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Okay, I'll be the weird reverse person here. My H hates bad breath. And between my refluz and sinus stuff, even if I brushed just an hour ago, it's a crap shoot. For me, unless you just put a Dorito in your mouth, I pretty much don't care. But, to be honest, affection and SF are such HUGE things to me, if H says "brush your teeth please," I gladly slop on the Crest because it means I get some kissing! So I figure I can sull up and not get my needs met either, or I can suck it up and brush my teeth.

Fummy story - H and I were engaged, but he hadn't kissed me (long, religious story). We had eaten at his parents' house, they had gone to bed, and we were sitting close on the couch. I could tell he wants to kiss me, and by now, I am past the "glad he's a gentleman" point and approaching the "what is his problem" point smile So he says, "Could you do me a favor?" I asked, "What?" He sheepsihly said, "Could you brush your teeth?" Now, I could have gotten miffed, I gues. But I laughed and teased him, "Why? Are you planning on getting close to my mouth (wink wink)?" His whole face turned red. I have never jumped up and grabbed a toothbrush so fast in my life!!

As far as a shower goes, maybe asking to take one together? Get one of those spongey things or the textured gloves, and some manly-ish body wash.

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Originally Posted by Cantfigureitout

I have NO IDEA why people change after marriage. It is a fact and certainly NOT in their best interests. But it is a fact none-the-less.

My 'theory' is that the 'job' is done in their minds and now they can relax. But even moreso, I think that often after marriage, an unfortunate comfort is felt that they are safe and no longer have to 'try' to catch their mate. Obvious problems are that the person their mate thought 'caught' them turns out to be someone else entirely.

I also think that it is often, perhaps in men, a punishment for their wives. One which is somewhat acceptable to society. Just like a woman's refusal of sex makes 'perfect sense' to her friends, if he is being what she believes is a jerk. So to, perhaps, is a man's choice to 'screw her' and ignore some of her basic needs. It might just be sloth in alot of men... I don't know. But in others I really believe it is passive aggressive behavior.

The lack of sexual fulfillment by a wife can quickly bring about the 'screw it' mentallity of a man, which obviously brings about an even MORE self-righteous (but now seemingly reasonable) reaction of 'no sex'. It becomes a self-fulfilling circle but the bottom of the circle is the drain.

Men receive a HUGE amount of self-worth and self-esteem from their perception of how their wives view them. And one of the MOST telling ways a wife views her husband is her ability to SHOW HIM through sexual fulfillment. As soon as sex becomes an issue for a man, all manner of things are put out of sort. I really don't believe you will EVER have a truly healthy and happy marriage if SF for a man isn't met. There are others... many others... both for men AND women, so please don't think I am just laying this all on wives. I am just telling it like it is from a man's point of view. For most men, not all but most, SF is SO IMPORTANT and integrated into almost EVERYTHING they do and how they feel, that is is almost impossible to separate its lack from their job, children, friendships, etc.

Read those articles again, and you will see just how entwined a man's sense of self and SF really are for most men.

I can't explain why men can be slobs and pigs and still 'want to get some'. There is no excuse at all. But I can say that if somehow you can work past that... maybe by inviting him into the shower with you, etc. You WILL have a happier marriage, IMO.

Tell us straight out... DON'T HINT. Say... "I went to Victoria's Secret today, and if you go shower and shave, I will show you what I bought!"

Its crap I know... but you are working on your marriage and men are dense and some are boorish.

But as a man... I would be up the stairs and lathered like a shot.

I accept what you're saying and I truly appreciate how you laid it out bluntly.

I want to share something too: It really does seem to lay the responsibility for the relationship squarely in the woman's lap. A healthy marriage is simply not possible unless the man is able to get his SF. This is a cultural norm worldwide & yes ...it makes women angry.

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I HATE bad breath too. I don't see how anyone could tolerate it being physically close to someone.

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Originally Posted by ChrisInNOVA

I HATE bad breath too. I don't see how anyone could tolerate it being physically close to someone.

Ditto. My H has Type 2 diabetes, so it and some secondary issues cause bad breath. I understand this, but I also know that when we were dating, he was scrupulous about brushing often, and always had mints/gum and had good breath.

Now, not so much. puke

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Originally Posted by ChrisInNOVA
I want to share something too: It really does seem to lay the responsibility for the relationship squarely in the woman's lap. A healthy marriage is simply not possible unless the man is able to get his SF. This is a cultural norm worldwide & yes ...it makes women angry.

Lack of sex makes men angry. Everybody gets angry. That is not a reason to ignore responsibility.

Like it or not, in the typical relationship, women have exactly the responsibility you describe. They may not want it. They may wish it away. But it is still there.

The flip side is that control over sex gives women tremendous power as well. Unfortunately, many women do not enjoy having or using such power. They don't want the power any more than they want the responsibility. That doesn't make it go away, either.

In the end, for the sterotypical relationship where the man wants more sex and where much of his self-worth and confidence stems from his partner's willingness to consent to sex, women can either choose to use their sexuality to help empower their husbands or they can allow their husband's confidence to wither.

Trust me, as a man who values access to SF highly, I wish it were otherwise. Far more than my wife does. I wish I could turn off my desire. I wish I could ignore the lack of SF in assessing my self-worth. But I can't.

That doesn't excuse me for LBing or for refusing to meet my wife's ENs. But the reality is that not only am I much more motivated to do so when my need for SF is satisfied, but also I am much more ABLE to do so. That is the key. I have more to offer in every facet of life when I am not starved for SF. Ineluctably, my wife's ENs will not be as fully satisfied when I am starving for SF. Even if I wanted to fulfill her, I don't have the ingredients within myself to create the same level of success.

I know my wife hates having the power to impact my mood. I know she wishes that the presence or absence of SF did not affect me so powerfully. But it does. She would gladly give up the power to be relieved from the responsibility. I wish I knew how to make that happen.

When you can see it coming, duck!
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Hold, a long time ago, I wished I could turn off my desire. That seemed the best way to cope. But I don't anymore. Bottom line, there is nothing wrong with my desire. God created my desire. H's chagrin about my desire isn't really my problem. Meeting his EN's is my "problem," but not wishing my EN's were gone. There is nothing wrong with wanting SF, needing SF. So I no longer apologize. In fact, if I had not WANTED to have SF with my H, I would not have married him.

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Originally Posted by holdingontoit
I know my wife hates having the power to impact my mood. I know she wishes that the presence or absence of SF did not affect me so powerfully. But it does. She would gladly give up the power to be relieved from the responsibility. I wish I knew how to make that happen.

She only has that "power to impact your mood" because you give it to her.

I think it was Eleanor Roosevelt who said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission."

Hold, if your wife died tomorrow and could no longer withold sex from you, how might you feel about yourself? Or, if she had a tragic accident and could no longer be sexually available? Because you are as powerless over her death or her becoming incapacitated as you are over her choice to not be sexually active with you. I suspect you would be willing to accept her death as a reason for no SF, and you would be willing to accept injury as a reason for no SF, and those two things would not impact your self- esteem. What if you were willing to truly accept that her choice is just as beyond your control and has just as little reflection on your self worth as would her death or incapacitation?

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Think: we can agree to disagree. I do not believe it is possible for all people to eliminate the impact 100%. Then again, that belief is part and parcel of why I have not been able to achieve success in life.

I do not see it as a conscious choice on my part to feel bad when my wife withholds what is within her power to grant. Just as my wife does not see it as a conscious choice to consent to sex when she is not in the mood.

It is all well and good to say to your spouse "listen to Eleanor Roosevelt and don't let my rejection affect you." I suggest that women who say that to their husbands should not be surprised when he responds "fine, but feel free to do the same when I choose not to meet your needs for Conversation, Affection, Domestic Suppor or Financial Support".

Maybe I can through extreme effort of will shrug off my wife's rejection. Not my experience that I can, but for the sake of argument let us assume it is possible. Regardless, I am certainly not going to thank her for giving me the opportunity to make the effort.

Or as Dr. Harley says, I am not going to feel romantic love for her. The underlying assumption of the MB system is that our behavior DOES affect how our spouse feels abotu us. I don't think it is a far stretch to suggest it affects how they feel about themselves as well.

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Originally Posted by ChrisInNOVA/
I accept what you're saying and I truly appreciate how you laid it out bluntly.

I want to share something too: It really does seem to lay the responsibility for the relationship squarely in the woman's lap. A healthy marriage is simply not possible unless the man is able to get his SF. This is a cultural norm worldwide & yes ...it makes women angry.

I understand... but what do most women want? Can it be obtained from somewhere else in some instances? Conversation, affection, etc can typically be somewhat obtained, albeit NOT OPTIMALLY, and I cetainly accept that premise, from somewhere else. However, there is NOT ACCEPTABLE way for SF to be obtained in any other fashion than by the spouse. Man or woman.

Women typically are upset because affection, conversation, etc are not being met. that is a perfectly reasonable belief and I understand completely. However, in the same light, friends can perform a significant portion of those needs meeting behaviors, whereas, there is NOTHING to do for SF other than adultery or do without, which we already all agree won't work.

I am absolutely NOT saying that it is MORE important than YOUR most important need. But what I AM SAYING is that often, to the man, it is a conglomeration of ALL his needs. I don't know whether there is a correlative need for women or most women, however, a man's day can be made incredible, with morning sex. I don't know whether the same could be said for a woman's day with conversation. For instance.

So women can be mad if they choose. What if the correlary was that there was NO SUCH THING as acceptable ENs met with conversation? And a Man's decision to stymie that need put the wife in the same situation? AND the only way of fulfilling that need otherwise, was completely UNACCEPTABLE within the institution of marriage?

I would have gladly done without clean laundry... I can do the laundry just fine. I would have gladly hired a housecleaner (actually we had one... isn't that sad.) I would have gone without supper being made each night. I could have bought and paid for EVERYTHING which I received from my wife, such as cooking, cleaning, and home decorating. ALL costing much less than it cost to be married to her. However, I could have gone to JAIL having my most important need fulfilled.

Last edited by Cantfigureitout; 04/16/10 02:05 PM.
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I think most of us men are willing to agree that it isn't "fair" that sex is so important. Then again, it isn't fair to either side. Trust me, it is just as frustrating to go without sex as it is to be responsible for providing sex to your spouse. Two sides of the same coin.

As CFIO said, just imagine if a man told his wife "you are not permitted to speak to anyone else. Only me. I will only speak with you when I am in the mood. Otherwise, you are to remain silent." How long do you think that would last?

Or this one. "You are not permitted to receive any Affection except with me. No hugging the kids. Or your friends. No petting the dog. No massages or chiropractic treatments. Nothing except what I choose to provide." Would anyone agree to that?

I understand women resent being responsible for satisfying a man's need for SF. But what choice is there besides accepting that responsibility? Are you going to allow him to seek satisfaction elsewhere? If not, how can you avoid responsibility for meeting his need? As we have seen all too often, wishing it away is not often a successful strategy.

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SF is just as important to women; albeit a bit differently. As some of you guys have attested to, you guys are much easier to be around when that need is being met! And then we get our top needs met as well.


It's not that I have the "give-to-get" mentality, but (there's always a but...)one of the things I really enjoy is close, intimate conversation. And until recently, we usually lapsed into that after SF. (and affection/cuddling).

Now he doesn't want to talk or he gets upset if I try to veer the conversation to something deeper and more intimate than our yardwork plans for the weekend.

And this has severely affected my desire for SF.

I've been honest here and shared my feelings. But we haven't made a whole lot of headway. And more recently with my job issues, it's been tough for me to want to engage at all, because I've had no support.

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Originally Posted by holdingontoit
I think most of us men are willing to agree that it isn't "fair" that sex is so important. Then again, it isn't fair to either side. Trust me, it is just as frustrating to go without sex as it is to be responsible for providing sex to your spouse. Two sides of the same coin.

As CFIO said, just imagine if a man told his wife "you are not permitted to speak to anyone else. Only me. I will only speak with you when I am in the mood. Otherwise, you are to remain silent." How long do you think that would last?

Or this one. "You are not permitted to receive any Affection except with me. No hugging the kids. Or your friends. No petting the dog. No massages or chiropractic treatments. Nothing except what I choose to provide." Would anyone agree to that?

I understand women resent being responsible for satisfying a man's need for SF. But what choice is there besides accepting that responsibility? Are you going to allow him to seek satisfaction elsewhere? If not, how can you avoid responsibility for meeting his need? As we have seen all too often, wishing it away is not often a successful strategy.

This is such a good point.

...and remember its even more restrictive than you've portrayed. At least from a biblical principle analogy. Not only can't you talk to anyone, you're not even supposed to THINK about talking to anyone but your husband. You can't even watch anyone else talking to their husbands. you are to be completely MUTE in body and mind except as it pertains to your husband.......otherwise its sin..

.......but he's too tired to talk to you and has been too tired to talk to you for 2 months now.

W: "Can't we just chat for 10 minutes wed night? We havent talked AT ALL in three weeks!"

H: "Too tired sweetheart, but you know I want to. You KNOW I love you right?"

W: "yah. right"

Last edited by landschooner; 04/16/10 04:44 PM.
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Originally Posted by holdingontoit
Think: we can agree to disagree. I do not believe it is possible for all people to eliminate the impact 100%. Then again, that belief is part and parcel of why I have not been able to achieve success in life.

I do not see it as a conscious choice on my part to feel bad when my wife withholds what is within her power to grant. Just as my wife does not see it as a conscious choice to consent to sex when she is not in the mood.

It is all well and good to say to your spouse "listen to Eleanor Roosevelt and don't let my rejection affect you." I suggest that women who say that to their husbands should not be surprised when he responds "fine, but feel free to do the same when I choose not to meet your needs for Conversation, Affection, Domestic Suppor or Financial Support".

Maybe I can through extreme effort of will shrug off my wife's rejection. Not my experience that I can, but for the sake of argument let us assume it is possible. Regardless, I am certainly not going to thank her for giving me the opportunity to make the effort.

Or as Dr. Harley says, I am not going to feel romantic love for her. The underlying assumption of the MB system is that our behavior DOES affect how our spouse feels about us. I don't think it is a far stretch to suggest it affects how they feel about themselves as well.

Hold, it would be wrong of me to use that quote as a justification for my own bad behavior toward another person, especially my spouse. As a wife it is my responsibility to PROTECT my spouse from my bad behavior. However, as a human being (and I am first a human being) it is also my responsiblity to protect MYSELF from my spouse's bad behavior when they refuse to take that responsibility for thhemselves. Thus, the Eleanor Roosevelt quote. Because if I tie my own self-worth to another person's actions an words, then I am not doing a very good job of protecting myself, and therefore will be neccesarily unable to protect my spouse.

I have to make a conscious choice to not take my husbnad's neglect or LBing personally. My personal happiness and contentment are first and foremost MY responsibility. If my husband is hurtful and neglectful, then I have a choice to either stay with him or to leave, and if I choose to stay, I have the choice to protect my own happines and serentity by detaching with love when he is not holiding up his end of the bargain. In fact, protecting myself in that situation actually GIVES me self-esteem. Because we don't get self-esteem from what other people do or say. Self-esteem comes from ME actually doing something worthy or esteem. I learned that here smile And protecting myself while remaining a loving human being is VERY worthy of esteem.

Last edited by thinkinitthru66; 04/17/10 09:37 AM. Reason: can't spell
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Originally Posted by holdingontoit
I think most of us men are willing to agree that it isn't "fair" that sex is so important.

I wouldn't agree with that at all. People's needs are their needs. In my opinion, saying someone needing something is "unfair" makes no sense. It's like trying to measure the passage of time with a tape measure instead of a watch...or measuring weight with a light spectrometer instead of a scale.

In fact, the thinking that the order of importance spouse places on their needs flies in the face of MB. According to MB - our spouse's needs are their needs. There is no right or wrong.

Lack of sex makes men angry. Everybody gets angry. That is not a reason to ignore responsibility.

Like it or not, in the typical relationship, women have exactly the responsibility you describe. They may not want it. They may wish it away. But it is still there.

Can't you turn that around on yourself and say that your anger @ the lack of SF from your wife doesn't translate into you shirking your responsibility to meet her ENs?

That doesn't excuse me for LBing or for refusing to meet my wife's ENs. But the reality is that not only am I much more motivated to do so when my need for SF is satisfied, but also I am much more ABLE to do so. That is the key. I have more to offer in every facet of life when I am not starved for SF. Ineluctably, my wife's ENs will not be as fully satisfied when I am starving for SF. Even if I wanted to fulfill her, I don't have the ingredients within myself to create the same level of success.

Can't you turn that around on yourself and say that your wife just doesn't have the ingredients in her to give you SF when she is starved for her ENs?

I know my wife hates having the power to impact my mood. I know she wishes that the presence or absence of SF did not affect me so powerfully. But it does. She would gladly give up the power to be relieved from the responsibility. I wish I knew how to make that happen.

Hold, my H was in withdrawl and I worked on eliminating LBs and meeting ENs. One of the ENs was SF. I did it because I had to. The first time it wasn't very easy at all. I got through that particular experience by telling myself over and over again that I was doing it for my marriage. I remember that afterwards I felt bad. Sex without a "connection" ...without feeling loved and cherished is HORRIBLE for me. After that particular time, my H held me and some of those feelings were reduced, but I have to admit I recall that I laid there feeling badly and in the minutes before I drifted off to sleep, I wasn't sure if the whole MB thing was for me.

Since then meeting SF for my H has been very good - great even. Also, I find that I enjoy SF for myself. The marriage has improved measureably.

Thanks for sharing your honest feelings, Hold. I hope you didn't mind that I shared mine with you. What you wrote simply confirms what every woman knows - SOME Men won't try if their partenr won't try first. With CERTAIN MEN, the responsibility for the relationship rests squarely on the woman's shoulders. How unfortunate that some people (mal and female) are unable to realize that they are both responsible for keeping their parter happy and caring for thir marriage.

It works both ways...really and truly. With the men who I see trying first, their wives are having an affair and these men are in the SAA room describing how they are now DESPERATELY trying to meet her ENs FIRST to save the relationship...to draw her BACK TO THEIR MARRIAGE.

We can say, hey women - if you don't spread your legs for your H he will seek satisfaction elsewhere; however, we can also say, hey men - if you don't meet your wife's needs, she'll seek satisfaction elsewhere....and then she'll be spreading her legs at THAT location with THAT man.

Just something to think about. smile

Last edited by ChrisInNOVA; 04/17/10 10:18 AM.
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Originally Posted by lurioosi2
In fact, if I had not WANTED to have SF with my H, I would not have married him.

And this is what some of these men are missing. Their spouses have no desire to meet their need for SF - WHY? What caused that when earlier in the relationship the spouse regularly met the need for SF enthusiastically.

This issue is circular with no beginning and no end: The wife wants no sex because the husband isn't meeting her ENs because the wife wants no sex because the husband isn't meeting her ENs because....

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My bad because I should have chosen to meet my spouse's important EN anyway. But to your point of circular, here's what happened.

I've been really upset, down, depressed lately. The shaky job sitch has thrown me for a loop. My financial situation is terrible and shows no signs of getting better. I'm very stressed out. I have doubts about whether I should even stay married or not.

But married I am and I am still attempting to work the MB program as much as possible while still drawing my boundaries (AOs, etc.)

Last night and again this morning, I tried to share with my husband how stressed out I am, and how I am so scared that I can't pull myself up by my bootstraps this time, something I'd always been able to do. I really ripped open my chest and showed all my innards.

I got *crickets*

Needless to say, he didn't get SF. (not that he asked, but I also made sure I wasn't available)

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Originally Posted by Cantfigureitout
I understand... but what do most women want? Can it be obtained from somewhere else in some instances?

Oh yeah... she can get her ENs met from somewhere else including the tall dark and handsome man she's having her EA (soon to be PA) with LOL! No need for you to exert yourself since you aren't getting SF. smile

Women typically are upset because affection, conversation, etc are not being met. that is a perfectly reasonable belief and I understand completely. However, in the same light, friends can perform a significant portion of those needs meeting behaviors, whereas, there is NOTHING to do for SF other than adultery or do without, which we already all agree won't work.

Now this is true; however, I believe that the comparison is 100% moot. When one spouse begins to get ANY high priority EN met outside the marriage, anything from detachment to neglect to withdrawl to adultury is the result.

I am absolutely NOT saying that it is MORE important than YOUR most important need.

You may not be saying that openly / blatantly, but your argument certainly implies it.

But what I AM SAYING is that often, to the man, it is a conglomeration of ALL his needs. I don't know whether there is a correlative need for women or most women, however, a man's day can be made incredible, with morning sex. I don't know whether the same could be said for a woman's day with conversation. For instance.

Nor are you compelled to find out because cultural norms tell us that men's needs are more important than women's. Your arguments and many in this thread drive really close to the curb of that street address...

Here's a hint: A woman's day IS made incredible by morning sex within the context of a relationship where she feels loved and cherished.

You should read that again.

In fact, with a relationship where she feels loved and cherished, a woman has incredible days and inredible sex. It's a win-win for her and for her man isn't it?

Why then, will some of these men not BUDGE in their thinking on this and in doing their share of their work in relationships when they have this incredible power to create a situation where their woman would enthusiastically have sex with them all the time? crazy

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Originally Posted by OurHouse
My bad because I should have chosen to meet my spouse's important EN anyway. But to your point of circular, here's what happened.

I've been really upset, down, depressed lately. The shaky job sitch has thrown me for a loop. My financial situation is terrible and shows no signs of getting better. I'm very stressed out. I have doubts about whether I should even stay married or not.

But married I am and I am still attempting to work the MB program as much as possible while still drawing my boundaries (AOs, etc.)

Last night and again this morning, I tried to share with my husband how stressed out I am, and how I am so scared that I can't pull myself up by my bootstraps this time, something I'd always been able to do. I really ripped open my chest and showed all my innards.

I got *crickets*

Needless to say, he didn't get SF. (not that he asked, but I also made sure I wasn't available)

OH...These men are saying that your H cannot even find it within him to meet your ENs if you don't give him SEX.

What are your thoughts on that? Specifically, have you seen that giving your H sex has resulted in improvements within your marriage?

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OH...These men are saying that your H cannot even find it within him to meet your ENs if you don't give him SEX.

What are your thoughts on that? Specifically, have you seen that giving your H sex has resulted in improvements within your marriage?

I'd say that in my marriage, that's a lot of hooey because for about 80-90% of it, there is/was plenty of sex. Recently (as in the past month) and during the time I'd file for D and moved to the couch? No, there isn't any/much sex.

What happens is we have a lot of SF and nothing else changes for me in the big LB dept. He still yells at the kids. He still interrupts me constantly and minimizes what I have to say. He still doesn't have a job/doesn't want just "any old job" to help me make ends meet. He still has major AOs that drain the life out of me.

He has improved on the DS front.

I've been more than ready and willing to engage in SF with him, despite my feeling awful (mentally) these past few days. I normally don't have a problem initiating in a case like that but I'm a bit gun shy right now because I feel like such a chump when I do, and then I try to have a meaningful disucssion with him later, or suggest some RC or something similar and I'm shot down. And I just wait for the other shoe to drop: I didn't listen "in the right way"; I didn't say the "right thing", I didn't show proper appreciation of his attempts to care for me. It's exhuasting.

I think men who have WAW's need to look at my situation and see if they see any of themselves here. Because someone smarter than I would have WAW'd a LOOOONG time ago.

So that busts the guys' theories right there.

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