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#2609097 03/24/12 12:05 PM
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catwhit Offline OP
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I discovered 5 days ago that my husband has been having an emotional affair with a co-worker, for 5 months. I sent an email to OW saying I had discovered the affair, when he was reluctant to do so. He has now committed to ending their non-work contact, and has sent the ending letter to OW with my approval. He says he loves me and is committed to making our marriage work. He has had no further contact with her. However, neither of them can leave the workplace yet, nor for several months. They do not work closely together, but are likely to see each other every three or four days in the course of their workday.
My husband is having extreme difficulty getting closure. He has two key questions for his lover, why didn't she break off with her long distance boyfriend during their affair? And was she truly in love with my WS, or just infatuated/stringing him along? I understand his need for closure, but I can not endorse his idea that he should meet with her to ask these questions. Is there some other way he can ask her these questions that will not joepardize our marriage? Perhaps a meeting with a therapist present, or a telephone call?
I want to help him, but can not encourage contact.

Last edited by Fireproof; 01/05/13 07:19 PM. Reason: Change title per OP request

Me: BW, 57 fWH: 63 (Taffy1) Serial cheater
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I suggest you read Surviving An Affair.

You are making several critical mistakes here. First of all, your husband will always continue an emotional (if not physical) connection for as long as he continues to work with her. He or she must quit. It's not an option.

Second, WHY are you encouraging him to seek "closure" with his affair partner?? He is MOCKING you in your face by wanting to ask her such questions. You are encouraging your husband to seek a further emotional connection with her and wondering if it will jeopardize your marriage?

Third, you assume this is an emotional affair and you seem to believe what your husband is telling you. That is a fatal error. Your husband is almost certainly lying to you.

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He is still extremely foggy and very wayward ... which makes him dangerous.

He is madly in love with her, and it is likely physical.

The reason she never broke it off with her boyfriend is because she is a freeloader and skank wrapped up all in one. She was just using your WH, and unfortunately he fell in love.

He cannot ever see her again. The chance this heats up is quick, and if you want to save your marriage he has to go No Contact for life.

He needs to find a new job immediately. Your marriage will not survive any contact.

Get your Plan A going immediately. Meet all his EN's and immediately work to get him out of that job.

Part of Plan A is Exposure. You will need to expose to his work (bosses, colleagues, her bosses, her colleagues, her family, her boyfriend, her friends, WH's family and friends.)

That will be the only way to end this sordid adultery once and for all.

1) No Contact for Life
2) Radical Honesty
3) 20+ hours of Need meeting (intimate EN's)


Last edited by PrayIncessantly; 03/24/12 12:16 PM.
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This article by Dr. Harley is almost identical to yours.

The WH works with his OW and they continue their affair.

Please read and ask questions.

I'm sorry for the reason you find yourself here but you can recover your marriage. How to Survive an Affair

FWW/BW (me)
2nd M for both
Blended Family with 7 kids between us
Too much hurt and pain on both sides that my brain hurts just thinking about it all.

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Originally Posted by catwhit
I discovered 5 days ago that my husband has been having an emotional affair with a co-worker, for 5 months. I sent an email to OW saying I had discovered the affair, when he was reluctant to do so. He has now committed to ending their non-work contact, and has sent the ending letter to OW with my approval. He says he loves me and is committed to making our marriage work. He has had no further contact with her. However, neither of them can leave the workplace yet, nor for several months. They do not work closely together, but are likely to see each other every three or four days in the course of their workday.
My husband is having extreme difficulty getting closure. He has two key questions for his lover, why didn't she break off with her long distance boyfriend during their affair? And was she truly in love with my WS, or just infatuated/stringing him along? I understand his need for closure, but I can not endorse his idea that he should meet with her to ask these questions. Is there some other way he can ask her these questions that will not joepardize our marriage? Perhaps a meeting with a therapist present, or a telephone call?
I want to help him, but can not encourage contact.

You should tell him that he will be getting no "CLOSURE". "Closure" is a manipulative ploy of the wayward to resume contact. Usually with the endorsement of gullible betrayed spouse.

See, "closure" means you END CONTACT, not that you resume contact. So it is silly to suggest that one "CLOSES" by opening that door. Tell him this won't happen. It is not even negotiable.

And secondly, your marriage will never recover as long as they continue to see each other at work. This is like the alcoholic going to the bar 3 to 4 times a week and having drinks. All you have done here is change the name of his affair to "business" contact, but the outcome is the same. If an alcoholic changes the name of his drinks to " business drinks" he will still be drunk,

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally Posted by catwhit
I want to help him, but can not encourage contact.

The way to help him is to DEMAND there be no contact for life. If he will not end contact for life, then you need to separate from him because he will cause you enormous mental and physical damage by abusing you in this manner.

He needs to leave that job, catwhit. Can he go to his boss, tell him about this affair and ask for a transfer?

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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He has two key questions for his lover, why didn't she break off with her long distance boyfriend during their affair?
Seriously? He's cheating on his wife and he wants to know why his lover wasn't exclusive to him? Unbelievable.

Listen to the folks here.

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Originally Posted by catwhit
I discovered 5 days ago that my husband has been having an emotional affair with a co-worker, for 5 months. I sent an email to OW saying I had discovered the affair, when he was reluctant to do so. He has now committed to ending their non-work contact, and has sent the ending letter to OW with my approval. He says he loves me and is committed to making our marriage work. He has had no further contact with her. However, neither of them can leave the workplace yet, nor for several months. They do not work closely together, but are likely to see each other every three or four days in the course of their workday.
My husband is having extreme difficulty getting closure. He has two key questions for his lover, why didn't she break off with her long distance boyfriend during their affair? And was she truly in love with my WS, or just infatuated/stringing him along? I understand his need for closure, but I can not endorse his idea that he should meet with her to ask these questions. Is there some other way he can ask her these questions that will not joepardize our marriage? Perhaps a meeting with a therapist present, or a telephone call?
I want to help him, but can not encourage contact.
Catwhit, let me tell you a few things from the vantage point of a formerly wayward husband. Because I've seen an affair & affair-withdrawal from the inside, and there are some things you really need to understand about it, which you currently don't fully understand. (And I 100%, bet-your-house, guarantee you that your husband doesn't understand yet, either.) If you want to have a chance to kill this affair & perhaps save your marriage, then please, I beg you, listen up. Six thoughts + some conclusions for you:

1--Your husband doesn't need "closure." "Closure" is a myth. It's a horse$*** concept that was invented by & perpetuated by wayward-minded people looking for excuses to continue inappropriately intimate relationships (conversational and/or otherwise) that they should never have entered into in the first place. Ma'am, it's not really answers he wants from her, so much as it's the conversation itself, it's the attention she gives him. It is flat-out wrong for him to be speaking with another woman about her personal life, period! It is none of his damned business; just as his personal life is none of her damned business. Your husband doesn't get this! And until he gets it, your marriage will remain in exceedingly grave peril.

2--Right now, your husband is at least temporarily one of the very stupidest men on the entire planet. (As a former member of that society myself, I know 'em when I hear about 'em.) If your husband were not temporarily that stupid, then it would be no mystery or cause for wonder to him that a woman who'd have no compunction about pursuing an affair with another woman's husband would have no reservations whatsoever about keeping another boyfriend on the side as well. That's simply what sleazy-acting women with poor boundaries do -- they act sleazy & respect no boundaries! Duh! doh2 This should not require a master's degree -- or any further conversation -- for him to figure out! It is not rocket science!

3--Affairs are addictions. In your husband's case, he's no doubt infatuated with (read: addicted to) the cheap admiration, attention, and other goodies provided by his affair-partner. I know. I've been there. But the way you break an addiction is, you stop contact with the addictive thing. You don't help an alcoholic by giving him another bottle of bourbon for "closure" with alcohol, and you don't help a cocaine addict by letting him have one last snort of crack. So why in the world would you buy into the idea that anything good can come of (entirely mythical) so-called "closure"? (Answer: Because you don't understand that for all practical purposes, right down to brain-chemistry impact, affairs are addictions.)

4--A state of "No contact" is not just highly desirable, but crucial. Once you understand that affairs are addictions, then you may & ought to realize something else even more fundamental: It's completely ridiculous for either your husband or you to expect that he can remain in regular contact with the OW and NOT have this damage or destroy your marriage. As a man who had an affair myself -- and who at one point tried to break it off while still remaining in regular contact with the other woman (she went to the same church as my wife & I) and experienced firsthand just how well that works [not!] -- let me caution you that this situation that you're in is an absolute train-wreck waiting to happen. It's good to hear you say that you feel that you can't encourage contact, but I don't think you understand yet just how crucial strict no-contact is for ending an affair in such a way so that it stays dead.

5--Given the above, one of the two of them must leave that job. Not in "several months." Rather, ASAP. That's all there is to it. Don't tell me they "can't." His leaving the workplace for several months will likely leave you & your husband in a lot less of a hole financially than what the two of you will end up paying for a pair of family-lawyers' retainers plus the cost of separate residences prior to your divorce -- I mean it, Google it, see what that stuff costs. And that, my friend, is exactly where you're headed if you tolerate their working together & seeing one another once every 3 or 4 days. (As far as you know, that is... maybe it will be more frequently. It sure won't help your marriage for you to be always wondering; you'll never be able to feel emotionally safe under those circumstances.) And while we're talking about money, forget counseling for the moment. As long as he's in regular contact with the affair-partner, counseling will be a waste of money, and of your time.

6--Your husband has no respect for you & your feelings whatsoever. If he did, he would not stomp on your wounded heart by whining to you about how he feels jealous and betrayed and strung-along. He would see that the sheer volume of irony in his expressing those thoughts to you, after what he has been putting you through, is enough to fill the Pacific Ocean seven times over.

What this all suggests, ma'am, is that you need to put your foot down and tell your husband what my wife told me on the day I confessed my affair to her (see 2nd quote below in red text.) That was her showing me some steel that I could respect. You need to give your husband the shock of his life & put him in a spot where he needs to make some choices, because right now, he doesn't think the situation is all that serious. As someone who's been there, I'm sorry to tell you, it is as serious as a heart-attack, as far as your marriage is concerned.

If you've got questions, ask me, catwhit. I'm not here to be harsh on you. I'm here as a guy who's walked on the same awful ground your husband is stumbling across, and it put my wife through indescribable pain that she never deserved, and damned-near cost me just about everything I hold dear in my life. I don't get paid a single penny for sitting here typing to you on my day off -- I should be at the batting cages now. But I don't want to see your husband taking the risk he's taking with your marriage, and I don't want to see you suffer the full range of what I put my wife through.

Think on what I have said. If you haven't done so, please get the book "Surviving An Affair" -- it may well have saved my marriage, and my wife has also said as much.

Me: FWH, 50
My BW: Trust_Will_Come, 52, tall, beautiful & heart of gold
DD23, DS19
EA-then-PA Oct'08-Jan'09
Broke it off & confessed to BW (after OW's H found out) Jan.7 2009
Married 25 years & counting.
Grateful for forgiveness. Working to be a better husband.
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Originally Posted by catwhit
He has two key questions for his lover, why didn't she break off with her long distance boyfriend during their affair? And was she truly in love with my WS, or just infatuated/stringing him along?

He is telling you his wife, that he wishes his mistress had been more in love with him?

That he wants to have a cosy tete a tete with her to discuss his endless love with her in more depth?

You must hardly be able to breathe for the pain.

What if he were to actually do this foolhardy thing and skankho responded "Well I could say the same. Why didn't you end things with your wife? Were you in love with me or just infatuated? Prove yourself to me and let's dump our other halves! I've been pining for you too, schmoopie."

The problem is the A addiction to his cheapo mistress is triggered multiple times a week when he sees her at work. Its like pouring whisky in front of an alcoholic and expecting him not to drink.

Your husband is half a hairs breadth from taking that drink, with or without your permission. You see his desperation and it has made you desperate in turn.

If he cuts all contact ASAP he will get through the withdrawal period.

If he were through withdrawal he would not be repeatedly stabbing you in the back with his cruel pinings for a POSOW.

Its withdrawal, you need - not 'closure'

You need exposure to jolt him out the fog and into reality. Read Exposure 101

Last edited by indiegirl; 03/24/12 02:18 PM.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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Originally Posted by GloveOil
6--Your husband has no respect for you & your feelings whatsoever. If he did, he would not stomp on your wounded heart by whining to you about how he feels jealous and betrayed and strung-along. He would see that the sheer volume of irony in his expressing those thoughts to you, after what he has been putting you through, is enough to fill the Pacific Ocean seven times over.



Last edited by MBLBanker; 03/24/12 02:30 PM.
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Originally Posted by indiegirl
Its withdrawal, you need - not 'closure'...
Indiegirl has put it very well. Worth repeating for emphasis, and well worth keeping in mind & putting into practice, catwhit.

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My husband is having extreme difficulty getting closure. He has two key questions for his lover, why didn't she break off with her long distance boyfriend during their affair? And was she truly in love with my WS, or just infatuated/stringing him along? I understand his need for closure, but I can not endorse his idea that he should meet with her to ask these questions. Is there some other way he can ask her these questions that will not joepardize our marriage? Perhaps a meeting with a therapist present, or a telephone call?
Your WH's silly questions are the result of his continued existence in a fogged-out state of waywardness. We have a whole thread devoted strictly to the idiot things that waywards say because they're so common. And they're all hurtful to the BS who has to hear them.

This has to end. Unfortunately, you're allowing the one thing that will guarantee it to continue: their continued employment together at that job.

That won't work, cat. Your WH will be in a perpetual state of fog if they continue to work together. He will be triggered every time he sees her. YOU will be in a constant state of worry and stress, each time he leaves for work: you will wonder, "Is today the day the affair reignites?"

Question: if you knew for a fact that your husband's work building was going to blow up one day next week, would you risk letting him go on Monday? Tuesday? ANY day? You are risking the explosion of your marriage in the same way if you permit their continued contact at work. And they WILL be in contact. It's like that for waywards. They're addicts, and the other person is their drug. They won't be able to resist getting their 'fix'.

Last edited by maritalbliss; 03/24/12 02:42 PM.

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The word Lover implies romance or intimacy .

This is not what an affair partner is. An affair partner is the person who willingly helps him attack his marriage and family. That's not a loving action.

Thanks for all the support along the way.
I wish you all well. I'm outta here.
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Originally Posted by catwhit
I want to help him,

There's a huge difference between 'help' and 'enable', cat

WH: I want to do something massively damaging that will shred our marriage beyond all repair and likely restart an A, for 'closure' ok?

An enabler says: "OK, you're scaring me to death and I'm frozen with fear so I'm going to hold my breath and hope."

A helper says: "No way, buddy. If you want to hurt our family I'm not going to help. Ill help you rebuild the marriage. That's all I will do."

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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Catwhit, this sounds exactly EXACTLY like me during my affair. I said I wanted closure too, and begged for it like a drug addict on crack.

I'm guessing if you expose (did you read Melody's Exposure link yet ??), she will throw your husband under the bus in the blink of an eye.

From your husband's comments, he loves or is in love this woman. I'm sorry. As a wayward myself, I can tell you that every time he even sees her car in the work parking lot, he is going to want her. It really IS that serious.

Does he have a previous history with this woman ? Is she an old girlfriend of his ?

I do not know the pain of being a betrayed spouse like you. But I can help you with the wayward mindset. Glove Oil is the best, and a man, and fully recovered. I am a woman and only 6 months past d-day.

Sorry you are here.

me: FWW/BW
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We made it.
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Thanks, all... I have taken to heart all your advice. Special thanks to Glove Oil... Now get out there to those batting cages....
WH has agreed that he needs to get away from this job. We are in the process of getting him set up in the next job. Likely some salary loss, but big marital payoffs...
Huge relief for me...

Me: BW, 57 fWH: 63 (Taffy1) Serial cheater
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Originally Posted by catwhit
Thanks, all... I have taken to heart all your advice. Special thanks to Glove Oil... Now get out there to those batting cages....
WH has agreed that he needs to get away from this job. We are in the process of getting him set up in the next job. Likely some salary loss, but big marital payoffs...
Huge relief for me...
Keep us posted on this, cat. Don't let him drag this out over the course of months. That would be poison for your marriage. We've had too many posters here who lost their marriage because the WH and OW continued to work together. My sitch was the same: my husband had an office affair. He says that there was NO WAY he could have ended it with her if her husband hadn't made her quit the job. He was addicted. He thought they could still sneak around. puke

D-Day 2-10-2009
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Uh cat it sounds very much like you aren't going to expose and he isn't going to quit his job right away?

He is DAYS away from resuming his A if he has not already.

What snooping are you doing?

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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Originally Posted by catwhit
Thanks, all... I have taken to heart all your advice. Special thanks to Glove Oil... Now get out there to those batting cages....
WH has agreed that he needs to get away from this job. We are in the process of getting him set up in the next job. Likely some salary loss, but big marital payoffs...
Huge relief for me...

And how are you handling the "closure" ploy? Did you put a stop to that crap?

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

Exposure 101

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With further discussion, my husband agrees he must leave the job. He contacted a former boss (same company, other side of the continent) to persue a job offer that was offered a few weeks back (lateral move, likely reduced pay.) I listened in on WH's discussion with former boss. This is a definite go ahead. WH explained he was doing this to save his marriage, though did not exactly openly say it was an affair.
Ironically, former boss had jokingly asked WH a few weeks back if he had a girlfriend, as WH has recently lost 30 lbs, bought new clothes, etc. I will be writing former boss to reiterate urgency.
WH will be away on business (out of the country, but also nowhere near OW) for next two weeks. By the time he gets back, new job should be in place.

I discovered affair 6 days ago while WH and I were on vacation. I have been with WH 100% of the time since, and WH has been working through steps with me to end affair and fix our marriage and, now, relocate. However, I will not be able to go on this trip with him and I am concerned about his mental state for two weeks while I will not be in his physical presence.

OW and WH do not work for the same company. OW's company is an engineering firm working on WH's company's mega project. WH has an office in the offices of OW's company. But I have no contacts in OW's company.

I have not exposed to WH's company, because we need them to okay the job transfer for WH's move across the country.

Me: BW, 57 fWH: 63 (Taffy1) Serial cheater
Presently on the Recovery Road, in the Online program.
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