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Originally Posted by senninpa
A little update, W had a near breakdown today. It All started over OM called me over a problem at work. We ended up talking for over an hour about the A and how he is doing in his marriage. The next thing you know I was on the phone with his W giving her advice on what she needs to do to save her marriage ( I know I'm not the most qualified to give that advice, but I know way more than she does about MB and affairs).

My WW was with me listening to my conversation and had a complete breakdown over not having anyone to talk to about her problem while I can talk to everyone. I don't know if she is more upset that I was talking to them/(OM) or that she can't.
This is your problem, senn. She did not have a breakdown over the fact that she realises that she has no-one to talk to. She had it because you gave her a hit of OM when you allowed her to listen to you talking to him. She got indirect contact from that call and now any tiny steps she has made forward through withdrawal towards coming out the other side have been set back. She is further from recovering from him than she was before you spoke to OM. What were you thinking?

I haven't read your thread properly to see why you need to talk to him about work, and especially at home on the weekend. I'll read it now. But I must express astonishment are your being able to bear speaking to him at all, except to tell him stay away from your wife. You were "talking about the affair and how he is doing in his marriage"? Honestly, senn, words fail me - and to let your wife hear the one-sided report of his marriage and his feelings! No wonder she broke down and is in despair!

How seriously angry do your wife and OM think you are? They should be TERRIFIED of how angry you are and what you will do to them if you ever find out they are in contact again, but now, they won't be scared. You were able to have a talk for over an hour with OM about his feelings (poor lamb), so how devastating could this be, really?

Your mother-in-law is not the problem, senn, it's you not using MB properly. Step 1: there must be no contact between your wife and OM. Step 1.5: he is not your friend. He had sex with your wife. He is your enemy.

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Originally Posted by senninpa
A little update, W had a near breakdown today. It All started over OM called me over a problem at work. We ended up talking for over an hour about the A and how he is doing in his marriage. The next thing you know I was on the phone with his W giving her advice on what she needs to do to save her marriage ( I know I'm not the most qualified to give that advice, but I know way more than she does about MB and affairs).

You are kidding, right? That is really sick that the OM calls your home. And then to call the OMW to give her tips on saving her marriage? There is a huge difference between compassion and allowing the fox back in the hen house. You should NEVER see or speak to these people again.

I don't believe you understand how dangerous the OM is to you and your wife. He is the enemy of your marriage.

What happened is your wife went back to D-Day when he called. She got another hit of the OM. And so do you every time you see and speak to him. Is there a reason you are allowing this?

If your wife wants a friend, she has lots of them here. She won't get negative advice here.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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What happened is your wife went back to D-Day when he called. She got another hit of the OM. And so do you every time you see and speak to him. I am really astonished he has the nerve to call your home. Is there a reason you are allowing this?

If your wife wants a friend, she has lots of them here. She won't get negative advice here.
senn, are you unfamiliar with the concept of No Contact?

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I have to talk to him about work. I don't know what I am thinking. They were our friends for a very long time, and to be honest,I feel a bit responsible for their situation as part of my family screwed it up. I have decided, prior to your WT# are you thinking, to stop advising or speaking with either of them. It is only bad news for my mental state and my WW.

I have to admit a little here, he nearly destroyed my marriage, but as sick as it sounds, I miss talking to him. He was always the person I would call when I had a problem.

Good news that came out of the call is OM got his road job starting the first week in Jan. so I will have absolutely no reason to talk with him about work!

Me BH previous user name SEM
WW Senninpaswife previous user name Keep Smiling
Married 16 years - HS sweethearts
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WW's Affair #1,2,3,4 @ 1 year into marriage All ONS type PAs
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Originally Posted by senninpa
I have to admit a little here, he nearly destroyed my marriage, but as sick as it sounds, I miss talking to him. He was always the person I would call when I had a problem

This is not an appropriate reaction to a man who committed the equivalence of rape against you. He came into you and your children's home and had sex with your wife. What he did was as egregious as rape or assualt and you are going on as if he is your friend. The man is your enemy. He did a horrible thing to you and he should not be allowed around you or your family again.

I would STOP working with him. You don't have to work with him.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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I know Melody, it is sinking in. I can only equate it to loosing a close brother, as that is what he was to me. If he needed help he would call, and vice-verse. AS I said before, we did everything together, now left with this empty feeling in my heart, both for the A and also loosing my "brother". Not easy, but I can do it.
Thanks for the little kick in the but!

Me BH previous user name SEM
WW Senninpaswife previous user name Keep Smiling
Married 16 years - HS sweethearts
2 kids, Boy 15 years, Girl 13 years

WW's Affair #1,2,3,4 @ 1 year into marriage All ONS type PAs
DDay #1 09/11/01 False recovery for 10 years

WW's Affair #5 07/11 - 10/11 with my best friend EA&PA
DDay #2 11/27/11
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Has the NC letter been sent yet??

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Originally Posted by senninpa
I can only equate it to loosing a close brother, as that is what he was to me.

In reality he wasn't your brother, though. He was your ENEMY all along. You didn't lose a "friend," you lost the fox in your henhouse. He is a SNAKE who is to be avoided at all cost.

And you are welcome for the kick in the butt!! hug

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally Posted by SugarCane
You were "talking about the affair and how he is doing in his marriage"?

Senn, not only is NC, Chapter one para one of MB recovery, I dont think you realise how unloved this must make your wife feel

Im not saying women want to be with jealous lunatics, but she committed adultery with him, and you still have heart-to-hearts with him as though this little matter didnt affect you at all?

She prob expects you to hate his guts. To be more hurt over the danger he posed to the marriage than you are over losing a buddy. TO BE PUT FIRST. Protect her from this guy!

Goodness, before my h was wayward, a guy said an inappropriate thing to me at a party and he was offered to be schooled on proper manners towards married woman in an outside lesson by my h. I dont condone violence, but I did appreciate the spirit he drew that line in.

1) No more breaks in NC - she needs to get through withdrawal before any recovery can happen. Each break sets back the clock to DAY ONE.

2) Show her that YOUR marriage is the priority.

3) Develop a little more confidence and see yourself as worthy of better friends than a bully, marriage mugger, liar and cheat.

My best friend was the OW. I wept for the person I thought she was, the illusion she made me believe in. But no way do I want to talk to the reality. Ever. Again.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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Originally Posted by senninpa
Total honesty, if she puts it in place and actually practices it is an EP as that will help in preventing an affair as she would know she has to tell me. I have in my heart held true to the total honesty from 10 years ago to this day, I tell her everything up to and including any contact or conversations I have with the opposite sex. I know she can do that herself if she puts her mind to it.. Not hurting me is also something she has to instill in herself.


You may not believe it, but the EP aren't a far cry from where we are today. The OM and his W were our best friends and I/we spent way to much time with him/them doing what W and I should have been doing. Which distracted US from our marriage. That part of our life is gone now leaving us with just US and our children. Not a lot of extended family left in this part of the country. We do have other friends (couples) who we don't do nearly as much with, and won't for a while as this is our time right now.

We agreed 10 years ago, and have maintained to this day:

No parties without both of us attending

No going to the bar or club without both of us present, (don't do that anyway- just a meat market for young singles)

As for now, she has agreed to the rest of the EPs and is practicing them. As for a plan, I don't understand what you mean. You are correct in it only takes an hour or so for us to work up a plan. That is done, how do you want me to describe the plan?

She will not go anywhere without first informing me. If she cannot she will inform me directly after, either by text or phone.

She will inform me of any delay returning home from work.

She will not talk to other men about anything unless it is on a professional level at work.

She will not talk to any men on the telephone with exception to the DR, Dentist or family, and the occasional none English speaking guy who finally answers after 2 hours of talking to a computer only to pay a bill- and even then will inform of such.

She has stopped teasing or joking with men at work as she does understand that that can be interpreted as flirting, and knows that flirting is unacceptable.

She will not make or receive phone calls from unrecognized phone #s without documenting it and informing me of who it was and what it was about.

She will not delete any incoming or outgoing phone calls or texts without me first seeing them.

She will not allow the children to use her cell phone, unless she advises me first or directly after, This is to prevent questions or doubts, as they always call #s that aren't in her contacts.

I'm sure I have forgotten something, I need to write the list out, but these have all been discussed and are based on the EP list.

And yet she still cheated...AGAIN...go figure.

Do you hear what you are saying? And that is a serious question. I too was married to a serial cheater. You sound like you are going with Plan Hope. After reading your WW's thread, I would go with Plan D. Good luck to you. You will need it.

BW - me
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Divorced 12/2011

Many a good man has failed because he had a wishbone where his backbone should have been.

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.
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Originally Posted by senninpa
Hi All,
Haven't been posting much lately, still trying to get a clear head and I felt that posting kept bringing me down. Feeling a lot better now.

Posting is bringing you down because you dont like the advice. The advice you want is - Do nothing, especially nothing difficult or uncomfortable and everything will be ok.

Originally Posted by senninpa
In her defense on the timing of the NC letter, I (despite your advice) did not want the letter sent prior to OM leaving my work. I was concerned it could create issues between OM and I, and that could impact our working relationship. I also had several thousand dollars worth items at OM's house ( I know that shouldn't be important, but it was to me) and was concerned I would never get those items back if things turned more south than they already were. OM's last day at work was yesterday, and I retrieved my things from his house last night. So, now it is time for NC letter.

You are really going to have to do much better than this if you want to drag your marriage back up a cliff. So far you have put 'working relationships', money, jobs -in short, everything ahead of your marriage.

So now that loose ends are tied - are you ready to put your marriage first NOW?

Originally Posted by senninpa
As for a plan, she nor I understand what you mean by that. I do understand your concern about her work. That is not something she can up and quit, nor is it something we can change directly, it will take time. I think that is something we need to decide on when we both know for sure our marriage is actually going to survive. It is also a financial issue as there aren't many good paying jobs in the area.

In short, no you're not.

Youve been on this site a long time and apaprently havent even read up on the plan to recover a marriage.

The jobs and money are still numero uno. Who cares if the alcoholic is still working with whisky as long as they bring home the pay check.

If it genuinely is impossible for her to work anywhere else - like you would be out on the streets homeless impossible - then you have no choice but to divorce.

If the basic conditions remain unchanged then another affair WILL happen.

And that is even with a WS with a good attitude and hers is woeful.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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I am not a terribly shallow person. I have worked hard for what I have achieved in my life. I have been at rock bottom, in a crap house, with crap cars. As many have read, the house I just acquired was and is my dream house. I feel above all else, financial stability, which doesn't mean being rich, is my # 1 goal in my life plan. I must continue to make decisions in the best interest in my life plan, as well as my marriage.

This marriage, as it has come to my attention, may or may not survive. This may impact my life plan in many ways, but I cannot bring myself to toss out my/our futures based on emotional decisions. I know what MB preaches, and if I felt we were in a better financial boat, I would not deviate from the MB plan and would be more keen on taking the good advice you all have (at least I would like to think so).

I believe that life is a big chess game, and you have to think ahead to win. I try to do this always (looking from the outside in you may think I suck at chess). Sometimes unexpected things like an A happen, but you can't always just toss in the towel or get too excited and make a bad decision based on your emotion at the time.

As for putting money and jobs ahead of my M, I don't believe that. I am trying my best to keep our family together, keep our new home, all without making an emotional decision that will create problems in the future, in the hope that our marriage does survive. If my marriage doesn't survive, then perhaps we will be in a better situation to maintain our lifestyles post D. In any case, I can assure you if we do end up in a D, it will be the same attitude, I would continue to try to make decisions that would best suit me in my future, not off the emotional now.

Last edited by senninpa; 12/31/11 01:49 PM.

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Senn, I agree that you should not make emotional decisions. You should make RATIONAL decisions based on sound MB principles. That has never been done in your marriage. She has NEVER taken the first step in Affair Recovery 101, which is to affair proof your marriage.

One of the most rational decisions you could make is to ensure that your wife either radically changes her lifestyle or you get divorced. Because if she doesn't, your future will be more of the same.

Trying your best to just "keep the marriage together" at all cost will damn you to a future that has been like your past.

Do you mind much if she has affairs? Because it does seem like you don't mind too much. As it is right now, this is your future. It will be a matter of time before she has another affair.

How many affairs does she have to have before you establish some sane boundaries?

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Senn, why does a serial cheater who is addicted to chasing men have a job in a manufacturing plant with all men? And why do you work opposite shifts when you know her history? That makes no sense whatsoever.

If you are serious about saving your marriage, that is the first thing that has to change. She might not be able to get a new job right away, but she could start looking now. And she could also be applying for other positions in the company that would take her out of that environment. Perhaps she could get a job in the office with other women?

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally Posted by senninpa
I try to do this always (looking from the outside in you may think I suck at chess). Sometimes unexpected things like an A happen

It was not unexpected at all. She had 6 other affairs, for crying out loud. Yet she was left alone to pursue other men by working opposite shifts. She works in a plant with all men. It was a foregone conclusion. Thats like putting the fox in the henhouse and then acting "surprised" when he eats the chickens. sorry, but that is just insanity.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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I am hearing you, and the rest of you. This is my biggest reservation on continuing with this marriage. She obviously has no self control and is easily sucked in to any attractive guy that gives her the time of day. I know the job has to change, but I will not allow it until we find a suitable income for her to move into. I would have a hard time believing she will end up in an A within then next 6 months, she is smart enough to know I will be watching her like a hawk in the meantime, and she knows that would secure a big D if she had another A in that time.

I am not trying to keep the marriage together, I am trying to keep the finances together. SHE is trying to keep the marriage together, I am hoping she succeeds. She was ready to pack up this AM, "because everybody here thinks were going to fail" I told her to go. I don't think I need to beg her to stay! I explained if you leave because of people here, you wanted to leave anyway, and they are giving you your reason.

Me BH previous user name SEM
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WW's Affair #1,2,3,4 @ 1 year into marriage All ONS type PAs
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WW's Affair #5 07/11 - 10/11 with my best friend EA&PA
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Originally Posted by senninpa

I am not a terribly shallow person. I have worked hard for what I have achieved in my life. I have been at rock bottom, in a crap house, with crap cars. As many have read, the house I just acquired was and is my dream house. I feel above all else, financial stability, which doesn't mean being rich, is my # 1 goal in my life plan. I must continue to make decisions in the best interest in my life plan, as well as my marriage.

I never said you were shallow. In your shoes I would choose the lifestyle over the marriage because your spouse is unrepentant.

However the facts are she needs to change jobs. That is a fact.

It is up to you which you choose, you just cant have both. Neither choice is shallow.

If she can find a job that pays as well or better, great. But the physics of the situation demand she not have access to what she is addicted to.

It cant be argued with.

If you choose divorce and her supporting the kids via her job, then fine. Not shalow at all. In fact prob a good idea based on her attitude at present.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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Originally Posted by senninpa
I would have a hard time believing she will end up in an A within then next 6 months, she is smart enough to know I will be watching her like a hawk in the meantime, and she knows that would secure a big D if she had another A in that time.

Applying logic to the addict mind is stupid.

She is an addict, she will do the stupidest thing possible. Guaranteed.

You are still on Plan Hope.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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Originally Posted by senninpa
I am hearing you, and the rest of you. This is my biggest reservation on continuing with this marriage. She obviously has no self control and is easily sucked in to any attractive guy that gives her the time of day. I know the job has to change, but I will not allow it until we find a suitable income for her to move into. I would have a hard time believing she will end up in an A within then next 6 months, she is smart enough to know I will be watching her like a hawk in the meantime, and she knows that would secure a big D if she had another A in that time.

And the plan? Is this to happen by fairy magic? crazy Is she looking for jobs? Speaking to her management about transfers? What is being done?? And you can't watch her "like a hawk" when she goes into the henhouse to work every day. You can't watch her like a hawk when you work days and she is off during the days!!

She does not know that you would secure a divorce if she did it again. Why would she believe that? Your actions belie your words.

I am not trying to keep the marriage together, I am trying to keep the finances together. SHE is trying to keep the marriage together, I am hoping she succeeds. She was ready to pack up this AM, "because everybody here thinks were going to fail" I told her to go. I don't think I need to beg her to stay! I explained if you leave because of people here, you wanted to leave anyway, and they are giving you your reason.

NO! She is not trying to keep the marriage together!! She is trying to reap all the benefits of marriage without doing a damn thing. She has not done a DAMN THING. NOT A DAMN THING. She would rather play drama queen and leave than get off her dead as* and do the necessary things to protect you from another affair.

She DOES NOT CARE. I don't know how to get you to understand this. SHE DOES NOT CARE.

Senn, you and your wife seem to believe that your marriage can recover by magic without doing ANYTHING to recover it. That kind of thinking has led to multiple affairs.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally Posted by senninpa
Well, I questioned the W and found out that my best friends W caught my W and her H playing footsie under the table when we were playing cards one night after I had gone to bed.

This is what addicts do, even when a spouse is THERE watching!

This happened because you allowed her access to what she is adicted to.

This plan - Plan Sipa - is being conducted all over again.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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