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Did you speak to her, KK? Is she married? What do you know about her?

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally Posted by MelodyLane
Did you speak to her, KK? Is she married? What do you know about her?

my EXACT thoughts, Mel......

Ok, KK,....what do you KNOW about this skank-ho???.....tell us everything so we know exactly where to aim your next target....


I'm very sorry about this. I know it hurts (even if your super PO'ED....)....but NOW that you know WHO your ENEMY is, the battle plans can be carefully planned out. I will be better for you in the long run....

I KNEW you'd be a tough cookie....


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Yes, I called her and she really didnt say anything. She is divorced and has 2 kids.

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What was said? Where does she work or rather, what kind of work does she do? Nice house? How old are the kids? Did you confront her? Does your husband know you and is mistress talked?

If you are busy now, I understand. We are here for you.


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I called and told her that I know about the affair, asked if she had anything to say and she said I need to call you back. I said Why to ask my husband what you need to say. Then told her I was pregnant and that we were happy. I asked if she had anything to say about running around with my husband. She said we are not running around. I said well apparently you guys love each other and want to get married. And she said I need to call you back Im with my kids, so I said Ok, go teach your kids about ethics and morals and homewrecking and I hung up. I dropped the emails off at the business where he was working.

Last edited by KKLost; 03/01/10 09:56 PM.
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Did you save copies of the emails?

My suggestion would be to start calling his family tonight and telling them about the affair before he has a chance to spin the story to his parents. When you call, calmly tell them about his affair and that he left you to pursue his affair with her. And --------> real important----> ask for their advice. If you ask for their advice, they are more likely to want to help you.

Does the OW have a facebook page? If so, I would go on there now and copy all of her contacts and save them. Then start sending an email via facebook to every one of them. This is a VERY EFFECTIVE exposure because it is a collection of all of the OW�s closest friends and family.. A good letter would go something like this:

Dear friends of Skankyhola,

It grieves me to write this letter but I believe all of her friends should be aware that Skanky is having an affair with my husband, Joe. We have been married for 5 years and have a 4 year old and another baby on the way. I am now 5 months pregnant with our 2nd child. They have been having this affair since October according to the evidence.

I would be happy to provide the evidence to anyone who asks.

I would ask that you use your influence with Skanky to persuade her to leave my husband alone. You should also watch your own husbands around her because she is no friend to marriage.

I would appreciate it if someone would notify her parents and ask them to call me at xxx-www-xxxx.
Thank you, BW

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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KK, do you know for sure she is divorced? Do you know her parents?

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Yes she is for sure divorced. I do not know her parents.

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Soooooo, what do YOU know of her?....do you know her full name?....her address?....where she lives?.....How old is she?....Her kids?.....

See this is all vital information. Sorry if this seems redundant, but I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how you got the information. You said you guys met her through mutual friends, so I am assuming you know more about her than what you have told us.....


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I know another married couple and we met her when she was engaged at one of their little get togethers. She ended it with this guy like 9 months ago, we are all friends on Facebook also.

She is 31, has 2 kids, 8 and 10. I know her full name and cell thats it. I already told our mutual friend and they are pissed and so sorry since we met her that way.

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Originally Posted by KKLost
we are all friends on Facebook also.

Then I would suggest doing the exposure Mel recommended. Facebook really has been working well when it comes to a mass exposure.

Exposure is the best way to air out the dirty little secret. We have seen MANY affairs end due to exposure alone. It's like shining a lite in the crack-house.......

I'm surprised she didn't know you were pregnant already since you all are friends on facebook.....


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I havent announced it on Facebook yet, I have been going through so much stress and pain and since we are really together together I didnt feel the need to tell anyone but my close friends.

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Originally Posted by KKLost
I havent announced it on Facebook yet, I have been going through so much stress and pain and since we are really together together I didnt feel the need to tell anyone but my close friends.

We are not talking about announcing it, but sending an EMAIL to all of her facebook friends using the script I posted. All of her friends need to know that she is a danger to marriage and she is doing it with a married man who has a pregnant wife.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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I did want to say I am very proud of your quick detective work. You charged through your fears and did what was necessary.

You really should consider exposing this ASAP.....people who the affair should be exposed to....your family, your WH's family, friends, church leadership, OW's spouse (if applicapable), OW'S parents.....

You are looking for "allies" to help you end the affair. People who can put some influence on WH to end this affair, do the right thing and get home to his family......something along the lines of...."WH is having an affair with OW. He is currently staying at her house. I am doing everything I can to save our family. Do you have idea's on what i should do?"...

This should be done all at once. That way WH won't have a chance to put a spin on his story......

And once you do this, WH WILL be angry. He will be furious. He will tell you.....

"I was going to work on this, but now YOU messed it up...."

"YOU have ruined everything, there is NO WAY I can forgive you for this....."

"You say you love me, then how could you embarress me like this...."

or some variation of this. Ignore it. EVERY single WS on here has done this..,. Do not fight with him about this...your mantra should be "I am doing everything I can to save our marriage and our family...". Keep that message consistent. DO NOT apologize. Exposing is not wrong. You will have done nothing wrong. Having an affair is WRONG.....and keep this in mind....

Your marriage can survive his anger, it cannot survive an affair

I will keep you in my prayers tonight......(((((KK))))))...you've done well, my friend....


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Here is a sample letter:

Dear friends of Skankyhola,

It grieves me to write this letter but I believe all of her friends should be aware that Skanky is having an affair with my husband, Joe. We have been married for 5 years and have a 4 year old and another baby on the way. I am now 5 months pregnant with our 2nd child. They have been having this affair since October according to the evidence.

I would be happy to provide the evidence to anyone who asks.

I would ask that you use your influence with Skanky to persuade her to leave my husband alone. You should also watch your own husbands around her because she is no friend to marriage.

I would appreciate it if someone would notify her parents and ask them to call me at xxx-www-xxxx.
Thank you, BW

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Your marriage can survive his anger, it cannot survive an affair

Keep that as your mantra.

Now it is that a pregnant woman is an incredibly sympathetic figure, one earning all that society can provide in terms of sympathy, help, attention. Use THAT for all it is worth.

Here is gold digger ho trying to get a pregnant woman's husband to divorce her. Yada, yada, yada - I didn't say for you to SAY that, just wear it as your coat.

EVERYTHING is lined up for you to have the advantage. Use it.

Then whatever happens, happens.


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Originally Posted by _Larry_
Here is gold digger ho trying to get a pregnant woman's husband to divorce her. Yada, yada, yada - I didn't say for you to SAY that, just wear it as your coat.

KK, Larry is right. This infuriates decent people and I have no doubt it will infuriate many of her facebook friends, along with her parents. Let her reap the SCORN of her friends and parents for trying to steal the husband of a pregnant woman.

Let the consequences of her sleazy, vile behavior rain down on her head. I am horrified that your own son was exposed to this vile skank.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally Posted by MelodyLane
Here is a sample letter:

Dear friends of Skankyhola,

It grieves me to write this letter but I believe all of her friends should be aware that Skanky is having an affair with my husband, Joe. We have been married for 5 years and have a 4 year old and another baby on the way.

I am now 3 {change} months pregnant with our 2nd child. They have been having this affair since October according to the evidence. I am devastated that my husband actually got us pregnant after he started his affair with her.

I would be happy to provide the evidence to anyone who asks.

I would ask that you use your influence with Skanky to persuade her to leave my husband alone. You should also watch your own husbands around her because she is no friend to marriage.

I would appreciate it if someone would notify her parents and ask them to call me at xxx-www-xxxx.
Thank you, BW

Note changes :-)

Ever notice how women circle the wagons around a pregnant female up to about a couple of weeks after the child is born?


Last edited by _Larry_; 03/01/10 11:35 PM.
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I meant that I had not announced our pregnancy, sorry I didnt make that clearer.

I am working on sending an email. I must admit I am terrified to do it. There are so many friends I do not know where to start.

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Originally Posted by KKLost
I meant that I had not announced our pregnancy, sorry I didnt make that clearer.

I am working on sending an email. I must admit I am terrified to do it. There are so many friends I do not know where to start.

Use a close variation of Mel's letter. It works. BUT, post it here before you send it out. KK, these folks here are real pros at this stuff. I am a part time amateur that tries to help.


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