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Ketone is a blood acid. and is NOT good for you. If you are incresing it in your body it is toxic. I think dietary control isthe best way to lose weight. The atkins diet is like eating a rock an poisioning your bloodstream. Of couse you lose weight, your body doesn't have any glycogen and is forced to burn the fat stored along with the fat eaten. Ketosis is great for you. It simply means that you are burning fat and any endocrinologist will tell you that ketosis is benign and fat burning is good for you. In fact, the body works much more efficiently on ketones than it does glucose metabolism. Some in the medical field have it confused with ketoacidosis but a little research can easily clear that up. From New York Times What if its All Been a Big Fat Lie? "An inevitable criticism of Atkins's diet has been that ketosis is dangerous and to be avoided at all costs.
When I interviewed ketosis experts, however, they universally sided with Atkins, and suggested that maybe the medical community and the media confuse ketosis with ketoacidosis, a variant of ketosis that occurs in untreated diabetics and can be fatal. ''Doctors are scared of ketosis,'' says Richard Veech, an N.I.H. researcher who studied medicine at Harvard and then got his doctorate at Oxford University with the Nobel Laureate Hans Krebs. ''They're always worried about diabetic ketoacidosis. But ketosis is a normal physiologic state. I would argue it is the normal state of man. It's not normal to have McDonald's and a delicatessen around every corner. It's normal to starve.''
Simply put, ketosis is evolution's answer to the thrifty gene. We may have evolved to efficiently store fat for times of famine, says Veech, but we also evolved ketosis to efficiently live off that fat when necessary. Rather than being poison, which is how the press often refers to ketones, they make the body run more efficiently and provide a backup fuel source for the brain. Veech calls ketones ''magic'' and has shown that both the heart and brain run 25 percent more efficiently on ketones than on blood sugar. Atkins is the healthiest diet I am aware of and studies demonstrate this. You need the nutrients from meat, eggs, cheese for healthy brain function. Ketosis IS good for you,[non-diabetics] because it simply means you are burning fat. If you aren't burning fat, then you are STORING FAT, which causes clogged arteries and fat rear ends. If you are a diabetic, are you familiar with Dr Richard Bernstein? I have been on low carb forums for years and the diabetics who use his low carb diet lose a ton of weight AND they successfully regulate their blood sugar. The guy is like the guru of diabetics in the foodie world. THE DIABETES DIET was designed for controlling blood sugars in diabetics, but its health and weight-management benefits apply to everyone. Focusing on protein, fat, and slow-acting carbohydrate, this plan prevents the blood sugar roller-coaster ride caused by a carbohydrate-heavy diet, which can result in obesity, increased blood pressure, and damage to the lining of the blood vessels. A diabetic himself for almost sixty years, Dr. Bernstein meticulously followed the guidelines of the American Diabetes Association, yet his health steadily deteriorated. It wasn't until he devised his own, more effective method for regulating blood sugar that Dr. Bernstein started to enjoy a healthy life. The Diabetes Diet
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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IAnyway, he agreed that ketoacidosis IS different than ketosis (insulin) but he said he would be concerned about ketosis b/c of acidity, changing the body's ph balance, potassium levels and the risks that come along with that. He explained in more detail than that but that's all I retained...lol. The potassium levels out in the first 3-4 days, after the initial water loss, but most people never have an issue with it. When you switch from glucose to fat metabolism, this releases a ton of retained water that comes from high carb junk food. This is why when someone starts a low carb diet, the first thing they do is lose 5-10 pounds of water weight they have been carrying. But this levels out as quickly as it starts. I have been in ketosis for 12 years, for example, and my PH balances are just fine. In my recent blood tests [to check my TSH] it shows "ketones - TRACE" and potassium, serum 4.5 mmol/L [range 3.5 - 5.2] What is unhealthy is eating a high carb junk food diet that causes the water retention in the first place. The excess insulin, which is terrible for the body, causes the water retention.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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Ketone is a blood acid. and is NOT good for you. If you are incresing it in your body it is toxic. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/the-ketogenic-dietYou should order this book if you think that. This is a fantastic book...so much so I read it twice. I think dietary control is the best way to lose weight. The atkins diet is like eating a rock an poisioning your bloodstream. Of couse you lose weight, your body doesn't have any glycogen and is forced to burn the fat stored along with the fat eaten. What exactly is dietary control? Portion control? Food pyramid? I work on numbers�I have a BMR, I have a physique goal, this means I have X amount of protein, X amount of fats, and X amount of carbs. I have no idea what dietary control is. If you were to sit a plate in front of me full of food and tell me to utilize dietary control, I�d eat the protein, any non-starchy vegetables, and any berries that were on the plate. And bacon. I would definitely eat the bacon. Because bacon is in its own food category. A vegitarian diet, with around 6 ounces or lean meat a day, (yes 6, a lumberjack can work with this much protien from meat), is the best way to maintain proper body weight and balance out wiehgt. I�ll pretend like you�re kidding. But in case you�re not, you do realize that�s only around 33 grams of protein. That wouldn�t even match up to the RDA set by nutritionists and they�re notoriously low on what they believe protein requirements are. There�s no way I�m going to go and build any muscle at all by only consuming 40 grams of protein and under. And if I�m dieting to lose fat, I�m going to lose A LOT of muscle by only consuming that little protein. It can ocorr any time someone burns excessive fat for energy and also for people limiting there carbs to much. Most people can do fine even working out with around a 2000 calorie diet. Carbs get a bad rap because people eat to many simple ones, or ones with no nutrition. Its yes, a balancing act. Most people are overweight, sedentary, have poor diets, and are lazy and have a whole plethora of health problems because they don't exercise, women don't do weight bearing exercise, and they eat like junk. There is absolutely not physicalogical need for carbohydrates. There are only a few things essential for proper functioning of the body: essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and the two essential fatty acids. "Fat burns in the flame of carbohydrates" and a balanced diet with less calories but good calories is the best. . It will automaticaly reduce the fat and make lean muscle just because you cut out fat. The human body requires about as much linoylic acid,(fat), as can be foundin a large bow of oatmeal it make its own good colesterol. Extreme atheletes might need a little more, like equal to a pat of butter a day. Fat is burned by the absence of carbs. I know that quote; I had to hear it in all my nutrition classes. But the truth is, you remove carbs, you burn fat. You consume carbs, it spares the fat. Here�s the other thing from a general stand point. No one really knows in the public what a balanced diet looks like unless they think the food pyramid is balanced. Then they�re eating way too many carbs. And no one really knows what a good calorie is. I see this all the time because people buy these really crappy snack bars that advertise �only 100 calories� and they think they�re making smart food choices. I think you should go and research what happens when people remove too much fat from their diet. In particular, you should go look at why saturated fat is beneficial to males. So many hormone functions revolve around fat and you start removing fat and you start whacking out your hormone functions. I�d rather have polyunsaturated fat for my cholesterol than oatmeal. Skip the oatmeal for breakfast: 4 whole eggs scrambled and 4 egg whites scrambled with onion and bell pepper, 1 cup blueberries, and 3 grams of fish oil. Now that�s a good breakfast.
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Melody, here is the protein book I was talking about. If you feel like spending some extra cash, it's a great book and I think you'd find it an easy and fun read. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/the-protein-book
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[The atkins diet is like eating a rock an poisioning your bloodstream. Of couse you lose weight, your body doesn't have any glycogen and is forced to burn the fat stored along with the fat eaten. This is correct. [except the part about poisoning your bloodstream] The way you lose weight is to BURN FAT. Burning fat is the GOAL. GOOD GOAL.  If you lose weight and you are not burning fat, then you are burning MUSCLE, which defeats the whole purpose because burning muscle slows down your metabolism and turns you into a couch potato. Now, what is really "poison" to your bloodstream is a high carb junk food diet that forces your body to produce massive amounts of insulin which keeps blood sugar on a roller coaster.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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So the best diet is like grandma used to make, lots of veggies , a slice of bread and a small piece of meat, an don't eat to much you''ll spoil your desert. This is indeed the best diet advice I have ever heard. I love dessert.
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So the best diet is like grandma used to make, lots of veggies , a slice of bread and a small piece of meat, an don't eat to much you''ll spoil your desert. This is indeed the best diet advice I have ever heard. I love dessert. lol. I don't know if I'd call this good advice. Not a lot of protein and heavy on the carbs and sugar. Now if it were my grandmother, it'd typically be a lot of baked chicken, a large salad, and fruit for dessert.
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So the best diet is like grandma used to make, lots of veggies , a slice of bread and a small piece of meat, an don't eat to much you''ll spoil your desert. This is indeed the best diet advice I have ever heard. I love dessert. A healthy meal would be a LARGE piece of meat, moderate veggies in the low GI range, NO BREAD [it is junk food] and a dessert that consists of a FRESH fruit in the berry group with a nice dollop of fresh whipping cream. [no sugar] Such a high carb meal as described by CP would cause a blood sugar spike, followed by a release of insulin, followed by a blood sugar CRASH. Sugar and refined flour products are terrible for your body and lead to excess insulin production and uneven blood sugar levels. Excess carbohydrates, even the good ones, lead to obesity and diabetes because the body gets to a point where it wears down from the blood sugar coaster and can no longer produce insulin. This blood sugar roller coaster, at the very least, causes fatigue and depression. Ever notice how people get SLEEPY after lunch? [I always go HUH? when someone says they eat carbs for energy! yah right, "energy" for a nap] That is because they ate too many carbs and have caused a blood sugar CRASH [after the spike - what goes up, must come down] A healthier lunch that won't jack with your blood sugar levels and will give you steady energy all afternoon [with no hunger] is a nice chef salad with unprocessed turkey and cheese, no sugar blue cheese or ranch dressing. [kale or romaine lettuce] I have this quite often and it doesn't trash my blood sugar levels and suck my energy dry. Cutting out junk food made an amazing difference in my energy levels and my mental outlook. This is why I am motivated to stick to this diet. I can't STAND to feel all bloated and fatiqued with brain fog again.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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You guys are no fun. And I'm not giving up my brownies and ice cream. 
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You guys are no fun. And I'm not giving up my brownies and ice cream.  I'm a ton of fun. And Melody's alright most of the time.
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You guys are no fun. And I'm not giving up my brownies and ice cream.  I'm a ton of fun. And Melody's alright most of the time. Life would NOT be fun without chocolate.
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Life would NOT be fun without chocolate. Oh man. You're talking to the wrong person then. I've never really liked chocolate. On the rare occassion I have a candy bar, it's usually an almond joy because of the coconut and almonds and that chocolate is okay. And on the very very rare occassion I have something heavy like a sundae, I might have hot fudge but very little. Don't know...just don't really care for chocolate. But I can eat a jar of jalapenos a day. I love love love hot food.
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Life would NOT be fun without chocolate. Oh man. You're talking to the wrong person then. I've never really liked chocolate. On the rare occassion I have a candy bar, it's usually an almond joy because of the coconut and almonds and that chocolate is okay. And on the very very rare occassion I have something heavy like a sundae, I might have hot fudge but very little. Don't know...just don't really care for chocolate. But I can eat a jar of jalapenos a day. I love love love hot food. You are a sick, sick man. I'm sorry, I cannot fathom a person who doesn't love chocolate. Must be some new sort of species.
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You guys are no fun. And I'm not giving up my brownies and ice cream.  TWO WORDS: Russell STOVER!!  love dat guy! 
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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[ I've never really liked chocolate. you are messed up, dude!! 
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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Don't know...just don't really care for chocolate. But I can eat a jar of jalapenos a day. I love love love hot food. I'm sorry, I cannot fathom a person who doesn't love chocolate.
Must be some new sort of species. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. Just for the two of you: I'm right now staring at a Lindt "Creation 70%" Cherry & Chili chocolate bar. I've also had some exotic hot chili chocolate bars. Definitely not for everybody, but quite the taste sensation that one should try at least once!
Preach the Gospel every day. When necessary, use words. St. Francis of Assissi
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Don't know...just don't really care for chocolate. But I can eat a jar of jalapenos a day. I love love love hot food. I'm sorry, I cannot fathom a person who doesn't love chocolate.
Must be some new sort of species. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. Just for the two of you: I'm right now staring at a Lindt "Creation 70%" Cherry & Chili chocolate bar. I've also had some exotic hot chili chocolate bars. Definitely not for everybody, but quite the taste sensation that one should try at least once! I've never understood the concept behind chili and chocolate, but I've never actually tried one, so I will reserve judgement. Dark chocolate is the best. The darker the better. In fact, I have a lovely Belgian chocolate bar sitting right next to me, calling my name.
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Writer and Melody, those are DJs when you question my psychological disposition based on my not-so-love for chocolate. I really feel like neither of you are validating my feelings and that really affects my love for you two.
Can we all enthusiastically agree that caramel is better than chocolate. Is that a better alternative?
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I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. Just for the two of you: I'm right now staring at a Lindt "Creation 70%" Cherry & Chili chocolate bar. I've also had some exotic hot chili chocolate bars. Definitely not for everybody, but quite the taste sensation that one should try at least once! Hmmmm...this might be worth trying. Thanks for showing this.
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