I totally get your feelings regarding your gf. We all have good qualities and we have some bad. That's being human. I'm in a struggle myself with my sig others "bad side." His great qualities are being shadowed by his ugly side.
I'm not new to MB as I hung out on just found out forum about ten years ago. (WOW, that long ago) and my ex had cheated on me. It was something that could not be fixed. I learned that we all have needs . And when needs are not met, they are sought.
When marriages end, it's very dangerous to jump back into a relationship right away. Doesn't matter how long the two of you were separated because there was some type of communication involved. Now what is more dangerous is that the two of you knew each other and I am sure she felt neglected as maybe she wanted to jump in a take the role of your ex wife. Once that wasn't happening, you're right, she took to someone that paid attention to her. Most definitely what she did was an act of selfishness and wrong.
What bothers me is that she's not being proactive in your approach to cutting your hours down to meet her needs. I feel that she doesn't want to come off as a B*tch to the other guy and that is exactly why she's acting this way,saving her own face as well as her job. She's toying him a long while you're on the sidelines.
By you contacting this OM, is just gonna make it worse. TRUST ME. It's not worth it.
Because the two of you are still living together, you two committed to each other. It's the step before the vows. Luckily the two of you aren't married, so if it were me, and the other guy was around, I'd find another place to live until she figures it out.
BELIEVE ME, I feel your pain right now. Fortunately, I don't live with my sig other of 4 years. He wants me in his life but I sometimes feel he just wants me IN his life. Make sense? I have an ex wife to contend with (fortunately not all the time) and my Sig other doesn't get boundaries. That is where you need to come in and set. Yes, plan A does work and it takes a lot of strength and I feel humiliation to get back on track. If this woman is worth a fight, then you might have to let go for awhile.