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Originally Posted by MelodyLane
"I would consider taking it down if my XH paid his child support and the OW and my H issued a public apology to me and my children [cc sent to all of OW's 400 facebook friends] for dragging us through holy hell in pursuit of their filthy affair."

Oh, so AWESOME, Melody! About time those tables got turned, isn't it? I think I may just pass that along. smile You are so very right! (As always. Your hubby knows that, correct? Just checkin) grin

Married: 22 years
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DD 8/09
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Originally Posted by rainysweet
So, someone in rodent's family told me that rodent told her BH a few days ago that if he doesn't get the website down she will commit suicide. Ya think? Nah . . . what would she do without herself? How would the sun come up in the morning? 'Scuse the cynicism. Her manipulation tactics never cease.

I am chuckling to myself just thinking about the conversations between the OW and your XH! It has to all be about that webpage. And since you are no longer around to lovebust, they only have each other to lovebust! All her caterwauling has probably replaced any romance. grin I bet your X gets sick of hearing that crap soon enough..

I wonder what is wrong the webpage? It is just pictures of her with her "soulmate." stickout

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally Posted by rainysweet
I love this place! Thanks for all the happy thoughts. hug Wish we really could road trip together, drop off care packages . . .

So, someone in rodent's family told me that rodent told her BH a few days ago that if he doesn't get the website down she will commit suicide. Ya think? Nah . . . what would she do without herself? How would the sun come up in the morning? 'Scuse the cynicism. Her manipulation tactics never cease.

I suppose if she hadn't driven my teenage son to actually attempt it twice, maybe I'd feel sorry for her. Maybe not.

As if BH could get the site down. Give me a break. Can't believe she's resorted to him, trying to get him to get her family to contact me to force me to take it down. Oh, and I'm crazy. I am sooooo crazy - she wants him to make sure her family knows that. ?????? Darn right I am. Getting this CRAZY care package ready for you right now, princess rodent. Hahahaha:) Wonder what's up? Maybe the batteries to her pinoke remote control have burned out. Or perhaps she's realizing he actually cannot deliver when I refuse to be controlled by their garbage. This actually makes me a bit happy. The plot thickens . . .

If she wants it down that badly, why doesn't she just get pinoke to pay his dang child support and leave my kids alone? Oh, I forget. She wants fistfuls of cake from every pastry on the banquet table - over and over, everywhere - can't possibly stop stuffing her face with CAKE long enough to turn on her tiny brain!


Pink ribbons going on the rat tail - stat! DS17 said its brains kinda blew out. Head is still attached. I think it goes along nicely with the whole metaphor - the brains blowing out I mean. Perhaps we can find an American Girl doll tiara that would fit the thing, cover up the unfortunate no brains situation. And I think we should put a big pink-frosted-with-raspberry-filling CAKE in this awesome care package too. Wouldn't Letty's purple beetles look pretty on top? smile

OMG rainy, i soooooo love the plan b you! you are a girl after my own heart. the image of her (looking somewhat like the blueberry girl in charlie in the chocolate factory) stuffing her face with all this cake, without a merry mind about the mess she's leaving for the other guests! oh my!

Originally Posted by rainysweet
someone in rodent's family told me that rodent told her BH a few days ago that if he doesn't get the website down she will commit suicide.

the mean girl in me says WGA giant F? go right ahead, lady; need me to hold the stool? but that is totally mean-hearted of me. right??

don't cover up the "no brains" sitch. that's the point, right? lmao.

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Originally Posted by MelodyLane
Originally Posted by rainysweet
So, someone in rodent's family told me that rodent told her BH a few days ago that if he doesn't get the website down she will commit suicide. Ya think? Nah . . . what would she do without herself? How would the sun come up in the morning? 'Scuse the cynicism. Her manipulation tactics never cease.

I am chuckling to myself just thinking about the conversations between the OW and your XH! It has to all be about that webpage. And since you are no longer around to lovebust, they only have each other to lovebust! All her caterwauling has probably replaced any romance. grin I bet your X gets sick of hearing that crap soon enough..

I wonder what is wrong the webpage? It is just pictures of her with her "soulmate." stickout

Another brilliant point! I will remind her of that, through whichever parties approach me regarding it. "I have no idea why she's so upset." Sigh!

I feel so relieved to be out of the middle of this disaster area. I'm not around to love bust anymore, am I? Nice. I also heard that rodent herself is abusive - that her BH has scars on his arms from her, she's made his ears bleed (???), etc. Goes after her teenage son who is sadly too much like her, in physical brawls. Wow. Who knew? Sweet little meek and mild rodent.

Sparks are gonna fly when Disneyland wears off for these 2, aren't they? They can lie to, cheat on, freak out at, blame, control, manipulate, abuse and beat the crap out of each other. A "happily ever after" story that I do not care to be a part of.

Thank you all, for saving me. pray

Married: 22 years
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DD 8/09
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Originally Posted by Letty
Originally Posted by rainysweet
I love this place! Thanks for all the happy thoughts. hug Wish we really could road trip together, drop off care packages . . .

So, someone in rodent's family told me that rodent told her BH a few days ago that if he doesn't get the website down she will commit suicide. Ya think? Nah . . . what would she do without herself? How would the sun come up in the morning? 'Scuse the cynicism. Her manipulation tactics never cease.

I suppose if she hadn't driven my teenage son to actually attempt it twice, maybe I'd feel sorry for her. Maybe not.

As if BH could get the site down. Give me a break. Can't believe she's resorted to him, trying to get him to get her family to contact me to force me to take it down. Oh, and I'm crazy. I am sooooo crazy - she wants him to make sure her family knows that. ?????? Darn right I am. Getting this CRAZY care package ready for you right now, princess rodent. Hahahaha:) Wonder what's up? Maybe the batteries to her pinoke remote control have burned out. Or perhaps she's realizing he actually cannot deliver when I refuse to be controlled by their garbage. This actually makes me a bit happy. The plot thickens . . .

If she wants it down that badly, why doesn't she just get pinoke to pay his dang child support and leave my kids alone? Oh, I forget. She wants fistfuls of cake from every pastry on the banquet table - over and over, everywhere - can't possibly stop stuffing her face with CAKE long enough to turn on her tiny brain!


Pink ribbons going on the rat tail - stat! DS17 said its brains kinda blew out. Head is still attached. I think it goes along nicely with the whole metaphor - the brains blowing out I mean. Perhaps we can find an American Girl doll tiara that would fit the thing, cover up the unfortunate no brains situation. And I think we should put a big pink-frosted-with-raspberry-filling CAKE in this awesome care package too. Wouldn't Letty's purple beetles look pretty on top? smile

OMG rainy, i soooooo love the plan b you! you are a girl after my own heart. the image of her (looking somewhat like the blueberry girl in charlie in the chocolate factory) stuffing her face with all this cake, without a merry mind about the mess she's leaving for the other guests! oh my!

Originally Posted by rainysweet
someone in rodent's family told me that rodent told her BH a few days ago that if he doesn't get the website down she will commit suicide.

the mean girl in me says WGA giant F? go right ahead, lady; need me to hold the stool? but that is totally mean-hearted of me. right??

don't cover up the "no brains" sitch. that's the point, right? lmao.

You're so funny, Letty. Yes, I let the mean girl come out a bit. About time maybe. Thank you for the validation. My first thought was to wrap up a box of rat poison and mail it to her with a sweet note, "I thought maybe you could use a little help with carrying out your plan."

Like the world should end because she suddenly "wants to die" for all her humiliation. She hasn't cared who she's destroyed, or if her own kids wanted to die for the past nearly 4 years. Now we should all pull out the tissues and rush to her rescue. Give me a break!

Maybe I should text her BH, tell him to let me know when she gets up the guts to pull the plug so I can take down the website. "It's getting tiresome putting together new material. Kinda sick of looking at her rodent face. If you could just let me know when the website has done its job, that'd be great, BH. You know how we crazy people love to cross things off our to-do lists! Tell you what - when this is all over, let's you and me take all these kids out for ice cream."

Married: 22 years
Me: BW 41
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DD 8/09
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And I love the blueberry girl image! So funny! Violet? Is that her name? Anyway, hilarious. That's rodent! Cake, cake, cake! "Are you gonna finish tha-? Sorry, couldn't wait - stole it right out of your mouth. I must have it all! Give me more CAKE!!!"


Married: 22 years
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Rainy - all in fun and jest about the rat - sometimes the joking gets too serious though... Send nothing to her except for the response to her family member about the apology and never a missed child support payment - otherwise the website instantly goes back up.

Oh - and tell her family member that suicide threats should always be taken seriously, even when they're from a manipulative person and that they should turn her into the suicide prevention line and her bishop so that she can receive the intervention she's so desperately begging for...

Cafe Plan B link http://forum.marriagebuilders.com/ubbt/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2182650&page=1

The ? that made recovery possible: "Which lovebuster do I do the most that hurts the worst"?

The statement that signaled my personal recovery and the turning point in our marriage recovery: "I don't need to be married that badly!"

If you're interested in saving your relationship, you'll work on it when it's convenient. If you're committed, you'll accept no excuses.
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Good points, KA. You're right. Thanks. I like the suggestions for her family member. Actually they're good ideas.

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btw - how were the fireworks? (if you live in the town with a "crick" and a devil, we're in the same town!)

Cafe Plan B link http://forum.marriagebuilders.com/ubbt/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2182650&page=1

The ? that made recovery possible: "Which lovebuster do I do the most that hurts the worst"?

The statement that signaled my personal recovery and the turning point in our marriage recovery: "I don't need to be married that badly!"

If you're interested in saving your relationship, you'll work on it when it's convenient. If you're committed, you'll accept no excuses.
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Fireworks were fun, but freezing! I thought they might cancel them because of the wind, but they didn't. Are you speaking with a UT accent? smile Actually, that sounds familiar - by the canyon? But I'm not sure. That would be fun, though. Nice to know there are good folks close by.

Married: 22 years
Me: BW 41
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DD 8/09
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Originally Posted by rainysweet
Fireworks were fun, but freezing! I thought they might cancel them because of the wind, but they didn't. Are you speaking with a UT accent? smile Actually, that sounds familiar - by the canyon? But I'm not sure. That would be fun, though. Nice to know there are good folks close by.
Utahans have an accent? dontknow

I'm not a native Utahan but I haven't noticed the accents rainy? Is this some kind of special group that I haven't been invited to? cool

I'm just glad you're doing so well today.

I also agree with Melody on the comment about CS. If they want to make sure the CS and arrears are taken care of then the website will come down. It has to be in writing and notarized. I mean nothing personal, but you just can't trust a wayward's word on it. smirk KWIM?

FWW/BW (me)
2nd M for both
Blended Family with 7 kids between us
Too much hurt and pain on both sides that my brain hurts just thinking about it all.

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I think she meant "Devil's Creek" and said "crick" jokingly? May be wrong. Certainly, Brain, we do not have an accent. flirt

Thanks for the encouragement. It is a better day. Although, the foundation hole in the lot next door is full of rats. Might want to buy some earplugs. Just sayin.' faint (Why don't we have a "screaming" icon?) Guess God still loves me - because at least the critters are staying on their own side of the property line. If only ALL rodents would do that, right? laugh

I have sent word to pinoke through IM and told rodent's BH and informant family member - all of them that if Pinoke signed (notarized) the CS addendum to specify how & when I get paid, paid up what he owes, and left the kids and me alone -I'd take down the site. Didn't even request the apology, but may up the anty at this point. I've said nothing more - they all know the deal.

Praying for A of A to come through tomorrow. pray Hoping that inspires some reasonableness. If it sets off some lovebuster bombs too, so much the better.

Married: 22 years
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At this point, I think you really don't have much to lose by taking it down. Everyone who you WANT to know about it already does, right?

One year becomes two, two years becomes five, five becomes ten and before you know it, you've wasted your whole life on a problem you can't solve. That's one way to spend your life. -rwinger

I will not spend my life this way.
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Originally Posted by MelodyLane
"I would consider taking it down if my XH paid his child support and the OW and my H issued a public apology to me and my children [cc sent to all of OW's 400 facebook friends] for dragging us through holy hell in pursuit of their filthy affair."

Amazing idea!

Originally Posted by karmasrose
At this point, I think you really don't have much to lose by taking it down. Everyone who you WANT to know about it already does, right?

I agree. In Plan B you dont think about him at all, or worry about fighting the A. It's for other people to worry about them now. They look after themselves. And each other, god help them. You dont even have thought room in your head for this stuff.

The thing with the website is it encourages people to get in touch with you, and you dont even want to hear anything about him in Plan B.

So it prob is time for it to come down, unless a worried family memeber wants to look after it or use it to bust up the fog. Of course the APs dont know about Plan B and your withdrawal from the matter, so you should dress it up as though you would be doing them a huge favour.

If people like her sister want pics etc of them however, there's nothing stopping them from taking copies off the webpage before it closes is there?

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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Originally Posted by BrainHurts
I also agree with Melody on the comment about CS. If they want to make sure the CS and arrears are taken care of then the website will come down. It has to be in writing and notarized. I mean nothing personal, but you just can't trust a wayward's word on it. smirk KWIM?

Please note that I said she would "consider." She will "consider" it IF he pays CS and if they send an apology to all 400 of OW's facebook friends. Doesn't say she will actually DO it!!

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally Posted by karmasrose
At this point, I think you really don't have much to lose by taking it down. Everyone who you WANT to know about it already does, right?

That website is driving the OW crazy, which is a good thing! She can use it as leverage and should use it that way as long as it is convenient for her. The worst possible reason to take it down is because it drives the OW crazy. And why would it bother her? What is wrong with it?

Rainy, what is her problem with the website? Is she saying there is something wrong with her affair?

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally Posted by MelodyLane
Originally Posted by BrainHurts
I also agree with Melody on the comment about CS. If they want to make sure the CS and arrears are taken care of then the website will come down. It has to be in writing and notarized. I mean nothing personal, but you just can't trust a wayward's word on it. smirk KWIM?

Please note that I said she would "consider." She will "consider" it IF he pays CS and if they send an apology to all 400 of OW's facebook friends. Doesn't say she will actually DO it!!

VERY Art of War!!!!

Originally Posted by MelodyLane
The worst possible reason to take it down is because it drives the OW crazy. And why would it bother her? What is wrong with it?

Oh no, that's no reason to take it down. All actions in Plan B are for the BSs benefit only. OW can twist in the wind and accept whatever consequences come her way.

I'm a bit concerned though that Rainy's plan could be a bit darker. At this point we shouldnt even be discussing OW - we should be talking about Rainy. She seems to be hearing a lot of whining from the APs' enablers, which are not her business in Plan B.

In fact wasnt the whole point of the webiste that she not have to deal with people directly?

How accessible are you Rainy? Are these people able to freely message you on Facebook? It might be time to raise the castle walls again. You dont need to hear this stuff.

Its fairly normal at the start of your Plan B, but those holes need plugging up. Enablers get Plan B'd too.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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Melody and Indie -

I quit communicating with BH a week or so ago, after I told him to get her to have pinoke keep his own promises. Told him not to contact me again.

Blocked all in-laws, except my BIL and SIL who have helped and supported me, so can't hear anymore from them. Blocked anyone who sent a negative response to me.

The only person I have still heard from in the last several days is rodent's niece. She and her mom and family are very supportive of ME. She was actually very encouraging to me personally, wanted to know how I and the kids were. Expressed a lot of support throughout the family for me and what I'm doing. She gave me that update as a side note.

She also said her mom wanted to recommend Dr. Harley's book His Needs, Her Needs to me - that she had met someone months ago on a plane who told her Dr. H. pulled him out of a lengthy affair and helped him repair his 25-year marriage. Didn't sound like she had read his books herself, just knew he helped troubled marriages and dealing with affairs.

I told her I've read them and am following them, but said nothing about MB. I don't think her mom knows about this site, and I doubt she'd try to find it if she did. She pretty much wants to Plan B everyone herself - says she's done what she can to help, and now wants to go on with her life and her own family without all rodent's garbage contaminating her life any further. She told BH to stand up for his kids and that she washed her hands of it all. Good for her, I say.

I told her niece the D was final, I've cut off contact, and I really don't want to know what rodent and pinoke are doing anymore. Also told her what I had told both of them, through IM and BH right after the site came up, about that I would take it down if he pays me, signs an agreement to, and leaves us alone. One more person to pass it along if she chooses to. I told her I am done with pinoke, that I may or may not be willing to ever communicate with him again if he cuts off all contact with rodent and gets help for his issues, but at this point I'm moving forward with my life, just want to take care of my kids in peace. Also may get back to rodent that I told her pinoke is all hers free and clear - at this point I'm sickened by him and I hope they enjoy their great soulmate romance future together. That update did make me happy, however, to know it was still bothering her that much, and that she was moving on to nagging BH instead of pinoke.

The approach of "why is she so bothered by the webiste?" is hilarious. I may mention that if it does come up again.

I'm not trying to just torture rodent, in spite of the jokes; I just want what I've said all along - to take care of my kids in peace and have money for it. I'm doing what I have to do to achieve that goal. As soon as that is assured, she can go her merry way. Nothing would make me happier than to never have to think of either of them again - and I told everyone that too. I've read too much garbage between her and pinoke, seen too much sickness and selfishness, to even have the capacity to think of him as my husband anymore. I have shut him out of my heart. He died, and I have to move on. Sad, but it's the reality.

I don't get on the site anymore. Don't care to. I did consider taking it down, but it bothers rodent so much and could be a bargaining tool, that I haven't. I'm waiting for A of A suit to come through - smash all this down, and be done.

I want CS, and him leaving the kids alone resolved, no rodent anywhere near us. But I don't think about them all day anymore - here and there, but it's lessening. My thoughts are about my days with my kids, and our future.

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Originally Posted by MelodyLane
Originally Posted by BrainHurts
I also agree with Melody on the comment about CS. If they want to make sure the CS and arrears are taken care of then the website will come down. It has to be in writing and notarized. I mean nothing personal, but you just can't trust a wayward's word on it. smirk KWIM?

Please note that I said she would "consider." She will "consider" it IF he pays CS and if they send an apology to all 400 of OW's facebook friends. Doesn't say she will actually DO it!!

Gotcha. Considering and doing are two different things. wink

FWW/BW (me)
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Too much hurt and pain on both sides that my brain hurts just thinking about it all.

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Originally Posted by rainysweet
The only person I have still heard from in the last several days is rodent's niece. She and her mom and family are very supportive of ME. She was actually very encouraging to me personally, wanted to know how I and the kids were. Expressed a lot of support throughout the family for me and what I'm doing. She gave me that update as a side note.
The approach of "why is she so bothered by the webiste?" is hilarious. I may mention that if it does come up again.

She sounds great, and you can stay in touch with supportive people - I still have a close relationship with MiL.

But don't let them tell you updates or news! Explain this very carefully. This can actually be harder with supportive people because they are looking out for you and want to share.

Some updates you hear won't bother you a jot. Others will mess with your head for a week. One offhand remark about a FB status update had me back to square one for about a month.

You're still pumped up as in Plan A, still victorious about messing with the A. But there are lots of ups and downs ahead in your personal recovery.

Plan B is DARK.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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