'name of OM',

I wanted to follow up our conversation from this morning with one in writing. I need you to know that the relationship we had is completely and forever more finished. I need to repair the damage that has been done to my marriage and begin the healing process with 'my name'. I have hurt him terribly and that is unforgivable. I love him and have loved him forever and will love him forever.

You need to stop any and all communications with me. It is necessary for me and 'my name' to move forward. You need to focus your energies on fixing what�s wrong in your life and marriage and sever all ties with me.

I have lost 'my name�s' trust and I need to do everything in my power to restore his faith in me. This email is the first step in restoring it. I don�t deserve to have a husband who is willing to give me another chance and I�m not going to ruin a second chance to make a lasting life with him.

I need to say once more, do not contact me in any way from this point forward. I will not respond � I need to move forward in my life with 'my name'.

Cap, I think I mentioned this before, but it bears repeating:
My H's OW wrote him the same kind of letter. She did it because she wanted her BH to see it, and, I think, she meant it to a degree. See, she was in the same boat as my H - they worked together. So any sincerity in the letter meant nothing. They remained in contact. That was the problem.

So her bold pronouncement lasted all of one day, regardless of her intentions.

D-Day 2-10-2009
Fully Recovered and Better Than Ever!
Thank you Marriage Builders!