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I am freaking out. Very depressed, constantly feel panicked. The only time I feel better is when WH calls to say something nice or I am distracted by friends and family. Considering going to the ER because the thought of losing WH, going back to him, having future relapse all have me feeling like my world is crashing down around me.
WH's mom really put me into a rage in her last email. Still opposed to polygraph, says we should see a sex therapist. Says maybe I should try things (in bed) that might seem disgusting but maybe then WH would be more satisfied. What the ????
What a terribly painful moment to have MIL suggest such a thing. Makes me feel inadequate and hopeless because I know darn well that I WILL NEVER be able do what the online prostitutes do. I thought our sex life was pretty good, WH does have a very high standard though. Good god, listen to me now trying to take her advice.

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It's not that his standards are high, it's the opposite.

It's not that he was NOT satisfied, it's that he's addicted. When you're addicted you have to do more and more to fuel it. He will end up wanting things that no respectable woman would do.

Yeah, do NOT take her advice.

One year becomes two, two years becomes five, five becomes ten and before you know it, you've wasted your whole life on a problem you can't solve. That's one way to spend your life. -rwinger

I will not spend my life this way.
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If she thinks you falling in line with an army of skanks is going to make your WH satisfied she couldn't be more deluded.

Pep's link how porn addicts see women as objects is , spot on. There is no way that becoming a mindless faceless object, no different to the rest, is going to help you beat this thing.

MiL is spinning through a list of crackpot theories right now. If she's lucky she will land on the right one. If not its not your job to educate her.

Honestly her suggestion makes me ill for you. Its like voluntary abuse.

WH obviously has had a poor pattern for marriage in front of him: A wayward and a martyr of an enabler.

Originally Posted by Hoping1183
WH does have a very high standard though..

See Pep's list again for a more accurate description off his standards.

What about YOUR standards for a good sex life?

If mama keeps on like this, she's gonna wind up with one of them whuores in her family for real.

Originally Posted by Hoping1183
Makes me feel inadequate and hopeless because I know darn well that I WILL NEVER be able do what the online prostitutes do. .

Course not. Its not possible to google your brand of sexiness and classiness. It can't be bought with cash. It must be earned and reciprocated by a good man, honestly passionate not cheaply lustful. If WH isn't up to the job, hell have to settle for the cheap imitations.

Originally Posted by Hoping1183
I am freaking out. Very depressed, constantly feel panicked. The only time I feel better is when WH calls to say something nice or I am distracted by friends and family.

Do it! An important part of Plan A is self care. Make your friends coddle you. Demand laid back fun,be nice to yourself.

See a doctor if you need to, many BSs do. Plan A must stop if you feel at all strained, because it can make you ill. Even a few days plan A is enough if (as you have) used carrot and stick.

Originally Posted by Hoping1183
the thought of losing WH, going back to him, having future relapse all have me feeling like my world is crashing down around me..

We would NEVER let you go back to a wayward husband, only a repentant husband.

We would NEVER let you have a FR.

Plan A will either get you a repentant H or give you the knowledge you gave the marriage your all.

Plan B will either see WH miss the needs you meet so much it will give him a reason to change....or it will heal you so all this hurts less. Honestly, Plan B has made me so happy, so well.

Keep calm, keep to your plans. They cover all eventualities.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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Hoping, see a doc and maybe getting a short-term prescription for anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds is a VERY wise idea. You won't make good decisions in panic (or depressed) mode!

Good lord, your MIL really is dysfunctional!

Whatever you are doing, I hope you are not letting on to WH that you are mentally at his beck and call. He does NOT need to know or feel that he has you on the hook like this.

So sorry for your pain, Hoping. I have been there; I know it's not fun. Just understand that "this too shall pass" and you WILL make it through this.

"The #1 reason why people give up so quickly is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go, rather than how far they've gotten."

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Instead of insisting on a polygraph, why don't you make counseling with Steve Harley a condition?
Then Steve can be the bad guy that insists on a polygraph.
And he can explain why your WH should WANT to do one.

Eventually you can explain your "need to know" to WH this way:

Joseph's Letter.


"To Whomever,

"I know you are feeling the pain of guilt and confusion. I understand that you wish all this never happened and that you wish it would just go away. I can even believe that you truly love me and that your indiscretion hurts you emotionally much the same way it hurts me. I understand your apprehension to me discovering little by little, everything that led up to your indiscretion, everything that happened that night, and everything that happened afterwards. I understand. No one wants to have a mistake or misjudgment thrown in his or her face repeatedly. No one wants to be forced to "look" at the thing that caused all their pain over and over again. I can actually see, that through your eyes, you are viewing this whole thing as something that just needs to go away, something that is over, that he/she doesn't mean anything to you, so why is it such a big issue? I can understand you wondering why I torture myself with this continuously, and thinking, doesn't he/she know by now that I love him/her? I can see how you can feel this way and how frustrating it must be. But for the remainder of this letter I'm going to ask you to view my reality through my eyes.

"You were there. There is no detail left out from your point of view. Like a puzzle, you have all the pieces and you are able to reconstruct them and be able to understand the whole picture, the whole message, or the whole meaning. You know exactly what that picture is and what it means to you and if it can effect your life and whether or not it continues to stir your feelings. You have the pieces, the tools, and the knowledge. You can move through your life with 100% of the picture you compiled. If you have any doubts, then at least you're carrying all the information in your mind and you can use it to derive conclusions or answers to your doubts or question. You carry all the "STUFF" to figure out OUR reality. There isn't really any information, or pieces to the puzzle that you don't have.

"Now let's enter my reality. Let's both agree that this affects our lives equally. The outcome no matter what it is will affect us both. Our future and our present circumstances are every bit as important to me as it is to you. So, why then is it okay for me to be left in the dark? Do I not deserve to know as much about the night that nearly destroyed our relationship as you do? Just like you, I am also able to discern the meaning of certain particulars and innuendoes of that night and just like you, I deserve to be given the opportunity to understand what nearly brought our relationship down. To assume that I can move forward and accept everything at face value is unrealistic and unless we stop thinking unrealistically I doubt our lives well ever "feel" complete. You have given me a puzzle. It is a 1000 piece puzzle and 400 random pieces are missing. You expect me to assemble the puzzle without the benefit of looking at the picture on the box. You expect me to be able to discern what I am looking at and to appreciate it in the same context as you. You want me to be as comfortable with what I see in the picture as you are. When I ask if there was a tree in such and such area of the picture you tell me don't worry about it, it's not important. When I ask whether there were any animals in my puzzle you say don't worry about it, it's not important. When I ask if there was a lake in that big empty spot in my puzzle you say, what's the difference, it's not important. Then later when I'm expected to "understand" the picture in my puzzle you fail to understand my disorientation and confusion. You expect me to feel the same way about the picture as you do but deny me the same view as you. When I express this problem you feel compelled to admonish me for not understanding it, for not seeing it the way you see it. You wonder why I can't just accept whatever you chose to describe to me about the picture and then be able to feel the same way you feel about it.

"So, you want me to be okay with everything. You think you deserve to know and I deserve to wonder. You may honestly feel that the whole picture, everything that happened is insignificant because in your heart you know it was a mistake and wish it never happened. But how can I know that? Faith? Because you told me so? Would you have faith if the tables were turned? Don't you understand that I want to believe you completely? But how can I? I can never know what is truly in your mind and heart. I can only observe you actions, and what information I have acquired and slowly, over time rebuild my faith in your feelings. I truly wish it were easier.

"So, there it is, as best as I can put it. That is why I ask questions. That is where my need to know is derived from. And that is why it is unfair for you to think that we can effectively move forward and unfair for you to accuse me of dwelling on the past. My need to know stems from my desire to hold our world together. It doesn't come from jealousy, it doesn't come from spitefulness, and it doesn't come from a desire to make you suffer. It comes from the fact that I love you. Why else would I put myself through this? Wouldn't it be easier for me to walk away? Wouldn't it be easier to consider our relationship a bad mistake in my life and to move on to better horizons? Of course it would, but I can't and the reason I can't is because I love you and that reason in itself makes all the difference in the world."

(end of Joseph's Letter)

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What the heck does MIL know about her son's issues and sex life?!

She is a crackpot for sure, unless she knows something even more sinister that would be revealed in a polygraph and is afraid of it being revealed...........

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Thanks for the letter, that is very helpful. I like your idea about letting Steve Harley tell WH to do the polygraph. I AM SICK OF BEING THE BAD GUY. I'm sick of all of it, actually, I need to take a few days off from everything and just do what I feel like, which may be just doing nothing at all.
I have an appointment with my doctor next week and now have a lovely counselor whom I will hopefully be able to see this week. I feel like a sick person, this is so sad to me. I am normally happy, energetic, and fun loving. This is killing me.

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Don't Plan A much longer if you feel unwell. Start making your preps for plan B, living arrangements will be no sweat for you, the main thing will be getting you a good intermediary who will act as a go between for you and WH. It should be someone neutral and calm.We have an IMtraining thread on here.

Sidebar - would your divorcing WH have any kind of effect on his right to stay in the country? Just curious.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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Hoping, your WH's behaviour has NOTHING to do with what you did or didn't do in bed. Your MIL may have been a victim, or perpetrator of adultery herself. Often times, waywards believe that it is the BSs fault. Often times, Bss believe that it is a BSs fault. It's NOT.

Take everyone's advice on here and take care of yourself. You have a long road ahead of you, either way, and you will need to be as strong as possible to deal with it.

BW(Me)aka Scotty:37
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Praying for walls and doors. Thanx MM

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Originally Posted by indiegirl
Don't Plan A much longer if you feel unwell. Start making your preps for plan B, living arrangements will be no sweat for you, the main thing will be getting you a good intermediary who will act as a go between for you and WH. It should be someone neutral and calm.We have an IMtraining thread on here.

Sidebar - would your divorcing WH have any kind of effect on his right to stay in the country? Just curious.

No, WH is a US citizen now.

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[quote=indiegirl]Don't Plan A much longer if you feel unwell. Start making your preps for plan B, living arrangements will be no sweat for you, the main thing will be getting you a good intermediary who will act as a go between for you and WH. It should be someone neutral and calm.We have an IMtraining thread on here.

I see what you're saying but I don't think Plan B will help me feel better. I feel a bit better when I talk to WH and he his nice to me. I will stick it out to do a Plan A in person when I go down to visit in 2 weeks. After that we will see.

I think I will change the polygraph condition to counseling with Steve Harley, which someone suggested would take the pressure off of me because he will insist on it. I haven't been up for anything lately so I haven't done the email with the conditions in it. I'm hoping or strength to do this later but right now I just need to rest.

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Originally Posted by Hoping1183
Originally Posted by indiegirl
Don't Plan A much longer if you feel unwell. Start making your preps for plan B, living arrangements will be no sweat for you, the main thing will be getting you a good intermediary who will act as a go between for you and WH. It should be someone neutral and calm.We have an IMtraining thread on here.

Sidebar - would your divorcing WH have any kind of effect on his right to stay in the country? Just curious.

No, WH is a US citizen now.

I thought it might explain MILs panicky need to slap you two together in a dysfunctional marriage with lots of 'crazy' glue.

I guess she's just nuts.

Last edited by indiegirl; 03/13/12 08:04 AM.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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Originally Posted by Hoping1183
I see what you're saying but I don't think Plan B will help me feel better. I feel a bit better when I talk to WH and he his nice to me. I will stick it out to do a Plan A in person when I go down to visit in 2 weeks. After that we will see.

Be very careful here. WH may say nice, affectionate things but you are not supposed to be running the plans on your emotions. They have to be stuck to by the letter and ruled by logic.

It's the wayward that has their love bank pumped up, not you.

If you feel strong, carry on for a MAXIMUM of three weeks. If not, cut it short.

You're always going to desire your husbands kind words. That cant be a reason to stay in Plan A. You'd be in Plan A forever.

For one thing, Plan A is rarely enough on its own. Most often Plan B is also required to give the WS a 'contrast effect' between having needs met well - then none at all.

That is not the main point of Plan B though. It is to protect your health, well being and to protect you from a FR.

Besides which, you are supposed to be only accepting what he DOES not what he SAYS as caring gestures. Words are cheap.

If you feel strong enough to go down and Plan A well, then fine.

But if you at all feel weak, or needy or like it's too much - you won't be able to do a good job. Being needy is a love buster and you'll make yourself sick.

If you can put your feelings in a box, and work on logic for a short time (three weeks) you're ok. (Just like you put your fears in a box to do exposure) But if you're doing this to hear kind words, you may need to cut it short.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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I agree wholeheartedly with Indie's point: you sound too emotional right now to effectively plan A.

Have you really looked at what Plan A is versus what it isn't? A lot of people have misconceptions about it. You have to be very strong to plan A right!

"The #1 reason why people give up so quickly is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go, rather than how far they've gotten."

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Definitely not feeling "strong" right now. Want to crawl into bed and stay there all day. Very sad, but anxiety has lessened a bit. I break down crying when I try to talk to WH on the phone, I know that doesn't help.
I really want to give Plan A a shot though, I'm scared that if I Plan B it's all over and we'll never get back together.

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Your fears about Plan B are normal. The highest risk to marital recovery right now though is YOU. You will lose ALL of your LB for your WH and you won't want to reconcile with him.

Are you ready to settle for crumbs for the rest of your life? Aren't you worth more than the crumbs your WH is offering you?

BW(Me)aka Scotty:37
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So is it recommended to go straight to plan B? WH may agree to my conditions but I haven't had enough energy to send them to him, just sick taking action, want to rest for a while and do nothing. What if he agrees to conditions?

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I believe that we were suggesting that you do a SHORT PLan A, as suggested by DrH.

He will not only need to agree to your conditions, he will need to start DOING. Actions speak much louder than words, expecially around here.

BW(Me)aka Scotty:37
DSx2: 10,12
Plan B Dec18/09
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Praying for walls and doors. Thanx MM

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? Maya Angelou


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Originally Posted by Hoping1183
I break down crying when I try to talk to WH on the phone, I know that doesn't help.

Are you engaging in discussions? Keep your interactions short, like a drive by. When weak appear strong in Plan A. If you can't Plan A cooly then don't take his calls.

Originally Posted by Hoping1183
I'm scared that if I Plan B it's all over and we'll never get back together.

Its not YOUR responsibilty to save the marriage he torpedoed. You're only responsibility is to show him what he can have EN wise (which you've done) and to keep a high standard. He must come to you. He must meet your bar.

In Plan B the door is not locked. He still has the same opportunity to get the M back. You are simply holding fast to your standards.

It really is his responsibilty to prove to you he has changed.

Don't worry about 'saving' him. He's a big boy and will either step up or remain a danger.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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Yay! Savoring small victory today.
WH enthusiastically agreed to counseling with Steve Harley and no female friends. I will bring up the other conditions later. Baby steps.

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