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I gave my DH the Plan B letter and he didn't leave. I couldnt leave because it was my house that came with my job. I was fully prepared to have my employer give him a trespass notice to ensure I got him off. I didnt need it in the end as I got a better opportunity 4 days later when we was out of the country.
For those BH's who are procrastinating... Lawyers. They're not just decorative. Anyway, surely the WW's want to be with their soulmeat, er mate?
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what is he supposed to do? Stay there and be abused for 25 years??  Um... Get a divorce while we're still young, and meet a new beautiful woman who loves him with all her heart and is fun and exciting to be around, who's not a betrayer, and who's not committed adultery... If a man doesn't have the guts to do a Plan B, he won't have the guts to file for a divorce...... Donuts to dollars the WW will file for the divorce, while the BH will sit the scratching his poor head wondering what the heck happened.... Not2fun
Last edited by not2fun; 04/15/10 10:10 PM.
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what is he supposed to do? Stay there and be abused for 25 years??  Um... Get a divorce while we're still young, and meet a new beautiful woman who loves him with all her heart and is fun and exciting to be around, who's not a betrayer, and who's not committed adultery... If a man doesn't have the guts to do a Plan B, he won't have the guts to file for a divorce...... Donuts to dollars the WW will file for the divorce, while the BH will sit the scratching his poor head wondering what the heck happened.... Not2fun BINGO! The guys who don't have the guts to go into Plan B, never have the guts to get a divorce either.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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Never ever move out it will put you behind the eight ball legally. Denied acces to home, kids, custody, CS, spousal support.
Do what is known as the 180. Ignore WS. Cut off money to WS. Live your life fully. Plan activites for yourself and your kids without including the WS. Exercise, clean up, cook for yourself and kids exclude WS. Show WS that you can function without them. Let WS see the new and improved you. Let the WS see what they are missing out on.
Think of the 180 as the share the house plan B but not your life. Road, This is NOT a Marriage Builders concept. This is a divorce Busting concept. WHY would I or anyone else here give advice conflicting with MB????.....  This makes no sense to me.......if you don't like the MB concepts, then why even be on these boards????
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Do what is known as the 180. Ignore WS. Cut off money to WS. Live your life fully. Plan activites for yourself and your kids without including the WS. Exercise, clean up, cook for yourself and kids exclude WS. Show WS that you can function without them. Let WS see the new and improved you. Let the WS see what they are missing out on.
Think of the 180 as the share the house plan B but not your life. That is dreadful advice, TheRoad. Giving the WS the cold shoulder will only make the problem WORSE. We had a guy try and do an in-house "180" [or faux Plan B] and it ended with him fleeing in the night when his infuriated WW beat the door down with a sledge hammer! Needless to say, they are divorced today. Better to leave before conditions deteriorate to that sad state. Once things get that bad, it is probably over.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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This is why I'll never be married. Too many men are too willing to bow to a woman's wishes and have their manhood trampled to bits.
But of course, if I want a man who takes charge it makes me a gold-digger.
Wanting to be a SAHM seems to considered gold-digging these days, though.
Sorry for the TJ.
One year becomes two, two years becomes five, five becomes ten and before you know it, you've wasted your whole life on a problem you can't solve. That's one way to spend your life. -rwinger
I will not spend my life this way.
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Limbo has a good head on his shoulders and is counseling with Steve Harley. I think that he has a good idea of what he can and cannot tolerate and is willing to follow Dr Harley's most excellant advice. I have prayed for alot of BH on here who were conflict avoiders using Plan A for two long as a way of doing that. I don't think that Limbo is one of them.
God's Blessings,
Say Thanks for filling me in, Say, that gives me relief. Steve is an excellent coach who knows how to guide one into plan B when the time is right. Mel & Say- Thank you both for lookin' out for me. I still need all the help I can get. I have been counseling with Steve but oddly enough, part of why I made that first call was to ask him how to Plan B under the same roof! Mel, to answer your question, I have Plan A'd on and off, for not quite 4 months. It is still fairly long, but I have been physically coming and going during that time. It is so hard for me to be able to show consistency when I have to frequently leave for weeks at a time. In fact, I will be leaving for two months again on Saturday. I won't bore you with the details, but my Plan A has been fairly complicated to say the least. I covered it in detail on my thread if interested. Actually, I talked again with Steve this afternoon and he recommends I continue to Plan A for a while - as long as I'm still up to it, which I currently am. We even discussed when to transition to a Plan B for my situation a little bit (which is not for quite a while unless my energy level changes). We also talked about my concern about the 6 month time limit guideline specifically today. He said to disregard in my case, mainly due to my travels. I would say I was somewhat of a 'conflict avoider' in our marital past, however I would definitely not consider myself one presently. I still don't really enjoy conflict with my wife, however I stand 'toe to toe' with her each and every time now, and hold my own quite well. I kicked her butt last Friday as a matter of fact! There are certainly times when I look forward to a fight because I know my WW is withdrawn and I need to get through conflict to fight back to intimacy. OK, I'm tired and getting long winded again. One last thing- I agree with you completely that Steve is an excellent coach. The man is intuitively brilliant. I highly recommend to anyone who is feeling 'stuck' to call him or Jennifer. They are darn good at what they do. SoL
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I don't understand why a BH wouldn't just pack up the WW's stuff and put it on the porch with a Plan B letter and ASK(nudge nudge) her to LEAVE. I mean, LEGALLY I couldn't kick my WH OUT, but I asked him to go and I asked for my key and HE LEFT. Was I afraid that he wouldn't go? You betcha. If he didn't, would I have left him? Probably sooner than later. It definitely does something to a WS to see this HUGE step taken by a BS. NO PLAN DOORMAT IN PLAN B.  Just throwing it out there. Maybe it should have been in the rants thread instead, teeheee. EXACTLY, Scottie..... And I know for me, if THAT didn't work, I would find another place for ME to go, pack up the stuff, and take the kids WITH me. The thing is, and this seems to be so very true when it comes to women, when a woman is a TRUE walk-away-wife, she will LEAVE THE HOME. She doesn't care about the house itself, she doesn't care about the belongings in it....all she cares about is getting OUT OF THE MARRIAGE. I know, because I have been-there-done-that. Many, many years ago, I left my H. Things had been real bad for quite some time and I was in MAJOR withdrawl. I wanted out. I packed up ALL my stuff, the kids stuff, and we moved in with my parents. I didn't care if H got the condo. We only had one car at the time, and I left it for him. I only had a part-time job. But NONE of that mattered. The only thing that mattered was ending the marriage......getting OUT!!!! (and no, I was not having an affair. H thought so at the time. Did some major snooping, but found nothing, because there was nothing to find.......I was done with ALL MEN at this point.....). So, my point is guys, if your WW TRULY wanted out, she would be taking the steps necessary to do that. If she really thought the AP was her soul-mate and it was "meant-to-be", she would be out of there....And when I hear the BH's on here saying their WW REFUSES to move, that right there signals she isn't the walk-away-wife.....her ACTIONS are not matching up with her words..... not2fun
Last edited by not2fun; 04/16/10 06:05 AM.
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Great thread, Not! BS's should be talking to a lawyer in Plan A - even before they are thinking about Plan B. Most lawyers will give a free 30 minute consultation. I saw about 5 different lawyers within a week of d-day - all so I could learn what the laws were, what the process were and what my various options were. I didn't hire one until later, but by the time I had met with them all, I knew exactly what my rights were, what his rights were and what resources were available to me. WXH was already moving out of the house but if he wasn't, I would have been able to find out ways to get him out and how long it would take legally. Knowledge is power! If you can't get them out, do this: I know, because I have been-there-done-that. Many, many years ago, I left my H. Things had been real bad for quite some time and I was in MAJOR withdrawl. I wanted out. I packed up ALL my stuff, the kids stuff, and we moved in with my parents. I didn't care if H got the condo. We only had one car at the time, and I left it for him. I only had a part-time job. But NONE of that mattered. The only thing that mattered was ending the marriage......getting OUT!!!! (and no, I was not having an affair. H thought so at the time. Did some major snooping, but found nothing, because there was nothing to find.......I was done with ALL MEN at this point.....). This was EXACTLY how I left my first XH, though I did take the car. I went one further step and had my parents buy DS and I a plane ticket to go stay with my aunt in a different province 2000 miles away as my XH was a violent psychopath and I was afraid of him. Why don't BH's ever leave with the kids?
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BS's should be talking to a lawyer in Plan A - even before they are thinking about Plan B. Most lawyers will give a free 30 minute consultation. I completely agree!!! I didn't do this at first. Probabaly because i was trying to save the marriage and in my mind when you see a lawyer that seems contradictory. It was only AFTER H had said all kinds of screwed up law facts when he was trying to scare me into NOT spying that I finally had enough and armed myself with REAL law knowlegde. All BS's need this to help difuse fog-babble.... Why don't BH's ever leave with the kids? Good question...... Women have done this for years and NOT just in severe physical abuse instances. Maybe the guys can answer this for us....
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I remember a gentleman on here, years ago, that was actually led through doing a Plan B in the house after phone counseling with the Harley's, and guess how that turned out...you got it...he checks in every now and again on D/Ding. His XW never GOT IT, never thought the EA she was having was wrong, and never went through the personality 'reboot' that the Harley's thought she needed.
He did eventually left, they D'ed, sold the house and split everything. Not sure she ever "got it"...
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
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I've never been to any divorce busting site. BH is not ready to move out. Better then doing nothing and this has worked to save marriages.
So because it's not MB approved then your idea is for a BH to sit back and enjoy the view.
I didn't know that affairs were meant to only be a spectator sport for BS's.
Last edited by TheRoad; 04/16/10 08:54 AM.
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Good question...... Women have done this for years and NOT just in severe physical abuse instances.
Maybe the guys can answer this for us.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMBER_AlertAlmost every one of these I have ever heard was a child "Abducted" by a male with the same last name as the child. I believe a good percentage of these are father's who decide to leave there wifes due to abuse and take the kids. The wife then calls the police and reports the child "Abducted" A Scripps Howard study of the 233 AMBER Alerts issued in the United States in 2004 found that most issued alerts did not meet the Department of Justice's criteria. Fully 50% (117 alerts) were categorized by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children as being "family abductions," very often a parent involved in a custody dispute. There were 48 alerts for children who had not been abducted at all, but were lost, ran away, involved in family misunderstandings (for example, two instances where the child was with grandparents) What is the definition of "Custody Dispute"? I have never once heard one of these that had a child being "abducted" by a woman. I belive this is becouse when a child is reported "Abducted" by a mother, it is preaty much ignored unless they have been denied custody by the courts. There is a double standard.
Last edited by Gack1; 04/16/10 08:59 AM.
Me 34 WW 30 Abandoned Feb 17th 08, D-Day Aprl 27th 08. Returned home Jul 7th, OC born 12/30/08 The FOG is clear, and we are in recovery.
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Okay folks, I've read alot about BHs being afraid to leave their homes because they think they'll be accused of abandonment. Abandonment is not a cut and dried concept. There are elements that must be met before it can be called abandonment. One of the basic elements is that the WW would have to prove that the BH left the marital home for no good reason. There are other elements involved as well. Here's a link to a really good article addressing abandonment and desertion. Grounds for Divorce - Abandonment or Desertion
Widowed 11/10/12 after 35 years of marriage ********************* “In a sense now, I am homeless. For the home, the place of refuge, solitude, love-where my husband lived-no longer exists.” Joyce Carolyn Oates, A Widow's Story
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Nteresting Gack.....
However, I am willing to bet though that when women leave with the kids MOST men do not call. The cases are further and fewer in between.....probably not so much a double standard.....
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I've never been to any divorce busting site. BH is not ready to move out. Better then doing nothing and this has worked to save marriages. REALLY???..... Give me an example.... Because in my 2 yrs here whenever this has been employed, the marriage was not saved...... So because it's not MB approved then your idea is for a BH to sit back and enjoy the view. No I stick to what I know works, which is MB!!!! Why would I bother giving out advice in which I am unsure works???.....  ..... I stick to the Harley Plans because it worked for me and MANY others on here... I didn't know that affairs were meant to only be a spectator sport for BS's. ummmm.... In case you didn't notice, Plan A and Plan B are NOT spectator plans. They are PROACTIVE plans..... For those who wAnt to work them......your statement is quite an insult.....
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Nteresting Gack.....
However, I am willing to bet though that when women leave with the kids MOST men do not call. The cases are further and fewer in between.....probably not so much a double standard..... I would not disagree that fewer men actually make the call, but that is because they belive they will be ignored. On the other hand, if they leave with the kids they KNOW they wil have there name, vehichle, discription, and license plate number flashed on every TV, Radio, and elctronic billboard state (And somtimes country) wide. And I think they may be right 
Me 34 WW 30 Abandoned Feb 17th 08, D-Day Aprl 27th 08. Returned home Jul 7th, OC born 12/30/08 The FOG is clear, and we are in recovery.
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On the other hand, if they leave with the kids they KNOW they wil have there name, vehichle, discription, and license plate number flashed on every TV, Radio, and elctronic billboard state (And somtimes country) wide. Which is why every BH who leaves WITH their kids needs to have their ducks lined up and in a row. Get legal counsel and see if you can file for legal separation/divorce with temporary custody BEFORE you leave. Have a place to live with ample accomodations/care set up for the kids. Make SURE that you do NOT keep the children from the other parent, but make sure the children understand WHY they are going to be moving out with you. We had our grandsons visiting us when we learned that our xDiL had "run off" with another man. Our son was an OTR truck driver, and we immediately got in touch with him and our attorney. This was on a Sunday. I did NOT leave my home with the kids until after he got his temporary custody paper on Thursday, and he gave me his POA for caring for the kids. Yeah, his wife could have come to my house to get the kids, but she would have needed a court order. However, if she had been watching for me to take the kids to a public place, she could have come right up and taken them.
"Your actions are so loud that I can't hear a word you're saying!"
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I have never once heard one of these that had a child being "abducted" by a woman. I belive this is becouse when a child is reported "Abducted" by a mother, it is preaty much ignored unless they have been denied custody by the courts. Actually I know of 2 and both resulted in massive media attention. The first was my neighbour - the woman ran away with the kids to Argentina. It was a big deal because of international agreements and such. There were helicoptors and newspeople in our neighbourhood for days. The second was OWH's first wife who disappeared with their son. Nobody knew where she went to. There is a huge difference between these cases and leaving to go to a family member's home. First of all, you don't up and disappear (unless there is abuse). You tell the WW exactly where you are and where the kids are. You can leave this information right in the PBL along with instructions on how to make arrangements for her to visit the kids. That's not abduction by anyone's definition.
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