a rough couple of weeks.

God's Blessings,


One time I was in Kroger's and I was standing behind my sister in line. I kept talking to her and handing her celery, saying "what is wrong with you?, buy this!".. and she turned around and she was not my sister! EEEp! TEEF
(the look that was 'prolly on my face) I stammered that she looked SO MUCH like my sister- and she smiled and said; "I always wanted a sister." I did not, but I wanted to take her picture..I mean someone can only take so much rude in one day...

Last edited by barbiecat; 01/31/10 04:35 AM.

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..I am learning and working on myself.
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Well, the Phantom H called me this afternoon and asked to come and get some of his stuff. I said sure. My sister left for a while to give us some privacy.

He came over around 2 p.m. and rang the doorbell. I answered and he said he wanted to get some clothing and personal items. I said fine....would you like me to get a suitcase or box for you? He said, no, I can do it. He went upstairs and I sat in living room where I had been reading (and not concentrating) while waiting for him to finish.

He carried out 2 suitcases and a bunch of shirts and suits on hangers. He also took stuff from the top of his desk and cleared out his medicine cabinet from what I checked later.

After he had gotten everything out to his car he came back and petted the dogs, who were running circles around him because I think they were happy to see him. I continued sitting while he did all this, sipping on a cup of tea. He then sat down on the couch across from me and said "I would like for us to be able to sit down and discuss a division of joint assets so we can divorce quietly." I said "I will need to get back to you on that, I need some time to think." He said, "I'm not going to drag this out. We are over and you need to face that so we can do what's necessary to end this marriage."

He then got up and told me to call him in the next few days to arrange a time to meet and it would be helpful if I put some things in writing regarding my ideas on splitting joint assets.
Then he left. He was cold, clinical, looked me straight in the eyes as he said what he did. His voice was level, he was calm and almost seemed robotic.

I will call my attorney tomorrow. I think I need to file asap. I don't want to deal with him face to face. I want my attorney to handle all negotiations. This is a cold, determined man. I want all the legal help I can get.

I was calm. I didn't lose my temper, try to talk about anything. He really left no room for any of that. I do feel like he has left the home and dogs to me at this point. Knocking was a sign of that, I think. He still has keys. Will check with attorney on changing locks. He said nothing about where he is living (however I know, at least for now, he's living with HotPants).

Maybe I'm not practiced at all this, but are there times when a marriage is just over quickly? He seems so sure of what he's doing. He looks at me like I'm a baked potato. There were no niceties, no how are you, nothing.

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Ladylonglegs, I am very sorry for you. I also think you are a terrifically strong woman to endure this as you have.

You asked "are there times when a marriage is just over quickly?" You might find the following interesting. It's what happens when we "fall in love:"
Although we think of love as an emotion, it is really more like a drive. Emotions come and go, whereas drives, like love, tend to persist. All emotions are associated with distinct facial expressions, whereas love is not. Love (like all of the basic drives I have discussed in this blog) is difficult to control. Furthermore, the most recent scientific research indicates that all drives, including love, are associated with activation of the brain pathway called the mesolimbic dopamine pathway.

Attraction: the first stage of love

Love, like other drives, is associated with wanting to get something. That something we are talking about here is a partner. The first stage of love, then, involves seeking out a partner. Scientists have called this the attraction phase. It is important for each person to understand how the attraction phase works within himself/herself. There are both conscious and unconscious parts to attraction.

The attraction phase involves the senses, primarily sight and smell. There may be chemicals that activate the brain through smell that we are not consciously aware of. Similarly, we may like the way someone looks and not be sure why. Our conscious mind and unconscious mind may be looking for different things in a partner. The unconscious mind plays a big role in our partner selection process.

It is important to realize that we can be taken over and captivated by attraction. Some of the symptoms of attraction or falling in love are �butterflies in the stomach,� clammy hands and racing heart. These symptoms are direct evidence of the physical nature of the love drive.

There is pleasure associated with getting the objects of our drives. In the brain, this pleasure involves many important chemicals like dopamine and the endorphins. Contact with the lover is also pleasurable because it releases oxytocin. This chemical produces reward by calming us down. (It doesn�t matter that it is the lover�s fault that we need calming.) Oxytocin is a powerful, natural anti-anxiety chemical.

The attraction phase usually lasts no more than 18 months. The reason for this is that it is too consuming. People have to be able to function, and when our energies are over focused on a lover, we aren�t as productive in other areas. Furthermore, the attraction phase has only one purpose. That is to get us hooked. When the pleasure chemicals and anxiety relieving chemicals are released in the brain, a compulsion is formed. That compulsion is to be with the lover. So the love that starts out as pleasure in the company of the lover becomes a compulsion. When the compulsion phase sets in, we feel compelled to stay with our lover no matter what. That is when we know �bonding� has taken place.

So the stages of love basically involve attraction, followed by great pleasure, followed by bonding. I would add a fourth stage, caretaking. Normal people feel an urge to take care of others toward whom they feel bonded.
It's pretty startling when laid out that way, isn't it? What we feel as "love" is simply a combination of chemical and sensory reactions.

However, knowing this doesn't make the impact that these reactions have now occurred between your H and someone else any easier to swallow. But I think it does explain the wayward thinking ("fogbabble") we so often read and write about here.

That said, I happen to side with you, LadyLL. I don't see the benefit of a long, drawn out struggle between you and your husband to recover the marriage. I don't think either of you want it badly enough.

One thing I do take exception to is his wish to "divorce quietly." I think you should stand up for what is right, and if his (and Ms. HotPants) name gets dragged through the mud, well, that's just a consequence of his foolish decisions.

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Of course he thinks the marriage is over like that. In the movies that is the way it goes. Affair discovered and marriage over. Oh! The romantic fantasy is so cut and dried.

Have you thought of filing for legal separation vs divorce?

Just an idea that might be helpful.

Hot Pants must think she is really hot stuff right now. In control of the man.

They are still in the honeymoon phase of being found out.

It most likely isn't as wonderful as it seems from afar.

You did good being civil and not lovebusting. It is the high road.

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He's got all his crap out of the house.
Change the locks.

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I have changed the alarm code, which I'm sure is not illegal, and will get the word from attorney tomorrow on changing locks. If he tries to enter the house, the alarm will go off and he won't be able to turn it off. Police will come!

If I can do it, will call the 24 hour locksmith to get it done ASAP. I did check on the dogs' paperwork, and I am registered as their owner. Only because I was the person who took the time to do the registering.

I'm done communicating with him for now. Will ask my attorney to send him a registered letter at his "new" residence stating that all future communications are to go through him. I will not answer phone calls or emails or anything else from him. Next time I see him will only be with attorney.

This is so bizarre. He may have been involved with OW for longer than I knew..... He's very certain.

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Originally Posted by Fred_in_VA
... It's what happens when we "fall in love:"
Although we think of love as an emotion, it is really more like a drive.

This is great info Fred. and it makes a lot of sense also.

Ty for this

Me 56 Former BS
Widowed 5-17-09 --married 25 years.
4 children
DS-35 previous marriage--18-22 DGrandSons 6 and 4
Me former BS
DD-29 with DGDs 5 and 1yr
DSs 26 and 23
Teilhard de Chardin..“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ...Sounds about right to me.
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I liked your analogy of your H looking at you like a baked potato. I got the same treatment from mine, just a cold look with no expression and not a kind word such as "how are you doing?" or "I am sorry this is happening to us.." Nothing. Just a cold, icy man determined to end this M.
As far as Fred's explanation of falling in love. Well if they bond then why do A end at some point and why does Harley say the they generally do within 2 years? I thing the explanation you used Fred is for regular un-married folks falling in love with other un-married folks.
Here we are talking about A partners. Hot Pants, a multiple adultress and marriage wrecker, and LLL's H, a lyer and a cheater. We are throwing in the fantasy and thrill of the A and all that it involves.
Regular people who fall in love do not turn cruel on their other loved ones like their parents, pets, etc..But WS do turn cruel on their family and of course on the BS.
I think we are looking at a different aspect of falling in love. I believe it is more an infatuation based on pure fantasy. The WS is delusional. LLL defined her H way of interacting as "robotic". I would agree as my H displayed the same behaviour. They are like... possessed, it is really not a normal reaction to the feeling of love. It is an addiction pure and simple.
Also the object of their addiction is not what they think she is. Again, we all know what HOt pants is all about but LLL's H does not yet. He will find out soon just the way the other men hot pants was involved with, found out. My H's mistress is also a major loser and sick person including majour health issues and with 2 challenging kids and a XH. So I am not sure about if your definition of falling in love applies to WS and the A partner. They wish.

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